FNTO is an organisation established to safeguard the interest of the workforce and to enhance their service propsects and social livelyhood.
The Voice

INTUC            UNI


15-02-2025 We have turned Q3 positive after 2007Click here to view

13-02-2025 President S.Lingamurthy ,CS CHTD E.Kavitha ,CS BDPA(I) M.Subramanian and All India Organising Secretary R.Thirusangu felicitated GS Jayaprakash Click here to view

13-02-2025 CO letter issued in connection with GTI for EmployeesClick here to view

13-02-2025 GS Attended meeting along with President S.Lingamurthy ,CS CHTD E.Kavitha and CS BDPA(I) M.Subramanian for handing over the FNTO website uploading news maintenance to CS CHTD E.Kavitha from 13/02/2025

10-02-2025 Corporate office issued IDA orders increased wef jan25Click here to view

10-2-2025 k.jayaprakash G S proceeding to chennai to attend circle meeting



10-12-2023 GS jayaprakash along with senior leader sri M.R.VASIST and other fnto members participated a lunch hour demonstrations along with AUAB Leaders demanding wage revision etc,/fnto>

10-12-2023 General Secretary K,JAYAPRAKASH JOIND TO DUTY today at DELHI chq office /font >


21-04-23 Corporate office letter on revision of IDA from 1-4-23 increase of 1.1%Click here to view

20-04-23 Corporate office new Guidelines for allotment of accommodation to the unionsClick here to view

19-04-23 VERY SAD NEWS to inform our President sri S.Lingamurthy elder son sri. SHAMBUVARYAN Age of 39 only passed away due to cancer today after noon .FNTO CHQ PRAY TO THE ALMIGHTY TO REST HIS SOUL IN PEACE .WE ALSO EXTEND OUR HEARTFELT CONDOLENCE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BEREAVED FAMILY .Jayaprakash GS

13-04-23 CHQ NOMINATED SRI. A.K.MISRA Delhi as chq orgnising secretary in place of late SRI. Mohinder sing Click here to view

13-04-23 Joint Forum of Non-Executives letter to Honble MOC on pending issues/font>

12-04-23 General Secretary proceeding on long leave for six months to abroad hence called voulanteries to officiate as GS but no one came forward except sri B.C.Pathak finance secretary of our chq staying at Delhi Head quarters Hence letter issued to sri. B.C.PATHAK for officiating as General secretary wef 01-05-2023 - jayaprakash GSClick here to view

12-04-23 CHQ ISSUED A Circular regarding nominating chq patron and spacial invitees for betterment of chq & all over INDIA Click here to view

12-04-23CHQ writen a letter to GM (ADMN) & GM (SR) Corporate office on our union office T-16 quarter Click here to view

12-04-23CHQ conducted condolence meeting of late sri Mahender singh CHQ Orgnising secretary and circle secretary of delhi at Sabha ghar estrn court new delhi in this meeting sri. N.D.RAM GENERAL SECRETARY SEWA BSNL ALL INDIA PRESIDENT Sri. MEENA JI & CIRCLE SECRETARY SRI SATYAPAL AND THEIR MEMBERS and sri Revathi Prasad AGS BSNL ATM UNION paid homage to departed soul some photos



31-03-23 IDA from April 1st increased 1.1% Total IDA is 202.3%



18-03-23 CHQ decided to conduct a condolence of our beloved departed leader sri.Mohinder singh CHQ Organising secretary and Circle Secretary of Delhi NTR on 12/04/2023 at Sabha ghar Easern court New Delhi at 11-00 hrs CHQ request all of you to attend and pay the homage to sri Mohinder singh - jayaprakash GSFNTO

09-03-23 VERY SAD NEWS to all FNTO family today we lost a back bone of our union leader very active ,good organiser committed leaderof our union and a BEST FRIEND OF ME sri.Mohinder singh ji CHQ organising secretary and Circle secretary of NTR DELHI passed away today morning at Gurgoan Delhi it is irreparable loss to our union particularly CHQ DELHI WE DIP OUR FLAG for the homage of our departed leader .We pray to the Almighty to rest his soul in peace. We also extend our deep sorrow and condolence to the member of the bereaved family.-Jayaprakash GSFNTO


03-03-23 Letter to Management on views of the joint forum on merger of MTNL &BSNL Click here to view

28-02-23 Today AMeeting CMD BSNL Regarding merger of BSNL & MTNL held at corporate office from our union side sri. M.R.Vsist ji SR Leader of our union attended the meeting

22-02-23 Today General Secretary sri. k.Jayaprakash and sri. Mohinder singh CHQ Organising secretary attended the INTUC PLENARY meeting at Talkatora indoor stadium new Delhi for two days 22nd and 23 rd feb 23 photos

22-02-2023 CMD letter to all unions meeting on 28/2/23 at corporate office on Merger of BSNL& Click here to view

10-02-2023 Joint forum letter to Secretary DOT and CMD BSNL Click here to view

09-02-2023 Joint forum letter to CMD on collection of Licence fee only for the accommodation allotted to union officesClick here to view

08-02-2023 Joint forum circular on 7/2/23 meeting Click here to view

06-02-2023 Appeal received from BSNL Management on joint forum Lunch hour demonstrations on 7/2/23Click here to view

01-02-2023 AS Informed by the GS the online ZOOM meeting of our union will be held on 3/2/23 at 1600 hrs to discuss the proposed lunch hour demonstrations and organisational matters all the CWC members requested to attend the meeting with out fail. -- jayaprakash GS

01-02-2023 Joint Forum of Non-Executives unions and associations of BSNL issued notice to DOT & BSNL Management for proposed lunch hour demonstrations on 07-02-2023 Click here to view

28-01-2023 Letter addressed to DOT Secretary and CMD BSNL by Chaimen & convener JOINT FORUM OF NON-EXCUTIVE UNIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS OF BSNL Click here to view


23-01-2023 AN All Non- Executive unions meeting is held online on 23-01-2023, to discuss about the Wage Revision issue.The meeting is attended by the General Secretaries of BSNLEU, NFTE, BTEU, FNTO (k.JayaprakashGS). SNATTA, BSNL MS, ATM BSNL and BSNLEC. After in depth discussions, the following decisions are taken unanimously. 1)An umbrella organisation of the Non-Executive unions and associations is formed. It will be called as the Joint Forum of Non-Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL. Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE is will be the Chairman and Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU will be the convenor of this Joint Forum. 2)The following issues will be actively taken up by the Joint Forum:- a) Expeditious settlement of the Wage Revision. b)Implementation of a New Promotion Policy for the Non-Executives. c) Immediate launching of BSNL’s 4G and 5G services. 3)Lunch Hour demonstrations will be organised on 07-02-2023, demanding settlement of the above demands. 4)A physical meeting of the Joint Forum will be held at New Delhi on 07-02-2023, to decide about the next course of action.K.Jayaprakash GS


12-01-2023 IDA Orders issued by BSNL Corporate office .Click here to view

05-01-2023 HON,BLE Minister for TELECOM Sri.Ashwini Vaishnaw press meet at Bubaneswar on 5/1/23 said BSNL TO START 5G SERVICES IN 2024 Click here to view

04-01-2023 DPE ISSUEED IDA ORDERS Click here to view

04-01-2023 BSNL Corporate office letter on payment of Medical Bills of Retired Employees Click here to view



30/12/2022 FNTO CHQ Addressed a letter to Director (HR) CO Granting of marks for out of syllabus questions asked in JE LICE held on 18/12/22 Click here to view

30/12/2022 IDA Increased 5.3% from January 2023 ie 195.8% to 201.1%.

28/12/2022 DOT News on Daily news paper Click here to view

28/12/2022 BSNL CO extended the 2018-21 LTC up to Dec 2022Click here to view

28/12/2022 BSNL CO LAUCHES A PENSIONERS WEB PORTALClick here to view


21/12/2022 Letter addressed to G.M.admin Corporate office on vacation of Residential quarters T-16 CHQ Officw Delhi .Click here to view

14/12/2022 parliament answerClick here to view

28/11/2022 CWC meeting taken the following decisions Click here to view

27/11/2022 CWC Conducted at CHQ office Delhi photos

1/11/2022 BSNL CO Issued accommodation policyClick here to view

1/11/2022 Notice issued for conducting the CWC at Delhi on 27/11/22Click here to view

18/10/2022 BSNL CO issued letter on grant of Facilities to Recognised unions.Click here to view

14/10/2022 9th Membership verification Results copy forwarded by corporate officeClick here to view

13/10/2022 9thMembership verification total persantage of votes polled is 94.59%

12/10/2022 corporate office issued IDA orders WEF 1-10-2022Click here to view

11/10/2022 Dear friends tommorow is 9 th membership verification for non-excuties in BSNL CHOOSE AND VOTE COREECT UNION our union setteld many staff issued 1. getting pansion at par with central govt employees and 30% wage fitment on 1st wage revision and now management assured to our union in writing for 5% fitment i request you all vote for DEEPAK AT SL NO. 14 . WITH REGARDS JAYAPRAKASH GS

06/10/2022 DPE issued IDA increase orders wef 1-10-2022Click here to view


03/10/2022 BSNL Corporate office letter on sanction leave on voting day 12/10/22Click here to view



30/09/2022 9th Membership verification posters from Telangana and Uttarakand and Karnataka circles

30/09/2022 IDA INCREASED 5% WEF OCTOBER 2022 @ 190.8% TO 195.8%

29/09/2022 kerala circle poster/ manifesto for 9th membership verificationClick here to view

28/09/2022 9th membership verification canvasing meeting at chennai on 28/9 at kk nager exchange

22/09/2022 Corporate office letters in connection with 9th membership verificationClick here to viewClick here to view

20/09/2022 Corporate office letters in connection with 9th membership verificationClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view


09/09/2022 CWC Conducted at KOLKATA under the president ship of sri S.Lingmurthy wkg president majority of circles and chq office bearers attended in the meeting the following decisions taken unonimously. 1. CWC accepted the resignation of Thomos john .k resigned 2 years back .2. sri S.Lingamurthy wkg president has been elected as President 2. i place of wkg president sri Saketh Shukla Jabalpur M.P.Circle has been elected as working president. is unanimously decided to participate independently in 9th membership verification with DEEPAK Symbol.resolutions passed 1. Demand for early settlement of 3rd wage revision and pension revision .it is also guided to all chq office bearers and circle secretaries to work hard and motivate the all employees exposing the failures of recognised unions in settlement staff issues .Necessary materiel for membership verification issued to all SOME OF THE PHOTOS OF CWC
09/09/2022 BSNL CO Letter onoppointment of observers for 9th MV and chief Returning officers for 9th MV Click here to viewClick here to view

05/09/2022 BSNL CO letter on procedure for issue and casting postal ballotClick here to view

05/09/2022 BSNL CO Letter on Grant of spacial casual leave for attending Central Working Committee meeting at KOLKATA on 09/09/2022Click here to view

02/09/2022 BSNL CO letter on 9th MV ON FINALISATION OF BALLOT paper including symbols Click here to view

02/09/2022 CO guidelines on canvasing etc during conduct of 9th Click here to view Click here to view

25/08/2022 BSNL CO letter on9 MV Final list of eligible unionsClick here to view

23/08/2022 Corporate office letter on COMMITTEE formation merger of BSNL ,BBNL &Click here to view

22/08/2022 BSNL CO Letter on Minimum Trade union facilitiesClick here to view

18/08/2022 BSNL CO LETTER ON electoral roll&poling boothsClick here to view

18/08/2022 BSNL CO letter on 9th membership verification notification Click here to view

12/08/2022 All the CHQ office Bearers and Circle Secretaries advised to contact Sri. Aloknandi DY GS & Circle secretary of Kolkata Telephones for accommodation and venue etc details of CWC MEETING SHEDULED ON 09/09/2022 mobile number 09433075087 - GS

12/08/2022 BSNL Corporate office released the list of eligible unions for 9th membership verification Click here to view

12/08/2022 AUAB Circulare and lettersClick here to view Click here to view Click here to view

10/08/2022 Notice for Central Working Committee meeting to be held on 09/09/2022 at KOLKATA Click here to viewClick here to view

08/08/2022 Today our FNPTO founder Sri late K.RAMAMURTHY 110th Birthday he is a icon for P&T Trade union movement his sacrifices can not be forgotten by each and every P&T worker /pensioners FNTO Salute to the Great leader = jayaprakash GS

05/08/2022 Times of India news paper news Hon,ble Minister Telecom Sri Aswwini vaishnav interviewClick here to view

04/08/2022 GOI information about central Government pensioners for the FY 2021-22Click here to viewClick here to view

03/08/2022 Today S/Sri M.R.Vasist ,B.C.Pathak Finance secretary and Mohinder singh OS submitted the application for 9th membership verification TO Sr GM (SR) BSNL Corporate office

29/07/2022 kerala circle issued a letter in connection with payment of Medical Allowances ton pensioners Click here to view

28/07/2022 AUAB organise Lunch-hour block badges wearing demonstration 0n 28/7/22 photos of the demonstrations ="uploads/9690821659031887.jpg">

27/07/2022 BSNL CO appealClick here to view

27/07/2022 AUAB Press statement Click here to view

20/07/2022 AUAB NOTICE TO DOT/CMD for organizing block badges on 28/7/22 Click here to view

20/07/2022 AUAB Circular date 20/7/22Click here to view

12/07/2022 BSNL CO Letter to all CGMs compilation of data for proposed monetization of telecom tower AssetsClick here to view

08/07/2022 AUAB Directions Memorandum submitted at chennai

08/07/2022 DPE Issued orders for payment of increased IDA wef july 2022 Click here to view

08/07/2022 BSNL Corporate office issued notification for conducting the 9th Membership verification of non- executivesClick here to view

06/07/2022 Sri. B.C.Pathak Finance secretary nominated as officiating General Secretary w.e.f 06-07-2022 and also authorized to submit the nomination for 9th Membership verification .Click here to view

03/07/2022 BSNL C.O. Letter to all CGMs on payment of Medical allowances Click here to view

01/07/2022 Memorandum submitted to M.Ps at kerala circle

01/07/2022 MEMORANDUM submitted at chennai

01/07/2022 Hon,ble M.P.Sri. DEVE GOWDA Letter to Hon,ble Communications Minister Sri. ASHWINI VAISHNAV for early wage revision to BSNL and other issuesClick here to view

30/6/2022 IDA Increased 5.5% w.e.f july 2022 points from 185.3 to 190.8

25/6/2022 BSNL Management letter to CGMs on Government empowres Board of Directors 0f public enterprises to take action for disinvestmentClick here to view

25/6/2022 BSNL Corporate office letter on Dharna c0nducted by AUAB ON 21/6/22 FNTO UNION SERIOUSLY PROTESTING THE AGAINIST THE LETTERClick here to view

21-6-2022 As per the call given by AUAB to conduct day long dharna for the settlement of pending demands our union leaders / members participated at Delhi s/sri M.R.Vasist,B.C.Pathak.Mohinder singh,A.K.Misraji and BIHAR.KERALA,KARNATAKA ,KOLKATA PHOTOS

28-05-2022 Corporate office issued a letter in connection with option to change authorisation for deduction of Membership Subscription from salary Click here to view

28-05-2022 Corporate office issued notice for next meeting of 3rd wage revision on 10th june 2022 Click here to view

28-05-2022 AUAB LETTER TO CMD Click here to viewClick here to view

27-05-2022 AUAB Lunch hour demonstrations on 27/5/22 AT Hyderabad Telangana circle

27-05-2022 AUAB Lunch hour demonstrations on 27/5/22 AT CHENNAI circle

27-05-2022 AUAB Lunch hour demonstrations on 27/5/22 AT Muzaperpur Bhihar circle

27-05-2022 AUAB Lunch hour demonstrations on 27/5/22 AT Ernakulam Kerala

27-05-2022 AUAB Lunch hour demonstrations on 27/5/22 AT BANGLORE .

26-05-2022 Tomorrow 0n 27/5 Luch hour Demonstrations for settlement of 3rd Wage Revision All are requested to participate and success the call - Jayaprakash GS

24-05-2022 News paper newd CGHS Payment delay worries pvt HospitalsClick here to view

21-05-2022 AUAB Letter to CMD & Secretary DOT on the proposed agitational programme. All are requested to success the call Click here to view

18-05-2022 GOI LETTER on Reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBDs).Click here to view

17-05-2022 SBI QUICK;Missed call & SMS BankingClick here to view

17-05-2022 CHQ WISHES A HAPPY World Telecommunications Day


30-04-22 CHQ sorry to inform that our senior Leader and working president of ODISSA Circle sri.S.N.PANDA passed away 0n 30-04-2022 at Bhuvaneswar our heartfelt condolences to his family members we pray the almighty to rest his soul in peace .

23-04-22 Kerala circle conference held at Trissre kerala under the president ship of SRI.Mohanan sri .P.N.Prathapanan MP.(LS), Sri. Vincent EX MLA and many of other congress leaders addressed the conference our General Secretary K.Jayaprakash also attended and addressed the conference.The following members Elected sri. P.A. Vincent as president and sri . K.Ramdas as circle secretary

19-04-22 CHQ Deeply condole on the sad dimise of Sri.C.A.Abdul Razak (Rtd AGM Vigilance) Kerala circle He was former Branch Secretary of our union we pray the Almighty to rest his soul in peace .

16-04-22 General Secretary K. jayaprakash attended the 7th circle conference of Chennai Telephones on 15/4 along with SRI K. vALLINAYAGAM ex GS and other congress leaders tamilnadu sri S.Lingamurthi cs and other members were attended conference concluded sucsessfully Sri GANGADHARAN elected as president and SRI. elected as Circle secretary


15-04-22 Director (HR)Massage on Group Health InsuranceClick here to viewClick here to view Click here to view

15-04-22 Corporate office issued IDA Increased wef 1/4/22 orders Click here to view


14-04-22 FNTO CHQ WISHES TO ALL A HAPPY JAYANTHI of Sri. DR. B.R.Ambedkar ji

12-04-2022 GS letter to GS BDPA Sri. D.D. Mistry regarding working together to settele the pending issues of working employees and pensioners Click here to view

12-04-2022 FNTO CHQ deeply condole on the demise of sri. G.A. Pillai (RTD)former active member of kerala circle .



10-03-2022 BSNL Corporate office D.O. letter to all CGMs on BSNL Superannuation Pension scheme (SPS) for BSNL direct recruits .Click here to view

07-03-2022 BSNL Corporate office letter on Compassionate Ground appointment (CGA) keeping in abeyance thereof.Click here to view

07-03-2022 M.O.C. Reply to Smt. Vanga Geetha M.P. on pension revision to BSNL Pensioners Click here to view

07-03-2022 BSNL CO Letter on Record of discussion of the reconstituted joint committee for wage revision on non- executives held on 3-12-2021 Click here to view

04-03-2022 BSNL CO Letter on PRC meeting Click here to view

03-03-2022 As per the AUAB directions against the arbitrary taking over of the ALTTC and other lands and buildings of BSNL by the DOT , today lunch hour demonstrations conducted successfully all over INDIA some of the photos received from kerala circle Ernakulam,Trivendrum and Trissure

02-03-2022 Today General sercretary along with Sri J.S.R Prasad senior leader of FNTO and sri RAFEEQ CS Telangana sri J.Sudhaker circle presdent Telangana sri janardhan reddy from BTTU, sri RAJARAM CS SEWA & Sri Anjaneyulu DS sewa attended a Homage & Tribute meeting of Late Sri. P.E.JAIPAUL EX General secretary of NUTEE(GR)C at Hyderabad Telephone Bhavan meeting conduted by hyderabad district Branch SRI MOHANDAS & SRIB.NARSINGRAO DIST PRESIDENT

24-02-2022 Today a online meeting of AUAB Held the following decisions taken see the enclosed AUAB circular ,all are requested to participate make it success Click here to view

15-02-2022 wage revision joint committee meeting on 4-3-2022 Click here to view

15-02-2022 wage revision 1-1-2017 connected mattersClick here to view

15-02-2022 ALL Central Tread unions press release in connection with TWO DAYS COUNTRYWIDE STRIKE ON 28th & 29th March 2022 against the GOI Policies ALL THE CHQ OFFICE BEARERS AND CIRCLE SECRETARIES REQUESTED TO SUPPORT AND SUCCESS THE STRIKE Click here to view

15-02-2022 C.O. letter to all CGMs guidlines for annual renewal of Click here to view

15-02-2022 payment of fixed medical allowances to non coverd CGHS facilityClick here to view

-02-2022 co letter on refund of amount paid to CGHS Click here to view

03-02-2022 Today GS K.Jayaprakash along with Sri. Rafeeq Ahmed circle secretary Telangana circle ,& sri Mohanbas Dist Secretary HYDERABAD dist and P.Shanker circle ACS , sri. Shivaji Rao senior leader FNTO and many other leaders and members from FNTO union and also SEWA BSNL attended the funeral of late sri .P.E.JAIPAUL EX GS NUTEE Gr c at king koti Hyderabad pays respectful homage to departed leader - jayaprakash GS

02-02-2022 Very sad news for FNTO Family our Beloved and efficient All India Leader EX -General Secretary of NUTEE Gr C SRI. P.E.JAIPAUL ( He is my Trade union GURUJI) passed away today evening at Hyderabad due to heart attack .FNTO DIP THE FLAG TO RESPECT THE DEPARTED SOUL . May God give peace to his soul and courage to his family to bear the great loss - k.Jayaprakash GSFNTO

02-02-2022 BUDGET 2022-23 is a corporate & capitalists Budget nothing for salaried & middle class people no taxation benefit to Employees and middle & small business people no pending Demands concederd to Telecom and other sectors - jayaprakash General Secretary

01-02-2022 GOI Finance budget 2022 allotment of funds as notes on Demands for Grants 2022-2023 for BSNL/MTNL Click here to view

01-02-2022 GOI/DPE letter on IDA Payment w.e.f 1-1-2022 Click here to view

01-02-2022 MOC /Secretary DOT Letter to CMD BSNL on our letter dated 21-01-2022 regarding parliamentary committee report on SC/STs cast certificate verification and settlement of retirement benefitsClick here to view

01-02-2022AUAB letter to CMD BSNL on non-payment of January salary Click here to view

31-01-2022 FNTO CHQ WISHES A HAPPY & HEALTHY RETIREMENT LIFE TO Sri. K.V.JOSE Circle Secretary KERALA CIRCLE AND Asst. General Secretary CHQ - K.Jayaprakash GS


28-01-2022 DOP Letter on payment of retirement benefits Click here to view

28-01-2022 CHQ letter to CMD BSNL on parliament committee on the welfare of SC/STs Click here to view

28-01-2022 C.O.Letter on post restructuring circle wise sanctioned strengthClick here to view

28-01-2022 Corporate office letter all circle Heads on status of pending false cast certificatesClick here to view

28-01-2022 GOI Letter on regarding reimbursement of cost of OPD Medicines Click here to view

28-01-2022 Guidelines to the circles regarding processing of the Superannuation pension scheme (SPS) for BSNL Direct recrutiees Click here to view

28-01-2022 CMD Massage to BSNL StaffClick here to view

28-01-2022 Officiating GS letter to CMD BSNL on verification of cast certificates of SC/ST employeesClick here to view

28-01-2022 Storage of CGHS Card on Digi Locker platform for the access and use for CGHS services Click here to view


26-01-2022 off late it is to inform that the General Secretary younger Brother sri. K.Chandramouli expired due to road accident at Hyderabad on 6/1/2022, due to this reason website is not updated sorry for the inconvenience caused to you all all the pending news will be uploads shortly


31-12-2021 IDA Increased 4.8 % w.e.f. January 2022 i.e. 179.3 to 184.1 - jayaprakash GS

31-12-2021 officiating GS letter to Secretary DOT and CMD BSNL on implantation of parliamentary committee report on delay in payment of retirement benefits SC /ST employees on account of Cast certificate verification.Click here to view

31-12-2021 DOP Letter on non-payment /delay in payment of retirement benefits on accout of verification of cast certificates of sc/st employees Click here to view

28-12-2021 Supreme court comments on CGHS to allow cghs beneficiaries to take treatment even other then empanelled hospitals also sours Times of india Click here to view


19-12-2021 Shocking and sad news our senior & sincere leader, Ex All India Working president sri N.K.Takur ji passed away today afternoon at Patna Bihar circle while he is addressing in co-op society meeting at Patna . FNTO dip the flag to respect the departed soul . May God give peace to his soul and courage to his family to bear the great loss… K.jayaprakash GSFNTO

18-12-2021 officiating GS letter to Secretary DOT & CMD BSNL on implementation of the prevention of Atrocities act 1989 regarding payment of retirement benefits to those SC/ST employees whose cast certificate is pending verification Click here to view

18-12-2021 parliamentary committee meeting on welfare of SC & STs Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

10-12-2021 DOP letter on Non-payment/delay in payment of retirement benefits on account of delay in verification of cast certificate in respect of retiring employees.Click here to view Click here to view

10-12-2021 Minutes issued by DOT on 24/11/21 meeting with AUAB Click here to view

10-12-2021 CHQ letter to corporate office request for furnishing some statistical data in connection with 3rd wage revisionClick here to view

04-12-2021 Sad news our senior most member and Circle Secretary Sri. V.N.Rathod Rtd TTA lost his breath today due to diabetic . sri Rathod is a committed and sincere FNTO leader he worked as Branch/District and Circle Secretary, he never missed to attending the All India Conferences,CWCs and Organisational meetings even after his health issues .He Developed the Gujrath circle and settled many staff issues ,maintained cordial relation ship with management and sister organisations and also with CHQ .FNTO dip the flag to respect the departed soul .May GOD give courage to his family to bear the great loss ... jayaprakash GS

03-12-2021 GOI office memorandum on Extension of time period for submission of Life Certificate central Govt pensioners till December 31, 2021. Click here to view

03-12-2021 Highlights of the Wage Negotiation Committee meeting held today. A meeting of the Wage Negotiating Committee of the Non-Executives is held today. All the Staff Side and Management Side members participated. As has already been assured in the last meeting, the Management Side made a power point presentation. According to the information of the Management: - 1) The present strength of Non-Executives is 33,048. In this, absorbed employees are 18,553. BSNL recruited employees are 14,495. In this, number of the Non-Executives in stagnation is as follows: - Stagnation 1 – 2,134 Stagnation 2 – 2,351 Stagnation 3 – 1,938 At maximum of the pay scale to 2,784. Total number of stagnated employees 9,207. 2) The Management Side further stated that, the employees who lost their increments, due to stagnation, will get them now. This will give financial benefit to the stagnating employees. They further stated that, the Directly Recruited employees will get benefit to the extent of 12% increased EPF contribution by the Management. 3) The Management stated that the financial burden of the Company on account of Pension Contribution in the new pay scales will increase by 2.6 times. Hence, they suggested to reduce the minimum and the maximum of the pay scales that have already been finalised in the Wage Negotiation Committee. But, the Staff Side strongly opposed this. 4) Instead, the Staff Side demanded that the already finalised pay scales should be implemented with 5% fitment. Further discussion will take place in the next meeting.( the information collected from recognised union website sources)

03-12-2021 officiating General Secretary sri. D.Chandrasekaran letter to Hon,ble Minister for communications sri. Ashwini Vaishnaw. regarding revision of wages of BSNL /MTNL Employees.Click here to view

03-12-2021 Lok sabha question on BSNL& MTNL Assets & reply.Click here to view

30-11-2021 DOT letter on Grant of Notional increment Click here to view

24-11-2021 Letter to Secretary DOT Requesting restoration of pending IDAClick here to view

24-11-2021 A meeting held between DOT and Representatives of AUAB in this meeting from our union side Sri. Mohunder singh O.S.participated . A gist on the discussions held between the AUAB and the DOT on 24/11/2021Click here to view

23-11-2021 Note on our union suggestions for proposed meeting with DOT on 24/11/21Click here to view

23-11-2021 DPE - Letter on restoration of pending IDA instalments Click here to view

22-11-2021 AUAB Letter to corporate office on participants to be invited for DOT meetingClick here to view

23-11-2021 Corporate office letter on Holding of a meeting with AUAB of BSNL with DOTClick here to view

23-11-2021 Corporate office letter on BSNL Board approval on total Manpower required in BSNL Click here to view

22-11-2021 Corporate office letter on Organisational, Restructuring issue of final structure of Business areas of Territorial circles ,operational norms and guidelines Click here to view

22-11-2021 Corporate office letter on list of Holidays in 2022 Click here to view

20-11-2021 Jayaprakash GS proceeding on leave on domestic grounds now sri D.Chandrasekaran Jt .General secretary will officiate as GS for a period of two months w.e.f. 22/11/2021. letter address to Sr. GM (SR) corporate office. All the chq office Bearers & Circle secretaries requested to co-operate with officiating General secretary Click here to view

18-11-2021 DOT Letter to CMD BSNL on holding of a meeting with AUAB On 24/11/2021 at 16.00 hrs.Click here to view

18-11-2021 A Meeting of 3rd PRC negotiations committee held today in corporate office Staff side requested to recollect the previous discussions with MOC and secretary on 3rd wage Revision and next meeting will be held on 3rd dec 2021

18-11-2021 MOC Letter to Sri .JOHN BRITTAS. M.P. on 3rd prc to BSNL STAFF Click here to view

18-11-2021 Corporate office letter on special mass cleaning drive between 5 to 8 p.m. every friday from 12/11/2021Click here to view

11-11-2021 Corporate office letter on Re-Constitution of 3rd wage revision committee , notice first meeting of 3rd wage revision committee and for information the corporate office letter to our union on 3 rd wage revision dated 15/2/2019Click here to view Click here to viewClick here to view

11-11-2021 General Secretary BDPA letter to Hon,ble Minister for Communications on Revision / implimatation of 3rd PRC for BSNL pensioners. a>Click here to view
08-11-2021 Shocking news that our senior leader sri. V.Subburaman General Secretary & President of LPF and ex circle secretry of NUTEE Gr C FNTO Chennai circle passed away today at chennai. On behalf of FNTO CHQ our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members of departed leader . May the departed soul rest in peace- Jayaprakash GS


05-11-2021 Corporate office issued IDA increased orders
Click here to view

31-10-2021 FNTO CHQ Remembering iron Lady Former Prime Minister Smt. INDIRA GANDHI 37th Death Anniversary.

29-10-2021 AUAB letter to Management on Differing the proposed Agitational programme Click here to view

29-10-2021 Corporate office SR Branch issued the Record of Discussions for the meeting held between AUAB and the Management on 27/10/21Click here to view

27-10-2021 Letter to CMD BSNL requesting for nomination to 3rd wage revision committee from our union sideClick here to view

27-10-2021 D.P.E. issued letter on payment of IDA due from 1-7-2021Click here to view

27-10-2021 Corporate office issued letter on payment of IDA from 1-10-2020 and 30-6-2021 to Non - Excutive employeesClick here to view

26-10-2021 Corporate office letter on GM s Transfers Click here to view

20-10-2021 Corporate office letter on list of Holidays in 2022Click here to view

20-10-2021 Corporate office letter on merger of Click here to view

20-10-2021 Corporate office letter on merger of STR CirclesClick here to view

20-10-2021 AUAB Circuler dated 19/10/21Click here to view


13-10-2021 CMD BSNL Press interview on BSNL Progress

07-10-2021 implementation of CAT orders on pay anomaly casesClick here to view


01-10-2021 Shri K.Rajaraman, IAS, has taken charge as Secretary Department of Telecom.

01-10-2021 AUAB Circular Hindi version Click here to view

01-10-2021 Massage from the Convener AUAB Good evening comrades. The Management has invited the AUAB for talks, to discuss the issues we have raised in the AUAB circular. The meeting will be held at 16:00 hrs. on 06-10-2021, in the 3rd floor Board room. All the Directors and CMD BSNL will participate in the meeting. From the AUAB, either the General Secretary, or his representative ( only one comrade from each union/association ) shall participate. In view of this meeting, the AUAB will meet at 15:00 hrs. on 05-10-2021, to work out our strategy. All the comrades are requested to attend this meeting without fail. In view of the meeting to be held between the AUAB and the Management, the Twitter Campaign, scheduled to be held on 06-10-2021, is postponed. The next date of this programme will be decided in the AUAB meeting. Regards. -P Abhimanyu, Convenor.

01-10-2021 IDA Increased 5.7% from 1-10-2021. IDA AS ON 30/6/21 170.5% ( presently drawing ) ,IDA increased 1-7-21 3.1% total 173.6% and now from 1-10-2021 IDA Increased 5.7% total 179.3% total 8,8% due as on 1-10-21 -Jayaprakash GS


25-09-2021General Secretary k.jayaprakash at CHQ Head quarters from 20/9/2021 to 25/9/2021 on 20/9/21 met with G.M Admin and SR GM (SR) and DGM SR IN CORPOATE OFFICE discussed various issues along with Mohinder sing OS in corporate office and 21/9 t0 23/9 participated in AUAB Dharna along with sri B.C PATAK F.C ,Mohinder singh OS And sri M.R Vasist sr leader .on 24/9 meeting with CMD BSNL along with AUAB ,0N 25/9/21 AUAB meeting at T-15 to finalise the further programme of action .

25-09-2021 AUAB Circular on 25/9/21 AUAB Meeting Click here to view

24-09-2021 Central Trade Unions circuler on Bharath Bandh on 27/9/2021 . All the CHQ Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries request to support the Bharath Click here to view

24-09-2021 GOI DoPPW clarification on Submission of Life Certificate pensioners Click here to view

24-09-2021 GOI clarification on Taxability incomeClick here to view



02-09-2021 Letter addressed to CMD BSNL regarding delay in issue of Presidential Orders case of sri. Sadhu charan kerai R.M Jamshedpur Jharkand circle Click here to view

28-08-2021 Congress Working President Sri . Rahul Gandhi ji spokes about INDIA ,BUILT WITH PUBLIC MONEY ,IS BEING SOLD BY BJP Government



11-08-2021 Corporate office letter on muharram holidayClick here to view

11-08-2021 Corporate office letter on payment of IDA wef 1-7-2021Click here to view

09-08-2021 Ministry of personal guidelines for timely and qualitative disposal of pensioners grievances.Click here to view

09-08-2021 Corporate clarification of fresh option for BSNL medical cardClick here to view

09-08-2021 Corporate office letter on BSNL health insurence policy.Click here to view

05-08-2021 Corporate office issued IDA Increased orders for 1-10-2020, 1-1-2021 and 1-4-2021 ie 159.9% to 170.5%Click here to view

02-08-2021 Letter to CMD BSNL Regarding staff proposal Click here to view

02-08-2021 Letter to CMD BSNL Demanding distribution of BSNL COVID fund to the victims Click here to view

02-08-2021 DPE Issued order for payment of freezed IDA due from 1-10-2020,1-1-2021,and 1-4-2021 ie 159.9% to 170.5 % , and regarding IDA increased 3.1% wef 1-7-2021 expecting orders from DPE as early as possible Click here to view - jayaprakash GS

29-07-2021 Letter to CMD BSNL on Revalidation of MRS Cards calling fresh options from retired employees Click here to view

28-07-2021 AUAB Call for organising the Hunger strike is grand success .We have attached views of the hunger strike organised in corporate office and chennai telephones,kerala ,jharkand,Bhihar,uttarakand,punjab,Tamilnadu A.P. & Telangana circles .=src="uploads/5326711627488342.jpg">

27-07-2021 Good evening friends.Today the Dy CLC (Central) held conciliation meeting on the charter of Demands of the AUAB . After that, the CMD BSNL held talks with the AUAB leaders (on behalf of our union Sri. Mohinder singh Organising Secretary participated in the meeting), But no positive result has come on any issue, from these meetings . Hence there is no change tomorrows Hunger strike programme .All the CHQ Office bearers ,Circle Secretaries and Dist Secretaries are requested to organise tomorrows Hunger strike very effectively.- Jayaprakash GS

15-07-2021 Letter addressed to CMD BSNL for grant of Excutive status Stenos Click here to view

15-07-2021 photos of kolkata Telephones participated in AUAB Placard agitation<

15-07-2021 Dy CLC Delhi has invited for conciliation in connection with AUAB Agitation programmeClick here to view

15-07-2021 photos of showing of placard programme Bhihar,Karnataka, punjab,chennai,Telangana.Jharkand<

15-07-2021Placard Showing Agitation successfully organised at Sanchar Bhawan. The AUAB is organising Placard Showing Agitation throughout the country today, demanding steps for the revival of BSNL and also settlement of the important issues of the employees. As a part of this call, Placard Showing Agitation is organised at Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi today. Leaders of the AUAB displayed placards demanding implementation of the various demands. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & Convenor, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE-BSNL & Chairman, Com. Badri Kumar Mehta, VP, AIGETOA, Com. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com.Sivakumar,GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, Com. Mohinder Singh, OS, FNTO,com.M.R.Vasist working president BDPA (I). Com. Punit Mittal, President, SNATTA, Com.Rewati Prasad, AGS, BSNL ATM and Com.H.P.Singh,GS, BSNL OA took part in this agitation.<


12-07-2021 AUAB finalised the slogans for 15/7 and 28/721 agitation list of slogans
12-07-2021 AUAB Letter to Secretary DOT and CMD BSNL regarding deputation of ITS Officers .
Click here to view

11-07-2021 The online Central Working Committee meeting held on 11/07/2021 under the president ship of Sri S. Lingamurthy the following CHQ Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries participated K. Jayaprakash GS , R.P.Sinha CS Bhihar, C.D.Prasad CSjharkand, k.v.jose AGS & CS KERALA, Jayabalan AGS & CS Tamilnadu, S, lINGAMURTHY Working president & cs Chennai Telephones, M.Mahalingaiah CS Karnataka, Mohd Rafeeq CS Telangana, CH.Venkateswarlu CS Andra pradesh ,Tardeep sharma CS Punjab, Rajkumar UP.(East),,Chatrapal CS UP(West), Rampal CS Uttarakand, V.N. Rathod CS Gujrath, Aloknandi CS Kolkata, and CHQ OFFICE BEARERS.Muthukumaran AGS,Ramdas O.S.,T. Saibaba AGS, Sailendra prasad AGS,T.M.Pattaiah AGS , Rabin Razak PS,R.G.Singh V.P.After detailed discussions the following decisions taken unanimously . 1. Maintain Relationship with AUAB in the interest of settlement common issues of employees. 2.Participate in AUAB proposed agitation programme 1. showing of placard on 15/7/21.and 2,Hunger strike on 28/7/21 and discussed many other issues of workers - jayaprakash GS ( Photos)

10-07-2021 AUAB Letter to CMD BSNL and Secretary DOT Regarding ITS Officers on deputation Click here to view

10-07-2021 Sad news Smt. Jasumatiben w/o sri. D D Misry General Secretary BDPA INDIA passed away late night of 9/7/2021 FNTO CHQ Pays heartfelt condolences to the braved family & prays GOD to give courage to his family members to bear the great loss - jayaprakash GS

09-07-2021 Rtd IAS Officer Sri. ASHWINI VAISHNAV is now Minister for Railways and Communications -FNTO CHQ CONGRATS TO Honorable Minister .jayaprakash GS

09-07-2021 Corporate office letter on Revalidation of BSNL Medical card & payment of medical cash allowance with /without voucher facility to Retired Employees. Click here to view

09-07-2021 Corporate office letter on Extension of concessional FTTH Connection in lieu of existing concessional Broadband connection for retired employees.Click here to view

08-07-2021 CHQ is decided to hold online CWC MEETING ON 11/07/2021 AT 1500 HRS to discuss the AUAB Proposed agitational programme ie 1, on 15/7 placard showing and 2, Hunger strike on 28/7/2021 for settlement of the pending issues .All the CHQ office bearers and Circle Secretaries Requested to participate ( Meeting code will sent to your mobile number one hour before the meeting) . Jayaprakash GS

08-07-2021 AUAB SERVED NOTICE TO DOT Secretary and CMD BSNL on agitation programme on settlement of pending issues 1, Placard showing programme on 15-07-2021 2, Hunger strike on 28/07/2021.All the CHQ Office bearers ,Circle Secretaries,Dist& Branch Secretaries requested to participate along with Members and success the call- Jayaprakash GS

08-07-2021 AUAB SERVED NOTICE TO DOT Secretary and CMD BSNL on agitation Programme Click here to view

07-07-2021 Director (HR) letter to Addl, Secretary DPE on IDA MatterClick here to view

06-07-2021 Corporate office letter on policy for provision of concessional FTTH connections to serving/Retired employees of BSNLClick here to view

03-07-2021 Corporate office letter on Notional increment Click here to view

01-07-2021 AUAB Conducted a meeting at Delhi to discuss the BSNL revival etc FNTO Union could not attended this physical meeting and other programmes at Delhi due to the pandemic situation at .However all over India FNTO union Leaders and Members are participating in all programmes -jayaprakash GS

01-07-2021 Corporate office letter on procedure to be adopted reimbursement of claims for Briefcase etc.Click here to view

30-06-2021 IDA Increased 3.2 % w.e.f july 2021 ie 170.4% to 173.6 %

30-06-2021 photos of Memorandum to CGMs and PGMs Mujaparpur Bhihar circle and kerala circle<

29-06-2021 This is the Memorandum to be submitted to the CMD, CGMs, BA and SSAs heads .The name of the respective circle, BA and SSAheads has to be filled up .Circle and Dist Secretaries to remain in the chamber for one hour and insist on the payment of MAY and JUNE 2021 salary immediately and also payment of the last date of every month hereafter. As per the AUAB , Demonstrations have to be organised out side the office ,while memorandum is submitted to the CGM,SSA and BA heads. jayaprakas GSClick here to view

26-06-2021 Brief of 48th meeting of National Council - JCM held on 25/6/2021Click here to view

26-06-2021 GOI Ministry of finance letter on Government grants further extension in timelines of compliances. Also announces tax exemption for expenditure on Covid treatment and ex-gratia received on death due to Covid Click here to view

26-06-2021 GOI Ministry of personal letter on Grant of benefit of one notional increment (as due on July) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retires on 30 ofJune before drawing the same.Click here to view

23-06-2021 As per the call given by AUAB for lunch hour demonstrations a good response Bihar , kerala ,Tamilnadu circles.8487.html">

23-06-2021 As per the call given by AUAB today a good response from the members all over india .CHQ thanks to all participants and also requesting to success the Memorandum submission programme on 30/6/21 . Some circle photos Jarkand , Karnataka and Chennai

23-06-2021 CHQ extremely saddened to here that Sri Ibrahim ali Hazarika Dist Secretary Dibrugarh ASSAM Circle passed away today evening with covid -19 .He is a dynamic and courageous and committed leader in Assam circle .CHQ Extends its heartfelt condolences to the dynamic leader & members of family .We pray the Almighty to rest his soul in peace.-jayaprakash GS

23-06-2021 AUAB Notice to CMD BSNL -Non-payment of salary on the due date -Organising lunch hour Demonstration and submission of memorandum -regClick here to view

23-06-2021 GOI Ministry of personal letter on Issue of pension slip by pension distributing Banks on monthly basis .Click here to view

22-06-2021 CHQ Requests to all circle secretaries and chq office bearers to participate and success the programme of agitation - jayaprakash GS

22-06-2021 AUAB MEETING HELD yesterday 1700 hrs circular issued by convener Click here to view

21-06-2021 GOI Ministry of personal & public grievances letter on Expeditious settlement of family pension cases by Banks Click here to view

21-06-2021 Corporate office letter on BSNL Covid Fund (BCF)Policy - procedure regClick here to view

17-06-2021 Kerala circle Secretary Sri. K.V.Jose letter to Chief Minister Kerala Requesting utilisation of Network of BSNL for Internet/Broadband .Landline/leased line at all the Departments/Agencies/PSUs of State Government -Reg CHQ request all circle secretaries write the letters and approach the State Govt, Authorities for utilisation of our BSNL Network.Click here to view

17-06-2021 GOI Ministry of personal ,public grievances & pensions Delhi letter on Suspension of family pension to a person charged with the offence of murdering or abetting in the murder of the Government servant-Allowing family pension to other eligible family memberClick here to view

15-06-2021 Sri.N.S.Pillai General Secretary National Organisation of Central Government Employees Affiliated INTUC informed to observe "DEMANDS WEEK" FROM 15th TO 21st JUNE 2021 . All the Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office bearers requested to Participate and Success -Jayaprakash GS

15-06-2021 AUAB Meeting will be held on line on 19-6-2021 GS Jayaprakash will participate in the meetingClick here to view

15-06-2021 DOT Letter on Engagement of retired employees of BSNL/MTNL who took Voluntary Retirement under VRS 2019 in DOT as consultants ;- Reg Click here to view

15-06-2021 Letter addressed to CMD BSNL for issue pf Presidential orders to the officials opted for BSNL Pending casesClick here to view

11-06-2021 Letter addressed to CMD BSNL for grant of special casual leave to the employees for Treatment/quarantine period during COVID-`9 Pandemic-reg Click here to view

11-06-2021 Punjab state Government issued a circular for utilisation of network of BSNL for internet/broadband,landline/leased line in all Ministers /Departments/CPSEs Central Autonomous Bodies /Agencies/PSU of Government of India /State Government of Punjab state . All the Circle Secretaries requested to approach the State Government Authorities to issue the similar circular for utilisation of BSNL Network etc. jayaprakash GSClick here to view

10-06-2021 M O Health GOI Letter on Creation of 64 posts for 16 new Allopathic CGHS Wellness centres Click here to view

09-06-2021 C.O. Letter on Job Description of partnership Management and Digital Marketing Click here to view

09-06-2021 Ministry of Finance GOI letter on Digitisation of Pension Process and discontinuation of physical PPO-RegClick here to view

09-06-2021 Corporate office letter on Procedure for disciplinary proceedings in case of Retired employees under Rule 61 of BSNL CDA Rules.Click here to view

09-06-2021 Corporate office letter on Restructuring of Training centres in BSNL -migration into Zonal Training centres and working modalities -Reg Click here to view

07-06-2021 Himachal pradesh High Court Remarks -Entire World Switched to 5G -BSNL procure Out dated -4G-equipment -wastage of moneyClick here to view

07-06-2021 BSNL CO letter to CGMs on Group C & D DOT Optee employees working in BSNL reg Click here to view

07-06-2021 GOI Ministry of personal & public Grievances letter on payment of family pension ,death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Government Servent during service -regClick here to view

07-06-2021 C.O.letter on Updating of leave encasement data in SAP for regulating claim with DOT for reimbursement against DOT period leave for retirees. Click here to view

07-06-2021 BSNL C.O.Instructions w.r.t. Operation & Maintenance and functioning of the Administrative offices in view of COVID-19 pandemic in India Click here to view

07-06-2021 GOI Ministry of personal public grievances & pension letter on Treatment/regularisation of Hospitalisation /Quarantine period during COVID-19 Pandamic reg Click here to view

03-06-2021 Letter addressed to CMD BSNL Regarding Grant of Special casual leave to COVID positive confirmed Employees -Click here to view

02-6-2021 Sri. Gopalakshnan Working president Chennai Telephones Retired from service on 31st May 2021 on superannuation .FNTO CHQ wishes a happy and healthy retired life. Jayaprakash GS<

02-6-2021 letter addressed to CMD BSNL Requesting Appointment of Dependent family members of Employees who died due to COVID-19 on Compassionate Ground Appointment scheme -reg Click here to viewClick here to view

02-6-2021 letter addressed to CMD BSNL regarding treating BSNL Employees as front line worriers and arrange to vaccinated immediately here to viewClick

30-5-2021 Corporate office letter on Appointment of Chief Vigilance Officer in
Click here to view

30-5-2021 BSNL Formation date clarification issued by Corporate officeClick here to viewClick here to view

28-5-2021 Sri. P.David,Dist Org secretary of NUBSNLW(FNTO) Ernakulam kerala circle passed away due to COVID-19 .He was the Dist Secretary of PMR Union ENK. Now he is also working as the Regional President of INTUC Regional committee Vypin .CHQ Extends its heartfelt condolences to the members of his family .We pray the Almighty to rest his soul in peace -GSFNTO <

26-5-2021 DOT MOH INDIA letter on Reimbursement of cost of OPD Medicines Special Sanction in view of COVID-19 Reg;-Click here to view

26-5-2021 C.O. letter on Release of terminal benefits to the employees who died due to COVID-19 infection or other reasons.Click here to view

24-5-2021 shocked to here the news our senior leader sri. LAXMAIAH Rtd JE MAHABUBNAGER SSA Telangana circle (my parent SSA) breathed his lost today morning at Mahabubnager .He was a frontline worker and one of the mightiest leaders of FNTO Mahabubnager .He was a guiding star for many employees and their families throughout his life. His demise is a great loss to our union. We ,on behalf of the FNTO ,Pay homage to the departed leader and we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family members ,May GOD give courage to his family to bear the great loss-jayaprakash GS <

24-5-2021 Sad news our SSA level leader sri. M.Sanjeevaiah Rtd JE worked at MAHABUBNAGER SSA Telangana circle passed away today he was a strong leader for our union FNTO CHQ conveys heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family- jayaprakash GSFNTO <

22-5-2021 GOI Min of health and family welfare issued simplification of procedure for investigation and treatment related to COVID-19 Infection Click here to view

20-5-2021 Corporate office allotted funds to circles for April 2021 salaries.

20-5-2021 Corporate office letter on BSNL COVID FUND (BCF)Policy -policy and instructions regClick here to view

20-5-2021 Sad news Sri OMKARESWAR RAO Rtd JTO HTD passed away .He was a strong and committed leader CHQ conveys heartfelt condolences to the members of bereaved family.-jayaprakash GS<

20-5-2021 Sad news to FNTO UNION Family our dynamic and strong leader EX-General Secretary of CIVIL WING Sri. Balasubramaniam (BALU)passed away on 19/5/2021 at 9.30 A.M NOIDA DELHI .He was a good organiser cooperative and helping nature ,he was a committed leader for FNTO. HE worked so efficiently to keep the rank and file intact .He also organised UNI seminars effectively and maintained good relations with CONGRESS Party leaders in Delhi . His loss is irrerable to the FNTO Movement .He is a good freind of me .We dip our flag and salute his selfless spirit. May God give courage to his family to bear the great loss .Heartfelt condolences to the family members. - jayaprakash GS FNTO <

14-5-2021 Corporate office letter on Release of terminal benefits to the family of employees who died due to COVID-19 infection or other reasons.Click here to view

14-05-2021 Sad news to our union Sri.Abdul Shukkoor KERALA Circle organising secretary passed away yesterday night at RCC Trivendrum .He also served as Dist Secretary kollam . FNTO CHQ Pays its respectable homage to the dedicated leader of our union and conveys our heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family.-jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW(FNTO)<


08-05-2021 Department of finance/Revenue GOI guidelines on Appointment of dependent family members of officers/officials under the existing Compassionate Appointment schemeClick here to view

08-05-2021 Department of pension and pension welfare guidelines on Additional Relief on Death/disability of Government Servants covered by the new defined contribution pension system (NPS)Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

07-05-2021 C.O. guidelines under BSNL MRS IN VIEW OF COVID 19Click here to view

07-05-2021 C.O.letter on implementation of the concept of Deemed Resignation in case of unauthorised absence and absconding employees regClick here to view

07-05-2021 GOI guideline on emergency treatment to CGHS beneficiaries in private hospitals in connection with covid 19 Click here to view

06-05-2021 Shocked to hear the shocking news of our senior leader and committed active Leader Brother B.RUDRAIAH DIST,PRESIDENT OF FNTO BANGLORE Passed away today morning .He was a bold and courage and very good advisor to our union .FNTO CHQ Dip the flag to respect the departed soul. May god give courage to his family to bear the great loss- Jayaprakash GS <

03-05-2021 Congress President smt. SONIA GANDHI JI interview to THE HINDU IN CONNECTION WITH covid 19 crises.Click here to view


29-4-2021Director HR letter on payment Medical Advance to Covid 19 patientsClick here to view

29-4-2021 corporate office letter to all cgms on COVID 19 Click here to view

27-4-2021 Grant of advance to CMD BSNL for covid 19 treatmentClick here to view


16-04-2021 C.O. Instructions on operation and maintenance and functioning of Administrative offices in view of spread of COVID -19 Pandemic in IndiaClick here to view

16-04-2021 MOC letter on Reimbursement of cost of OPD Medicines special sanction in view of COVID-19 till 31st july 2021 reg-Click here to view



09-04-2021 Corporate office letter on declaration of holiday on 14-04-2021Click here to view


02-04-2021 IDA Reduced 1.1% wef 1st april 2021 ie 171.5% to 170.4%


31-3-2021 FNTO All india vice president Smt. MADHUTRIVEDI O.S Delhi is Retiring today on superannuation. CHQ WISHES HER & FAMILY HAPPY AND HEALTHY FUTURE LIFE - Jayaprakash GS

30-3-2021 Minister for state in the Ministry of finance reply in Parliament on D.A. FreezeClick here to view

30-3-2021 Age wise profile of BSNL employees as on 28-02-2021Click here to view

30-3-2021 C.O. Letter to all CGMs Revenue/cash collection targets from out right sale of land parcels for the financial year 2021-22Click here to view


25-3-2021 Letter to CMD BSNL to Reimbursement of cost of COVID 19 Vaccination Rs 500/- to all working & retired employeesClick here to view Click here to view

18-3-2021 FNTO Chennai Telephones & Lines club of Chennai Shivalaya jointly conducted a Seminar on the revival of BSNL and distributed welfare assistance to the persons with vision disabilities on 17/03/21 at Guindy chennai under the president ship of sri. S.Lingamurthy Working Presidentof FNTO, Circle Secretary Chennai Telephones also the President of the Lions club. Lion sri, Deenadayalu Secretary of the Lions club of chennai, and also the followings are addressed the seminar sri. DR,V.K. Sanjeevi CGM Chennai Telephones Chief Gust of the Seminar, and sri . Muthukumaran AGS CHQ , sri. R.Jayabalan AGS &CS, Sri. R.Tirusangu OS CHQ and other leadrs of FNTO UNION Chennai <


10-03-2021 C.O. Letter to all Circles regarding payment final instalment of EX-Gratia to VRS Employees Click here to view

10-03-2021 Parliament question on DA payment & Click here to view

09-03-2021 GOI letter on Timely payment of retirement benefits to the retiring employees. Click here to view

09-03-2021 Central Trade Unions calls DARNA on 15-03-2021 Demanding Withdrawal of Labour codes Withdrawal of Anti formal Laws,and Privatisation of PSUs - CHQ request to all to participate and sucsess

font size ="4">06-03-2021 DOT letter Regarding payment of fixed Medical Allowance to BSNL Pensioners through CPMS.Click here to view

05-03-2021 SMT.SONIA GANDHI PRESIDENT OF THE INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Article written in HINDHU Daily news paper on 4/3/2021 against the unscrupulous sale of public assets by the BJP GOVT. Click here to view

05-03-2021 C.O.Letter on payment of final instalment of EX-Gratia to VRS 2019 retireesClick here to view

22-2-2021 The Secretariat meeting of our union held at chennai on 21st &22nd feb under the president ship of sri . S. Lingamurthy the follwing are participated GS K.Jayaprakash ,sri. C.D.Prasad CS Jharkand , sri. Gasinga CS Meghalaya,sri. R.Jayabalan cs & AGS Tamilnadu, sri. G,Muthukumaran AGS ,and Sri. Thirusangu o.s chq and also other senor leaders from chennai circle copy of image

05-02-2021 Corporate office copy of Draft MOU of Group Term Insurance Scheme for BSNL Employees (Non-Executives)

02-02-2021 Our senior leader Ex Circle secretary Line Staff & Gr ,D,Orissa Circle Sri .Bipen Bihari Pattanayak Rtd LI( retired on 30-06-1995) passed away on 01-02-2021 Monday at Headquarters Hospital BALASORE ORISSA. FNTO CHQ pays homage & our heart felt condolences to the family of bereaved - GS FNTO

30-01-2021 Letter to CMD BSNL Requesting to release the pending IDA wef oct 2020 referring BDL Letter.Click here to view

29-01-2021 GOOD NEWS TO BDL EMPLOYEES, THE BDL Hyderabad issued a letter to their Employees releasing the IDA pending wef oct 2020 . FNTO our union will Perseus with BSNL ManagementClick here to view

29-01-2021 Director (HR)BSNL massage on MOU Signed on GTI Click here to view


26-01-2021 Corporate office letter on postponement of all dept Training programmes Click here to view

16-01-2021 Corporate office Clarification/Amendment for the implementation of BSNL-MRS Eligibility of BSNL-MRS policy for family dependants of deceased BSNL recruited employees Click here to view

16-01-2021 Corporate office circular to review of 5% discount scheme to Govt employees available under Landline ,ADSL Broadband and Bharat Fiber Services.Click here to view



12-01-2021 Corporate office letter to all CGMs on payment of final instalment of EX-gratia in respect of retirees of BSNL VRS 2019Click here to view

11-01-2021 Letter to Sri.P.K.Purwar CMD.BSNL New Delhi Demanding revise the IDA Freezing orders considering the DPE letter dated 8/1/2021 which is crystal clear Freezing of IDA IN PSUs is not applicable to Non-Executive Employees Click here to view

09-01-2021 DPE Issued a letter to Ministry of coal & Ministry of Mines on 8th jan clarifying that IDA Freezing is not applicable to Non- Executives in this regard our BSNL CMD has to revise the IDA Freezing orders issued on 26/11/2020 now it is the time to pressurise the BSNL Management to issue the revised orders .FNTO is already requested the CMD BSNL to issue revised orders on 28/12/2020 again our union will pursue with the Corporate office to revise the orders immediately so that the Non-executive employees will get pending IDA from oct 20, 5.5% + 6.1% wef jan 2021 TOTAL 11.6% - jayaprakash GS

08-01-2021 DPE Issued a letter clarifying that IDA Freezing is not applicable to Non- Executives in this regard our union already written a letter to CMD BSNL on 28/12/2020 for revising the IDA freezing orders

08-01-2021 Press news Now ,20 days earned leave for Central Govt Employees a mustClick here to view

04-01-2021 Covid guidelines 19 Click here to view

04-01-2021 Corporate office letter to all Circle Hades regarding carrying out Service Verification under Rule 32 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 and related matters .Click here to view

02-01-2021 DOT Letter on BSNL TO maintenance of MTNL Mobile networkClick here to view

01-01-2021 Clarification regarding CGHS rates for COVID 19 treatmentClick here to view

01-01-2021 As per the consumer price index (industrial workers )IDA due from January 2021 will be 171.5% i.e. an increase of 6.1% with october 2020 IDA 11.6% due for PSU Employees


28-12-2020 By Name letter to shri.P.K.Purwar C.M.D. BSNL to issue revised orders on Freezed I.D.A Click here to view

25-12-2020 Corporate letter on clarification related to consolidated instructions on facility of Immunity from Transfers extended to Recognised & Support Associations.Click here to view

20-12-2020 Delhi high court orders on freezing of IDA by GOVT OF INDIA
Click here to view

20-12-2020 Kerala high court orders on IDA freezing by the govt of indiaClick here to view

15-12-2020 AUAB Suggestions to Hon,ble P.M. regarding 4G services etcClick here to view

15-12-2020 Director (HR) letter to circles on pending VRS Claims Click here to view

12-12-2020 Central Ministry of Health services letter regarding simplification of referral system under Click here to view

07-12-2020 Corporate office letter on List of Holidays for the year 2021Click here to view

07-12-2020 AUAB Circular on 5/12/2020 zoom meeting Click here to view

01-12-2020 Letter from Director (HR) letter to circles regarding pending VRS casesClick here to view

26-11-2020 Letter from Central pension Department Regarding marking of PPO Number in the Bank pass booClick here to viewk

26-11-2020 General Strike at BSNL Bhavan PGM office Hyderabad ur C.S. Sri. Rafeeq Ahmed along with members participated

26-11-2020 General Strike at DELHI corporate office our C.S. & chq Organizing Secretary Sri. Mohinder singh participated

26-11-2020 General strike at RANCHI jharkand circle our C.S. Sri. C.D. PRASAD & ACS Sri. Omprakash partipated

26-11-2020 General Strike at Dehradun uttarakand circle our circle secretary sri Rampal participated

25-11-2020 lunch hour demonstrations at Kerala circle

25-11-2020 Sri.K.V.Jose Circle Secretary Kerala addressing in lunch hour demonstrations at Ernakulam exchange kerala

25-11-2020 RLC Conducted conciliation meeting with our union G.S minutes of the meeting Click here to view

21-11-2020 AUAB Notice for conducting Lunch hour demonstrations on 25/11/2020 against Freezing of IDA Click here to view

20-11-2020 CLC Office issued a letter for conciliation meeting with RLC Click here to view

19-11-2020 DPE Govt of India issued a letter on Freezing the IDA from 1-10-2020 to 1-7-2021Click here to view

9-11-2020 Strike notice issued in connection with General Strike on 26-11-2020 Click here to view

9-11-2020 Corporate office letter to all CGMs on timely forwarding of pension casesClick here to view

26-10-2020 Poster of 26/11/2020 strike Click here to view

26-10-2020 Corporate office letter on cancellation of National Council meetingClick here to view

26-10-2020 The Central Trade Unions including INTUC have called on for a General Strike to be organised on 26/11/2020 on common issues in BSNL also AUAB FNTO,BSNLEU NFTE BSNL BSNL MS, SNATTA,ATM ,TEPU and BSNLOA unanimously decided to organise the strike adding our Demands and also to a appeal to Executive associations to participate Click here to view Click here to view

25-10-2020 FNTO CHQ WISHES A HAPPY DUSSEHRAClick here to view

10-10-2020 Letter to Director (HR) Corporate office in connection with objection against nomination of Non-Member in National council request to implement kerala High Court JudgementClick here to view

08-10-2020 Sri Ram vilas paswan ji Central Cabinet Minister lost his breath today .He was a great leader with kind and generous attitude towards working class During his time as Telecom Minister we got 1. Agreement of Govt pension to BSNL absorbed pensioners 2. Rent free Telephone on behalf of our union i pray GOD to rest his soul in peace - jayaprakash GS

02-10-2020 Unity among the differences and the different communities belonging to different religions of INDIA is indispensable to the birth of national life . HAPPY GANDHI JAYANTHI and also Sri. LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI JI JAYANTHI

01-10-2020 Annexure A BTCL MOA AND LETTER TO ALL CGMsClick here to viewClick here to view

01-10-2020 AUAB leaders at Hyderabad observe Block day on the 20th BSNL Formation day

01-10-2020 CMD BSNL Launched New InitiativesClick here to view

01-10-2020 CMD BSNL MASSAGE ON BSNL FORMATION DAYClick here to view


30-9-2020 GOI letter on submission of IT Returns date extended up to 3-th november 2020Click here to view

30-9-2020 IDA Increased 5.5% wef 1st october 2020 ie 159.9% to 165.4%

28-9-2020 AUAB Notice to observe block day on 1st october 2020Click here to view

28-9-2020 GOI Ministry of Health & Family welfare on nomination facility under CGHS for claiming medical reimbursement in the event of death of the principal CGHS cardholder-regClick here to view

28-9-2020 C.O. letter on extension of Revalidation of BBNL/BSNL MRS CardsClick here to view

28-9-2020 GOI Appointment committee approved the appointment of Sri. Dr .P.D.Vaghela IAS as chairmen TRAI of INDIA Click here to view

28-9-2020 Corporate office letter on Revision of flat rate of licence fee for Residential Accommodation-regClick here to view

18-09-2020 C.O.letter on Pending pension cases in respect of retirees under BSNL VRS-2019Click here to viewClick here to view

18-09-2020 Parliament question to HOC BY SRI. SREEDHAR KOTAGIRI Hon,ble M.P.Click here to view

18-09-2020 Letter on Emergency Treatment in empaneled hospitalsClick here to view

18-09-2020 C.O.letter on settlement of retiral benefits of BSNL VRS optees 4th instalment Click here to view

18-09-2020 C.O.Letter on Redressal of grievances of retired employees of BSNLClick here to view

18-09-2020 All India DATA list of employees as on 16-09-2020 in BSNLClick here to view

18-09-2020 C.O.letter on settlement of all pending cases of VRS 2019 employeesClick here to view

18-09-2020 Letter on extension of submission of life certificate Click here to view

10-09-2020 AUAB Circular after meeting held on 7/9/2020 all are request to participate and implement the decisions taken in the meeting Click here to view


09-09-2020 Today is a Great day for all BSNL Employees and Retirees .on this day 20 years before we achieved Government pension on IDA pay scales from consolidated fund of India after an Indefinite strike held for 3 days on Agreement with Govt of India . Agreement signed by late sri. O.P.Gupta SG NFTE and Sri K.Vallinayagam SG FNTO with sri. Vinod vaish Secretary DTS in the presence of Sri. Ram vilas paswan Hon,ble Telecom Minister . Govt pension for Employees is first and last for DOT Appointed & absorbed BSNL Executives and Non- Executives .Our unity and focused struggle achieved this Historical benefit .FNTO CHQ SALUTE THESE GREAT LEADERS FOR EVER - Jayaprakash GS

03-09-2020 Times news on CGHS cover for non-listed HospitalsClick here to view

03-09-2020 Corporate office letter on Immediate settlement of pending issues in respect of retired employees under BSNL VRS 2019Click here to view

01-09-2020 Corporate office letter on BSNL VRS 2019 Assessment of pending amount of EX-Gratia payable to VC withheld casesClick here to view

01-09-2020 postponement of order of Consolidation of Business Areas- Click here to view

31-8-2020 GOI Dept of personal and training letter on periodic Review of central Govt EmployeesClick here to view

31-08-2020 our beloved leader Ex President of INDIA Sri. PRANAB MUKARJI Passed away today evening it is great loss to our country to loose such an Intellectual and great politician -FNTO CHQ Prays the Almighty to rest his soul in peace


27-08-2020 GOI-DOP letter Facility for central Govt,civil pensioners to store Electronic PPO in Digi Locker-regClick here to view

27-08-2020 Corporate office guidelines to CGMs Comprehensive Renting-out policy(CROP-2020)Click here to view

27-08-2020 Corporate office letter to CGMs non settlement of claimsClick here to view

27-08-2020 Corporate office letter on Consolidation of Business Areas and rationalisation of work and delegated powers.Click here to view

26-08-2020 AUAB Leaders of Kottayam SSA submitting the memorandum to Sri. Thomas chazhilkadan M.P.Kottayam at his residence today

26-08-2020 Corporate office letter on Grant of status of Recognised representative Association and support Association of Executive Associations in 2nd M.V.CONGRATULATIONS Click here to view

26-08-2020 Reimbursement of cost of OPD Medicines CGHSClick here to view

26-08-2020 Corporate office letter on calculation of stay in respect of BSNL Employees posted in hard tenure stations of BSNLClick here to view

26--8-2020 BSNL VRS 2019 Assessment of pending amount of Ex-gratia payAble to VC withhold casesClick here to view

26-08-2020 Posting of ITS Officers on deputation in BBNLClick here to view

25-08-2020 Sri.VK.SREEKANDAN Hon,ble M.P. Palakkad kerala letter to Hon,ble MOC for payment of salary before ONAM festivalClick here to view

25-08-2020 Sri . Muraleedharan Hon,ble M.P. Vadakara kerala letter to Hon,ble MOC for payment of salary before ONAM festival Click here to view

25-08-2020 Sri.Mallikarjun Founder leader and EX-District secretary NUTEE Gr ,c,HTD of FNTO .He was one of the negotiator for pension to BSNL employees ,present SG BTEF has passed away today morning at Hyderabad FNTO CHQ PRAYS GOD MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE we pay our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family

24-08-2020 IDA wef 1-7-2020 orders issued by corporate office todayClick here to view

22-8-2020 Sri.M.K.RAGHAVAN Hon,ble M.P. KOZHIKODE Kerala letter to Hon,ble MOC for disbursement of July & August salary before 26th august Click here to view


21-08-2020 Sri. Benny Behanan Hon,ble M.P.CHALAKUDY Kerala letter to MOC for disbursement of july and august salaryClick here to view

21-08-2020 Sri. T.N.Prathapan Hon,ble M.P. Thrissur Kerala letter to Hon,ble Finance Minister Govt of India for disbursement of salary for the month july & august 2020 on or before 26/8/2020Click here to view

21-08-2020 Sri.HIBI EDEN Hon,ble M.P. Ernakulam Kerala state letter to Sri . Ravishanker prasad ji Hon,ble MOC Govt of India for payment of july and August month salary on or before 26/8/2020 in connection with ONAM festival.Click here to view

19-08-2020 Sri T.N.Prasad EX-Dist secretary Coimbtore and One of the founder leader of FNTO Tamilnadu circle Passed away yesterday night , FNTO CHQ prays may his soul rest in peace.

17/08/2020 Letter to Hon,ble Minister MOC Sri. Ravishanker prasad ji requesting payment of salary before ONAM festival Click here to view


11-08-2020 AUAB issues press statement condemning the irresponsible outbursts of Sri. Ananthakumar BJP M.P.Karwar karnataka state Click here to view

11-08-2020 FNTO CHQ strongly oppose the speech of Sri. Ananthakumar Hegde Hon,ble M.P. karwar Karnataka state .The statement given by M.P with a malafide intention stating BSNL Employees as traitors. NUBSNLW(FNTO)strongly condemn the irresponsible statement of the BJP M.P.Karwar. Further the matter is reported to INTUC President sri. SanjeevaReddy and AICC Working President Hon,ble M.P. Sri . Rahul Ganhi ji .

07-08-2020 AUAB Leaders in Ernakulam SSA submitted memorandum to Sri. Hiby Eaden M.P. at his residence in Ernakulam today. He assured to take up this issues


01-08-2020 FNTO CHQ Wishes a happy Bakrid to all

01-08-2020 AUAB Leaders in Palakkad SSA submitted Memorandum to Sri.V.K.Sreekandan M.P. Palakkad kerala circle

27-7-2020 AUAB Circular regarding online Meeting held on 25/7/20 Click here to view

23-7-2020 A Meeting of AUAB will be held (online)on 25-7-20 at 1500 hrs to discuss the following agenda General Secretary Sri K.Jayaprakash also participate in this meeting - Agenda 1. Govt proposal to monetise BSNLs towers and fiber.2. Review of the Government,s decision to monetise BSNL,s lands. 3. Review of the Black flag demonstration held on 16/7/20 . 4. Review of the on going programme of submitting memorandum to M.P.s . 5. Planing of the Twitter campaign. 6.Any other item with the permission of the chair. -Jayaprakash GS

17-7-2020 As per the decision taken in AUAB Meeting held on 6/7/20 a memorandum is to be submitted to the Members of Parliament requesting them to intervene for the revival and expedition of the company . All the Dist Secretaries and Circle secretaries are requested to approach majority M.P.s in this regard. A copy of the memorandum is enclosed Click here to view

16-7-2020 Today AUAB conducted Lunch hour demonstration with block badges and block floors throughout country successfully at Delhi corporate office our chq O.S &CS Sri. Mohinder singh participated and at Ranchi Sri Omprakash DS participated Click here to view

14-7-2020 Corporate office guidelines on submission of authorisation for recovery of union subscription from salaryClick here to view

13-7-2020 Participate & success the AUAB call on 16-7-2020 by wearing block badges and block flags on the 4G,BSNL Revival , staff matters etc - jayaprakash GS

11-7-2020 As per the decision taken in the CWC video conference letter address to CMD-BSNL requesting to postpone or extend the date for membership enrollment - regClick here to view

11-7-2020 Today General Secretary conducted a video conference under the president ship of sri. S.Lingamurthy Wkg president from 11.00 A.M to 13-00 hrs the following chq office Bearers and Circle Secretaries participated President sri. S.Lingamurthy, GS K.Jayaprakash ,s/sri. B.C.Pathak F.S, J.D.Manoher v.p , K.V.jose AGS&CS kerala,Ramdas v.p. ,BABY Anthony kerala, Mahalingaiah cs karnataka ,pattaiah AGS, Thirusangu o.s,Jayabalan AGS & cs Tamilnadu, Rafeeq Ahmed cs Telangana,T.Saibaba AGS ,V.N.Rthod cs Gujrath, R.G.Singh v.p ,Aloknandi Dy GS & cs kolkata Telephones, Rbin razak P.S,C.D.Prasad cs Jharkand ,sailendra prasad AGS, Ram iqbal ,Nriphen Deka cs Assam, Tardeep sharma cs Punjab & O.S, Rampal cs Uttarakand, Rajkumar cs UP (E),Amit chakravarthy cs Telrcom stores kolkata, S.N Kilo kolkata, Chatrapal cs UP(w)and sri. venkatesh JTO Hyderabad coordinated all this programme . The following decisions taken 1. Address a letter to Management to postpone the membership enrolment. 2.immediate payment of all Pending Medical claims and Refund of recoveries made from salaries of serving employees like society, LIC,etc 3.Participate & support AUAB & other like minded unions Agitations on common issues and in the interest of BSNL Development and Employees. video conference concluded after vote of thanks by sri J.D Manoher v.p._Jayaprakash GS

10-7-2020 Corporate office letter on payment of 3rd instalment of EX-Gratia to the BSNL VRS employeesClick here to view

10-7-2020 AUAB Notice for Agitational programmeClick here to view

10-7-2020 CGHS Rates for treatment at private healthcare organisations empanelled under CGHS-in view of the COVID-19 PANDEMIC Click here to view

10-7-2020 DOT Sanction memo for the payment of an amount of RS 5278.65 crore to BSNL for payment Ex Gratia to VRS EmployeesClick here to view

09-07-2020 Corporate office instructions regarding timely payment of Gratuity (DCRG) Click here to view

08-07-2020 GOI Sovereign Guarantee for issue of long term Bonds by BSNLand MTNL -regClick here to view

07-07-2020 Circular regarding on line meeting of AUAB held on 6-7-20 GS Jayaprakash also participatedClick here to view

01-07-2020 BSNL Corporate office issued Notice for Cancellation of 4G mobile network Tenders .Click here to view

30-6-2020 IDA W.E.F 1st july 2020 Decreased by 0.8% ie 160.7% to 159.9% -- IDA from july 2020 CPI(W) consumer index price for the month of May 2020 increased by one point and stood at 330. The IDA payable from july 2020 will be 159.9% i.e a decrease of 0.8%- GSFNTO

29-6-2020 Extension of Revalidation of BSNL MRS Cards for BSNL Retired employees -regClick here to view

29-6-2020 GOI Guidelines for phased Re -opening (Unlock-2)Click here to view

27-6-2020 Sri. D. Rajandheran EX-WP of chennai Telephones circle union Expired on 26-6-20 FNTO CHQ conveys its heart felt condolences to the family of the bereaved leader-

27-6-2020 Corporate office letter on payment for 2nd instalment of Ex -gratia in respect of employees retired under BSNL VRS-2019- instructions regClick here to view

26-6-2020 BSNL IDA Rates from july 2020 may decrease upto 0.3% As per the All India consumer price index Numbers for Industrial Workers CPI(W)issued by Department of Labour Bureau ,CPI records ,an decrease of 3 points in the first month (march 20) and increased for April 20 index by 3 points and yet May 20 to be released on 30-6-20 . Even if there is drop /increase happens by 4 points for May 2020 CPI Numbers ,the BSNL IDA rates will record an decrease in IDA up to -1.8% to 0 -GS FNTO

23-6-2020 General Secretary discussed with Corporate office higher officer for delay in payment of May 20 salary he informed that making all efforts to pay the salary as early as possible expecting today or tommorow - GS

22-6-2020 Corporate office letter on extension of Out Door Medical Claim for BSNL retired employees -clarification reg-Click here to view

17-6-2020 Corporate office letter to all CGMs on GLIC payments to LIC-Click here to view

17-6-2020 Corporate office issued Notice for conduct of Membership Verification for Recognition of majority representative Association of serving Executive Employees in BSNL-Click here to view

13-6-2020 COVID-19 EFFECT- Our CHQ publication secretary sri RABIN RAZAK working at circus Telephone exchange kolkata effected with Carona virus admitted in hospital and his family kept in quarantine i spoke with Rabin ji over phone he is safe , CHQ Prays for early recovery ( this news informed by sri Aloknandi Dy GS &CSkolkata Telephones)Click here to view

13-6-2020 Times of India news paper today express "India,s Covid count tops 3L as fresh cases hit new peak

11-6-2020 Sri .G.Kalan EX MLA,President Tamilnadu INTUC & All India vice president and also president more then 100 INTUC Affiliated unions passed away on 10-6-2020 at CHENNAI . Sri G.Kalan was very cooperative and helpful to the CHENNAI Circle union FNTO Chennai and CHQ New Delhi express our heartfelt condolences to the family of bereaved - GS FNTOClick here to view

10-6-2020 Corporate office office order on cut of date for exercising one option for out door Medical clime for BSNL Retired employees reg- Click here to view

09-6-2020 Advisory to Health Care Organisation (HCOs)empanelled under CGHSin view of the prevalent Carona Virus (COVID 19)Pandemic and Notification of CGHS Rates for 25 investigations under CGHS Click here to viewClick here to view

06-6-2020 Corporate office letter on outdoor treatment Click here to view

06-6-2020 Corporate office issued guidelines for CGHS optees for treatmentClick here to view

06-6-2020 Notice issued by corporate office regarding conducting EGM meeting on 15th june 20 Click here to view

03-06-2020 Corporate office issued a letter regarding Option to change authorisation for deduction of membership subscription of union from salary - jayaprakash GSClick here to view

29-5-2020 Corporate office Allotted funds to all circle for payment of coop society dues of VRS Employees - jayaprakash GS

29-5-2020 CGHS Opting procedure for Retired BSNL EmployeesClick here to view

29-5-2020 Corporate office instructions regarding payment of VRS dues Click here to view

26-5-2020 Central Trade Unions seek the intervention of the ILO on Violation of Labour Laws by the State Governments in India and ILO seeks the intervention of Prime Minister of India Click here to viewClick here to view

26-5-2020 DOT Letter regarding payment of IDA w.e.f April 20Click here to view

25-5-2020 FNTO CHQ Wishes a happy EID-UL-FITR (RAMZAN) -Jayaprakash GSFNTO

21-5-2020 On 20th AMPHAN Cyclone hit West Bengal severely North ,South parganas,Hourah, Hoogly& kolkata city this cyclone has created a huge disaster and 72 persons lost their lives - FNTO CHQ pays homage to their lives.

21-5-2020 it is informed by our dy GS & Circle secretary of KOLKATA Telephones Sri. Aloknandi that Two persons BSNL Employees expired due to CORONAVIRUS(COVID-19) One is Sri.Mohammed Islam T.T. Burrabazar kolkata and other one Sri Subhas das Rted T.T. in circus T/E kolkata - FNTO CHQ Heart felt condolences to their family and pray GOD their soul may rest in peace- GSFNTO

19-5-2020 All the circle secretaries are requested to support the proposed agitation called by All central Trade Unions on 22-5-2020

18-5-2020 GOI Letter on preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 - Attendance regarding-Click here to view

17-5-2020 Govt of India extended the lock down up to 31-5-2020-Click here to view


16-5-2020 GOI Dept of pensioners & pensioners welfare issued Consolidated instructions for pension disbursing for Authorities to ensure smooth payment of pension etc Click here to view-

14-5-2020 C.O.Letter to all Heads of Circles on Finalisation of pension and other benefits in respect of the employees retired voluntarily under the BSNL VRS-2019-Click here to view

13-5-2020 VRS PPO issued status as on 12-5-20-Click here to view

13-5-2020 DOT Notice to the SAMPANN Pensioners , requested to ensure promt submission of Life Certificate every year before its expiry to avoied stopage of pension Click here to view

11-5-2020 Corporate office issued BSNL Medical policy guidelinesClick here to view

11-5-2020 FNTO CHQ PROTESTS AGAINST (Mail sent to P.M) Uttar Pradesh Govt passed an ordinance suspending a majority of Labour laws in the state for three years (source Times of India news paper 9-5-20) Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

11-5-2020 PIL Filed in Delhi High Court- Release the Dearness Allowance immediately.Click here to view

10-5-2020 Sri. M.V.Srivathsa a strong member of FNPTO in the then Vellore/Salem Division passed away today on 10/5/20 at 17-50p.m. He was a cricketer and worked as Telephone Supervisor in Chennai Telephone Dist.FNTO CHQ conveys its heart felt condolences to the family of the bereaved member -GSFNTO>/fnto>

07-05-2020 Sad news to CHQ & FNTO union Sri. G.S.Sharma Circle Secretary of Chattisgharh passed away on 21st April evening at Raipur due to jaundice . We got this massage today through our members at Raipur . Sri Sharma is a committed and hard work nature, he is a sincere circle Secretary CHQ shocked to here the sad news ,his loss is irreparable to the FNTO Movement. We dip our Flag and salute his selfless spirit , Our heartfelt condolences to the family of bereaved- jayaprakash GSFNTO.

06-05-2020 Corporate office letter Regarding Extension of Revalidation of BSNL MRS Medical card for BSNL Retired Employees.-Click here to view

06-05-2020 Corporate office letter on forwarding of letters to corporate office-Click here to view

06-05-2020 corporate office letter on payment of Leave Encashment in respect of VRS optees whose Vigilance clearance is withheld-Click here to view

06-05-2020 Corporate office instructions w.r.t. maintenance of administrative officesClick here to view

04-05-20 Ready Reckoner -Comparison of Income Tax F.Y.2020-21 -Reg Click here to view


1-5-2020 GOVT.INDIA Guide lines regarding COVID 19 Click here to view

01-05-2020 FNTO CHQ wishes to all a happy May Day>/fnto>

30-4-2020 Letter to secretory DOT for withholding of DA to serving employees and dearness Relief fund.Click here to view

28-04-2020 DOT office memorandum on payment of IDA -regClick here to view

28-04-2020 DPE Guidlince on freezing of DA -regClick here to view

28-04-2020 At 2-00 p.m. On behalf of FNTO our EX-General Secretary sri. K.Vallinayagam joined the beginning of last journey of sri. A.Krishnamurthy and prayed for his soul rest in the abode of Lord Venkatachalapathy.

28-04-2020 Sri.A.Krishnamurthy senior leader& founder of FNPTO IN Tamilnadu circle expired today at 04-00 his residence CHENNAI.Sri. A.Krishnamurthy was one among the founder leaders of FNPTO movement in Tamilnadu circle .He was worked as a Technical Supervisor in T.N. circle office at Anna Road chennai and served in circle union office till his retirement .He took charge of Circle Secretary of FNTO E-3 and worked so effectively to keep the rank and file in tact.He was involved in printing and dispatching the journal of "Oli Alai".He never failed to attend any meeting or functions of union in spite of health condition .CHQ shocked to here the sad news of his sudden demise today morning .his loss is irreparable to the FNTO movement . We dip our flag and salute his selfless spirit.Our heartfelt condolences to the family of bereaved- K.Jayaprakash GSFNTO >/fnto>

27-04-2020 Corporate office letter on Increased IDA payment to working employees -Reg Click here to view

25-04-2020 DR. Manmohan singh ex P.M says DA Freezing is not necessary to Central Govt. Employees -(Financial Express today 25/4 online) Click here to view

23-04-2020 GOI MINISTRY OF FINANCE letter on Freezing of DA to Central govt. employees- reg;-Click here to view

22-04-2020 THE Gazette of India Extraordinary and 3778- corrigendum - clarification on seeking options 115BAC pdf , option form- sec 115BAC.pdfClick here to viewClick here to viewclick here to view

22-04-2020 Instructions regarding payment of VRS dues- validation & compliance & submission of Exgratia Documents to DOT-reg Click here to view

19-4-20 GOI LETTER ON GPF SUBSCRIPTION -reg Click here to view

18-4-20 GOI Letter on Clarification in respect of option under section 115BAC of the Income Tax Act 1961- regClick here to view

18-4-20 instructions w.r.t Operation & Maintenance of Administrative office during the Lock down period -reg Click here to view

17-4-20 BSNL Orders on payment of IDA at Revised rates - reg. Click here to view


17-4-20 RBI Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21Click here to view

17-4-20 SBI Issued circular change of dates for payment of salary and pension Click here to view

15-4-2020 Corporate office letter for voluntary contribution by the BSNL employees in PM CARES FUND in view of spread of COVID-19 pandemic in India.Click here to view

14-04-2020 CHQ APPEAL TO DONATE TO P.M.CARES TO ASSIST COVID 19--Accout name P M CARES, Account Number 2121PM20202 Bank SBI New Delhi Main Branch ,IFSC Code SBIN0000691 --Jayaprakash GS

14-04-2020 Dear colleagues,As our Hon,ble Prime Minister extended Lockdown up to 3rd May 2020 w.e.f. 15/4/2020 .As part of preventive measure COVID 19. In the larger interest of all , our Central Headquarters office will be closed up to 3/5/2020 ,In emergency union matters please contact the following mobile numbers GS - 9968854636 FS- 9868538146 and O.S. 9968142072- Jayaprakash GS .

14-04-2020 Advisory for protection of senior citizens aged above 60 years Click here to view


13-04-2020 BSNL Corporate office declared Holiday on 14th April 20 Birthday of DR.B.R.AmbedkarClick here to view

13-04-2020 BSNL Corporate office today allotted funds for March salary to all circles.



11-4-2020 Today at Tiruppattur(KKD) FNTO Branch Tamilnadu circle extends helping hands to contract workers by distributing 10 kg Rice and grocery worth RS1100/-each under the leadership of Sri.A.Vasu BS & CVP.- CHQ salute &supports the commitment .

11-4-2020 Today at about 1100 hrs NUBSNLW(FNTO)Karaikudi Branch and BDPA(I) Branch extended a helping hand to the Contract Workers of our BSNL who are suffering for non-payment of wages and due to lockdown by distributing 10 kgs and RS 1100/- worth grocery items under the leadership of Sri.G.Muthukumaran AGS, FNTO CHQ CONGRATULATING THEIR EFFORTS


9-4-2020 G S Discussed with Sri. A.M. Gupta G.M(SR) corporate office over phone regarding payment of MARCH 20 SALARY he informed that the Dept is making efforts to pay the salary with in a one to two weeks

9-4-2020 Dept .of finance guidlince on GPF SubscriptionClick here to view

9-4-2020 Corporate office issued instructions regarding payment of VRS dues-validation & complianceClick here to view


7-4-2020 appeal for contribution to P.M. Care Fund-Our union letter to director (H.R)Click here to view

6-4-2020 Appeal for contribution to Prime Minister care fund (P.M CARES) from corporate office-- CHQ request to support the appeal of C.O.Click here to view

4-4-20 GOI Order Regarding submission of form 15G and 15H for financial year 2020-21Click here to view

3-4-20 DPE order on payment of revised IDA w.e.f 1-4-20Click here to view

2-4-2020 NUBSNLW(FNTO) CHQ Wishes a Happy Sri RAM NAVAMI

31-3-2020 IDA 3.4% Increased from April 2020 Total 157.3% to 160.7% - GS FNTO

29-3-2020For BSNL all employees new IDA Rates of employees valid from 1st quarter of 2020 – 2021 financial year starts from April 2020 may increase 4.3 % record an “formidable increase” from 01-04-2020 by crossing 160%, after taken increments of PSU IDA from starting of this new previous financial year 2019-2020.Sep 27, 2019

29-3-2020 PENSION PAYMENT OF MARCH 2020 ON 3rd April 2020Click here to view

29-3-2020 DOT Sanction letter on EX -Gratia payment to VRS opteesClick here to view

28-3-2020 Preventive measures to achieve â€social distancing’ to contain the spread of COVID19 – Relaxation in CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 regarding.Click here to view

28-3-2020 D.G CGHS GOI letter on Reimbursement of OPD Medicines special sanction in view of COVID-19Click here to view

28-3-2020 Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of COVID 19 in BSNLClick here to view

26-3-20 Dear colleagues,As our Hon,ble Prime Minister announced in INDIA Total Lockdown for three weeks w.e.f. 25/3/2020 .As part of preventive measure COVID 19. In the larger interest of all , our Central Headquarters office will be closed up to 15/4/2020 ,In emergency union matters please contact the following mobile numbers GS - 9968854636 FS- 9868538146 and O.S. 9968142072- Jayaprakash GS .

21-3-20 Dear colleagues,As part of preventive measure CORONAVIRUS (COVID19) in the larger interest of all ,our CHQ office will be closed from 21/3/20 to 31/3/20 .In emergency union matters please contact the following mobile numbers GS- 9968854636, FS-9868538146 and O.S 9968142072 -- jayaprakash GS
20-3-20 Corporate office issued a letter preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID 19 in BSNL
Click here to view

19-3-2020 RAJYA SABHA QUESTION &written reply BY MOC Click here to view


18-3-2020 DOPT Advisory for staffClick here to view

18-3-2020 guidelines for calculation of Leave encashment and ex gratia of VRS staffClick here to viewClick here to view

6-3-2020 letter to all circle secretariesClick here to view

3-3-2020 General Secretry sri. K.Jayaprakash along with sri. Mohindersingh O.S met with G.M.(SR) corporate office discussed about vrs optees payment settlements and payment of jan 20 salary and refund of society recovery and union subscription etc GM responded positively repplied that all claims payments will be started from 2nd week of this month

22-02-2020 *AUAB decides to powerfully organise the hunger strike on 24.02.2020, at the* *Corporate Office, Circle and SSA headquarters* . A meeting of the AUAB was held today. The meeting reviewed the developments in connection with the notice for agitation, already issued by the AUAB, demanding settlement of the grievances of the employees, as well as the revival of BSNL. The meeting observed that, the Management is not prepared to settle even the barest minimum of the demands, i.e., payment of salary, as well as the immediate remittance of the deductions already made from the salaries of the employees, on account of GPF, bank loan EMI, society dues, LIC premium, union / association subscription amount, etc., to the concerned organisations. Further, the meeting also noted with regrets that, except retrenching around 80,000 employees under VRS, the BSNL Management has not taken any step for the revival of BSNL, as envisaged in the Revival Plan approved by the Union Cabinet on 23.10.2019, including the launching of BSNL’s 4G service. *Hence, after detailed discussion, the meeting unanimously decided to* *powerfully organise the hunger strike programme on 24.02.2020.* BC pathak FS and Mohinder Singh OS attented for FNTO

11-02-2020 Lunch hour demonstration of AUAB was successful today B C Pathak FS and Mohinder Singh OS participated for FNTO

07-02-2020 Notice for Agitational programme Click here to view

07-02-2020 The AUAB conviened a meeting on 06-02-20 and it was decided to meet CMD today with the demand of two months salary leave encashment to retirees if not agreed to hold lunch hour demonstration on 11th Feb and one day hunger stike on 24th Feb. Shri Mohinder Singh OS attended on behalf of FNTO

06-02-2020 Letter to CMD BSNL corporate office for the payment of salary for the month of dec 19 and jan 20 reg.Click here to view

31-01-2020 Dear all VRS optees today is the last working day for you. Under the present system the workers are constrained to retire under indirect compulsion. Non executive staff has to retire without justified pay fixation due to non applying 3rd PRC benefits particularly who are in stagnation which should have been done before implementing VRS. Anyhow, the NUBSNLW(FNTO) CHQ wish you a Happy and Healthy life ahead and assure the existing staff for getting there justified benefits GS.

29-01-2020 Jayaprakash Gs is attending a retirement party of VRS Members at Chennai on 28th and 29th

27-01-2020 Letter to the General Manager (Admin) Request for Allotment of accommodation of T-18 G at Atul Grova Road New Delhi 110001 Click here to view

14-01-2020 NUBSNLW(FNTO) CHQ wishes A Happy Makar Sankranti/Pongal to all

09-01-2020 Letter to Director(HR) for formation of committee to discuss pass VRS scenario regarding Click here to view

09-01-2020 Letter to CMD BSNL for farewell function to employees retiring from service w.e.f Jan 2020 onwardClick here to view

09-01-2020 Letter to Director(HR) for Regularization of RTP/short Duty service in the cadre of ToA’s, Telegraph, Telegraph office Clerk as directed by various courtsClick here to view

9-1-20 BSNL GSLI Scheme, 2005. Letter No.-500-57/2011/GSLI/CA II/BSNL/Vol.II, dt-08-1 -20Click here to view

9-1-20 Corporate office issued guidlince for farewell expences limitsClick here to view

9-1-20 IDA Orders issued by corporate officeClick here to view

7-1-2020 Letter from Corporate office guidelines – Policy for provision of GSM in lieu of Residential Service Telephone connections/concessional Telephone Facilities to Serving/Retired employees of BSNL wherein area is declared Technically Non-Feasible (TNF) by SSA.Click here to view

7-1-2020 Today GS k.Jayaprakash along with shri Mohinder singh CS & OS met with GM (SR) at corporate office enquired about payment of DEC salary and refund of society & Union subscription GM (SR) informed all will be cleared by end of this month

6-1-2020 Central Trade Unions including INTUC issued notice for one day strike on 8-1-2020 againist the BJP GOVT policies our union FNTO supporting the same. Click here to view

01-01-2020 NUBSNLW(FNTO) CHQ wishes A Happy new year to all ,friends IDA increased 5.3% wef 1st jan 2020 ie 152 to 157.3 - jayaprakash GSFNTO

23-12-2019 NUBSNLW(FNTO) CHQ wish you a merry christmas

23-12-2019 Letter to the Director Finance for Non reimbursement of Union Subscription and other deduction collected by BSNL under check off system.Click here to view

20-12-2019 Letter to the Chief Managing Director for Payment of salary for the November month of-2019.,/font>Click here to view

12-12-2019 questions and answers in Parliament VRS for BSNL and MTNL Employees raised by Sri Anto Antony MP & chairmen FNTO Kerala circleClick here to view

09-12-19 Letter To corporate office for Option to change membership Subscription in favour of Union/Association-reg.Click here to view

09-12-19 Letter To corporate office for Huge transfer posting of non-executives by CGM, Kolkata Telephone Click here to view

09-12-19 Letter To corporate office for Engagement of staff to cope up with work load due to VRS-Reg Click here to view

3-12-19 AUAB calls on to organise lunch hour demonstrations on 04.12.2019 demanding immediate disbursement of October & November,2019, salary.Click here to view

3-12-19 CWC Office bearers & Circle Secretaries requested to participate in the AUAB call Lunch hour Demonstration on 4/12/19 at corporate office/circle /SSA head quarters demanding immediate payment of oct and nov 19 salary and no discrimination in payment of salary between ITS & Employees - Jayaprakash GSFNTO

Postponement of CWC

On suggestion of the president, it is decided to postponed the proposed CWC meeting on 7th/8th Dec 2019 at Rameshwaram.

Inconvenience caused to the members is sincerely regretted Jayaprakash (G.S)

26-11-19 Letter from Corporate BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme-2019 Frequently Asked Questions Click here to view

22-11-19 Letter from Corporate BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme-2019 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ's) Click here to view

22-11-19 Central Working Committee meeting of our union will be held at RAMESWARAM Tamilnadu state on 7th & 8th December19.
Click here to view

22-11-19 Today talks held between Director(HR)and General Secretaries/ Representatives of unions from our union sri Mohinder sing OS CHQ attended on the notification issued for Hunger strike on 25/11/19 Management is not ready to give any written assurance on implementation 3rd PRC to VRS OPTEES, payment of october salary ,Refund of recoveries made from salaries etc hence it is decided go ahead with the Hunger strike programme on 25/11/19 . All are requested to success the Hunger strike programme - jayaprakash GS

22-11-19 Organising Hunger Strike on 25-11-2019
Click here to view

20-11-19 The Three days agitation call for hunger strike FROM 20 to 22 nov differed by AUAB with out any written assurances ,only on oral assurance october salary will be paid on 28th. FNTO is not partner of AUAB but signed on agitation notice keeping the interest on settlement of employees demands. It is learnt that Executive associations are got some assurance on DGM promotions before finalisation of VRS to their cadere.But NON-Executive Recognised unions silent why? NON-Executive employees are in a fear and confusion stage every combined agitations the Executives are getting some achievements.NON- Executives raising the doubts 1. whether the Management discussed with Recognised unions on the VRS Proposal before issuing the notification, if not why the Recognised unions not objected on 4th Nov19 all unions and associations meeting with Hon,ble Minister Sri Ravishanker prasad ji . 2. why the Recognised unions not insisted Hon,ble Minister the following Demands for settlement before implementation of VRS to 80000 employees. 1.Settlement of 3rd wage revision due from 1-1-2017. 2. Written assurance on pension revision to retirees including VRS optees. 3.Settlement of all pending issues of non executives like stagnation, promotions,etc 4.Timely payment of work performed salaries oct 19 . 5. Refund of recoveries made from salaries of employees Bank ,Society,LIC instalments and union subscription due from MAY19. just because of unions attitude on that day the majority of NON-Executives opted for VRS.Now the Executes are pursuing their DGM promotion before VRS Implementation (they are in thousands) where as NON-Executives more then one lakh (all issues are pending). NUBSNLW(FNTO) Request both the Recognised NON-Executive unions at least now sought out a Agitational programme immediately before finalisation of VRS options for settlement of all pending Demands .our union NUBSNLW(FNTO) will support any type of Agitation to safe guard the interest of BSNL NON- Executives.- Jayaprakash GS

19/11/2019 Today our General Secretary Sri.K.Jayaprakash along with sri. Rafeeq Ahmed Circle Secretary, CHQ OS sri. R.Kanakaprasad, sri. M.Mohandas DS HTD Attended a mass meeting at Telephone Bhavan Hyderabad Presided over by Sri . B.Narsing Rao Explained about VRS package and cleared the doubts raised by the members .

18-11-2019 Central Working Committee meeting of our union will be held at RAMESWARAM Tamilnadu state on 7th &8th December19.All the CHQ Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries are requested to attend the CWC Meeting without number of our AGS Sri Muthukumar at RAMESWARAM 09486101999 Jayaprakash GS

16-11-2019 Letter of AUAB on Relay Hunger Fast on 20th to 22nd November, 2019 at BSNL CO, Circle and SSA HQs Click here to view

15-11-2019 A meeting of AUAB was held on 14-11-2019. On behalf of FNTO, Sh Mohinder singh org. sectary participated in the meeting. It was decided to go on hunger strike w.e.f 20-11-2019 to 22-11-2019 to review VRS scheme and its complication being apprehended.

15-11-2019 Letter from Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) recommended Shri Sushil Kumar Mishra PGM for the post of Director (CM) BSNLClick here to view

7-11-2019 Corporate office guidelines on queries asked replyClick here to view

07-11-2019 Letter from Corporate office Implementation of BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 2019 – Augmentation of staff strength in Pension Cells in Circles and other administrative units for smooth and timely settlement of pension cases.Click here to view

07-11-2019 TODAY AUAB leaders including our GS K.Jayaprakash met with CMD BSNL discussed about 4G allotment and payment of oct salary and refund of deducted recoveries society ,Bank ,LIC and union subscription immediately and also doubt about considering 50% TSM service which is not updated in ERP system . CMD Repplied 4G installation will be completed by March 2020, Payment of salary of oct 19 & other deductions refund will be paid as soon as. Reg. TSM 50% service will be calculated as per the service book record basing on that only payments will be calculated.

05-11-2019 Letter from Corporate office BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme - 2019. issue of corrigendum reg.Click here to view

05-11-2019 Letter from Corporate office BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme - 2019Click here to view

04 -11-2019 Meeting with Hon,ble Minister sri Ravishanker prasad ji with all Unions &Associations at Sanchar Bhavan New Delhi on 4th Nov 2019.
Today a meeting has been arranged by BSNL Management with Honble MOC(s) Shri Ravishanker prasad ji at sanchar Bhavan New Delhi the Following are present Shri Anshu prakash secretary Telecom, Shri Navneeth gupta joint secretary (admin) DOT and Shri Arvind Vadnekar Director (HR) BSNL ,from our union Sri.k.Jayaprakash GS ,Shri. Mohinder singh OS represented.

Meeting stared by Director (HR) BSNL informed this meeting called for to Thank Honble MOC(s) Sri Ravishanker prasad ji for his efforts for getting the Cabinet approval to revive the BSNL and VRS ,assests Militarization etc.All the leaders appreciated the efforts of the Minister .NO UNION/ASSOSIATION OPPOSED THE VRS PROPOSAL

Honble Minister informed that with a great difficulty I got Cabinet approval for revival of BSNL and he assured the BSNL will not be closed, disinvested or privatized subject to reduce the 80000 staff/officers by implementing the VRS.other wise BSNL cannot survive , the Top officers fixed the responsibility to implement VRS cent present and he advised all leaders to guide the members to take VRS to success The VRS scheeme.and also he advised to work hard to survive BSNL.

After the MOC(s) address the leaders from union/association raised the following doubts.

1. There is a rumer the retirement age is going to be reduced from 60 to 58.

2. Implementation of 3rd wage revision due from 1-1-2017 before implementing VRS (raised by our G.S).

3.Pension revision ,pension contribution.

4. NO income tax on DCRG and Pension etc

Honble Minister replied if the GOVT target 80000 employees/officers Should take VRS, if not reduction of retirement age will be Implemented.

Regarding other demands /doubts will be discussed after Implementation of VRS.

After the Honble Minister clarification meeting is concluded.

04 -11-2019 Hon’ble Minister of Communication has convened a meeting regarding revival of BSNL with all union General Secretary at 16:00 hrs.

04 -11-2019 Sh. K. Jayaprakash G.S FNTO has reported for duty at CHQ today

04 -11-2019 Letter from Corporate office for Formation of Groups/Sub groups relating to VRS.Click here to view

31 -10-2019 Dot Issued office memorandum for Revival of BSNL and MTNL,/font>Click here to view

31 -10-2019 Order From DoT.DoT forms Committee to finalise the guidelines for VRS.Click here to view

30 -10-2019 letter from Corporate office on bifurcation of no of Earned Leave & HPL as on 30-09-2000 for DOT period and no of EL after 01-10-2000 till 31-10-2019 in BSNL for absorbed employees of 50 years & above. Click here to view

30 -10-2019 letter from Corporate office on updation of Service Books of BSNL employees aged 50 years & above. Click here to view

30-10-2019 letter from DOT constituted a committee to frame rules for voluntary retirement scheme in BSNL/MTNL.Click here to view

25-10-2019 Letter to The Director (HR) 25-10-2019 Revision of Guidelines for role definition of Business Area and SSAs forming part of Business Area- Transfer Liability of non-executives- reg Click here to view

25-10-2019 In AUAB meeting held yesterday Sh. Mohinder Singh O.S represented FNTO. Discussion was healthy except reducing retirement age to 58 years. In this regard representation submitted is enclose.
Click here to view

B.C Pathak



The Union Cabinet has approved the proposal for revival of BSNL and MTNL and also for 4G spectrum services.

The following contains approval of cabinet.

1. In-principle, merger of BSNL and MTNL approved.

2. Administrative allotment of spectrum for 4G services to BSNL and MTNL so as to enable these PSUs to provide broadband and other data services. The said Spectrum will be funded by the Government of India by capital infusion in these PSUs at a value of Rs 20,140 Cr in addition; the GST amount of Rs 3,674 Cr to this spectrum value will also be borne by the Government of India through Budgetary resources. By using this spectrum allotment, BSNL and MTNL will be able to deliver 4G services, compete in the market and provide high speed data using their vast network including in rural areas. .

3. BSNL and MTNL will also raise long-term bonds of Rs 15,000 Cr for which sovereign guarantee will be provided by the Government of India (GoI). With the said resources, BSNL and MTNL will restructure their existing debt and also partly meet CAPEX, OPEX and other requirements. .

4. BSNL and MTNL will also offer Voluntary Retirement to their employees, aged 50 years and above through attractive Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS), the cost of which will be borne by the Government of India through budgetary support. The ex-gratia component of VRS will require Rs. 17,169 Cr in addition, GoI will be meeting the cost towards Pension, Gratuity and Commutation. Details of the scheme will be finalised by BSNL/MTNL. The Minister of communication has also affirmed that VRS Will be purely optional. .

5. BSNL and MTNL will monetise their assets so as to raise resources for retiring debt, servicing of bonds, network upgradation, expansion and meeting the operational fund requirements. .

Hopefully with above, BSNL/MTNL will be able to provide quality service to the expectation throughout the country. .

21-10-2019 Order from Corporate office Shri Arvind Vednerkar has joined as Director (HR) BSNL Click here to view

19-10-2019 Letter from CMD BSNL to all CGMs to update the Service Books of employees of aged 50 years and above Click here to view

19-10-2019 Letter From Corporate office Revision of Guidelines for role definition of Business Area and SSAs forming part of Business Area. Click here to view

17-10-2019 Second round meeting held with management today cmd agreed to pay salary on 23rd hunger stike of 18th is deferred to 30-10 2019 GS FNTO B.C Pathak

17-10-2019 Consequent upon hunger stike notice director HR has called a meeting with AUAB Sh Mohinder Singh is representing fnto today at 10 am onwards and outcome will be intimated accordingly

17-10-2019 Order from Ministry of finance on DA Click here to view

10-10-2019 Order from corporate office IDA increased w.e.f. 1st October , 2019. DPE Click here to view

30-09-2019 Increase in IDA from 01-10-2019. Total 146.7%+5.3% = 152%.

27-09-2019 Letter to Director Finance for Non reimbursement of Union Subscription and other deduction collected by BSNL under check off systemClick here to view

26-09-2019 Letter to CMD Request for timely disbursement of salary to staff.Click here to view

26-09-2019 Letter to All Circle Secretaries for 8th membership verification -Regarding.Click here to view

24-09-2019 Corporate office issue letter for Grant of facilities to the recognised representative Union Of Non-Executive employees in BSNL and also the Union Which Secured more than 2% of Total votes at All India Level.Click here to view

19-09-2019 Corporate office issue Results of 8th Membership Verification – 2019 conducted for electing majority representative union(S) of Non-Executive employees in BSNL.Click here to view

13-09-2019 A well attended meeting in connection with the 8th Membership Verification Election was held at Sivaganga of Karaikudi SSA (TN) on 12/09/2019 under the presidentship of Sri S.Arumugam, Branch Secretary. He welcomed every one and emphasized the need of voting for FNTO to save the BSNL and its employees. Sri A.Vasu, Branch Secretary, Tiruppattur and Circle Vice President delivered a brief speech on the election trend and the voting pattern during the past membership verifications. Sri G.Muthukumaran, District Secretary and Asst. General Secretary spoke elaborately about the achievements of FNTO since its formation and the sufferings of the employees due to the failures of the inefficient recognized unions. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Sri A.Vincent Paulraj and members from Sivaganga, Manamadurai and Tiruppattur Branches participated with fervor.

13-09-2019 An appeal.
Dear colleagues ,we are facing verification of membership on 16th and the results will decide the destiny of around two lakhs employees.since NFTE and BSNLEU have taken over representative union position we are losing our rights ,previlagez and facilities one by one and now even the disbursement of salary in time has also become a mirage. Pay revision due from January 2017 is hanging. No talk about allowance revision at all. Job guarantee and financial viability of the company at stake. No union except FNTO can face the present situation and correct things in favour of employees and industry.we assure our union will get better deal if we are in the negotiating table. So use your votes wisely and crown FNTO to power duly franchising your votes in deepak symbol , no 16 without fail. Thanking you in advance

Jayaprakash GSFNTO

12-09-2019 Corporate office letter on conduct of 8th membership verification through secret ballot for electing majority unions of non-executives in BSNL. Click here to view

11-09-2019 Corporate office letter on conduct of 8th membership verification process to elect majority representative union (s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – meeting reg.Click here to view

11-09-2019 Corporate office letter on Conduct of 8th membership verification process to elect majority representative union (s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – nomination of polling agentClick here to view

11-09-2019 Election campaign started at CHQ Level for NTR Circle w.e.f 09-09-2019 the offices visited. Remaining units wil be covered today.Deligation consist of S/SH MR. Vashishth, B.C Pathak, A.K Mishra, Ved Prakash, Dinesh Kumar, Mohinder Singh and Ravi verma

11-09-2019 A special meeting was held at GM(O), Karaikudi on 6/9/2019 in connection with the 8th Membership Verification Election. Sri G.Muthukumaran, District Secretary and AGS presided over the meeting and delivered his Presidential address. Sri D.Chandrasekaran, Circle President and Jt.GS elaborately spoke on the achievements of FNTO. Sri R.Jayabalan, Circle Secretary and AGS explained the failures of the recognized unions. Sri A.Vasu, Circle Vice-President, Sri S.Kalipandi, Circle Organising Secretary and Sri B.Manoharan, District Secretary, BDPA(I) were present on the dias. The need to Vote for FNTO in this election at this crucial juncture was stressed by one and all. About 50 members participated in the meeting enthusiastically.





31-08-2019 Corporate office issued guidelines for conducting 8th Membership Verification Process Click here to view

30-08-2019 Letter to Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad ji,Hon’ble Minister of Communication & IT for Payment of pay and allowances to BSNL Employees-reg Click here to view

28-08-2019 8th Membership Verification Election Campaign of FNTO Chennai Telephone Circle started at Chennai Flower Bazar Exchange campus on Wednesday the 28/08/2019. Sri A.Gangadharan, Circle President presided over the function and Sri R.Babu, Assistant Circle Secretary welcomed one and all. Sri K.Vallinayagam, Ex.General Secretary inaugurated the election campaign and elaborated with the achievements of FNTO. Sri S.Lingamurthy, Circle Secretary & All India Woking President delivered his keynote address and stressed the need to Vote for DEEPAK. Sri G.Muthukumaran, Assistant General Secretary delivered the special address and explained the failures of present recognized unions. Sri A.Krishnamurthy, Joint Circle Secretary also spoke on the occasion and Sri K.Gopalakrishnan, Circle Working President, Sri R.Chandrasekaran, Circle Vice President & Sri G.R.Radhakrishnan, Assistant Circle Secretary were present on the dias. The meeting ended with Vote of thanks by Sri R.Thirusangu, Deputy Circle Secretary & All India Organising Secretary. About 200 participants attended the meeting and made it a grand success.
B.C Pathak G.S I/C FNTO

28-08-2019 6th District Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Kottayam SSA at kottayam on 24/08/2019 inaugurated by Sri. Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan Senior Congress Leader and former Home Minister of Kerala in presence of K.V. Jose Circle Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) Kerala .
B.C Pathak G.S I/C FNTO

28-08-2019 बीएसएनएल के कर्मचारियो के लिए धोकेबाज़ों को सबक सीखाने का अवसर। Click here to view

28-08-2019 Corporate office issued letter on ballot paper including election symbols for conduct of 8th membership verification through secret ballot on 16-09-2019 Click here to view

28-08-2019 Corporate office issued letter on 8th memebership verification procedure for issue and casting of postal ballotClick here to view

Poster for Membership Verification

Circle Secretaries may add and modify as per their requirement

23-08-2019 Minutes of Revival of BSNL and MTNLClick here to view

Meeting with BSNL Authorities

Various staff problems were represented and personally discussed will PGM (Estt.), PGM (Per) and GM (SR) by FNTO.

1.Repayment of deducted amounts of Union Subscription, Bank Loan EMI, Credit society amount etc

2.Regularization of leftout TSMs

3.Level paying ground in membership verification

4.Medical reimbursement / allowance to employees and pensioners

The Delegation Consist of Thomas Jhon K ,B.C Pathak, Mohinder Singh and Nathu Singh (Jharkhand).

23-08-2019 DEBAR BSNLEU & NFTE unions from the Membership verification process Click here to view

22-08-2019 BSNL Revival Plan Click here to view

21-08-2019 Letter to CMD BSNL Corporate office for postponment the ensuing membership verification of BSNL unions Click here to view

17-08-2019 Letter to Shri. Ravishankar Prasad ji, Hon’ble Minister of Communication & I.T Flood affected state due to heavy rains, Railway communication -regarding. Click here to view

FNTO CHQ Wish You All Happy Rakshabhandahan

FNTO Shows Unity & Wish You All Happy Independence Day 2019


05-08-2019 Letter to Hon'ble Minister of MoC Vital issues pertaining to revival and restructuring of BSNL including workers’problems -regarding.Click here to view

05-08-2019 Corporate office letter on plan for merger of planning and Operations functions of CFA and CM verticals in BSNL circles.Click here to view

31-07-2019 Corporate office letter on MoU with Union Bank of India (UBI) for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees for a period from 01-01-2019 to 31-12-2019. Click here to view

27-07-2019 Dear friends I am going to Abroad to see my children I may return in the third week of August 19( if possible) I have given charge to our President Sri . Thomos jhon .k (mob.no09446011789 ) he will look after the 8 the Membership verification activities .please cooperate with President and try to get more & more votes by explaining the failures of Recognised unions .The CHQ office & day to day correspondence will be look after by our Finance Secretary Sri .B.C.Patak mob .no 9868538146 if required please contact them .please Co operate me - Jaya prakash GS FNTO

27-07-2019 letter to GM(SR) Looking after the duties of General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) reg.Click here to view

27-07-2019 Corporate office letter on 8th membership verification (MV) for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – final list of eligible unions regarding.Click here to view

26-07-2019 Corporate office letter on compliance of instructions during 8th Membership Verification (MV). Click here to view

24-07-2019 Corporate office issued Guidelines for incurring Capital Expenditure in Enterprise Business Segmentreg. Click here to view

24-07-2019 It is learnt that Funds for Deductions from salary are released by BSNL Corporate office

24-07-2019 Letter to G.M(Sr),Chief Returning Officer, GM (Rectt.) , All CGM & All Circle Secretary Nominating of Circle Representatives/Coordinators of NUBNSLW (FNTO) FOR 8th Membership Verification-reg Click here to view

23-07-2019 Corporate office issued letter for passing the confirmation test be released on notional basis and actual from the date of passing the examination. Click here to view

23-07-2019 Corporate office issued letter to all CGMs for payment of electricity bills by M/s RJIL and filling of diesel using Reliance Petro Card for BSNL leased out tower sites Click here to view

22-07-2019 GPF Interest 7.9 percent from 1st July 2019. Dt-20-07-2019. Click here to view

20-07-2019 Corporate office letter on validation of data of Casual Labourers/Temporary Status Mazdoors (TSMs) in ERP for payment of wages – For cases where data is correct payment can be made through ERP system. Click here to view

20-07-2019 Corporate office letter on mutation of land parcels proposed to be transferred to SPV for monetization – reg. Click here to view

17-07-2019 Corporate office letter on No-transfer of non-executive staff till completion of 8th membership verification (MV) process in BSNL – regarding. Click here to view

Today our General Secretary k.jayaprakash attending Chennai Telephones circle conference at Chennai chrompet along with JGS chandrashakaran ,jayabalan,Muthukumaran,Lingamurthy.and Sri ck.Madhuvanan Dy GS NFTE have addressed

12-07-2019 Corporate office issued letter on 8th Membership Verification (MV) to elect majority representative union(s) in BSNL – Withdrawal of applications.Click here to view

11-07-2019 Corporate office issued letter on increased IDA order.Click here to view

09-07-2019 Corporate office issued letter on Change of Designation of Non-Executives of BSNL --- Guidelines regarding.Click here to view

09-07-2019 Corporate office issued letter on 8th membership verification (MV) for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – List of eligible unions regarding. Click here to view

09-07-2019 DPE issues order on IDA increase with effect from 01.07.2019.Click here to view

28-06-2019 HOM(C) repplied to Sri Anti Anthony's Congress MP question in parlementClick here to view

28-06-2019:-IDA increased 5.3% 141.4% to 146.7% w e.f.july 2019 - K.jayaprakash GSFNTO

28-06-2019 Corporate office issued letter Instructions on closure of HRMS server. Click here to view

28-06-2019 Corporate office issued letter on Lok Sabha unstarred question No.-1856 (Dy No 2009) for answer on 03-07-2019 regarding “Temprory worker on BSNL”. Click here to view

28-06-2019 Corporate office issued letter clarification on Compassionate Ground Appointment kept in abeyance thereof – reg. Click here to view

28-06-2019 Corporate office issued letter to All CGMs advance action regarding Monetization of land/buildings of BSNLClick here to view

25-06-2019:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) Circular in connection with 8th Membership Verification.Click here to view

24-06-2019 Today NUBSNLW (FNTO) Shri K. Jayaprakash GS & Shri Mohinder Singh CS NTR Delhi Circle submitted our application for 8th membership verification to Shri A.M. Gupta GM (SR) and Shri A.K Sinha DGM (SR) at Corporate office .

22-06-2019 The Central Working Committee meeting held at Ranchi on 21st and 22nd July 2019 under the president ship of Shri Thomas John. K to Discussed the 8th membership Verification. The CWC passed the following resolution. 1. NUBSNLW (FNTO) CWC Decide to participate in the 8th membership verification independently. 2. Symbol Is Deepak. 3. It is aloso decided to take the support of likeminded Unions to vote on Deepak symbol 4. CWC directed all CHQ office Bearers/ Circle Secretaries to meet each and every body request them and vote us by exposing the recognised Unions failures for example failed in settlement of 3rd wage revision etc.

21-06-2019 Advisory against formation of alliance in 8th membership verification for recognition of majority representative union (s) of Non-Executives employees in BSNL. Click here to view

21-06-2019 Extension of trade union facilities during 8th Membership Verification of non-executives’ unions in BSNL – reg. Click here to view

20-06-2019 Dear friends just now I spoken with G.M.SR corporate office regarding reducing retirement age from 60 to 58 he said no proposal or note to Cabinet was send it is only under discussions verifying the pros and corns to send the note .I request don't believe any roumers spreading by some mischievous - jayaprakash GS FNTO.

20-06-2019 Corporate office issued letter on reimbursement of Employee Cost of BSNL employees deputed in CCAs/TERM CellClick here to view

05-06-2019:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very Happy Eid Mubarak.

04-06-2019 Corporate office issued letter on NO-transfer of non-executive staff till completion of 8th membership verification process in RegardingClick here to view

04-06-2019 Corporate office issued letter on Recognition of majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL - Holding of 8th membership verification process - calling up of applications regarding.Click here to view

01-06-2019 Central Working Committee to be held at Ranchi Jharkhand on 21st and 22nd june 2019 Click here to view

01-06-2019 All the central working committee members are requested to attend the central working committee meeting at Rachi Jharkhand circle on 22/6/2019 at 10 hrs to discuss the 8th membership verification etc. All are requested to attend cwc without fail Note. Due to financial crises No fares will be paid to cwc members.- K.jayaprakash GS

01-06-2019 Corporate office letter on Appointment of Chief Returning Officer – conduct of 8th membership verification for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL regarding.Click here to view

01-06-2019 Corporate office letter on Economy Measures – economy in effecting Transfer/posting of officers/BSNL employees from one place to another – instructions thereof. Click here to view

01-06-2019 Corporate office letter on Constitution of a Core Group to deal with matters relating to holding of 8th membership verification process for grant of recognition to majority union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Click here to view

31-05-2019 Today Shri G.S Sharma Sr. Superintendent and Circle Secretary at Chhattisgarh circle and Shri Anjaneyulu JE A.P circle organising Secretary retiring today NUBSNLW(FNTO) congratulating your superannuation and we prey GOD for your health and prosperous life.

30-05-2019 Letter to General Manager (SR) for Deduction of salary for strike period from 18-02-2019 to 20-02-2019 Regarding Click here to view

30-05-2019 Letter to General Manager (SR) for conduct of 8th Membership verification in BSNL- Reg.Click here to view

30-05-2019 letter to The PGM(CBB), Allotment of fund for disbursement of salaries and deductions thereof-regardingClick here to view

30-05-2019 Letter to General Manager (SR) for conduct of 8th Membership verification in BSNL- Reg.Click here to view

27-05-2019 Today management conducted a meeting of all applicant Unions at 8th floor conference Hall of Corporate office to preliminary Discussion for conduct of 8th membership verification of Non-Executive employees in BSNL and its time Schedule.
Management side

GM(SR) Shri A.M. Gupta & GM(Rect) & DGM (SR)

Majority unions General Secretaries participated and from our union side Shri K.Jayaprakash GS & Shri M.R.Vashishth Advisor and Senior Leader of FNTO attended the meeting. After prolonged discussions the management announced the following tentative schedule for 8th membership verification & membership verification will be conducted through Secret Ballot only.

Tentative dates for 8th membership verification

Issue of Notification: 3rd June, 2019

Last date for withdrawal: 18th July, 2019

Date of Polling: 16th September, 2019

Counting of votes: 18th September, 2019

Declaration of result: 18th September, 2019

21-05-2019 Corporate office letter on model guidelines/operating procedure for dealing with cases of unauthorized absence, absconding and long absentee officers/officials Click here to view

20-05-2019 Corporate office issued letter for Conduct of 8th Membership Verification of Non-Executive employees in BSNL – Holding of exploratory meeting thereof.Click here to view

17-05-2019 Corporate office issued letter for Conduct of 8th Membership Verification of Non-Executive employees in BSNL – Holding of exploratory meeting thereof.Click here to view

13-05-2019 Corporate office issued letter for Limited lnternal competitive Examination (LlCE) for promotion to the cadre of Telecom Technician (Erstwhite Telecom Mechanic) to be held on 08.09.2019 - Reg.Click here to view

13-05-2019 Corporate office issued letter for Provision of Mobile connection to retired/retiring BSNL employees in view of closure of WLL services: Regarding.Click here to view

10-05-2019 Corporate Office issued letter on Shri Sheetla Prasad, presently CGM (West) will hold additional charge of Director (CM) with immediate effect as interim measure. DOT Letter No.-E-1-3/2019-PSA, dt-26-04-2019.
Click here to view

10-05-2019 Corporate Office issued letter on Shri Suresh Kumar Gupta (IP and TAFS – 1988) will hold additional charge of Director (F) with immediate effect as interim measure. DOT letter No.-E-1-3/2019-PSA, dt-26-04-2019.Click here to view

10-05-2019 Corporate office issued letter for Holding of LICE for promotion of Group”C” employees to the grade of junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) {JTO(T)} in BSNL, under 50% quota for VY 2017-18, scheduled on 28.04.2019 (Sunday)--- Rescheduling of examination on Sunday 26th May 2019Click here to view

08-05-2019 Today general secretary Shri K.Jayaprakash along with Shri R.C Pandey GS BTEU Shri S.P Sharma GS BSNL WRU and Shri Jile Singh GS BSNL SU met with CMD BSNL Shri Anupam Shrivastava, discussed about the 8th membership verification, requested to conduct immediately through secret ballot CMD BSNL responded positively .

07-05-2019 Letter to CMD for Conducting of 8th Membership Verification Click here to view

07-05-2019 Today General Secretary Shri K.Jayaprakash along with Shri R.C Pandey G.S BTEU met with GM(SR) & DGM(SR)in corporate office assured to conduct the 8th membership verification submitted a letter to management .Click here to view

07-05-2019 Corporate office issued letter on Special Increment (Personal Pay) for achievement / performance in National/ International Sports Events.Click here to view

06-05-2019 Today our General Secretary Shri K.Jayapraksh along with Finance secretary Shri B.C Pathak met with GM(SR) and requested to conduct the 8th membership verification immediately.

06-05-2019 Corporate office issued letter on Holding LICE for promotion of Group â€C’ employees to the grade of junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) {JTO(T) in BSNL under 50% Quota for VY 2017-2018, Scheduled on 28.04.2019 (Sunday) Rescheduling of examClick here to view

02-05-2019 Corporate Office issued letter on Implementation of Supreme Court Judgment on recovery of excess/ wrongful payments-Need for ensuring 100% error free pay fixation method and Audit of pay Fixation -Reg.Click here to view

01-05-2019 Corporate Office issued letter on Holding of LICE for Junior Hindi Translators(JHT) for the Recruitment Year 2018Click here to view

26-04-2019 Corporate office Issued Letter on Economy measures and rationalization of expenditure – guidelines relating to company cost transfers and own cost transfers (for posting in areas other than tenure areas ) thereof Clarification thereof.Click here to view

20-04-2019 Corporate Office issued letter on final welfare grant to circle staff welfare Board for year 2018-19.Click here to view

Q- what is the greatest achievement of Recognised unions and AuB in BSNL so far?

Ans- They have shifted the focus from PRC to the payment of monthly salary on time and VRS. They have worked hard. Executive unions also have their share in this achievement

15-04-2019 Letter to Smt. Aruna Sundrarajan, Secretary DoT Revival of BSNL and request to allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL. Click here to view

15-04-2019 Corporate office Issued letter for Guidelines Relating to transfer and posting-rationalization of expenditure regarding.Click here to view

15-04-2019 Corporate office Issued letter for IDA at revised rates-Regarding.Click here to view

15-04-2019 Letter to The General Manager (SR) for Recognition of majority representation Union (s) Issue of Notification for 8th membership verification. Click here to view

13-04-2019:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) Wish you and your family a Happy Ram Navmi.

11-04-2019 Letter to Director (HR) for Compassionate ground appointment(CGS) keeping in abeyance thereof. Click here to view

10-04-2019 Corporate office Issued letter for Compassionate Ground Appointment (CGA)-Keeping in abeyance thereof.Click here to view

10-04-2019 Corporate office Issued letter for General election to the Parliament elections 2019 grant of paid holiday on the day of poll-reg.Click here to view

15-04-2019 Corporate office Issued letter for Guidelines relating to transfer and posting – rationalization of expenditure regarding Click here to view

08-04-2019 Corporate office Issued letter for Deduction of salary for stick period held 18-02-2019 to 20-02-2019 regarding. Click here to view

06-04-2019 DPE issues order for Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionized supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) Revision of scale of pay w.e.f 01-01-2007 Payment of IDA at revised rates regarding.Click here to view


04-04-2019 News by Business Line Published on April 03, 2019
DoT to move cabinet note on VRS to BSNL employee

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) will move a Cabinet note in a few days on the voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) option for Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) employees.

Only after the approval of the Cabinet, the DoT will take a final call, a senior official said here.

There were reports of BSNL board approving recommendations on reducing the retirement age to 58 from the current 60.

The VRS offer will lead to exit of around 54,000 staff (30 per cent of total strength).

However, the DoT official said it won’t happen soon and will be done as per some procedures.

â€Will move at earliest’

“We will be moving to the Cabinet in the following days for a note to give 4G spectrum to BSNL, and to give an attractive VRS package to the employees. We will try and move it the earliest, once we get the clearance from the Election Commission,” the official said.

The official also clarified that the VRS option will be available to employees who are “above 50 years of age”.

“It (VRS) will be offered to anyone who is above 50 years. We will have to give VRS option, but don’t know how many will accept it too. So it will be for anybody who accepts it,” the official said.

Repeated calls and messages to Anupam Shrivastava, Chairman and Manging Director, BSNL remained unanswered.

As per 2017-18 annual report, BSNL had 1,83,522 employees, including both executive and non-executive, and as of now around 1.76 lakh employees are there.

According to sources, most of them are retiring by March 31, and the maximum of the current strength is also above 50 years of age.

The loss-making company had recently said the pending February salaries of its 1.76 lakh employees have been cleared.

The company also said it will aggressively focus on increasing its market share and revenue with attractive schemes.

For 2017-18, the company reported a net loss of â‚ą7,993 crore, although income from services had grown to â‚ą22,668 crore.

04-04-2019 General Secretary .K.Jayaprakash is attending AIC of BDPA at Thiruvella Kerala state

News by Times of India dated 03-04-2019

Supreme Court clears path for pension to rise manifold for employees in all firms

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday paved the way for higher pension to all private sector employees by dismissing a special leave petition filed by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) against a Kerala high court judgment.

The HC had asked EPFO to give pension to all retiring employees on the basis of their full salary, rather than capping the figure on which contribution is calculated at a maximum of Rs 15,000 per month.

"We find no merit in the special leave petition. The same is, accordingly, dismissed,' the SC ruled.

The only catch is that while pension will increase, the provident fund corpus will be reduced as the extra contribution will now go to EPS rather than PF. However, the amount reduced is unlikely to be significant as the commutation of the part of increased pension will be sufficient to fill the gap.

The Centre had introduced the Employees Pension Scheme (EPS) in 1995, under which an employer was supposed to contribute 8.33% of the employee's salary in a pension scheme. However, the contribution was capped at 8.33% of Rs 6,500 (or Rs 541 per month). In March 1996, the government amended the act and allowed the contribution to be a percentage of the actual salary, provided the employee and employer had no objection.

On September 1, 2014, the EPFO amended the act to increase the contribution to 8.33% of a maximum of Rs 15,000 (or Rs 1,250). The amendment also stipulated that in case of those who availed the benefit of pension on full salary, their pensionable salary would be calculated as the average of the last five years' monthly salary, and not of the last one year of average salary, as per earlier norms. This reduced the pension of many employees.

Subsequently, the Kerala high court set aside the September 1, 2014 amendment and also reinstated the old system of calculating the pensionable salary as the average of the last one year's monthly salary.

In October 2016, the Supreme Court directed the EPFO to accept the requests of employees to contribute to the pension scheme on the basis of full salary, with back date, and give pension on full salary.

A number of retired employees benefitted from the scheme, including Parveen Kohli, a private sector employee who got his pension revised from Rs 2,372 per month to Rs 30,592 per month. Kohli now works to get pension enhanced for other retired employees.

However, even after the SC judgment, EPFO refused to accept contributions of employees of exempt companies, whose EPFs are managed by trusts, even when they were ready to contribute the due amount. Provident funds of most of the large PSUs like navratnas including ONGC, Indian Oil and others and large private sector companies are managed by trusts as per norms suggested by EPFO.

A number of high courts like Kerala, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Madras, among others, ruled in favour of employees and asked EPFO to allow them to contribute. Monday's decision of Supreme Court is expected to settle the issue once and for all. Employees who have begun working after September 1, 2014, will also be able to avail the benefit of pension on full salary.

03-04-2019 BSNL to release March salary on time; board meet on April 4
Click here to view

03-04-2019 PMO, DoT discuss financial package for BSNL, MTNL
Click here to view

02-04-2019 Sri M. G. Mohanan Nair Circle president Kerala retired on superannuation on 31/3/2019.Circle Working Committee held on 27/3/2019 at Dist Congress Committee Office Ernakulam gave a bfitting send off to him. Former AGS& CS Sri K. K. Gopakumar, CS k. V. Jose & all other office bearers felicitated in the function.

02-04-2019 Corporate officer issued letter on special drive for dealing with cases of unauthorized absence, absconding and long absentee officers/officials regarding.Click here to view

BSNL to release March salary on time; board meet on April 4

The source also said the salaries for March will be paid on time and from BSNL's service billings of own resources.

IANS | Updated: March 29, 2019, 15:59 IST

The state-run BSNL will hold a crucial board meeting on April 4 to discuss the 2018-19 financial results and the roadmap, and investments for 2019-20 fiscal, increasing of the ceiling limit for capex loans, sources said on Friday.

They also informed that the Public Sector Unit will its services revenues to pay March salaries on time.

"The board meeting is scheduled for April 4 as of now, the approval of the board for raising the ceiling limit for availing the capex loans will be taken and then sent to the Telecom Ministry.

"The meeting will also draw up investment plans for the next fiscal and targets as well," said one of the sources. Currently the BSNL board has a ceiling of Rs 4,300 crore to raise as capex loans.

The source also said the salaries for March will be paid on time and from BSNL's service billings of own resources.

Service billing would mean the revenues from its access, leased line, enterpise business and broadband services, -- and not the payments from the special projects that the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) pays it for doing projects like BharatNet, Andaman and Nicobar telecom projects and Network for Spectrum project.

The BSNL Board has two nominees from the DoT and they would be apprised of the BSNL action and investment plan for the next fiscal to survive the hyper-competition in the sector, challenges, likely expenditure, market conditions and capex, network expansion included.

The PSU has already installed 4G network equipment but they may need some scale up in view of the expected roll out of the LTE based 4G services sometimes in the second half of the year.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is currently examining the BSNL 4G spectrum issue after DoT referred to it. The DoT has ensured a comfort letter for BSNL to avail Rs 3,500 crore working capital from banks for the maintenance of the networks.

The PSU had a tough time in disbursing its HR bill of Rs 850 crore in February -- the first time in its 18 years of formation -- due to late and reduced arrival of receivables.

The BSNL has at present three proposals pending for its revival with DoT -- its Rs 6,535 crore VRS proposals to bring down employees base from a huge 1.76 lakh crore and the funding of this would be done through 10-year bonds by government. The 4G spectrum issue is currently with the TRAI.

The other proposal is the monetisation of its land which will be decided by the Disinvestment Department of the Finance Ministry as DIPAM is the nodal centre of non-core asset monetisation across Ministries.

With 3G and 2G, BSNL was the only operator besides Jio which could add 9 lakh subscribers (in February) keeping full fledged 4G players like Airtel and Idea Vodafone behind.

The state carrier is facing financial pressure due to lack of full fledged 4G services and a huge workforce as also excessive competition unleased by lower tariffs from Reliance Jio which has affected the entire industry, with BSNL being no exception.

The PSU has 11.5 crore mobile users and has 9.7 per cent market share.

Tags : Industry, Vodafone, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Jio, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, avail, Airtel

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31-03-2019 Smt.Thrina Dohkrut,sr.TOA in circle office .& circle president.FNTO NE-1 shillong Retires today30th March .FNTO CHQ wishes a very Happy retainment life and best wishes to her and family – GSFNTO

30-03-2019 Corporate office issue letter on Procedure for maintaining waiting list for transfer Role-8-reg.Click here to view

29-03-2019 IDA raised by 2.6% i.e.from 138.8% to 141.4% w.e.f 01-04-2019.-K.Jaya Prakash GS (FNTO)

29-03-2019 News from DNA dated on 28 march 2019 Salary scare puts BSNL revival on fast-trackClick here to view

29-03-2019 News from Economic Times dated on 27 Mar, 2019, Hughes Communication bags Rs 40-crore BSNL contract for seven years Click here to view

29-03-2019 News from Economic times dated on 26 Mar, 2019, TRAI to start consultation on 4G spectrum allocation to BSNL, MTNL soonClick here to view

28-03-2019 Letter from Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare to DOT for revision of Pension of absorbed combined service pensioners of BSNL/MTNL from 01-01-2017Click here to view

27-03-2019.Letter to The General Manager (SR), for Deduction of salary for strike period from 18-02-2019 to 20-02-2019 Regarding.
Click here to view

23-03-2019 PMO advises DoT to help BSNL with wage bill till June.
The Prime Minister’s Office on Friday took stock of the telecom sector's financial position, including two ailing PSUS, and is learnt to have asked Department of Telecom to support BSNL, currently going through a huge financial crisis leading to salary default, till a new government takes over in June

IANS | March 22, 2019, 16:53 IST

New Delhi: The Prime Minister’s Office on Friday took stock of the telecom sector's financial position, including two ailing PSUS, and is learnt to have asked Department of Telecom to support BSNL, currently going through a huge financial crisis leading to salary default, till a new government takes over in June.

The time has been sought as the PSU may find it hard to get the revenues up and going for meeting a huge monthly wage bill of Rs 1,200 crore, sources said.

Sources said with polls around, the government does not want 1.76 lakh employees should face any salary issues. The BSNL's VRS scheme amounting to Rs 6,535 crore will be taken up by the new government. The Prime Minister’s Office, according to highly placed sources, has asked DoT to support and take care of BSNL's wage bill in whatever ways till July.

Last month DoT had helped BSNL to meet its salary bill after the state-run operator defaulted on salary in 19 years of its existence.

BSNL has a net loss of Rs 8,000 crore and its revenues have declined to around Rs 27,000 crore, underlining the tough times ahead in a market of extremely low data tariffs and free voice calls.

The PSU is also struggling as it does not have LTE 4G services for lack of spectrum and now DoT has referred the matter of its spectrum proposal to TRAI for consultation as PSUs don't bid for auction to get spectrum.

BSNL's wage bill is 70 per cent of its revenues and with dwindling service incomes it is extremely difficult for the ex-DOT service arm to keep floating.

The last month salary was paid by the PSU on March 15 to all, after it had paid in tranches to some circles and lower level staff.

Earlier this month the government gave BSNL a letter of comfort for raising working capital loans of Rs 3,500 crore for paying electricity bills and other network upkeep expenses such as towers.

BSNL's wage bill increases annually by 8 per cent and its revenues are stagnant.

The PMO's similar advice was on MTNL wage issues as well. MTNL has a monthly wage bill of Rs 200 crore stemming from its 23,000 employees. The DoT has been paying it since November under some service heads of previous payments.

In fiscal 2019, BSNL losses are expected to be over Rs 12,000 crore though in March, the financial position could be slightly better with realization of billing from the enterprise businesses than in February, according to DoT sources, though it could not be ascertained since the fiscal is yet to end.

22-03-2019 Letter from DOT to all Chief Secretaries of States and UTS not to disconnect electricity of Telecom Installations relating to BSNL.Click here to view

20-03-2019 NUBSNLW(FNTO) CHQ wishes a Happy Colourful Holi

20-03-2019 It is seen that a some of union leaders proposes to approach the court on the question of financial viability of BSNL and commitment of the govt to maintain it. They can not responded when the employees are crying for their duty performed Feb 2019 salaries. FNTO have its own strategy in this regard to approach the govt and do the needful. As the question of payment of wages is looming large and we are moving cautiously in the matter our leaders and members are requested to maintain absolute caution in this regard.

19-03-2019 Corporate office issued letter regarding the 19th all INDIA BSNL sports and cultural Tournament 2019-20 suspension regarding. Click here to view

15-03-2019 General Secretary is attending INTUC 2 days conference at Raipur

15-03-2019 Letter to CMD Regarding Framing BSNL’s own Recognition Rules for electing majority Unions of Non- Executive employees in BSNL- modification thereof –Reg Click here to view

15-03-2019 BSNL employees are like pollachi victims. They were offered revised pay with 15 percent fitment benefit ie like daughter in law of a big family with Innova car , farm house , jewelries etc but finally they were stripped off even with their salaries and allowances videographed and left in lurch with broken heart and torn clothes for 15 days without complaint. It is FNTO which registered their complaint with PM FM and opposition leader. Recognised unions and jcm leaders were helpless witness to the scenarios. Workers should be strong ,resolute and informed of who are their real Representatives and coming to their rescue at the need of the hour
Now it is the conscience of intelligent members to take a discretion which union is safe guarding their RIGHTS

K.Vallinayagam EX G.S FNTO

14-03-2019 As per bsnleu report Feb 19 salary is to be paid on 20th March but because of FNTO continued efforts its to be paid on 15th March .We took up the matter with Prime Minister, Finance Minister , and Shri. Rahul Gandhi opposition leader for immediate payment and via electronic media It is the " sole victory of FNTO
- jayaprakash GSFNTO

PTI News, BSNL salary payment tomorrow ****************

“PTI NEW DELHI 14 MARCH 2019 20:11 IST

“UPDATED: 14 MARCH 2019 20:11 IST

“BSNL has 1.76 lakh employees across India and MTNL has around 22,000.

“Public sector telecom firm BSNL will clear salaries of all employees for February month by Friday, its Chairman and Managing Director Anupam Shrivastava said on Thursday.

“ “BSNL will pay salary of all employees by tomorrow. We are thankful to telecom minister Manoj Sinha for his timely intervention to ensure that salaries of employees are paid at the earliest,” the BSNL CMD said.

“He said that revenue receipt of BSNL is usually higher in March and internal accruals have started flowing in.

“ “We expect total accruals of ₹2,700 crore in March of which ₹850 crore will be used for salary disbursement,” Mr. Shrivastava said.

“He said that BSNL is the only player, apart from Reliance Jio, which is adding new subscribers that has lead to higher revenue accruals.

“Minister took lead and directly monitored situation to resolve the crisis. I am also thankful to BSNL employees who ensured that the services are running,” Mr. Shrivastava said.

“We will serve letter of comfort to bank tomorrow following which they will start processing amount of ₹3,500 crore to working capital requirement of BSNL,” Mr. Shrivastava said.

He said that with support of DoT there will be no delay in salary disbursement in coming months.

Telecom PSUs BSNL and MTNL are facing troubles in clearing workers’ salaries for February month.

An official had told PTI on Wednesday that the DOT had released pending dues of â‚ą171 crore to cash-strapped MTNL for paying February salaries to employees.

BSNL has 1.76 lakh employees across India and MTNL has around 22,000. It is estimated that 16,000 MTNL employees and 50 per cent of BSNL employees will retire in the next 5-6 years.

12-03-2019 When the salary for February is not disbursed since two weeks both the recognised unions are missing from the scenario. Workers are at boiling point and leaders in national jcm are missing.
He said that DoT helped BSNL with Presidential Sanction to meet working capital of the company and a letter of comfort for the same was issued to the company on Wednesday.

12-03-2019 बीएसएनएल श्रमिकों की स्थिति

12-03-2019 Income Tax Exemption Notification on Gratuity received upto 20 lakhs. Click here to view

12-03-2019 Corporate office issue letter on Issue of Superannuation Benefits of directly Recruited Employees of BSNL-review thereof. Click here to view

12-03-2019 General Secretary Shri.K.Jayaprakash along with Shri.Mohinder Singh O.S CHQ & C.S NTR New Delhi personally submitted a Memorandum to P.M.(O) & Shri Rahul Gandhi AICC President office ,Shri.G.Sanjeeva Reddy President INTUC and MoS(C), Secretary DOT at Sanchar Bhawan regarding delay in payment of February 2019 salaries to BSNL Executives & non Executives

11-03-2019:-Letter to Shri.Rahul Gandhi ji (President All India Congress Committee) regarding Immediate intervention to save BSNL from malice intention of BJP Government with ulterior motive.Click here to view

11-03-2019:-Letter to Shri.Narendra Modi ji (Prime minister) regarding Request for revival of BSNL and to safeguard the interest of families of two lakh BSNL employees. Click here to view

11-03-2019:-Letter to Shri.Arun Jaitely ji (Finance minister) regarding Request for revival of BSNL and to safeguard the interest of families of two lakh BSNL employees. Click here to view

09-03-2019:- Our Sr.Leader Shri.K.Vallinayagam EX GS(FNTO) has taken up the issue of NON payment of salary for Feb-2019 through Twitter to Honorable Prime Minister ,Finance Minister and opposition Leader Honorable Rahul Gandhi ji request to their immediate intervention to settle the issue without further delay.
K.Jayaprakash GS (FNTO)

08-03-2019:- Corporate office issued letter on Holding of limited internal competitive Examination (LICE) promotion for Group â€C’ employees to grade of" Junior Telecom Officer(Telecom){JTO(T)) in under BSNL 50% quota for VY 2016-17,held on 20-01-2019 ___Declaration of merit List Reg. Click here to view

08-03-2019:- Corporate office issued letter on 07-03-2019 BSNL Employees/Staff loan account overdue & NPA account. Click here to view

08-03-2019:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wishes a Happy International Womens Day.

07-03-2019:- Corporate office issued letter on Special concessions to Central Govt. Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached /subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central of Central Govt.Click here to view

07-03-2019:- All the circle secretaries are requested to submit a memorandum to Chief Minister detailing BSNL Employees are not paid pay & Allowances of Feb 2019 till today requesting to intervention Honorable P.M for necessary instructions to MOS(C)/ DOT/BSNL Management.

06-03-2019:-Letter to Shri.Anupam Shriwastava CMD, BSNL for Abnormal delay in disbursement of Feb 19 salaries of Employees reg. Click here to view

02-03-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Maintenance of services and office discipline in view of three days strike from 18-02-2019 by Unions and Associations .Click here to view

02-03-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Maintenance of reservation registers and roster registers SSAs(Districts)/Circles/BSNL co-reg.Click here to view

28-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Deduction of TDS on payment of Encashment of Half Pay Leave (HPL) against shortfall in Earned Leave (EL) of 300 days on retirement.Click here to view

27-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) {JTO(T)} in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2017-18 for vacancies {For working eligible BSNL employees only}.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

26-02-2019:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Allotment of fund for disbursement of salaries and refund of deductions thereof. Click here to view

23-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Technician (erst-while Telecom Mechanic) for the Recruitment year 2018 ----Approval thereof. Click here to view

22-02-2019:- Shri C.S Santhanakrishnan, Senior leader of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Tamil Nadu Circle, passed away at Chennai this Morning (22-02-2019). CHQ express deep condolence and pray God that his family to bear with this loss.

22-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding review of result of failed SC/ST candidates in LICEs. Click here to view

22-02-2019:-Strike Reaction.Click here to viewClick here to view

20-02-2019:-Letter from Corporate office to Shri C.Singh, General Secretary ,NFTE BSNLClick here to view

20-02-2019:-Letter from Corporate office to Shri K.Sebastin, General Secretary,SNEA Click here to view

20-02-2019:-Letter from Corporate office to Shri S.Sivakumar,President,AIBSNLEA Click here to view

18-02-2019:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, OS CHQ & C/S NTR New Delhi met with Director (HR) & GM (SR) and discussed about present situation and requested to consider the Wage revision with 10% and also requested to call AUAB leaders for discussions.
They explained that present situation is not permitting to the Management to give any assurance. It will be looked into after DCC meeting only. They sticked on 5% Fitment if the strike is called off.
Management requested our union to withdraw the Agitation.
Keeping in view the DoT/BSNL Management assurances and also in the interest of BSNL, CHQ reviewed and decided not to continue the Agitation further.
18-02-2019:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, OS CHQ & C/S NTR New Delhi met with Director (HR) & GM (SR) and discussed about present situation and requested to consider the Wage revision with 10% and also requested to call AUAB leaders for discussions.
They explained that present situation is not permitting to the Management to give any assurance. It will be looked into after DCC meeting only. They sticked on 5% Fitment if the strike is called off.
Management requested our union to withdraw the Agitation.
Keeping in view the DoT/BSNL Management assurances and also in the interest of BSNL, CHQ reviewed and decided not to continue the Agitation further.

18-02-2019:-Agitational Notice on 01-02-2019.Click here to view

18-02-2019:- Government assures BSNL Management and representatives of the unions and associations of BSNL to support their reasonable demands. Press Information Bureau Government of India, Ministry of Communications.Click here to view

18-02-2019:-Letter from DoT on Notice for agitational programme by All Unions & Associations of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.Click here to view

18-02-2019:-Letter from Advisor, DoT Rajasthan LSA on 3 days strike.Click here to view

18-02-2019:-Letter from Corporate office on Agitation Programme by All Unions & Associations of BSNL.Click here to view

18-02-2019:-Letter to CMD, BSNL on agitational programme.Click here to view

14-02-2019:-Appeal received from Corporate office on our Agitation Programme.Click here to view

15-02-2019:-Appeal from Corporate office on Agitation Programme.Click here to view

14-02-2019:-Appeal received from Corporate office on our Agitation Programme.Click here to view

14-02-2019:- Shri Surendra Kumar, Senior member of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Chapra, Bihar expired on 09-02-2019. CHQ express deep condolence and pray God that his family to bear with this loss.

14-02-2019:- General Secretaries of NUBSNLW (FNTO), & BTEU (BSNL BMS) written a letter regarding issues relating to Rules for recognition of Unions.Click here to view

14-02-2019:- General Secretaries of TOA (BSNL BMS), NUBSNLW (FNTO), & BTEU (BSNL BMS) serve Notice for agitational programme in BSNL on implementation of 3rd PRC and other issues-reg.Click here to view

13-02-2019:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, OS CHQ & C/S NTR New Delhi met with Shri G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC, submitted a memorandum on settlement of 3rd wage revision, Pension revision, Allotment of 4G Spectrum etc requested to take up the matter with Prime Minister of India. He listens patiently and assured to meet with Prime Minister and he promised to settle wage revision as early as possible.

14-02-2019:- List of CHQ Office Bearers elected in 5th All India Conference held at Hyderabad.Click here to view

13-02-2019:- Today Smt. Sujatha Ray, Director (HR) called Shri K. Jayaprakash, General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri R. C. Pandey, General Secretary, BTEU BSNL and Shri Anil Tiwari General Secretary, TOA BSNL to discuss about the Agitational notice issued by our Unions on 01-02-2019.
She discussed issues.
1. Regarding settlement of 3rd Wage Revision. She informed Minister/Secretary DOT are pursuing the matter and within a day or two, the issue will be settled.
2. Regarding Pension Revision she informed a CAT Hyderabad Judgment came today. Implementation of Pension Revision at par with CPC with 5% DOT is pursuing the matter of pensioners.
3. Regarding Allotment of 4G Spectrum the file is sent to intra Ministerial Committee for clearance of TRAI.
4. Regarding Remit all out of account recoveries to Bank, Societies etc, she assured to remit as early as possible.
At last she appealed to withdraw the Agitational notice in the interest of BSNL financial situation.

13-02-2019:- Today Shri K. Jayaprakash, General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri R. C. Pandey, General Secretary, BTEU BSNL, Shri Anil Tiwari General Secretary, TOA BSNL and Shri Mohinder Singh, OS CHQ New Delhi met with Shri A. M. Gupta, GM (SR) on his request after long discussions he appealed to withdraw the Agitational notice and co-operate with the Management to safe guard the BSNL. He is sending a appeal in this regard.
As regard news published in The Times of India (Mumbai Edition) as Govt. tells BSNL to look at option, including closure, The Management has condemned the same.

13-02-2019:- General Secretaries of NUBSNLW (FNTO), BTEU (BSNL BMS) & TOA (BSNL BMS) serve Notice for agitational programme urging settlement of 3rd pay revision for BSNL employees & other issues-reg.Click here to view

11-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Engineer(JE) under 50% quota for RY 2017-Change in Schedule.Click here to view

05-02-2019:- 5th All India Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) concluded on 04-02-2019 at 16.30 hours. S/Shri Thomas John K, K. Jayaprakash and B.C. Pathak were elected as President, General Secretary and Financial Secretary.

05-02-2019:- Open session of 5th All India Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) on 03.02.2019:- On the occasion of 5th All India Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) a seminar was conducted under the President ship of Shri Thomas John K. S/Shri G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, opposition Congress party leader, Dasoju Sravan, Spokes Person AICC, Obedulla Kothwal, DCC President Mahaboob Nagar, Mallu Ravi, Ex. MP & C. Singh, GS NFTE BSNL, R. C. Pandey, G.S., BTEU, Anil Tiwari, GS BSNLTOA, SVS Subramaniam, SG ITEF BSNL, Suresh Kumar, GS., BSNL MS, Kabeer Das, G.S., BSNLOA, Padmanabha Rao, AGS. SNEA, Srinivas Reddy, AGS., AIBSNLEA, Anil Kumar, President, BSNL ATM attended and addressed the meeting. Circle Secretaries of NFTE-BSNL., AIBSNLEA and SNEA participated in the meeting.

02-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for implementation of wages to Casual Labour/TSM through ERP in single Company code regime.Click here to view

02-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Recruitment for the post of “Direct Junior Accounts Officers (JAO) in BSNL from open market through online competitive examinations-2017-Declaration of 2nd Merit list/result for left out vacancies thereof.Click here to view

02-02-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Recruitment of “Graduate Engineers to the post of Junior Telecom Officer (Civil & Electrical) [JTO (Civil) & JTO (Elect.)]” in BSNL from open market through GATE Score-2019 under Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for SC, ST & OBC candidates.Click here to view

01-02-2019:- General Secretaries of NUBSNLW (FNTO), BTEU (BSNL BMS) & TOA (BSNL BMS) serve Notice for agitational programme urging settlement of 3rd pay revision for BSNL employees & other issues-reg.Click here to view

30-01-2019:- Shri P. K. Purwar, CMD, MTNL has been selected by PSEB as the next CMD of BSNL. NUBSNLW (FNTO) Congratulates Shri P. K. Purwar Ji.Click here to view

29-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Information in request of casual labourers who had been conferred Temporary Status on or before 30-09-2000 and who have been appointed subsequently as Telecom Mechanic in BSNL.Click here to view

29-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Management Trainee (MTs) (INTERNAL) of Telecom Operations in BSNL-postponement of last date of registration.Click here to view

26-01-2019:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy Republic Day.

25-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding HR Intergration of Finance wing of BSNL CO, New Delhi with Personnel Wing.Click here to view

24-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Launch of New Plans/Offers by CFA wing of BSNL.Click here to view

23-01-2019:-All the Delegates, District/ Branch/ Circle secretaries, Advisors, Activists, and CHQ office bearers please note the route map to All India Conference Hall at Hyderabad on 2nd to 4th February-2019.
Whoever getting down at Secunderabad station catch the Local train( Suberban/ MMTS train) on other platform same station going towards FALAKNUMA Station get down at ARTS COLLAGE Station (2nd stop from Secunderabad within 10 minutes).
Whoever getting down at Kacheguda Railway Station catch the Local/ MMTS train going towards Secunderabad on the other platform in the same station get down at ARTS COLLAGE station (3rd stop from Kacheguda station).
Our team will receive you to drop at AIC Hall.
Please take care of Cold/ Health.-K. Jayaprakash-GS

19-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of JTO(T) under 50% Quota(VY:2017-18).Click here to view

18-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Change of designation of Non Executive Employees in BSNL.Click here to view

17-01-2019:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Release of funds for payment/re-imbursement of medical bills to working employees of BSNL. Click here to view

17-01-2019:-Letter to CMD, BSNL regarding Allotment of fund for disbursement of salaries and deductions thereof. Click here to view

15-01-2019:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) Wishes you all a very happy Pongal.

14-01-2019:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) Wishes you all a very happy Makar Sankranti.

11-01-2019:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi Met with Shri P. Abhimanyu , GS BSNLEU, Shri C. Singh, GS NFTE BSNL, Shri N.D.Ram, GS SEWA BSNL, Shri R.C.Pandey, GS BTEU, Shri Tiwari, GS TOA(BSNL) requested to attend 5th All India Conference at Hyderabad on 03-02-2019 at 16.00 hrs.

10-01-2019:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi Met with CMD/GM(SR)/GM(Admn) BSNL Corporate Office requested to attend 5th All India Conference at Hyderabad. They responded positively and agree to print their name in the invitation card.

09-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Settlement of issue related to reduction in pay in the revised pay scale in respect of Non-executive employees (other than TTAs) appointed between 01-01-2007 and 07-05-2010 as compared to their pay in the pre-revised pay scales.Click here to view

09-01-2019:- CWC Meeting of NUBSNLW (FNTO) at Hyderabad on 02-02-2019.Click here to view

09-01-2019:- Shri B.C.Pathak, Finacial Secrtary and Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Delhi participated in Rally/Meeting of Central Trade Unions conducted at Jantar Mantar New Delhi.

08-01-2019:- Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders w.e.f.01.01.2019.Click here to view

08-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Engineer (JE) under 50% quota for RY 2017.Click here to view

08-01-2019:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Strike notice served by all Unions & Associations of BSNL (AUAB) against the management of BSNL to go on strike w.e.f.03-12-2018-status regarding issues pertaining to pension section.Click here to view

07-01-2019:- All the Circle Secretaries are requested to support the Central Trade Unions proposed 2 days strike on 8th & 9th January-2019.Click here to view

03-01-2019:- Message from Director (HR) on New Years Day.Click here to view

01-01-2019:- Notice for All India Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) to be held at Hyderabad on 3rd & 4th February-2019. Click here to view

01-01-2019:- Letter to CMD BSNL, Request for grant of special casual leave to the Delegates attending Seminar on 4th February-2019-reg. Click here to view

31-12-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy New Year-2019.

31-12-2018:-I.D.A. increased by 3.2% from the present 135.6%. The total IDA will be 138.8% with effect from 01-01-2019.

31-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Austerity Measures.Click here to view

29-12-2018:- DoT letter to BSNL for proposal of revision of pay of Board level and below Board level executives of BSNL under 3rd PRC, and reduced retirement age as 58 years instead of 60 years. Click here to view

29-12-2018:- All the Circle Secretaries are requested to support the Central Trade Unions proposed 2 days strike on 8th & 9th January-2019.Click here to view

27-12-2018:-Today General Secretary proceeding to Chennai to attend retirement function of Shri Perumal, President SEWA BSNL on 28-12-2018. And General Secretary will attend a meeting of NUBSNLW (FNTO) in the evening at Chennai. Again General Secretary will attend a meeting at Bangalore on 29-12-2018.

26-12-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash met with Shri G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC at Hyderabad and requested to attend the 5th All India Conference at Hyderabad Open Session on 3rd Feb-2019. He accepted the invitation & he confirmed that he will attend the All India Conference. - K. Jayaprakash, GS

24-12-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) Wish you and your family a very happy Christmas.

22-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Internal candidates to various cadres-regarding providing computer based online examination training to Group C & D aspiring candidates thereof.....Click here to view

22-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding LICE for promotion to the grade of JE (Erstwhile TTA) under 50% quota for the recruitment Year 2016 held on 28-01-2018--omission and commission in result.Click here to view

22-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding The proposal of M/s Ernst & Young LLP, Gurugram, Haryana, India, regarding BSNL Exchange Monetization.Click here to view

22-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding LICE for promotion to the grade of JE (Erstwhile TTA) under 50% quota for recruitment Year 2016 held on 28-01-2018--review of failed SC & ST candidate.Click here to view

19-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Reimbursement of Employees Cost of BSNL employees deputed in CCAs/TERM Cell.Click here to view

19-12-2018:-Shri K. Jayaprakash, General Secretary & Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Delhi met with Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL discussed about the 3rd Wage negotiations and Stopage of payment of GPF/EPF/Bank EMIs & Society recoveries. CMD assured. The proposal of 3rd wage negotiation is in progress moving. Positive way may be within a 2 months, this issue will be cleared. Regarding payment of GPF/EPF/Bank EMIs & Society recoveries will be paid very shortly.
General Secretary requested CMD to attend the 5th All India Conference at Hyderabad, he responded positively.

19-12-2018:-Letter to CMD, BSNL regarding Allotment of fund for disbursement of salaries and deductions thereof.Click here to view

19-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Online LICE for Junior Engineer (JE) under 50% quota for Recruitment Year: 2017 for vacancies up to 31-03-2018 (Revised).Click here to view

18-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICEs) for promotion of group C employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) [JTO(T)] in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2016-17 for vacancies [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. Click here to view

15-12-2018:-FNTO Condemed the unlawful detention of Shri P. K. Singh, D.E.(Admin)BSNL Dumka.
In this regard our Circle Secretary Shri C. D. Prasad approached the Police to release the officer immediately and he request the CGM Jharkhand to react immediately to release the officer.

11-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Recruitment of Management Trainee (Telecom Operations) in BSNL from External Candidates.Click here to view

11-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Recruitment of Management Trainee (Telecom Operations) in BSNL from Internal Candidates.Click here to view

07-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of LICE JTO(T) scheduled on 20-01-2019---Imparting pre-exam training to SC/ST/Minorities candidates.Click here to view

07-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of voluntary Group Term Insurance Scheme for the BSNL Executives-Calling of options.Click here to view

07-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Merger of Telecom Stores with West Bengal Circle at Kolkata.Click here to view

07-12-2018:-Corporate office issued Sanction for payment of adhoc Welfare Grant for the year 2018-19.Click here to view

4-12-2018:-FNTO's stand on strike vindicated. STRIKE CALLED OFF UNCONDITIONALLY. The BSNLEU and others called for indefinite strike from 3rd December-2018. They misguided the workers stating that because of the affordability clause BSNL Non executive will not get THEIR wage revision. This was a misleading propaganda. For the wage revision of non executives, a joint committee of BSNL administration and staff side was already formed with the approval of Govt. of India. They had a series of sittings and discussions on wage revision. If the affordability clause was applicable to the wage revision of non executives, the government should not have formed a wage revision committee at all. According to ID Act, the wage revision of non executives is settled through mutual discussion between the staff side and Management. Once an agreement is signed it is not questionable and the Management has to implement it. Though the CMD had committed in writing to give 15% fitment, the BSNLEU led staff side has placed the lowest quotation of 11% fitment and as demanded by the staff side the official side agreed to it. Instead of concluding and signing the agreement they gave strike notice with hidden agenda given as below;-

1. They wanted to help their masters the Executives union, as their wage revision was held up due to the affordability clause.

2. They wanted to delay wage revision till membership verification.

NUBSNLW (FNTO) was against mixing the wage revision of non executives & executives fearing affordability clause may made applicable of for both by the Govt. resulting losing wage revision forever. Now the letter given by DOT has clearly directed the CMD to complete and conclude the wage revision of NON EXECUTIVES, clarifying that removing the affordability clause for executives will be dealt separately. When this was the stand of DOT, why they instigate the workers for a strike? We are not against the wage revision of Executives. We can give solidarity support them once the wage revision of non –executives are settled. There is no justification of mixing the wage revision of both, as executive scales are common for all PSUs and can be settled only by DPE guidelines.

The strikers wanted to cheat the workers without disclosing the real agenda. But they are fully exposed. FNTO's STAND VINDICATED. Thomas John K. PRESIDENT.

04-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICEs) for promotion of group C employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) [JTO(T)] in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2016-17 for vacancies [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. Vetting of the vacancies.Click here to view

01-12-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of group C employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer(Telecom) [JTO(T)] in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2016-17 for vacancies [For working eligible BSNL employees only].Click here to view

01-12-2018:-CHQ extend sincere thanks to all participants in Lunch hour demonstration and hope that your cooperation will remain. G.S. NUBSNLW (FNTO).

29-11-2018:-S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, G.S. NUBSNLW (FNTO), & R. C. Pandey, G.S. BTEU BSNL BMS met Shri Saket Kumar, IAS., PS TO Hon'ble MOS(C) & Shri Anand Kumar, OSD to Hon'ble MOS( C) in Sanchar Bhawan on 29-11-2018 and discussed several issues relating to implementation of 3rd PRC etc. The following is the gist of the discussions held.

1. 3rd PRC implementation- It is intimated that the reply from the BSNL to DOT queries is received and action is being taken to send Cabinet Note for approval 2. Pension Contribution-much progress on this issue Member Services, Mmber Finance are positive.

3. Revision of Pension for retirees- On this issue also the DoT has taken a sympathetic view and an early outcome is expected.

4. Allocation of 4 G Spectrum- The Note for consideration of the Cabinet through the Interministerial Group is already moved by the DoT.

Both the above officers have appealed to the GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) & GS, BTEU BSNL to desist from any Agitational Path at this juncture in view of the positive development and also in the interest of the BSNL.

29-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Compliance of Minimum Wages payable to Casual Labourers working in BSNL.Click here to view

29-11-2018:-Appeal received from Corporate office on our Agitation Programme. Click here to view

28-11-2018:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri S. P. Pandey, GS BTEU (BSNL) met with GM (SR) on his invitations for discussion of our Agitational Programme. GM (SR) appealed to withdraw the Agitations in the interest of BSNL Financial Position.
We opposed request and informed we will continue our programme upto 1st December-2018 (Lunch hours demonstration programme) as per our notice.

28-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Steno Grade D to the grade of PA (Personal Assistant) in BSNL corporate office.Click here to view

28-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Information in request of casual labourers who had been conferred Temporary Status on or before 30-09-2000 and who have been appointed subsequently as Telecom Mechanic in BSNL.Click here to view

28-11-2018:-Corporate office issued Sanction regarding Final Circle Sports Grant for the year 2018-19.Click here to view

28-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Avoidance of damage/cable cut/cable theft of optical Fiber Cables/Copper Cable.Click here to view

28-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Data profiling of Casual Labourers/Temporary Status Mazdoors working in field units of BSNL.Click here to view

27-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Capitalization of amount under the head"Repairs & Maintenanc" of Building, Staff Quarters & Guest Houses/Inspection Quarters.Click here to view

27-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Extension of CGHS facility to retired BSNL employees.Click here to view

27-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Internal Candidates…… Regarding providing computer based online examination training to Group C & D. Click here to view

26-11-2018:- Today at 5.30 PM FNTO, BTEU BSNL & TOA BSNL organize a Candle show Programme at Corporate office, nearly 80 members attended. S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, M.R.Vashisht, B.C.Pathak, Mohinder Singh, A.K.Mishra, Ved Prakash, Tej Ram & Tiwari, GS TOABSNL and other members also attended.

26-11-2018:- Today at 6.00 PM Candle show Programme Conducted at Chennai Telephones at Chennai under the Leadership of Shri S. Lingamurthy, Circle Secretary, Chennai Telephones.

26-11-2018 Shri.Mohinder Singh Circle Secretary FNTO NTR Delhi Retires on 30th November .FNTO CHQ wishes a very Happy retainment life and best wishes to his and his family – GSFNTO

22-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer .Click here to view

22-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Restructuring and re-distribution of Hindi Cadre Posts in BSNL.Click here to view

20-11-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Id-e-Milad.

20-11-2018:- General Secretaries of NUBSNLW (FNTO), BTEU (BSNL BMS) & TOA (BSNL BMS) met at FNTO office T-16 Atul Grove Road and discussed about indefinite strike call given by AUAB.

General Secretaries feel that the Non-executive Wage negotiations are in progress almost. 7 rounds of meetings over and also agreement reached on New Pay Scales, issue is pending only on Allowances i.e. HRA.

Since one month the recognized unions are not discussing this issue keeping pending of Negotiations on wage revision of Non-executives, they are given an indefinite strike notice without consulting any other unions more than 30 Unions & Associations are registered in BSNL. Only 9 Unions & Associations served the notice for indefinite strike in the name of AUAB.

After serving the notice they send an appeal through mail. We feel it is only blame game.

So we decided to conduct a Candle show from 26th November and Lunch hour demonstration at Corporate office, Circle & SSA Heads on 01-12-2018, after the 1st programme again we sit and decide the further agitational programme.

I request all the Circle/District Secretaries to make the programme grand success.
Click here to view

20-11-2018:-Proposal for revision of pay of Board level and below Board level executives of BSNL under 3rd PRC w.e.f. 01-01-2017. Click here to view

19-11-2018:-Reply to AUAB in connection with his appeal.Click here to view

19-11-2018:-Appeal received from AUAB in connection with Indefinite Strike w.e.f.03-12-2018.Click here to view

16-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Outstanding claims pending in respect of medical bills.Click here to view

16-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Telecom Officer(Telecom)under 50% quota notified on 30-10-2018--Notification issued on 30-10-2018.Click here to view

15-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Extension of Payment of Gratuity to Casual Labourers in BSNL.Click here to view

13-11-2018:-Request of additional result from waiting list against vacancy for DRJAO 2017 Quota reg….Click here to view

13-11-2018:-Corporate office issued guidelines for forwarding of applications of BSNL employees for outside Direct Employment--regarding.Click here to view

13-11-2018:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash at CHQ

12-11-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Internal Candidates…… Regarding providing computer based online examination training to Group C & D aspiring candidates thereof…...Click here to view

12-11-2018:-Examination/Recruitment Calendar of BSNL (2018-19).Click here to view

06-11-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Diwali.

06-11-2018:-Dear friends, NUBSNLW(FNTO) is not participating in AUAB agitational programme on 14-11-2018.

01-11-2018:-Today Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Circle conducted a activist meeting at Hotel Mahaveer Hyderabad to review the progress of 5th All India Conference in February 3rd & 4th 2019. Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, Shri S. Lingamurthy, JGS, C/S Chennai Telephones, Shri Thirusangu, O.S, Shri T. Saibaba O.S, Shri Ch. Venkateswarlu, C/S A. P. Circle and Shri M.D. Rafeeq, C/S, Telangana. Shri J. Sudhakar Circle President Telangana addressed. Reception committee formed.Shri M. D. Rafeeq, C/S elected as GS of Reception committee for All India Conference. Shri S. Lingamurthy announce Rs. One Lakh Donation from Chennai Telephones Circle for All India Conference. Telangana & Andhra Circles thanked Shri S. Lingamurthy Ji for his cooperation.

01-11-2018:-Letter to Director (HR)BSNL regarding Release of funds for payment/reimbursement to working/retired BSNL employees.Click here to view

31-10-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Telecom Officer(Telecom)under 50% quota for VY 2016-17 & 2017-18 for vacancies upto 31-03-2018.Click here to view

30-10-2018:-Corporate office issued Clarification regarding preparation of Circle Gradation List/All India Eligibility List in the Cadre of JTO(T).Click here to view

30-10-2018:-Corporate office issued reminder regarding Data profiling of Casual Labourers/Temporary Status Mazdoors working in field units of BSNL.Click here to view

30-10-2018:- Sr.Leader Shri D. Durgaprasad, District Secretary,NUBSNLW (FNTO)Vijayanagaram, A.P.Circle expired on 28th October-2018 at Vijayanagaram. He was a committed leader of NUBSNLW (FNTO) since appointment. CHQ express deep condolence and pray God that his family to bear with this loss.

26-10-2018:-Agitation with hidden Agenda of Recognised Unions.

After proposing and agreeing the lowest quotation of Wage Revision (11.17%) for the BSNL Employees, again those unions have called for Dharna/Rallies on 29/30-10-2018, without proper cause or reasons. In order to confuse the FNTO workers it is also published that their leaders are meeting FNTO to convince us to join the agitation. It is hereby clarified that there was no such meeting and for the time being FNTO is not joining the proposed agitations.

It is not FNTO’s culture to go on agitation including strike when the talks are in progress. Recognised Unions have accepted the proposal of pay scales unconditionally and demand of the unions for allowances is not known.

There is no break in talks on allowances. Unions should workout additional expenses for HRA, Transport allowance etc. and challenge Management’s. Claim of additional expenses.

In addition to above FNTO’s opinion that without doing all these exercise going on strike is not advisable. It is political decision and as such we are not inclined to join this agitation including strike.

24-10-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Request for declaration of additional result from waiting list against vacancy for DR JAO 2Ol7. Click here to view

23-10-2018:-5th All India Conference of our union NUBSNLW (FNTO) will be held at Hyderabad on 3rd & 4th February-2019. All the CHQ office bearers ,Circle Secretaries , District Secretaries and Branch Secretaries are requested to conduct the meetings to elect Delegates and book the tickets along with you. It is also requested to forward the list of Delegates to CHQ / Reception committee Hyderabad –K. Jayaprakash, General Secretary

22-10-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Payment of Dearness allowance (DA) to Casual Labourers {including TSMs} to draw their wages in terms of letter No.269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE dated 01-01-2010.Click here to view

22-10-2018:-Letter to Director (HR)BSNL regarding Release of funds for payment/reimbursement to retired employees of BSNL. Request thereof.Click here to view

18-10-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Dussehra.

15-10-2018:-Shri K. Jayaprakash, General Secretary attended the Circle Working Committee meeting of Telangana Circle at Hyderabad on 14th October-2018.

15-10-2018:- Corporate office issued Clarification on dependency of Parents of BSNL employees under BSNLMRS.Click here to view

15-10-2018:- Corporate office issued Clarification on reimbursement of expenditure incurred on daycare procedures.Click here to view

15-10-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding “Active Festival Season” campaign by BSNL employees.Click here to view

11-10-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Supply of data on age profile of BSNL employees on monthly basis.Click here to view

11-10-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Data of candidates who got minimum qualifying marks in JAO Part-II LICE against 40% quota but not promoted due to not coming in the merit.Click here to view

10-10-2018:- Corporate office issued Clarification regarding assigning Recruitment year for different exams in the cadre of JTO(T) with reference to BSNL CO. letter no. 5-6/2014/Estt-IV dated 16-04-2014.Click here to view

10-10-2018:- Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders w.e.f.01.10.2018.Click here to view

09-10-2018:- FLASH NEWS. It is learnt that Joint Committee of Wage Revision meeting held today.Discussions held but in the matter of allowances no outcome.
The meeting deferred. Next date is yet to be decided.

05-10-2018:-Message from CMD BSNL.Click here to view

05-10-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi and Shri Ashok Kumar-II, District Secretary Dumka, SSA Jharkhand met with Shri H. C. Pant, Chairman 3rd wage revision committee and requested to settle 3rd wage revision with 15% Fitment and other issues like Pension & HRA etc immediately.

05-10-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi and Shri Ashok Kumar-II, District Secretary Dumka, SSA Jharkhand met with GM (SR) requested to early Finalisation of 3rd PRC and connected issues immediately.

05-10-2018:- For kind attention of recognized unions & Negotiation Commiittee. In the last round of discussion it is observed that the recognized unions have accepted the pay scales offered by the BSNL with a slight modification in the maximum pay of NE-4 and NE-5. The next round of discussion is stated to be for allowances. Thus it is clear that the recognized unions have closed the pay chapter without any decision, discussion on negotiation on the following issues. In order to avoid further problems while fixing the pay of BSNL employees, these issues are to be discussed in detail and decisions taken before starting negotiation for revision of allowances. Will they do it?
Issues to be discussed
1) How to fix the pay as on 01.01.2017 in the new pay scale?
a) Percentage of fitment benefit in clear terms.
b) Rounding off of Pay after giving fitment benefit.
2) What is the fitment to be given on promotion. For Central scale 3% increment is given besides grade pay. BSNL has no grade pay. Then what is the extra benefit given on promotion? Our proposal is for 5% benefit.
3) What about upgradation of the pay scales of Sr. TOA. Why it was not discussed? Whether decision of the JCM (DC) of DOT will be implemented or not. It may be noted that the other decision of revision of pay scale of TTAs was implemented form 01.10.2000 itself.
4) If the fitment benefit is not committed in the agreement it will affect the pension revision also. So it is very much necessary to specify in the agreement.
5) Pension contribution as per FR 116 also should be insisted as for the ITS officers working in BSNL on deputation it is given for the actual pay only. There should be no discrimination and also no violation of statutory rule i.e.FR116.
6) The cost of this revision in all aspects should be discussed transparently by the staff side with the official side. Detailed calculation sheet should be placed for discussion. FNTO has already given a calculation sheet of additional cost and also savings of salary and pension contribution on account of retirement in the year 2017. More than 42000 employees are likely to be retired from 2018 to 2020. The cost savings on account of these retirements also needs to be discussed in detail in the committee. Net expenditure will be far less.

05-10-2018 : DPE orders on IDA increase w.e.f. 01-10-2018.Click here to view

04-10-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi met with Shri G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC and requested to arrange a Meeting with MOC for early settlement of 3rd Wage revision

04-10-2018:-Message from Sr. GM (Estt.).Click here to view

04-10-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Data profiling of Casual Labourers/Temporary Status Mazdoors working in field units of BSNL.Click here to view

04-10-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Online LICE for Junior Engineer(JE) under 50% quota for Recruitment year:2017 for vacancies up to 31-03-2018.Click here to view

04-10-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Contribution under Superannuation Pension Scheme for directly recruited employees who are on deputation in other organization/department.Click here to view

04-10-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Outsuorcing of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) activities of passive infra along with Sales and Marketing (S&M) of BSNL Non-collocated BTS sites.Click here to view

04-10-2018:-Review of JE LICE 50% quota result:-Click here to view

03-10-2018:-ON 28-09-2018, the DCC President handed over letter as Mandalam President, Congress Committee, Kozhoncherry to Shri Thomas John K. and on 02-10-2018 Reception was given to him on assumption of charge of Congress Mandalam President, Kozhoncherry.
NUBSNLW (FNTO) Congratulates to him on assumption of the charge and wish him all the success in his Assignment.

03-10-2018:-Message from Director(HR).Click here to view

03-10-2018:-CHQ write to CMD BSNL for payment of Bonus.Click here to view

03-10-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Change of Designation of major cadres of Non-Executives in BSNL-Guidelines.Click here to view

03-10-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Bifurcation of erstwhile AP Circle-review of facilities to JTOs and below level grade(non-executives) transferred from Hyderabad to Circle Office, Vijayawada, AP Circle.Click here to view

01-10-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy BSNL Foundation Day.

29-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Recruitment for the post of DR Junior Accounts Officer in BSNL from open market through on line competitive examination held on 5th and 6th Nov 2017.Click here to view

28-09-2018:-I.D.A. increased by 7.6% from the present 128%. The total IDA will be 135.6% with effect from 01-10-2018.

28-09-2018:- FLASH NEWS. It is learnt that Joint Committee of Wage Revision held today with no out come. Next meeting will be held on 09-10-2018

28-09-2018:- Letter to Director (HR) regarding Discrepancies in LICE JE (Erstwhile TTA)Exam held on 28-01-2018.Click here to view

27-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Online LICE for JTO (T) under 50% quota for VY: 2016-17 and VY: 2017-18 for vacancies up to 31-03-2018.Click here to view

27-09-2018:-Ulta Chor Kotwal ko dante!

The BSNL workers by now realized that the wage negotiations are conducting by the chief negotiator the BSNLEU half hearty colliding with the BSNL administration and there is every possibility of ditching them as done in the last wage revision. The BSNLEU is so desperate that, they started abusing the FNTO that we are exploiting the anxiety of the employees by spreading lies and slanders. No, we are saying the truth and we will exposé there under hand dealing in front of the workers. Don’t underestimate the workers, they are intelligent, fouling them will back fire.

Com.P.Abimanayu, GS, BSNLEU confirmed that, in the meeting held with CMD BSNL on 09-08-2018 he was quoting the DPE letter dated 03-08-2017, according to which the BSNL Employees are not eligible for wage revision”. Why this point raised by the union in the meeting? Is the CMD was not aware of this letter? Why should they remind the CMD a negative point? The fact is that the Hon’ble Minister for communication in his statement in the Parliament on 08-08-2018 clarified that the BSNL is making operative profit and the affordability condition is not applicable to BSNL. Despite this the BSNLEU is spreading lies that the BSNL workers are not eligible for wage revision. Why and what is the hidden agenda?

At last, BSNLEU accepted that the Dr. recruited TTAs (JE) appointed on 01-01-2007 were drawing less pay than the pre revised pay scale due to the faulty implementation of the last wage revision. However, without any shame they claim that to substantiate the wage loss they fought and got ONE INCREMENT to Dr. recruited TTAs. The question is why they agreed to downgrade the TTAs (JE) with one increment, when similarly appointed JTOs and JAOs were given THREE INCREMENTS. Even that one increment is not given to the Sr.TOAs who was placed similarly. The faulty pay scales of last time brought thousands of BSNL workers particularly the Group D staff on stagnation and huge financial losses. Shameful! BSNLEU is not an expert negotiator as they claim.

All these are the creation of BSNLEU due to acceptance of 68.8% IDA merger when the Govt. orders exist for 78.2%. Had it been done for 78.2% IDA, nobody including the Executives, Non-Executives and Pensioners would have lost the arrears for 6 ½ years.

The Non-executive of BSNL are entitled to get at least 15% fitment as promised by the BSNL CMD. If you cannot get that fitment it will be your failure!

We are not shedding any crocodile tears. We have done much more than you for the workers. Could you get the 78.2% DA merger agreement till the FNTO joined the agitation? You were going on agitating for the wage revision committee, nobody bothered to settle the issue till the FNTO joined in series of agitations and the two day strike. Can you deny it? But once the formation of wage committee is settled, you ditched us, even avoid us while discussing with administration.

Who betrayed the workers history will say. Don’t forget, when FNTO and others were on strike on the issue of corporatization, the BSNLEU ditch the workers, did not joined nation vide strike. FNTO won the historic strike, solved most the issues including pension for BSNL workers from the consolidated fund of India. This historic decision of PENSION is given to only BSNL not to any PSUs of this country. The BSNLEU is not a party to this achievement.

In the first wage revision committee of 2001-02, BSNLEU was not invited to join the wage negotiation. But it was our magnanimity that we convinced the administration and allowed BSNLEU leaders in the committee, despite objection from senior leader like O.P Gupta ji. (SG NFTE) But BSNLEU always ungrateful towards FNTO. They never reciprocated our goodwill. In that wage revision was incomparable and we were able to negotiate and brought Rs. 4000 to Rs.6000 benefits for the BSNL workers on IDA scale. Now let us watch, what the workers will get now?

Only the recognized unions can discuss the policy matters with regard to BSNL employees. It is their duty to set right the things. For their failures they should not blame other unions. FNTO will always raise its voices on policy failures by the recognized unions to take note for correction. If they don’t do it BSNL workers will take note of their failures.

27-09-2018:-For the attention of the negotiating team for wage revision of BSNL Non-Executive Employees from 01.01.2017

BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL are concerned only about stagnation in the new scale because of their bitter experience of 01.01.2007 scales. Actually there will be no stagnation in the new scale proposed by the BSNL Management and after fixation on 01.01.2017 an employee will get an average of ten increments thereafter. Therefore the recognized unions should concentrate on the following demands.
1) Ensure 15% fitment benefit for all employees as assured by the CMD.
2) Ensure 5% increase on promotion instead of 3% to Non-Executive employees.
3) Upgradation of pay scale of Sr. TOA as per the decision of the JCM (DC) of DOT taken before formation of BSNL and directed the BSNL to settle it within 15 days of formation.
4) Rounding off of pay to be fixed on 01.01.2017 to the next 100 rupees instead of ten rupees as this Ten rupees has no value at all now.
FNTO has already submitted a detailed note justifying the above demands to the chairman of the negotiating committee. Will the recognized unions concentrate on these issues?

27-09-2018:-DoT to conduct special audit on telcos from FY-2012 onwards
The audit, to be resumed after a gap of three years, comes when license fee and SUC due to the government fell in 2017 by more than 23% on the year and is expected to fall this year too.
Mumbai: The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is set to conduct “special audits” of mobile phone operators from fiscal year 2011-12 onwards to check for under-reporting of revenue that might account for a sharp downturn in license fees and spectrum usage charges (SUC). Annual license fees and SUC paid to the government are calculated based on a telcos revenue.
The audit, to be resumed after a gap of three years, comes when license fee and SUC due to the government fell in 2017 by more than 23% on the year and is expected to fall this year too. This is due to the brutal price war which expedited a bloody consolidation that saw a spate of exits and M&As and dented telecom revenues.
Carriers fear the new round of audit could lead to a new dues being demanded from the already stressed sector, sparking more litigation and be a drag on time and resources.
“All telecom companies will be audited soon and we are preparing for this. This will be the third audit and notices will go out soon,” said a senior DoT official, who did not want to be named.
ET has learnt that debt-laden Aircel, in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings, has already received the notice on the forthcoming audit.
“DoT proposes to conduct audit/special audit of Aircel for the period of seven years for financial year 2011-2012 to 2017-2018,” said the letter sent to Aircel. These special audits are under clauses 22.5 and 22.6 of Unified Access Service License which allows the DoT to comb the books of the operators.
In the notice, the DoT said it can “conduct an audit/special audit to detect any under reporting of revenues by the licensee with a view to secure the government dues of license fees and spectrum usage charges”.
Many players have quit the business since 2017 or have merged, unable to survive the competition. For example, Vodafone and Idea merged, while Bharti Airtel bought Telenor India and is buying Tata Teleservices wireless business.
Additionally, Reliance Communications (RCom), which had bought Sistema Shyam Teleservices, and Aircel have shut their wireless services. This leaves Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea and Reliance Jio – which started operations in September 2016 triggering the tariff war– as the only private sector telcos in the market.
Last year, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) pulled up six telcos - Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India, Idea Cellular, Aircel, RCom and Sistema Shyam - for allegedly understating their revenue by Rs61,064.5 crore over five financial years - from FY 2010-11 till FY 2014-15 – leading to the government losing out on Rs12,229.24 crore as payment from spectrum charges and interest.
The DoT itself conducted two audits previously - for years FY 2006 to FY 2008 in 2009 - and for three years from FY 2009-to FY 2011, in 2015/2016. The first audit led to demand notices for Rs1,846.51 crore being issued to five telcos. All demands have been challenged in court.
The second one – which followed a CAG audit that revealed under reporting of revenue to the tune of Rs 46,045.75 crore between 2006-07 and 2009-10, causing a loss of Rs 12,488.93 crore to the government - led to demands of over Rs12,000 crore on six telcos, but is also stuck in court.
“Special audits typically happen when the DoT is not convinced about account reporting and the concern is mainly on the AGR calculations that are defined differently. They have every right to audit, but if operators again decide to challenge the new findings, it will lead to more legal cases,” said Rajan Mathews, director general of Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), which represents telcos.
Historically, telcos have stymied DoT’s efforts to recover SUC and license fees on the grounds that the definition of adjusted gross revenue (AGR) – or revenue derived from licensed services – is still to be decided by the courts.
Mathews said that in 2017, the industry had recommended that there should be only one audit that takes care of concerns of all regulatory bodies, else “they impact business hours and operations since behind each audit resources are set aside and they last for many weeks”.
“This will be another way for the telecom department to see if they can charge us any other kind of dues. And this is contradictory to DoT’s stated claim that it wants to reduce litigation,” said a senior executive at one of the telcos who did not want to be identified.
While officials in DoT downplayed the latest audit saying it was routine, telco executives said it cannot be ignored that in the last few years the industry has clashed with regulator and government on calculations of dues locking up nearly Rs 80,000 crore is litigation.
Source:-Economic Times 25 September- 2018.

22-09-2018:-Regarding 15% fitment benefit our rejoinder to BSNLEU.

We have no doubt about the grant of 15% fitment benefit for new scales. This was already told by the CMD on 09.08.2017 to the recognized unions.
Com. Abimanyu as if he is the owner of the company questioned the CMD as to how it is possible. He has gone one step upwards and told that the BSNL employees are not eligible for wage revision as the BSNL is running in loss for more than 3 years. (See their website of 09.08.2017)
Despite that, the CMD and BSNL Board approved the pay revision of Executives with 15% fitment benefits. Therefore there is no doubt about the quantum of fitment benefit. Only the representative unions are telling as if the DOT suggests 0 to 5% fitment benefit to BSNL staff.
While revising the pay scales it is to be done in such a way that the existing employees appointed after the cut off date of revision of wages i.e. 01.01.2017 should not get less than what they were getting before the revision takes place. The revision of pay scales of TTAs from 01.01.2007 is a classic example
For 01.01.2007 revision the agreement was delayed by more than 3 ½ years. In the pre-revised scales the TTAs appointed on or after 01.01.2007 were drawing more than the minimum of the pay fixed in the revised scale for TTAs. That discrepancy led to the demand for extension of 30% fitment benefit to those who were appointed on or after 01.01.2007 also. Normally even in CDA revisions the fitment benefit is given only to those who were on the rolls of BSNL before the cut of date for revision of wages and to those appointed on or after the cut off date, no fitment benefit is given.
Only these two recognized unions are now telling by fixing the revised minimum of Rs.18600/- the fitment benefit is less than 15%. FNTO has given a memorandum and devised the pay scales in such of way that the appointees on or after 01.01.2017 are also getting that quantum of benefit given to pre-2017 appointees. BSNL Employees and the BSNLEU should know that there is no hollowness in the minds of FNTO leaders. It is only in the minds of BSNLEU. 01.01.2007 pay scales are the classic examples for this. Almost all Gr D employees got stagnated in the revised scales in a couple of years from 01.01.2007.
FNTO and FNPTO have already seen several pay commissions on this issue and we have sufficient experience in this regard. This group of erstwhile NFPTE and NFTE has not attended any pay commission and submitted any pay demands in the CPCs. Hollowness exists only in their minds and not in FNTO.

20-09-2018:-Rejoinder to BSNLEU in reply to Wage settlement in BSNL with less than 15% fitment?

2nd Pay revision from 01.01.2007

1) Joint Committee was formed in November 2006 with the BSNLEU the only recognized union then and the BSNL Management.
2) The Jt. Committee finalized the recommendation only on 15.01.2010 after 3 years delay.
3) Wage agreement was signed on 07.05.2010 after a delay of 3½ years.
4) The committee recommended wage revision merging 68.8% IDA instead of 78.2% IDA for which Govt. orders exists at that time.
5) On 20.04.2010 during strike negotiation FNTO raised the issue of 78.2% IDA merger with the then HM (C) and the Minister Shri. A. Raja asked BSNLEU to discuss with CMD regarding 78.2% IDA merger and find solution within 15 days. If it could not be settled within 15 days he has asked them to come and meet him to settle the merger of 78.2% IDA. In fact Com. Namboodri refused to raise the issue before the HM(C) on the plea that it is issue not in the strike demand.
6) Can the BSNLEU say, whether they have discussed the matter with the CMD. If so when and with what results.
7) The fact is that they have neither discussed the matter with the CMD nor reported it to the then HM (C) Shri A. Raja for a solution.
8) Instead, on 16th day the 07.05.2010 signed the wage agreement unconditionally accepting merger of 68.8 % IDA for obvious political reasons.
9) Because of this BSNL Employees and pensioners lost the arrears from 01.01.2007 to 09.06.2013 i.e. for 6 ½ years. HRA increase for 78.2% IDA was also surrendered for 9 ¾ years out of 10 years dues.
10) During the wage revision talks in 2007, BSNLEU was the only recognized union (elected with the votes of FNTO). It is their responsibility to negotiate better wage settlement and they cannot blame others for their deliberate failures for political reasons.
11) BSNLEU has demanded a minimum wage of Rs.14, 000/- from 01.01.2007 but in the joint committee recommended the same for Rs.7760/-. As a member of the joint committee they are also responsible for this poor settlement. They cannot boast that they got more pay than bank employees. Bank employees settlement is for 5 years whereas for BSNL it is for 10 years. If they are not agreeable they should not have signed the recommendation for the minimum pay of Rs.7760/- and 68.8% IDA merger or they should have signed it under protest. They have done nothing. Thus BSNLEU has surrendered the rights of BSNL Employees. For their failures they cannot blame FNTO.

19-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Pension Sanctioning Authority for IDA pensioners and custody of Service Books of IDA pensioners.Click here to view

19-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Fixation of pay under FR-22(1)(a)(i) to the officials, who were screening test passed & were officiating in the grade of JTO.Click here to view

14-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Confirmation in the cadre of TOA (G)/(TG)cadres.Click here to view

14-09-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Common order dated 08-06-2018 of Hon'ble High Court, Hyderabad in WP Nos 18958, 19232, 23127, 23135 & 25300 of 2016 in the matter of Md. Ghouse and others---Approval for implementation thereof.Click here to view

14-09-2018:- FLASH NEWS. It is learnt that Joint Committee of Wage Revision held today with no out come.

14-09-2018:- Wage settlement in BSNL with less than 15% fitment-FACTS. The BSNLEU is blaming others stating so called vested interests are criticising them to keep their mistakes blocked in Wage settlement in BSNL with less than 15% fitment.

The recognised unions are criticising the other unions who are pointing out their deliberate mistakes.
1. The proposal for new pay scales submitted by recognised unions on 8th August-2018 para one:- “Fitment benefit of 15% as recommended by third PRC and approved by cabinet and orders issued by DPE.BSNL Management has already recommended for 15% fitment benefit and sent it for the approval of DOT. Thus there is unanimity between management and staff side on this issue " based on this only they submitted proposed pay scales i.e. Minimum pay scale should be 19590/-

2. on 9th August’s meeting they reported that Management proposed 2.40 multiplication factor fitment (it will be 9.34 % fitment ) and we demanded 2.44 multiplication factor fitment (it will be 11.17% fitment out of 15 % fitment less then their own proposal) demanding 19000 minimum pay scale .what made they laid down to their own proposal is better known to them.

3. On 10th September-2018 meeting surprisingly they are blaming Management that management is asking to accept 0 to 5% fitment and all opposed strongly then management came down and handed over their proposal with 2.44% fitment .This was demanded by recognised unions in the last meeting.

4. It cannot be forgotten in 2nd wage revision the lapses on behalf of BSNLEU to discuss and argue strongly resulted in loss of three and half years of arrears to employees including loss of HRA.

Now the recognised unions starting criticising other unions and sirking from their responsibility and assurance given to working employees.

Thus the employees and pensioners are scared of being cheated by the Unions and Management.

१४-०९-२०१८-हिन्दी दिवस की शŕĄŕ¤­ कामनाएŕ¤.

14-09-2018:- We are sorry to inform that Shri J. Peter (Trichy) former Circle Secretary, NUBSNLW (FNTO) Tamil Nadu Circle has passed away this morning at his residence K.K.Nagar, Trichy. NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ records its condolences and conveys heartfelt sympathies to the family members of the departed leader.

13-09-2018:-Letter to Chairman, Joint Wage Revision Committee for Non-executives in BSNL request to early finalisation of 3rd PRC to Non-executives with 15% fitment regarding Click here to view

13-09-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

11-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Change of designation of Sports persons.Click here to view

11-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Bifurcation of erstwhile AP Circle-addressing of different issues including transfer of Non-executive staff from Hyderabad to Vijaywada etc.Click here to view

Joint Committee on 3rd Wage Revision Meeting held on 10-09-2018

Management proposed the pay scales for Non-executives with 2.44% Multiplication factor Fitment will arises 11.17% out of 15% Fitment.
With 15% Fitment (Multiplication factor will arises 2.52%.) That’s what the DOT/DPE and BSNL Management recommended.
Example NE-1 Scale = 7760+119.5% IDA+15% (i.e. 2.52% Multiplication factor Fitment) 7760+9273+2555=19590/- So that NE-1 Minimum Pay Scale should be 19590/- only.
Management proposed 2.44% Multiplication factor will arise 11.17% Fitment.
Example NE-1 Scale = 7760+9273+1902=18935/- say 19000/-.(Less than 15% Fitment)
NUBSNLW (FNTO) suggests the recognized unions to stick on 15% Fitment. As the Next wage revision will be after 10 years only.

Management proposed Pay Scales.

Next Meeting will be held on 14-09-2018.

News on 3rd Wage Revision Negotiation meeting held on 10-09-2018.

The Wage Negotiations Committee Meeting held today, it is noticed that the Management suggested 2.44 % Multiplication factor fitment, so that the Minimum Scale is 19000/- with 32 years span.
Next meeting will be held on 14-09-2018.

07-09-2018:-The recognized unions are again demanding low quotation of Pay Scales to Non executive employees.

3rd Wage Revision Negotiation Meeting held on 27-08-2018. Management Side proposed that, the minimum of the new pay scales should be arrived at, by multiplying the minimum of the existing pay scales by 2.4. Accordingly, they proposed the minimum of the new NE 1 pay scale as RS.18,600/-. However, the Staff Side did not accept this. They demanded that the multiplication factor should be 2.44. Accordingly, the minimum of the new NE1 pay scale comes to Rs.18, 934/- and that it should be rounded off to Rs.19,000. They also demanded that the 2.44 multiplication factor should be applied to arrive at the minimum of all the new pay scales. The Management Side agreed to examine these proposals of the Staff Side.

As per the Discussion held on 27-08-2018, Management Proposed 2.4% multiplication i.e. Basic x 2.4% multiplication i.e. 7760 x 2.4=18934 compared with the total of Basic Pay + IDA, The fitment is 9.34%. And the Recognized Unions demanding 2.44% multiplication is getting 11.16% only i.e. less than the fitment benefit of 15% as recommended by third PRC and approved by Cabinet and orders issued by DPE. BSNL management has already recommended for 15% fitment benefit.

If it is 15% Fitment, Basic Pay 7760/- multiplication by IDA 119.5% i.e. 9273/- Total 7760+9273=17033 +15% fitment i.e. 17033x15% =2555 Total 17033+2555=19588 i.e. 19590/-

So Minimum of the New Pay Scale should be 19590/- or if it is rounded off to next 100/- rupees it should be Rs 20,000/-

07-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Simultaneous action of prosecution and initiation of departmental proceedings-guidance thereof.Click here to view

07-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Change of designation of Non Executive Employees in BSNL.Click here to view

07-09-2018:- Corporate office issued FAQ on Retention of Quarters beyond the permissible limits.Click here to view

07-09-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Compassionate Ground Appointment of rejected cases.Click here to view

06-09-2018:-Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi met with Shri H. C. Pant, Chairmen, Wage Revision Negotiations Committee and submitted a letter to draw attention on the 3rd PRC considering the Minimum Wage Rs. 20,000/- & requested to finalised the Negotiations before 30th September 2018. He responded positively.-K. Jayaprakash, GS

06-09-2018:-Letter to CMD BSNL regarding Minimum pay of BSNL non executive employees as on 01-01-2017 to be revised in the wage negotiation committee in BSNL.Click here to viewClick here to view

03-09-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Janmashtami.

01-09-2018:-Corporate office issued letter on Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE)for promotion to the grade of JE (Erstwhile TTA) under 50% quota for the recruitment year 2016 held on 28-01-2018--One time Relaxation in qualifying marks(%) regarding.Click here to view Click here to view

31-08-2018:-Message from Director(HR).Click here to view

31-08-2018:-India: 36,000 Port Workers to get 10.6% wage hike.
Some 36,000 port and dock workers at the 12 major ports owned by the Centre will get a 10.6 per cent wage hike for a five-year period beginning January 1, 2017.
The wage increase was finalised recently by the Bipartite Wage Negotiation Committee comprising representatives from the Indian Ports Association (IPA) and the five workers’ unions at major port trusts.
“Fair and reasonable”
“A wage increase of 10.6 per cent is a very fair and reasonable settlement in the present scenario when the port trusts are going through a tough time,” T. Narendra Rao, General Secretary, Water Transport Workers’ Federation of India, one of the five worker’s federations that were part of the negotiations, said.
The Ministry has formed a committee to draft the wage settlement, which will be signed in Mumbai in the first week of August, Rao said.
The wages of port and dock workers are revised once in five years as their wage revision was de-linked from other Central Government employees in 1969.
During the negotiations, the port management, though, sought to revise the wages once in ten years, in line with the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission for Central Government employees. But, this move was opposed by the worker’s unions.
“Create awareness”
At the lowest level, an employee will get a wage hike of Rs.3,000 while at the highest level (excluding officers), a worker will get as much as Rs.10,000, Rao said.
The workers will also be paid the arrears for 18 months from January 1, 2017. The wage revision comes at a time when the workers unions ended a 15-day campaign from June 28 “to create awareness among the port workers on certain basic issues pertaining to port and dock workers and industry and prepare them for a mass struggle against the ongoing anti-workers and anti-people policies of the government,” Rao said.
The unions, among other issues, have urged the Government to scrap the plan to convert “port trusts” into “authorities” by enacting the Major Port Authorities Bill, which they fear will lead to “privatisation” of the major ports.
The unions are also demanding a centrally- operated common pension fund for all major ports to ensure uninterrupted pension payments in the emerging scenario, Rao said.
Source: The Hindu Business Line

31-08-2018:-Over 1 lakh employees and pensioners get 10.6% hike.
The 12 major ports run by the Centre will raise the wages of its more than 32,000 Group C&D category port and dock workers and some 105,000 Group C&D pensioners by 10.6 per cent beginning January 2017, according to a five-year agreement signed on Thursday.
The settlement will raise the overall wage and pension bill of the dozen ports by about Rs. 560 crore per annum, a Shipping Ministry statement said. The finalisation of the wage settlement was first reported by Business Line on 13 July-2018.
The settlement provides for 10.6 per cent fitment on basic pay plus DA. The lowest grade of workers will get a pay-scale of Rs. 20,900-43,600 and the highest grade worker, Rs. 36,500-88,700.
“As per the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the welfare of the people is the chief priority of the government, and I am glad that major ports are becoming drivers of socioeconomic change. Major ports have become pioneers in taking this initiative, being the first to sign the wage settlement for Group C&D employees,” said Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Transport and Shipping, who was present at the signing of the wage pact here.
The settlement was signed between six Port and Dock Workers’ Federations and the Port Management under Section 12(3) of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, before the Regional Labour Commissioner who represented the Chief Labour Commissioner.
The wages of port and dock workers at major ports are revised every five years as their wage revision was de-linked from other Central government employees in 1969. The wage revision in many of the major public sector enterprises is done every 10 years.
Published on August 30, 2018

30-08-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Voluntary contribution of one day basic pay by BSNL employees towards Prime Minister's Relief Fund for the victims of flood in Kerala State.Click here to view

28-08-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Child Care Leave in case of disabled children.Click here to view

28-08-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Change of Circle for medical claim purpose by retired employees.Click here to view

28-08-2018:-News on 3rd PRC Negotiations meeting held on 27th August-2018.
The joint committee of wage negotiations for non executives met yesterday. The management side proposed a Minimum of RS 18600 /- for NE 1 Scale. The staff side demanded Rs 19000/- (it is understood that the management proposal is also Rs 19000/- for minimum pay scale of NE 1). Due to payment of pension contribution at the maximum of the pay scales span. Management is for restricting the maximum of the pay scales span.
Next meeting will be held on 10th September-2018

25-08-2018:- Additional Note for 3rd PRC case of Sr.TOA’s.Additional Note
1) Almost all employees in BSNL are drawing the pay @ maximum of their pay scale as on 01.01.2017. The employees in NE-1 to NE-6 are even drawing the maximum of 3 stagnation increments. Others in NE-7 to NE-12 are either drawing pay in the maximum of their pay scale or in the verge of maximum. As such the additional expense on account of revision of wages could only be the 15% fitment benefit. Accordingly the cost of our demand is worked out.
2) Upgradation of pay scale of Sr.TOA from 4000-6000 (CDA) to Rs.4500-7000 as per JCM (DC) of DOT decision and as per the agreement dated 30.09.2000. A copy of the record of discussion held in connection with the September 2000 strike is enclosed. Earlier consequent on the V CPC recommendations the FNTO has demanded revision of pay scales of Sr.TOA by introducing EDP scales and TTA at par with the Diploma holders working in other departments like Railways etc and also as per V CPC recommendation. Accordingly decision was taken in the JCM (DC) of DOT to revise the above pay scales.
After formation as BSNL the pay scale of TTA was revised from 4500-7000 to 5000-8000 from 01.10.2000. The BSNL was prepared to implement the decision of revision of pay of Sr.TOA from 4000-6000 to 4500-7000 (COA) from 01.10.2000 itself as was demanded by the FNTO and NFTE in the JCM (DC) and also as per the agreement reached at the time of strike in DOT before formation of BSNL.
Due to some misunderstanding in the service unions this decision of the DOT was not implemented for Sr.TOA. This has caused dissatisfaction among the Sr.TOAs. Subsequent agreement on NEPP also complicated the issue, by down grading the pay of OTBP from 7100-10100 to 6550-10500 leading to anomalies and also dissatisfaction among Sr.TOAs.
Now this union requests the BSNL to kindly resolve this issue by upgrading the pay scale of Sr.TOA from 4000-6000 (then CDA) to 4500-7000 as per the decision of the then JCM (DC) atleast from 01.01.2017 utilizing the opportunity of wage revision to render justice to the Sr.TOAs. This will cause no additional expenditure to BSNL and no need for revising the other promotional pay scales of Sr.TOA which will remain as it is. The total number of Sr.TOAs in Basic cadre as on 01.01.2017 is only 20398 and drawing maximum pay in their scale. Their pay on upgradation will be fixed under FR 23 read with FR22 I (a) (2) and no extra cost will be involved. We hope for the favourable decision.
Click here to view

25-08-2018:-History of Sr. TOA Pay scales in BSNL. History of Sr. TOA Pay scales in BSNL
NEPP agreement itself is a blunder committed by the then recognized union BSNLEU. We have suggested a proposal for NEPP scheme to Com. Namboodri. A copy of the same is enclosed.
But that union blindly signed the defective agreement in order to get votes in the union election. They have simply copied the EPP without knowing its implications. For EPP each scales starting from E1 to E6 are promotional scales. The basic scale of E1 is for JTO/JAO. There are no other cadres as basic cadres. But in the NEPP it is not like that.
BSNLEU is now shedding its crocodile tear by telling that the Management has downgraded the Sr. TOA pay scale of 7100-10100 to 6550 – 9325. Actually the basic scale of Sr. TOA is 4000-100-6000 i.e. the corresponding IDA scale is 5700-8100. OTBP (Sr. TOA) scale was 4500-125-7000 in CDA. Corresponding IDA scale for 4500-125-7000 is 7100-200-10100. The DOT on the demand of FNTO in the then JCM (DC) has agreed to revise the pay scale of Sr. TOAs from 4000-100-6000 to 4500-125-7000 from 01.10.2000 from the date of formation of BSNL.
The pay scale of TTAs was also upgraded and revised from 4500-125-7000 to 5000-150-8000. This was also as per the demand of FNTO consequent on the recommendations of V CPC. In a promotion committee meeting of BSNL it was agreed to implement TTA pay scales from 01.10.2000 itself. The Management was prepared to implement the revised pay scales of Sr. TOA also from 4000-100-6000 to 4500-125-7000 Corresponding IDA pay scales are 5700-8100 and 6550-9325 respectively. But the unions refused to accept this offer and did nothing to get it at par with TTAs. BSNLEU or NFTE also have not taken any steps to revise the basic grade scale of Sr. TOA till today. Sr. TOAs are still longing in the pay scale of 4000-6000 (5700-8100 IDA).
The OTBP Sr. TOAs were drawing 7100-200-10100 scale. The agreement made by the BSNLEU in the NEPP it is clearly stated that it is for the next higher IDA scale. The basic scale of Sr. TOA is 5700-8100 Next higher IDA scale is 6550-9325. As per the agreement in par 6.1, the promotion to the next higher IDA scale. According it is given as 6550-9325 for NEPP I upgradation downgrading 7100 scale. But as per para 6.4 an employee who got OTBP / BCR etc. the old scheme may opt to treat it as first upgradation in NEPP and the subsequent promotions will be as per NEPP. Accordingly many Sr. TOAs have opted to treat the promotion got under the erstwhile promotion policy of OTBP/BCR etc as first upgradation under NEPP. Some Sr. TOAs due to misguidance by some unions have opted for NEPP to 6550 scale forgoing the promotions already got under OTBP / BCR schemes in 7100-10100 scale. They are now suffering due to stagnation and loss of salary and pension benefits. It is a recurring loss for them.
To remove this anomaly upgradation of the pay scale of Sr. TOAs as per the decision of the then JCM (DC) is the only solution. It may be revised retrospectively from 01.10.2000 atleast on notional basis from 4000-6000 to 4500-7000 scale with the actual benefit from 01.01.2017.
Will the two recognized unions i.e. BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL do it atleast now while negotiating new scales from 01.01.2017? to undo the injustice done to Sr. TOAs.
Date: 25.08.2018
D.CHANDRASEKARAN, Joint General Secretary
Click here to view

25-08-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Raksha Bandhan.

25-08-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartly wishes you all happy Onam and Thiru Onam Day.

24-08-2018:-Affordability Clause is not hurdle in wage revision for Non-executives- Hon’ble Minister replied in Parliament. The Hon’ble Minister of Communication has said in Parliament on 08.08.2018 while replying to a question of some MPs, that the BSNL is not covered by the affordability clause of DPE OM dated 03.08.2018. The DPE also clarified that the BSNL does not fall under the category mentioned in para 5 of DPE’s OM dated 03.08.2017.
Cabinet’s approval is required only to relax the condition of 20% of the average profit before tax (PBT) of the last three financial years. For this the DOT is now processing the case.

22-08-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartly wish Eid Mubarak on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Zuha.

21-08-2018:- All Unions Kerala Circle met today and decided to give a letter to CGM for deducting One day Basic Pay + DA towards Kerala flood relief fund. CHQ appreciate the decision-K. Jayaprakash, GS

21-08-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid)during 2018 in BSNL offices located at Delhi/New Delhi.Click here to view

21-08-2018:- Corporate office issued Clarification on individual cases related to service matters from Unions/Associations-regarding .Click here to view

21-08-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Verification of service of BSNL absorbed employees and DOT employees after completion of 18 years of service or on being left with five years service.Click here to view

21-08-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Systemic improvement in medical claims of BSNLMRS beneficiaries.Click here to view

21-08-2018:-Dear Colleague,
You are well aware of the serious situation in Kerala after heavy rains and floods. Thousands of people are in Relief Camps. They lost their houses, valuables, cattles and livelihood. It will take months together to restore normal life. Kerala government has exhibited commendable efficient crisis management in the situation. But that is not enough alone. All of us should contribute to the Relief work. Our Units of all circles also should extend maximum help at this time of unprecedented distress faced by people of Kerala. Hence, CHQ calls upon all to send donation to our Kerala Circle Union earnestly as early as possible.
Kerala State is facing the fury of nature. It is being hit by torrential rains, which the state has never witnessed during the last 50 years.

17-08-2018:- Former Prime Minister, Bharat Ratan Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, passed away yesterday.

NUBSNLW (FNTO) pays it’s respectful homage to the late leader, and conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to his family members. .

It's during the regime of Shri Vajpayee ji, BSNL workers got Govt Pension from consolidated fund of India according to the last pay drawn in BSNL for that Rule 37 of FR amended by insertion of clause 37 A. We the BSNL Pensioners and Workers pay our last respect to the patriotic leader Vajpayee ji. We pray that his soul may rest in eternal peace in heavenly abode. K. Jayaprakash, GS, K.Vallinayagam, Ex GS & Thomas John K. President, NUBSNLW (FNTO)

15-08-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Independence Day.

14-08-2018:- Corporate office issued Clarification on Compassionate Ground Appointment-reg.Click here to view

10-08-2018:-Updates on 3rd Wage Revision:- As per the available reports the 2nd meeting of the Joint Committee on 3rd Wage Revision held on 09-08-2018 the management side did not come with any proposal. The next meeting is fixed on 27th August-2018. K. Jayaprakash, GS.

10-08-2018:-Corporate Office issued Guidelines regarding Holding of Confirmation Test in the cadre of TOA(G)/TOA(TG.Click here to view

10-08-2018:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with AGS Shri T. M. Pattaiah, Shri Mahalingaiah C/S and Shri. Narsimha Murthy Circle union office bearer attended the District Conference of Davangere on 9th August-2018. Addressed a seminar on "Quality of service in BSNL” GM Shri J.L. Goutham and other officers also addressed, after the seminar GS & AGS explained the present position of BSNL and 3rd wage revision etc. GS welcomed the new members joined from BSNLEU.
The following are elected unanimously.
President Shri P. R. Krishnappa, Chitradurgh
District Secretary Shri J. D. Manoher, Davangere
Treasurer Smt. Kusuma, Davangere

08-08-2018:-Corporate Office issued Clarification on Compassionate Ground Appointment-regarding.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

08-08-2018:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash on tour Karnataka Circle to attend the Davangere SSA District Conference on 9th August-2018.

07-08-2018:-Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi met with Shri A. M. Gupta GM (SR)Corporate office and submitted the 3rd wage revision proposal, discussed scale wise. After the discussions the same 3rd wage revision proposal submitted to Shri H. C. Pant, Chairmen, Wage Revision Negotiations Committee-K. Jayaprakash, GS

04-08-2018:-Reply in Rajya Sabha with regard to Expansion of BSNL Infrastructure,Question No.-1997.Click here to view

02-08-2018:-Reply in Lok Sabha with regard to Financial condition of BSNL and MTNL, Question No.-2326.Click here to view

02-08-2018:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding 12th meeting of BSNL Staff Welfare Board.Click here to view

31-07-2018:- Corporate office issued Clarification on Compassionate Ground Appointment-reg.Click here to view

31-07-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Disbursement of salary to employees working in BSNL.Click here to view

31-07-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Absorption in BSNL and issue of Presidential Order of left out cases : submission of the cases by Circles in proper format.Click here to view

28-07-2018:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2019.Click here to view

25-07-2018:- Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders w.e.f. 01.07.2018.Click here to viewClick here to view

25-07-2018:- Shri Thomas John K. President NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on organizational tour at Ahmedabad reorganising the senior leaders addressed a meeting.

23-07-2018:- There is no change in our decision. As we have already decided on 09-07-2018 not to participate in the AUAB proposed hunger fast agitation w. e. f. 24th to 26th July-2018 as our main demand is settlement of 3rd wage revision. Management has started negotiations on 20th July itself. Now it is the duty of Recognised unions to complete it as early as possible. For remaining demands AUAB can discuss with MOC /Secretary DOT across the table-K. Jayaprakash GS

20-07-2018:- Congratulations to all non executives. The negotiations meeting with Management on 3rd wage revision started today between Management and Recognised unions. It is serious efforts of the All Unions and Associations of BSBL. We expect the better pay scales with more than 15% fitment and perks w.e.f. 1-1-2017 including pension revision without any delay . We hope this time no cadre will suffer with stagnation.
Our union requested Management to invite all unions for negotiations or atleast more than 2% unions and I proposed Shri Thomas john K. President NUBSNLW FNTO but Management did not consider our request.
Best of luck we hope the final agreement may reach before August-2018 because the Management spelled that the proposed pay scales will be decided as per the DPE guidelines i.e. neutralisation 100% DA with fitment – K. Jayaprakash

17-07-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Information in request of casual labourers who had been conferred Temporary Status on or before 30-09-2000 and who have been appointed subsequently as Telecom Mechanic in BSNL.Click here to view

14-07-2018:-Nomination of Adhoc Committee for NUBSNLW(FNTO) Rajasthan Circle.Click here to view

13-07-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Review of extension of without voucher facility to Retired Employees.Click here to view

13-07-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of LICE for Junior Engineer under 50% quota for the Recruitment Year-2017—Approval thereof.Click here to view

13-07-2018:-Corporate office issued Meeting Notice regarding Exploratory meeting on 3rd Wage revision of non-executives in BSNL.Click here to view

13-07-2018:- General Secretary along with Shri M. R. Vashisht, Advisor & Shri B. C. Pathak, Financial Secretary going to Jaipur to attend CWC of Rajasthan Circle on 14-07-2018 at Jaipur.

13-07-2018:- Letter to CMD BSNL regarding Review of medical reimbursement to serving employees on outdoor medical treatment with vouchers.Click here to view

13-07-2018:- Letter to Director (HR) regarding Discrepancies in JE (Erstwhile TTA)held on 28-01-2018.Click here to view

12-07-2018:- General Secretary along with Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle Delhi met with GM (SR) and discussed several issues.

12-07-2018:-Corporate office issued Office Memorandum regarding Revision of Annual Ceiling for reimbursement of outdoor treatment.Click here to view

11-07-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Nathu Prasad Singh, Working President, Jharkhand Circle met with GM (Admn), GM (SR) & GM (Rectt) discussed about the JE LICE results & requested to review the results and demanded to GM (SR) to start the Negotiations for 3rd Wage revision for Non-Executives immediately. He replied the Management is ready with Draft Proposal with 15% weightage w.e.f. 01-01-2017 waiting for discussions with recognized unions, if they agree our proposal within one month it will be completed.
General Secretary demanded to nominate two more members in Negotiation Committee from NUBSNLW (FNTO) and BTEU as we are having more than 2% representations with Minimum Trade Union facilities and also requested to nominate Shri Thomas John K. All India President NUBSNLW (FNTO) in the wage revision committee as he is a senior most and well experienced leader in the BSNL. It is also reminded in the 1st wage revision Com Late Shri O. P. Gupta, ji insisted the BSNL Management to involve all applicant unions for Negotiations, Management agreed and invited all the applicant union representatives for Negotiations.

11-07-2018:- Shri C. Singh General Secretary, NFTE BSNL came to our office and discussed about latest issues.

11-07-2018:-FNTO and SEWA BSNL not back track
a) At the outset, Thanks for accepting that the signature of General Secretaries were Scanned and Agitational Notice issued.
b) 26-06-2018 AUAB Meeting my, Circle Secretary Shri Mohinder Singh attended
04-07-2018 No information to our union.
06-07-2018 Agitational Notice issued and no information to us.
c) Previously never issued any notice without original signature of myself, if I am not available I deputed my V.P. Smt. Madhu Trivedi, Financial Secretary Shri B.C. Pathak, Shri Mohinder Singh, Circle Secretary NTR Circle Delhi for signature on the notice.
d) It is also to remind you on 25-04-2018 the General Secretary BSNL ATM informed to scan his signature but we insisted to send his representative. At 16-00 hrs Shri Revithi Prasad came and signed
e) It is not under stood as to why the opinion is changed as per convenience Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

10-07-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) & SEWA BSNL decided not to participate in the AUAB Agitational Programmes on 11-07-2018 & 24, 25 & 26 July 2018 Hunger strike. The main Demand is settlement of 3rd Wage Revision, In this regard the DoT has already permitted to form a Negotiation Committee of Non-Executives. And BSNL Management has already requested the Recognized Unions to give names of the Committee members, it is in process.
Regarding other issues AUAB can take initiate the Interview with Minister/ DoT for their settlement because on 24-02-2018, Minister assured that whenever you want to discuss you feel free to meet Secretary DoT / Minister for the settlement of issues. Hence we feel Agitation is not necessary at this Juncture.
It is also noticed that the signatures of General Secretaries scanned and issued the Agitational notification without consent of the above General Secretaries. This is highly objectionable. Letter to Secretary DoT and CMD BSNL. Click here to viewClick here to view

06-07-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Release of pensionary benefits to a retiree against whom personal court cases (other than departmental) is pending in the competent court.Click here to view

06-07-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding CMD BSNL is to look after the charges of Director (CM).Click here to view

06-07-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Immunity from transfer to Unions/Associations.Click here to view

04-07-2018:-D. O. letter from Shri Anupam Shrivastava,CMD BSNL.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

04-07-2018:-Corporate office issued Sanction for payment of ad-hoc Circle Sports Grant for the year 2018-19.Click here to view

03-07-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Disbursement of Salary to employees working in BSNL.Click here to view

03-07-2018:-Corporate office issued Guidelines regarding Holding of Screening Test for promotion to the cadre of Sr. TOA(G).Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

30-06-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Analysis of Circle Wise Revenue Growth along with BSNL Revenue Growth and Market Share for the Quarter ending March 2018 of F.Y.2017-18. Click here to view

30-06-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Disbursement of Salary to employees working in BSNL.Click here to view

29-06-2018:-I.D.A. increased by 0.8% from the present 127.2%. The total IDA will be 128% with effect from 01-07-2018.

29-06-2018:-Letter to Director (HR) regarding Formation of Wage Revision Committee for BSNL Non-executives. Request for including NUBSNLW(FNTO) representative.Click here to view

29-06-2018:-Letter to Director (HR) regarding Withdrawal of Family planning allowance and shifting of salary date.Click here to view

29-06-2018:-Letter to Shri R.C.Pandey, GS, BTEU regarding Memorandum on issues concerning Non-Executive employees-Launch of Agitation programme by BTEU (BSNL).Click here to view

29-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Reduction in Energy Expenses.Click here to view

28-06-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Disbursement of Salary & staff remuneration to employees working in BSNL.Click here to view

27-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Grant of Child Care Leave to women employees of BSNL (absorbed/directly recruited/deputationists/deemed deputationists). Click here to view

26-06-2018:-Letter to recognised union General Secretaries regarding 3rd PRC. Click here to viewClick here to view

26-06-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Maintaining of Service Book, Issuance of MRS Card at the time of provisional appointment in respect of Direct Recruit JTOs/JEs/Compassionate Ground Appointees etc. in BSNL--Guidelines thereof.Click here to view

21-06-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Disbursement of Salary & staff remuneration to BSNL employees.Click here to view

20-06-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Discontinuance of Family Planning Allowance for adoption of small family norms-implementation in respect of absorbed and directly recruited employees of BSNL.Click here to view

18-06-2018:-Letter to CMD, BSNL regarding Implementation of Third Wage revision and stopage of Tower Company. Discussion with All Unions and Associations.Click here to view

18-06-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Addendum to merit list declared on 20-04-2018: LICE for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer under 50% Quota (RY 2016) held on 28-01-2018. Click here to view

15-06-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Eid-Ul-Fitr.

12-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Link for online form for retired employee grievances.Click here to view

12-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding GSM Pre-paid Mobile Plan for the Non-Executives in lieu of Rs.200/- recharging GSM SIM per month.Click here to view

12-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter Change of designation of Non Executive Employees in BSNL.Click here to view

11-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Extending soft tenure facilities to JTO and below level grades (Non-Executives) opting/transferred to Circle Office, AP Circle at Vijaywada.Click here to view

08-06-2018:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash is attending Tamil Nadu Circle Working Committee meeting tomorrow at Villupuram Tamil Nadu State along with Shri S. Lingamurthy, Circle Secretary Chennai Telephones.

08-06-2018:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash attended the Circle Working Committee meeting of Chennai Circle along with Shri C. D. Prasad, Circle Secretary Jharkhand Circle. Shri S. Lingamurthy, Circle Secretary Chennai Telephones conducted the meeting. Three Circle office bearers Shri Anbengal, Circle President, Shri Shri Rajan, Circle Working President & Shri Parteevan, Circle Vice President retired on 31-05-2018 they felistrated and blessed.

06-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding GSM Prepaid Mobile Plan to the Non-Executives in lieu of Rs.200/- recharging SIM per month.Click here to view

02-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding 18th All India BSNL Carrom Tournament from 01-08-2018 to 04-08-2018 at RTTC Gachibowli. Hyderabad.Click here to view

02-06-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Calculation of retirement benefits in cases of imposition of penalty after retirement.Click here to view

01-06-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Formation of Wage Revision Committee for BSNL Non-executives. Request for including NUBSNLW(FNTO) representative.Click here to view

31-05-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with All India President Shri Thomas John K. met with General Manager (SR) and discussed the staff matters.

30-05-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash, Shri B. C. Pathak, F.S., Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR New Delhi and Office Assistant Shri Tej Ram attended the Retirement function of Shri R. S. Chauhan, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, NTR Delhi at Sabhagaar, Eastern Court New Delhi.

30-05-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with All India President Shri Thomas John K. met with General Manager (Admn) Shri Sanjay Sinha and Director (HR) Smt. Sujata T. Ray, and discussed the staff matters.

29-05-2018:-Corporate office issued Guidelines regarding retention of BSNL accommodation in the case of various events like Retirement, Transfer and Death.Click here to view

29-05-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Release of retirement benefits during pendency of criminal appeal in respect of BSNL absorbed /recruited employees.Click here to view

26-05-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Verification of service of BSNL absorbed employees and DOT employees after completion of 18 years' of service or on being left with five years' service.Click here to view

26-05-2018:-Thanks to the Management for immediate response to form the Grievance Cell to settle problems of retired employees vide letter No BSNL/20-9/SR/2018 dated 22-05-2018. This issue regarding formation of Grievance Cell to settle the grievances of retired employees taken up with BSNL Management by our union NUBSNLW (FNTO) only vide our letter No NU/CHQ/36/BDP dated 04-05-2018. (No other union & Association or the Associations of Retired BSNL Employees). K. Jayaprakash,GS Click here to viewClick here to view

25-05-2018:-The All Unions and Associations of BSNL informs the CMD BSNL and the Secretary, DoT, of it's decision to defer the struggles scheduled on 28.05.2018.
Consequent to the talks held between the representatives of the AUAB and the Director (HR) and CMD BSNL, decision has been taken to defer the struggles. Accordingly, the AUAB has sent letter, communicating it’s decision to defer the struggles. Click here to view

25-05-2018:-Case against the Subsidiary Tower Company admitted in the Hon'ble Delhi High Court.
The All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) is consistently conducting struggles, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. The question of taking recourse to legal action, against the Subsidiary Tower Company, was discussed in the meetings of the AUAB. Finally, in the meeting held on 08.05.2018, after threadbare discussion, the AUAB decided to file a case in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. Due to certain tactical reasons, it was decided that the case shall be filed in the name of the Executive Associations, and that all the constituents of the AUAB shall extend financial support. Accordingly, the case has been filed, and it came up for hearing today in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. The Hon’ble Court admitted the case, and it also stated that the operation of the Subsidiary Tower Company shall be subject to the outcome of this case. The next hearing of the case will take place on 25.09.2018.

24-05-2018:-AUAB defers the call for walk-out and conducting rallies on 28.05.2018, against Subsidiary Tower Company.
Based on the notice issued today, by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, for organising walk-out and rallies on 28-05-2018, the CMD BSNL invited the leaders of the AUAB for talks. The talks started at 16:30 hrs. and lasted for almost two hours. In the meeting, the CMD BSNL informed the AUAB leaders that the item of Subsidiary Tower Company is not there in the agenda for the BSNL Board meeting to be held at Hyderabad on 28-05-2018. He also made an appeal to withdraw the struggle. Thereafter, a meeting of the AUAB was held. In view of the information given by the CMD BSNL, the meeting unanimously decided to defer the call for organising walk-out and rallies on 28-05-2018.

24-05-2018:-Spirited Lunch-Hour demonstration held at BSNL Corporate Office today.
The AUAB organised a spirited lunch hour demonstration today at the BSNL Corporate Office, after serving the notice for the walk-out, rallies, etc. to be organised on 28-05-2018. The meeting that ensued the demonstration, was addressed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS,BSNLEU, Com.Mahabir Singh, Secretary, NFTE, Com.G.L.Jogi, Chairman,SNEA, Com.Prahalad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. Madhu Trivedi, Vice-President(CHQ), FNTO and Com.N.D.Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL addressed the meeting. The leaders severely criticised the government and the BSNL Management for taking steps to make the Subsidiary Tower Company operational. In one voice, the leaders demanded that the government should roll back the Subsidiary Tower Company.Click here to view

23-05-2018:- Meeting of All Unions and Associations held at New Delhi today-Historic decisions taken in our struggle against the Subsidiary Company-Circle and District unions are requested to make massive mobilizations.
BSNL Board of Directors meeting has been scheduled to take place at Hyderabad on 28-05-2018. So far, all the BSNL Board of Directors meetings have taken place only in the Corporate Office at New Delhi. The intention of the Management to hold the Board of Directors meeting at Hyderabad on 28-05-2018, may be to implement the directive of the DoT, with regards to making the Subsidiary Tower Company operational. Hence, with a view to hold the meeting peacefully, and without any interruption, this Board of Directors meeting is being held at Hyderabad. An emergency meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL was held at New Delhi, at 14.00 hrs. today, in NFTE’s office. Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, presided over by the meeting. After taking stock of the entire scenario, the meeting unanimously took the following decisions:-

1. To hold massive rally and protest demonstration at Hyderabad on 28.05.2018, against the Subsidiary Tower Company. All the General Secretaries of the Unions and Associations of BSNL will go to Hyderabad and will lead this rally / protest demonstration.

2. The entire Non-Executives & Executives of BSNL should walk out of their offices / work places throughout the country on 28-05-2018 and should organise rallies against the Subsidiary Tower Company. Press meetings should also be organised in this connection.

The CHQ of NUBSNLW (FNTO) calls upon all the Circle and District unions to coordinates with the other constituents of the AUAB, and to effectively organise the walk out and rally on 28-05-2018

23-05-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Regular updation of service details in the Service Books of IDA pensioners.Click here to view

23-05-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of pension of BSNL pensioner's/family pensioners, who retired prior to 10-06-2013 by allowing the benefit of merger of 50% DA/DR with Basic Pay/Pension, effectively amounting to 78.2% DA/DR for the purpose of fitment.Click here to view

23-05-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Grievance Redressal Cell for the Retired Employees.Click here to view

22-05-2018:-Corporate office issued Guidelines for settlement of claims for compensation on accidents-regarding.Click here to view

21-05-2018:-Letter to CMD, BSNL regarding Formation of Wage revision committee for Non-Executive employees.Click here to view

18-05-2018:- Street corner meeting at Ernakulam, Kerala.

17-05-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Compassionate Ground Appointment quota vacancies for the years 2004,2006,2008,2009 & 2010.Click here to view

16-05-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of minimum wage rates.Click here to view

11-05-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Allotment of BSNL Staff Quarter to DoT employees & inclusion of their officers/officials in waiting list.Click here to view

10-05-2018:- 8th round of wage negotiation for workmen in CPSEs-reg.Click here to view

10-05-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Downgrading the pay scale of Sr.TOAs from Rs. 7100-200-10100 to Rs. 6550-185-9325 while implementing NEPP. Click here to view

10-05-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Posting of JAO under 40% LICE held on 17-07-2017.Click here to view

10-05-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Regularisation of RTP/Short duty service in the cadre of TOs,TOAs,Telegraphist, Telegraph office clerk as per various Court's decision.Click here to view

09-05-2018:- Meeting between Management and Unions/Associations on curtailing wasteful expenditure: - The meeting called on by the Management to discuss the issue of curtailment of wasteful expenditure, is held today. Representatives of FNTO Shri K. Jayaprakash, General Secretary, Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle and General Secretaries of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, BSNL ATM and BSNLOA participated. From the Management side, Shri A. M. Gupta, GM (SR) and Shri Y. N. Singh GM (BFCI) participated.
We strongly protested against the move of curtailment of medical facility by reducing no. of days from 25 to 15 days on the pretext of curtailment of wasteful expenditure. We categorically told that BSNL MRS was approved by BSNL Board and now cannot be amended by administrative orders and it cannot be a wasteful expenditure. After detailed discussions GM (Budget) BSNL CO assured no curtailment in BSNL MRS facility. He also assured that the necessary order w.r.t. medical claims will be issued shortly w.e.f. 01.04.2018 for BSNL pensioners.
The main emphasis was given on curtailment on electricity expenditure which is amounting about Rs.2500 Crores per annum and the immediate 10% curtailment is required for which necessary instructions will be given to the Circles to form the committees to examine the areas where the curtailment is possible.
To reduce legal expenses the volume of amount will be examine and on that basis only appeals to the higher Benches will be proposed.
To reduce the expenditure on motor vehicles will be reviewed and the common pool concept in administrative offices will be adopted.
The BSNL IQs proper maintenance will be ensured to avoid expenditure on stay in Hotels etc.

08-05-2018:- Today All Unions & Associations of BSNL Meeting held at AIBSNLEA CHQ office I.R. Hall Eastern Court New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Shri C. Singh, GS, NFTE BSNL, from our Union General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash, Shri Alok Nandi, Dy. General Secretary and Shri Mahesh Shaw Assistant Circle Secretary, Calcutta Telephones attended and the following decisions taken.
1. Programme of Street Meeting started from 07-05-2018 should be conducted effectively.
2. Filling of Court Case against Subsidiary Tower Company.
3. Tentative date fixed 5th to 20th June 2018 for conducting a Convention.

05-05-2018:- GM (SR) Shri A. M. Gupta informed that a meeting with all Unions & Associations will be held on 09-05-2018 at 15.00 hrs at Corporate office New Delhi to discuss/ suggestions for curtailing the wasteful expenditure in the BSNL, and other issues like payment of Medical reimbursement claims of the staff. (Working & Retirees).

04-05-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Delay in settlement of BSNL Retired Employees claims.Click here to view

04-05-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash met with GM (SR) Shri A. M. Gupta corporate office discussed about the delay in Medical re-imbursement claims of Retired Employees With Vouchers/ Without Voucher, and delay in settlement of Retired Employees claims at Circle/SSA level requested to Form a grievances cell at corporate office to watch the delay and necessary instructions to Circle/SSA to settle their claims without any delay.
Regarding 3rd Wage Revision it is learn a note in this regard prepared by DoT Secretary for approval MoC who is busy with Karnataka Assembly Elections. It is also informed by GM (SR) that on 09-05-2018 a meeting with all Unions & Associations called to discuss these issues.

04-05-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash met with GM (Admn)/ (Rectt.) corporate office discussed the JE LICE exam held on 28-01-2018 results are very poor only 97 candidates passed out of 9145 candidates where there are No of vacancies are still vacant, Our union written letter in this regard to grant the grace marks by reviewing the results as the Several Questions are out syllabus and wrong.
They promised to discuss with Director (HR) who is very busy with meetings today on Monday again this issue will be brought to the notice of Director (HR) for consideration.

03-05-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL regarding Discrepancies in JE (Erstwhile TTA)held on 28-01-2018.Click here to view

01-05-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy May Day.

28-04-2018:-Shri K. Vallinayagam, Ex-GS FNTO arranged Marriage Reception Function of his son Chi. V. Renganathan, M.B.A. (MRB Chennai) with Dr. S. Arti, Ph.D (Excelra Hyderabad) on 26.04.2018 at 06.30 PM, at “ANNALAKSHMI” Egmore Chennai.
S/Shri D.D. Mistry, A.N. Patel, K. Jayaprakash, Thomas Jhon K, D. Chandrasekharan, S. Lingamurthy, R. Venkataraman, S. Subburaman, P. Abhimanyu, Ex-MOC Thiru A. Raja and many prominent personalities were present to bless the newly married couple.

28-04-2018:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Thomas John K., President, NUBSNLW(FNTO) attended the BDPA Chennai Circle Conference at Chennai on 26th April morning and also evening 6 pm attended the Marriage Reception of Ex GS Shri K. Vallinayagam son at Chennai.

27-04-2018:-Kerala Circle Conference at Ernakulam on 20th & 21st April-2018.The fifth kerala circle conference was held at Ernakulam on 20th and 21st April 2018 at K Ramamurthy Nagar, (Womens association hall). The public meeting of the conference was inaugurated by Sri. Oommen Chandy, former chief minister of Kerala. The function was chaired by Sri. T.J. Vinod, President Dist. Congress Committee, Ernakulam and Chairman Reception Committee. The tricolour flag of Union was hoisted by Sri. M.G. Mohanan Nair, Circle President. In his speech Sri Oommen Chandy emphasized the need to maintain and strengthen the public sector. He vehemently criticized the anti people policy of Modi Government especially in the implementation of demonatisation and G.S.T. The conference was fecilitated by Sri. P.T. Thomas M.L.A., Sri. Hibi Eaden M.L.A.,Prof: K.V.Thomas M.P. , Sri. V.P. George, State Secretary INTUC., Sri. Sherief Marakkar, Gen. Secretary, Dist Congress Committee , Sri. C Santhosh, CS BSNLEU, Sri. T Santhosh, CS SNEA, Sri. Mohankumar S.P. , CS NFTE, Sri. John Varghese, vice president , Shipyard employees organization, Sri. M.J. Martin, State Secretary, Water authority staff association, Sri. V.P. Daniel, General Secretary. Naval base Employees Union, Sri. T.N. Mohanachandran, Dist. Secretary, Central state Public Sector Employees Federation, Sri. A.M. Jamaludheen, State Asst. Secretary, FNTO. Sri. Thomas John, All India president , FNTO., Sri. Jayaprakash K, General Secretary, FNTO., Sri. K.K.Gopakumar, former All India Asst. Secretary, FNTO., Sri. Baby Antony, All India organizing Secretary, NUBSNLW (FNTO). Sri. K.P. Chellappan, Circle President , BDPA (I), Addressed the conference.
A telecom seminar on the subject of “The challenges BSNL is facing in the Public Sector and remedies” was inaugurated by Dr. P.T.Mathew, ITS, CGMT, BSNL, Kerala. The trade union conference was inaugurated by Sri. R. Chandrasekharan, State President INTUC. A befitting send off was given to the retired Circle Office Bearers and the Memento was presented by Sri. B Abdul muthaliff, wice president, Dist Panchayath, Ernakulam. Sri. K.V. Jose welcomed the delegates and Sri. K.A. Babu delivered vote of thanks. Sri. M.G. Mohanan Nair, Sri. K.V. Jose, Sri. K.M. Abdul rahiman were elected as President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

25-04-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Review of extension of without voucher facility to Retired Employees. Click here to view

25-04-2018:- Corporate office issued Guidelines regarding Police Verification Report----Clearance of JE/JTO.Click here to view

25-04-2018:-All Unions and Associations of BSNL, letter to Hon'ble Minister of State for Communication(I/C) regarding Request for grant of meeting.Click here to view

25-04-2018:-All Unions and Associations of BSNL, letter to Secretary DoT regarding Request for grant of meeting.Click here to view

24-04-2018:- Decisions of the meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, held on 24.04.2018.
A meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) was held today the 24.04.2018. Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BSNL MS, BSNL ATM and BSNL OA, participated. The meeting reviewed the March to Raj Bhawan programme, that was held on 19.04.2018. It is noted that, the programme could not be conducted in many circles, due to denial of permission for the same. The meeting also reviewed the progress in the Pay Revision issue. After detailed discussion, the following decisions are taken:-Click here to view

24-04-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination(LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer under 50% Quota (RY 2016) held on 28-01-2018- Declaration of Merit List.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

24-04-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC pay revision in respect of employees working in BSNL on CDA scales due to non-issuance of Presidential orders for their absorption in BSNL-admissibility of perks and allowances etc.Click here to view

23-04-2018:-Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders w.e.f.01-04-2018. Click here to view

20-04-2018:-DPE gives clearance to DoT for relaxation in the affordability clause for 3rd PRC.Click here to view

19-04-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Thomas John K., President, NUBSNLW(FNTO)attending Kerala Circle Conference at Ernakulam on 20th & 21st April-2018.

18-04-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding RECRUITMENT OF "Graduate Engineers to the post of JTO(T)[Junior Telecom Officer(telecom)]" IN BSNL FROM OPEN MARKET THROUGH VALID GATE SCORE-2017-Declaration of 3rd Merit List/result for left out Circles thereof.Click here to viewClick here to view

17-04-2018:-Memorandum to be submitted to the Governor at State Head Quarter.Click here to view

16-04-2018:-DPE issued letter regarding Amendment in the Payment of Gratuity Act,1972-enhancement of ceiling of the payment of Gratuity to the employees of CPSEs thereon. Click here to view

13-04-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all very happy Vaisakhadi(Bengal)/Bahag Bihu(ASSAM) on 15-04-2018

13-04-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all very happy Vaisakhi/Vishu/Mesadi on 14-04-2018.

13-04-2018:- 127th Birth Anniversary of Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar on 14-04-2018.

13-04-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2018-Birthday of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar.Click here to view

12-04-2018:- The AUAB has Conducted a Dharna Programme at Head quarter level on 12-04-2018. On behalf of NUBSNLW(FNTO) Shri B.C.Pathak, F.S. and Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR attended the Dharna meeting at Eastern Court New Delhi.

10-04-2018:-Declaration of the Ernakulam Convention of the Central Public Sector Trade Unions held on 08-04-2018.Click here to view

05-04-2018:-D. O. letter from Shri R. K. Mittal, Director (CM).Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

31-03-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wish you and your family a very happy Easter.

29-03-2018:- All Unions and Associations of BSNL sent Memorandum to Secretary,DoT, regarding formation of BSNL's Tower Subsidiary Company. Click here to view

29-03-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL for Method of membership verification for granting recognition to Unions/Associations of BSNL Employees.Click here to view

29-03-2018:-Letter to Director (HR), BSNL request for issuing necessary direction to Telangana Telecom Circle Hyderabad regarding deduction of Income Tax from Pensioners.Click here to view

29-03-2018:- Agitational notification issued by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, to the CMD BSNL, for conducting massive dharnas throughout the country on 12th April 2018Click here to view

28-03-2018:-I.D.A. increased by 0.3% from the present 126.9%. The total IDA will be 127.2% with effect from 01-04-2018.

28-03-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Prahalad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA and Shri Dahiya Dy. GS, SNEA met with Joint Secretary, Secretary & AD of Department of Public Enterprises and discussed about Present Position of the 3rd Wage revision. They are of negative opinion in this matter but when we argued and convinced that why our BSNL is eligible for 3rd Pay revision. Then they informed that a positive proposal will be given to Secretary DoT for moving the file to Cabinet to delete the Affordability Clause applicable to Wage revision. K. Jayaprakash, GS

27-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF "DIRECT JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICERs(JAO)" IN BSNL FROM OPEN MARKET THROUGH ONLINE COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS-2017 held on 5th & 6th Nov 2017-Declaration of result on revised answer keys & normalized marks thereof.Click here to viewClick here to view

27-03-2018:- Decisions taken in today’s emergency meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL

No: UA/2017/14
All the General Secretaries

After today’s demonstration programme, that was held in front of the Sanchar Bhawan, an emergency meeting of the AUAB was held in FNTO’s office. The meeting was presided over by Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE BSNL. Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA and FNTO attended this meeting. The following decisions are taken:-

(1) The meeting thanked and congratulated all the comrades who participated in today’s demonstration in front of Sanchar Bhawan, defying the prohibitory orders of the police, and making the demonstration a resounding success.
(2) The meeting decided that the AUAB should intensify its struggle, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. To achieve this, it is decided that massive dharnas should be conducted at the Corporate Office, circle and district levels on 12.04.2018. It is also decided that the AUAB should inform the BSNL Management that, the employees will go on indefinite strike, if the BSNL Board gives its approval to the direction of DoT, for making the Subsidiary Tower Company operational.
(3) The meeting reviewed the progress in the wage revision matter. As agreed upon in the meeting held with the Hon’ble MoS (C) on 24.02.2018, the DoT has sent the file for the approval of the DPE. It is decided that the leaders of AUAB shall meet the Secretary, DPE, tomorrow the 28.03.2018, to press for an early approval by the DPE.
(4) It is decided that “March to Governor’s Residence” programme should be conducted in all circle head quarters on 19.04.2018, and memorandum should be submitted to the Governor’s. This “March to Governor’s Residence” should be effectively utilised to make a campaign among the general public, against the Subsidiary Tower Company.
(5) The meeting decided that a National Convention should be organised in the Mavalankar Hall at New Delhi, on 09th or 10th May, 2018, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. It is also decided that prominent MPs should be invited to address this Convention.-

27-03-2018:- Powerful demonstration conducted in front of Sanchar Bhawan. All the comrades were taken into custody by the police.
As per the call of the All Unions & Associations of BSNL, powerful demonstration was conducted today, Our General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash also participated in front of the Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi, demanding rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company, and also against the appointment of Shri Amit Yadav as the CMD of the Subsidiary Tower Company. Slogans were also raised, condemning the government for trying to break BSNL into pieces, with the sole aim of favoring Reliance Jio. All the comrades were taken into custody by the police and were kept in the Parliament Street Police Station. Subsequently, all the comrades were allowed to go, after collecting the details of the General Secretaries. Click here to view

27-03-2018:- Today All Unions and Associations of BSNL organize Massive demonstration in front of SANCHAR BHAWAN against the Govt. move to form Tower Subsidiary Company out of BSNL.

26-03-2018:-Draft copy of the Memorandum to be submitted to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble MoS(C) & His Excellency Governer.Click here to view

24-03-2018:-Corporate office issued Reminder regarding Consideration of Temporary Status Mazdoors (TSMs) regularised on or after 01-10-2000 and absorbed in BSNL w.e.f. 01-10-2000 and covered under Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension Rules for granting 1st NEPP at par with DoT absorbed regular employees.Click here to view

24-03-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wish you and your family a very happy Ram Navami.

23-03-2018:- All Unions and Associations of BSNL issued notice to the Secretary, DoT and CMD BSNL regarding Massive demonstration in front of SANCHAR BHAVAN and Circle/SSA HQs on 27-03-2018 against the Govt move to form Tower Subsidiary out of BSNL.Click here to view

23-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Opening of offices on Holidays-29th and 30th March,2018.Click here to view

23-03-2018:- Today the following General Secretaries Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri Swapan Chakarwarty, Dy. GS, BSNLEU, Shri C. Singh, GS NFTE BSNL, Shri Sebastin, GS SNEA, Shri Prahalad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA, Shri Suresh Kumar, GS BSNLMS, Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS, AIGETOA, Shri Harpal Singh,BMSOA met with CMD BSNL Shri Anupam Srivastava discussed about formation of Subsidiary Tower Company in BSNL.
The All Unions and Associations of BSNL submitted a Agitational Notice regarding Conducting Lunch hour demonstration at Sanchar Bhawan, Circle Head quarters/SSA Head quarters and to submit the Memorandum to MOS(C) and Governors at State Head quarters. Memorandum will be placed on our website on 25-03-2018.
The Central Head quarter is request all to success the 27th Lunch hour Demonstration programme and submission Memorandum to Governor etc. K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

23-03-2018:-Hold lunch hour demonstrations on 27-03-2018, against the government's attempt to operationalise the Subsidiary Tower Company.
A meeting of All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) is held yesterday the 22nd March, 2018, in FNTO’s office. Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, SEWA BSNL, BSNLMS, BSNLOA participated. The meeting reviewed the developments that had taken place after the meeting with the Hon'ble MoS(C) that was held on 24th February, 2018. It is observed that the government is moving fast to operationalise the Subsidiary Tower Company from the 1st of April, 2018, totally ignoring the strong opposition from the entire employees of BSNL. In view of this, the meeting decided to launch agitational programme to stop the same. Decision is taken to conduct "lunch hour demonstrations" on 27th March, 2018, in front of Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi, as well as at circle and SSA head quarters, throughout the country. A memorandum, opposing the Subsidiary Tower Company will be submitted to the Hon'ble MoS(C) at Sanchar Bhawan. Same memorandum will be submitted to the respective CGMs and the state governors, to be forwarded to the MoS(C). CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to successfully implement the call.

22-03-2018:- All Unions and Associations of BSNL have written a letter to Secretary DoT Follow up actions on the various demands raised by All Unions and Associations Of BSNL.Click here to view

20-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Filling up of vacancies through DR JE (erstwhile TTA) Exam held in Sept.2016 through direct recruitment:Revised table for left out vacancy status as after 3rd merit list.Click here to view

17-03-2018:- All India Conference of NFTE-BSNL was held w.e.f. 14-03-2018 to 16-03-2018 at Amritsar. Shri B. C. Pathak Financial Secretary attended the Conference and addressed the gathering.

17-03-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wish you and your family a very happy Chaitra Sukaladi/Gudi Padava/Ugadi/cheti Chand.

17-03-2018:-Corporate office issued Sanction regarding Final Welfare Grant for the year 2017-18.Click here to view

16-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Method of membership verification for granting recognition to Unions/Associations of BSNL employees.Click here to view

16-03-2018:-Corporate office issued clarification on Extension of benefits to Direct Recruit JEs also selected as JTO(T)s through Gate.Click here to view

16-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Pension of provisional pensioners.Click here to view

12-03-2018:-Shri Krishna Rao, JE, Vijayawada and our A. P. Circle office bearer expired on 04-03-2018. NUBSNLW (FNTO) conveys heartfelt condolences to bereaved family

09-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Filling up of vacancies through DR JE (erstwhile TTA) Exam held in Sept-2016 through direct recruitment: Left out vacancy status as after 3rd merit list.Click here to view


09-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of Supreme Court judgement on recovery of excess/wrongful payments made to employees in BSNL.Click here to view

09-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Deferment of program of "Indefinite Work According to Rule started w.e.f. 30-01-2018" by All Unions & Associations.Click here to view

09-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Extension of Gratuity to Casual Labour.Click here to view

09-03-2018:-Corporate office issued guidelines regarding Retention of original certificates viz. Educational qualification, Marks Card, Caste Certificate etc. in respect of directly recruited JTOs/JEs etc in BSNL.Click here to view

08-03-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wishes a Happy International Womens Day.

05-03-2018:-Letter to CMD, BSNL for Review of medical reimbursement to serving employees on outdoor medical treatment with vouchers..Click here to view

05-03-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Confirmation in the cadres of TOA(G)/TOA(TG)--furnishing of information.Click here to view

01-03-2018:-NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy & Colourful Holi

01-03-2018:- All Unions and Associations of BSNL have written a letter to Secretary DoT and CMD BSNL regarding deferring the agitational programme of the All Unions and Associations of BSNLClick here to view

27-02-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Anil Kumar, President BSNL ATM and Shri S. M. Ali Joint Secretary BSNL ATM met with GM (SR) & GM (Admn & Rect) BSNL Corporate Office discussed about progress in 3rd Wage Revision and other Issues like Discrepancies in JE (Erstwhile TTA) held on 28-01-2018.
1) High standard questions 2) The questions which are of wrong answer key & out of syllabus questions
(1)Wrong answer key = 10 No’s
(2) Out of syllabus = 11 No’s
(3) Higher standard = 4 No’s
They responded positively and replied they will be discussed with Director (HR) who is out of station at present.

24-02-2018:-Meeting with Hon'ble Minister Shri Manoj Sinha on 24-02-2018 at 12.30AM. Meeting between Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications and the All Unions and Associations of BSNL - A historical meeting: A meeting is held at the Sanchar Bhawan today the 24.02.2018, between Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications and the All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB). Together with the Minister, Secretary, DoT, Special Secretary, DoT, Joint Secretary (Admn.), DoT, DDG (Esst), DoT, Shri Anand Kumar, OSD to the Hon’ble Minister, CMD BSNL and Director (HR) BSNL were present. From the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. K. Jayaprakash, GS, FNTO, Com. N.D. Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL, Com. Ravi Shil Verma, GS, AIGETOA, Com. Mallikarjuna, President, BSNL MS and Com. S.D. Sharma, GS, BSNL ATM, participated in the discussions. The representatives of the AUAB heartily thanked the Hon’ble Minister for taking out time to meet them. Detailed discussions took place on the memorandum submitted to the Hon’ble Minister, the details of which are as follows: -
1)3rd Pay Revision. So far, the DoT has been maintaining that BSNL employees are not eligible for 3rd Pay Revision. In today’s meeting the Hon’ble Minister agreed that the issue of 3rd Pay Revision of BSNL employees would be processed and would be taken for the approval of the DPE and the Cabinet. This is a great achievement. We have broken the stalemate that prevailed in the Pay Revision issue. At the same time we have to be vigilant, till the final approval is given by the Cabinet.
2) Formation of Subsidiary Tower Company. The AUAB representatives expressed their apprehension that in the name of formation of the Tower Company, the 66,000 mobile towers of BSNL are being snatched away from BSNL. They also pointed out that the decision of the Cabinet that, the Subsidiary Tower Company would remain under the control of BSNL Management, has been violated, through the appointment of an IAS officer as the CMD of Subsidiary Tower Company. They further pointed out that even BSNL Management was not taken in to confidence in the appointment of an IAS officer as the CMD of the Subsidiary Tower Company, which clearly shows that the Subsidiary Tower Company would not be under the control of BSNL Management. The reply given by the Hon’ble Minister in this regard is not satisfactory. The AUAB has to find ways and means to ensure the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company.
During the discussions on the issue, GS AIBSNLEA raised the issue of additional increment on post based promotions under the provisions of executive promotion policy provisions which has been denounced by DoT vide letter dated 05.07.2017 and lakhs of rupees recoveries are taking place of BSNL executives and BSNL pensioners. He instantly submitted Hon’ble PB CAT judgment copy to Hon’ble MOSC (I/C) wherein the DoT order dated 05.07.2017 has been quashed. Hon’ble MOSC (I/C) immediately directed DoT administration to look into the matter. Now, we can expect that DoT may not go for appeal against the PBCAT order in this regard after this meeting.
3)Pension Revision. The representatives of AUAB strongly argued that pension revision should be done to the BSNL pensioners. It was pointed out that the BSNL pensioners and the Central Government pensioners are covered by the same rules. They argued that when pension revision is settled for the Central Government pensioners, the same should not be denied to the BSNL pensioners. The Hon’ble Minister assured that needful action would be taken to settle this issue.
(4)Calculation of Pension Contribution. It was strongly argued that pension contribution in respect of BSNL employees cannot be calculated on the basis of maximum of the pay scale, when the same is calculated on the basis of actual basic pay, in the case of Central Government employees. It was pointed out that as per the DoP&T order issued in 2006, pension contribution of the Central Government employees is being deducted on the basis of actual pay only. The Hon’ble Minister directed the Secretary, DoT, that this issue should be settled as per Government orders.
(5)Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL. The AUAB representatives pointed out that it will be extremely difficult for BSNL to compete with the private operators, without providing 4G service. They strongly argued that the proposal of the BSNL Management, for the allotment of 4G spectrum by the Government, should be accepted. The Hon’ble Minister replied in the positive and assured that needful action would be taken.
(6)Reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58. The AUAB representatives strongly argued that the retirement age of the BSNL employees should not be reduced from 60 to 58, as a measure for the revival of BSNL. The Hon’ble Minister told that the government is not having any proposal to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 58.
(7)Left out issues of the 2nd PRC. The AUAB representatives pointed out that this issue is lingering on very long time and needs to be settled. The Hon’ble Minister stated that this issue would be looked into by the Secretary, DoT.
At the end of the meeting, the Hon’ble Minister stated that the representatives of AUAB could meet him again, as well as the Secretary, DoT, in continuation of today’s meeting. The representatives of AUAB heartily thanked the Minister for his positive response to most of the issues.
After the meeting with the Hon’ble Minister, a meeting of the AUAB was held in the FNTO’s office. All the General Secretaries expressed their satisfaction with regards to the progress in the issues. They also expressed the view that all these have happened only because of the united struggles and massive mobilization by the entire Non-Executives and Executives, for which they deserve appreciation.

23-02-2018:-Meeting to be held between leaders of All Unions and Associations of BSNL and Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble MoS(C), tomorrow. The All Unions and Associations of BSNL was taking continuous efforts to meet the Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, to ensure a negotiated settlement of the demands raised in the ongoing struggle. Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL, also took efforts for the holding of this meeting. Finally, the meeting between the leaders of AUAB and the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications has been arranged, and the meeting is taking place at 12:30 hrs. tomorrow. This meeting will be utilised to effectively put across the demands of the AUAB to the Hon’ble Minister.

23-02-2018:-Meeting between the Secretary, DoT and the leaders of All Unions and Associations of BSNL. At the end of today’s March to Sanchar Bhawan, a meeting took place between the Secretary, DoT and the leaders of All Unions and Associations of BSNL. From the AUAB, Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. K. Jayprakash, GS, FNTO, Com. N.D. Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL and Com. Mallikarjuna, President, BSNL MS, participated. From the DoT side, Ms. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary, DoT, Shri Shivasailam, Special Secretary, DoT, Shri Amit Yadav, Joint Secretary, DoT and Shri Pawan Gupta, Director (PSU) participated. Detailed discussion took place on the issues of 3rd Pay Revision, Subsidiary Tower Company, pension revision and reduction of the retirement age. The leaders effectively argued and demanded settlement of the issues. After detailed discussion, it is decided that further discussion would take place in the meeting to be held tomorrow between the leaders of AUAB and Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble MoS(C) tomorrow.

23-02-2018:-Moments of tension in Parliament Street. The thousands of BSNL employees who participated in the March to Sanchar Bhawan, were stopped near the Parliament Street Police Station. Barricades were placed by the police across the Parliament Street, to stop the participants. When comrades attempted to cross the barricades, the police pushed back our comrades. There where pushes and pulls from both sides, for some time. Finally, the leaders intervened. They negotiated with the police, who agreed to arrange a meeting between the Secretary, DoT, and the leaders of All Unions and Associations of BSNL. Thus, the situation was brought under control and untoward incidents were avoided.

23-02-2018:-March to Sanchar Bhawan is a tremendous success. The March to Sanchar Bhawan, conducted today, by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, became a tremendous success. Thousands of Non-Executives and Executives came from the nooks and corners of the country, and conducted a colourful March to Sanchar Bhawan. The March started from the BSNL Office at Eastern Court, went through Janpath, Tolstoy Marg and Parliament Street. It is estimated that more than 5,000 comrades participated in today’s March, which culminated near the Parliament Street police station. A meeting was held there, and leaders of All Unions and Associations of BSNL addressed the huge gathering. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. K. Jayprakash, GS, FNTO, Com. N.D. Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL, Com. Ravi Shil Verma, GS, AIGETOA, Com. Mallikarjuna, President, BSNL MS and Com. S.D. Sharma, GS, BSNL ATM, addressed the meeting. It was also addressed by veteran leaders Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri and Com. G.L. Jogi. The leaders called on the employees to intensify the struggles, including the Work According to Rule, if the issues are not settled. NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartily congratulates all those circle and district unions which took efforts to make the programme a grand success.

23-02-2018:-DoT has withdrawn its letter dated 21-02-2018. Click here to view

23-02-2018:-Letter to Director (HR) Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

22-02-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Notice for Agitational Programme by Unions and Associations of BSNL-Massive march to Sanchar Bhawan on 23-02-2018.Click here to view

22-02-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash, Shri D.D.Mistry, GS BDPA and Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S Delhi NTR met Shri A.M.Gupta, GM (SR) discussed about the 3rd wage revision etc.

21-02-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri D.D.Mistry, GS BDPA met Shri Dr. G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC requested to address the gathering on 23-02-2018 Rally. Shri Dr. G. Sanjeeva Reddy is having a meeting at Raipur and deputed Shri Ashok Singh National Vice President INTUC and Shri Zile Singh Delhi INTUC President to address the Rally.

21-02-2018:- All Unions & Associations of BSNL meeting held at T-15 A. G. Road new Delhi under the Presidentship of Shri Sebastin, GS SNEA, from our Union General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash attended. The following decisions taken:-
1. The March to Sanchar Bhawan on 23-02-2018 will be start at 11.30 AM from Eastern Court to Sanchar Bhawan.
2. All Unions alongwith their members should reach by 11.00 AM alongwith Banners.
3. The senior leaders of Central Trade Unions will be addressed at Eastern Court.

16-02-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Grant of Transport Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped Central Government Employees-Applicability in BSNL.Click here to view

15-02-2018:-The Circle Conference of Tamil Nadu Circle held at Madurai on 10 & 11-02-2018.

13-02-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy Maha Shivratri.

12-02-2018:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Thomas John K., President,NUBSNLW(FNTO), Shri K. Vallinayagam, Ex. G.S., Shri S. Lingamurthy, Jt. G.S. & C/S Chennai Telephones, Shri D.D.Mistry, A.G.S., & G.S., BDPA attended the 4th Circle Conference of Tamil Nadu Circle at Madurai conducted by Shri D. Chandrasekaran, Jt. G.S. & C/S Tamil Nadu Circle, Shri A. Raja, Ex Telecom Minister and Madurai MLA also attended and addressed the gathering. Shri D. Chandrasekaran elected as Circle President and Shri Jayabalan elected as Circle Secretary. K. Jayaprakash, G.S.

09-02-2018:-The BSNL has launched 4G service in Kerala on Thursday.
State Owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) on Thursday rolled out its 4G mobile services in India from the southern state of Kerala.
Initially the 4G service will be available at five locations in the high range Idukki district. The service was commissioned by making the first call to BSNL Chairman and Managing Director Anupam Srivastava, a BSNL press release said.
Commissioning of the service in other districts in Kerala is expected by this year end, BSNL Chief General Manager P T Mathew, said adding the work in this regard is progressing. The 4G service will offer higher data speeds leading to a better user experience, he said.
BSNL prepaid mobile subscribers will be able to avail an international facility in the US which is being launched in association with T-mobile. The roaming facility has also been available in Nepal in a tie-up with N-Cell.
The operator also launched its new mobile prepaid â€Home plan, which offers unlimited local/STD/BSNL roaming calls to one Kerala BSNL landline number.
Source-Hindustan Times 8-2-2018

08-02-2018:-All Unions and Associations of BSNL writes to Shri Narendera Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister, on the proposal for merger of MTNL with BSNL. Click here to view

07-02-2018:- All Unions and Associations decide to organise the “March to sanchar Bhawan” powerfully. A meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL was held yesterday the 06.02.2018. Com. Prahlad Rai, presided over. General Secretaries / representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BTEU, SEWA BSNL, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, TEPU and BSNL OA attended. The 5 day Satyagraha programme was reviewed and the meeting expressed it’s satisfaction over the success of the programme. The meeting also decided to massively organise the March to Sanchar Bhawan programme on 23.02.2018 and will start from BSNL Corporate office at 11.30Hrs.

07-02-2018:- Meeting with MOC is not held on 6th February evening with BSNL Unions & Associations.

07-02-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Change for option for contribution in Employees' Pension Scheme. Click here to view

05-02-2018:- Meeting between Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications and "All Unions & Associations of BSNL" to be held tomorrow at 17.00Hrs.

03-02-2018:-D. O. letter from Shri R. K. Mittal, Director (CM).Click here to viewClick here to view

03-02-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Wage negotiations for workmen in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs). Click here to view

02-02-2018:- Today BSNL Management called all Unions & Associations General Secretaries at 4.30 PM Corporate office to discuss the Agitational issues.
The following General Secretaries S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, NUBSNLW (FNTO), Swapan Chakraborty, Dy. GS, BSNLEU, C. Singh GS, NFTE-BSNL, Suresh, GS, BSNLMS, Sabastin, GS, SNEA, Shiva Kumar, FS, AIBSNLEA, N.D.Ram GS, SEWA BSNL Revati Prasad, AGS, BSNL ATM and GS, AIGTOA are attended the meeting with Director (HR) Smt. Sujatha Ray.
Director (HR) appeals all the leaders to withdraw the agitation in the interest of BSNL Development and she promised to discuss with the CMD to arrange a meeting with DoT Secretary for settlement of our issues. 1) Role back of formation of Subsidiary Tower Company 2) Settlement of 3rd Wage revision to all.
She also informed BSNL Management is not going to recommend the Age reduction of BSNL Employees.
The CMD BSNL may arrange a meeting with Secretary DoT/MOC with all Unions and Associations as early possible to settle the above issues.
NUBSNLW (FNTO) congratulates all the participants who were participated so far in Satyagarha Programme, Tomorrow 5th day the programme will continue. K. Jayaprakash, GS

01-02-2018:-Third day of the Satyagraha at Corporate office New Delhi.

01-02-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of Labour Rates-Govt. of India Gazette notification, Extraordinary,dated 19-01-2017, regarding labour rates issued from Ministry of Labour and Employment. Click here to view

30-01-2018:- Satyagarha started in right earnest throughout the Country.
Reports are pouring in from various parts of the country, regarding the Satyagraha struggle that has started today. The BSNL Non-Executives and Executives are expressing their deepest anger and protest against denial of Wage Revision and attempts of the government to kill BSNL.
At Central Head quarters all the General Secretaries are visited the Gandhi Samadhi at Raj Ghat New Delhi and started the Satyagraha Programme for 5 days.

29-01-2018:- All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to make the programme of all Unions/Associations a grand success. “SATYAGARHA for 5 days from 30-01-2018 and INDEFINITE WORK ACCORDING TO RULE” from 30-01-2018, for settlement of Wage revision and against to the formation of separate Subsidiary Tower Company.

27-01-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Declaration of 3rd Merit list of DRJE held on 25-09-2016 to 29-09-2017. Click here to viewClick here to view

25-01-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy Republic Day.

24-01-2018:-Decisions of the meeting of “All Unions & Assciations of BSNL” held today.
A meeting of “All Unions & Assciations of BSNL” was held at New Delhi today.Shri Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, presided over the meeting. General Secretaries/Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, NUBSNL (FNTO), SEWA BSNL, BSNL MS, BSNL ATM and BSNL OA, participated in the meeting. The following decisions are taken:-
1. The meeting decided to effectively organise the Indefinite Work According to Rule from 30.01.2018. This programme is to be effectively organised in all circles.
2. Full day Sathyagraha agitation is to be effectively organised for 5 days from 30.01.2018 at Corporate Office, circle and district levels.
3. Steering Committees (consisting of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA and AIBSNLEA) are to be formed in all circles and districts to effectively plan and organise the struggles. The Steering Committees will meet as and when required for giving necessary guidance.
4. Poster will be designed and uploaded on the websites of the Unions and Associations. These posters shall be printed by the circle unions (in the regional languages if necessary) and distributed to all the stations.
5. Next meeting of the All Unions and Associations will be held at BSNL MS office, at 15:00 hrs. on 06.02.2018.

24-01-2018:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision under timing of free night calling from existing "9 PM to 7 AM" to "10.30 PM to 6 AM" under post-paid Fixed/Limited CDMA plans in all circles. Click here to view

23-01-2018:-Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders w.e.f. 01-01-2018. Click here to view

22-01-2018:-CMD BSNL bereaved- Shri Narottam Prasad Shrivastava, aged 86, father of Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL, passed away in Bhopal hospital today. NUBSNLW (FNTO) pays it’s respectful homage to Shri Narottam Prasad Shrivastava and conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to Shri Anupam Shrivastava CMD BSNL & to his family.

19-01-2018:-Telecom a services facilitator, not just revenue generator: Manoj Sinha, MOC
By Gulveen AulakhET Bureau|Jan 12, 2018, 06.47 AM IST
New Delhi: The telecom ministry should be seen as a facilitator of digital and other services and not as a mere revenue generator for the government, minister Manoj Sinha said, signalling a possible shift in the mindset of the ministry and bringing it closer to the viewpoint of the industry, which has long complained about excessive levies and steep base prices for auctions.
"Digital IndiaBSE -3.09 % has to be implemented, which will offer many benefits to other sectors as well. Telecom ministry should be seen as a facilitator, rather than a revenue generator. It's a valid point," the minister told ET in an interview.
Between 2010 and 2016, the government raised Rs 3,48,467 crore through six airwave auctions, and telcos hold the steep outgo on account of these as one of the major reasons for their Rs 7.7 lakh crore debt burden. In addition, they claim that almost 30 paise of every rupee earned by them is paid as levy and taxes to the government.
"We're coming out with the new telecom policy in March. Whatever fundamental changes we have to make, we'll make in it," Sinha said, when asked if the government will look at reducing or scrapping licence fee and spectrum usage charge, the two big components of the telecom sector's revenue contribution to the exchequer.
'TC Decisions Big Relief for Industry'
The minister added that the health of the telecom sector was looking up. "The numbers are saying that stability is returning to the sector," Sinha said. "The worst phase is over and the industry is on the path to consolidation."
To buttress his point, Sinha cited the growing quarterly revenue contribution of telecom companies to the government. "There is an upward trend in revenue in the past quarters — to Rs 54,151crore in Q1 of 2017-18 and further to Rs 57,848 crore in Q2," he said.
Sinha reiterated the government's commitment to a free and unbiased Internet and said the ministry expects to issue its policy on net neutrality within a month. This was broadly in agreement with the recommendations of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), he said. Carriers would not be allowed to discriminate among users on the basis of Internet speed. "Democracy is in our blood," the minister said.
The Telecom Commission, the highest decision-making body in the telecom ministry, decided on Tuesday to scrap the 50% cap on intra-band spectrum holdings of telcos and instead impose a separate 50% cap on combined spectrum holdings in the 700 MHz, 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands (sub-1GHz bands). It also increased the overall airwaves holding limit to 35% from 25%, giving a boost to M&As and spectrum sales, as carriers try to sell assets, including airwaves, to repay debt.
The commission also extended the payments tenure for auctioned airwaves to 16 years from 12 years and lowered the interest rate on penalties on outstanding dues of telcos to 12% from 14%.
"This will be a big relief (for the industry)," Sinha said.
Commenting on last month's 2G judgement, the minister said acquittals didn't mean there was no wrongdoing. "The case is that a murder happened and you did not give your statement, and I went scot-free," he said. "That doesn't mean the murder didn't happen."
"Investigating agencies should decide whether to challenge the decision," he said. "Broadly, there were irregularities that took place, decisions were influenced by power corridors...which the SC said, and cancelled 122 licences."

17-01-2018:-Notice for Satyagraha and Indefinite Work According to Rule served.Click here to view

17-01-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Withdrawal of Unlimited Free calling to any network on all Sundays from BSNL landline.Click here to view

12-01-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy Makar Sankranti.

12-01-2018:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy Lohri.

12-01-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Arrangement of pre exam training to SC/ST/Miniority candidates: LICE for promotion to JE(RY 2016).Click here to view

12-01-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Extension of Gratuity to Casual Labour .Click here to view

12-01-2018:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, Circle Secretary, NTR Circle were met with GM (SR) & discussed about Constitute the Negotiation Committee for 3rd Wage revision.
GM (SR) replied that the BSNL Corporate office written a letter to DoT Secretary for permission. But so far BSNL is not received any reply. However a reminder will be sent to DoT for early action.

11-01-2018:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, Circle Secretary, NTR Circle were met with GM (Admn) for consideration of Service connection to Circle/SSA union office alongwith CHQ and given a letter in this regard.
GM (Admn) promised to persue the case in favour of us.

09-01-2018:-Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with other General Secretaries NFTE, BSNLEU, AIBSNLEA, SNEA, BTEU, BSNL ATM, SEWA BSNL, AIGETOA, BSNL MS were met with CMD BSNL Shri Anupam Srivastava discussed about Formation of Subsidiary Tower Company and 3rd Wage Revision.
CMD reply is positive in this matters

08-01-2018:- Unanimous decisions taken in today’s meeting of “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL” to intensify the struggles for achieving wage revision and for the â€rolling back of the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company’.
“The All Unions and Associations of BSNL”, held it’s meeting at New Delhi today to discuss about the steps to be taken for intensifying the struggles for the settlement of 3rd Pay Revision and to ensure the â€rolling back of the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company’. The meeting was attended by the General Secretaries / Representatives of NFTE, BSNLEU, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BTEU, SEWA BSNL, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, TEPU, BSNL ATM and TOA BSNL. The meeting was presided over by Com. K. Jayaprakash, GS, FNTO. The following decisions are taken unanimously for intensifying the struggles to achieve the demands.
Struggle programme:
1) Whole day Satyagraha for 5 days from 30.01.2018. The starting of the Satyagraha will be marked by the paying of â€shradhanjali’ at Gandhi Samadi at New Delhi on 30.01.2018, by the leaders of the “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL”.
(2) â€Indefinite Work According to Rule’ from 30.01.2018.
(3) Massive “March to Sanchar Bhawan” on 28.02.2018.,
(4) Leaders of “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL” will take all out efforts to meet Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, the Secretary DoT and CMD BSNL, within a week’s time.
(5) The meeting entrusted Com. G.L. Jogi, Leader, SNEA, and Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, with the responsibility of exploring possibilities to take legal action to roll back the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company.
(6) A Steering Committee consisting of the General Secretaries of NFTE, BSNLEU, SNEA and AIBSNLEA is formed to monitor the struggles.
(7) Meeting the leaders of political parties and Central Trade Unions, by 30.01.2018, to mobilise support in favour of the demands of “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL”.
Charter of demands
(1) Settle:-
(a) 3rd Pay Revision with 15% fitment from 01.01.2017.
(b) Settle pension revision.
(c) Settle left-out issues of the 2nd PRC.
(2) Roll back the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company.
(3) No reduction in the retirement age from 60 to 58 and no VRS.

04-01-2018:- All Unions/Associations have decided to conduct Lunch hour demonstration on 08-01-2018 at all levels against Cabinet decision. (Tower Company) All circle Secretaries and Distt. Secretaries are requested to coordinate with all unions and associations to make the programme a grand success.

04-01-2018:-DOT appointed Shri Amit Yadav (IAS), Joint Secretary (Admin), DOT as CMD of Tower Subsidiary Company of BSNL.Click here to view

02-01-2018:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Medical reimbursement with voucher for outdoor treatment-revised annual ceiling to be calculated on revised basic pay @ 78.2% fixation for upto 23 days w.e.f. 01-04-2018 in respect of Executives and Non-executives of BSNL.Click here to view

30-12-2017:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision under timing of free night calling from existing "9 PM to 7 AM" to "10.30 PM to 6 AM" & Sunday Free calling.Click here to view

30-12-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy New Year-2018.

30-12-2017:- Shri Baby Antony, Sr. Superintendent BSNL Bhawan, Kannur Kerala Circle and CHQ Organising Secretary is retiring today. NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wishes a Happy and Healthy retired life. K. Jayaprakash,GS

29-12-2017:-I.D.A. increased by 2.6% from the present 124.3%. The total IDA will be 126.9% with effect from 01-01-2018.

29-12-2017:-Shri Manoj Sinha Hon'ble Minister of Communications has replied to the questions raised by the Hon'ble MP's in Lok Sabha on 27-12-2017- Performance of BSNL & MTNL.Click here to view

28-12-2017:- 2018 Calendar Click here to view

23-12-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy Christmas.

21-12-2017:-Corporate office issued letter for Extension of On-Line Registration of JE-LICE under 50% quota for RY 2016.Click here to view

21-12-2017:- Letter to GM(SR).Click here to view

21-12-2017:- Corporate office issued Guidelines for provision of telephone connection with STD & broadband facility to Recognized Employees Union & Unions(other than recognized)securing 2% or more votes at all India basis.Click here to view

14-12-2017:- Corporate office issued Clarification regarding date of effect of retirement in case of Voluntary Retirement.Click here to view

14-12-2017:-Shri K. Jayaprakash, General Secretary, Shri M. R. Vashisht, Advisor and Shri B. C. Pathak, Financial Secretary are attending Circle Conference of U. P. (East)at Lucknow on 15th & 16th December-2107.

14-12-2017:- Flash News Flash News Flash News

According to the reliable sources from Corporate office the Two days strike is Grand Success the Percentage of Strike is more than 90% and 5 to 8 percent on sanctioned leave so we can say 98% BSNL Employees (Executive & Non-executive) on strike.

The information given by GM (SR) to CLC & RLC and other offices vide letter No BSNL/7-9/SR/2016/Pt dated 11-12-2017 that the 10 Unions are not participating in the strike is a Misleading and to sabtage the Strike but it is not meterialised.

Now every body can understand what is their percentage of employees in the BSNL.

Anyhow we congratulate once again to all for making the Two days strike a Grand Success. K. Jayaprakash, GS

13-12-2017:- All unions & associations CHQ leaders met today and congratulated the BSNL employees for making two Day strike a complete success. The meeting also criticized and condemned the negligent attitude of DOT administration and BSNL management towards BSNL employees strike and their just demands. Further decided to hold meeting on 08-01-2018 at 15.00 hrs in FNTO office T-16 Atul Grove Road New Delhi to decide the future course of actions for launching hard Trade union actions in terms of Parliament March/ Sanchar Bhawan including indefinite strike. K. Jayaprakash GS

12-12-2017:- congratulations to all. Strike is Cent Percent Success the reports receiving from all over India 100% Participation of Executive & Non executives in strike. You are all requested to continue the same trend tomorrow also. K. Jayaprakash, GS

12-12-2017:- Two days Strike is started the News getting from various Circles, strike is getting excellent response majority of the Officers/Officials participated in the strike.

NUBSNLW (FNTO) congratulates all the participants. K. Jayaprakash, GS

11-12-2017:- The Meeting of All General Secretaries held at Sabhagaar New Delhi. Shri P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Shri C. Singh, GS, NFTE, Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, NUBSNLW(FNTO), Shri Prahalad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Shri Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Shri Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNLMS Shri N. D. Ram, GS, SEWA attended the Meeting decided to success the Strike Cent-Percent all over India . It is also decided to conduct the demonstrations at the Offices.

08-12-2017:-BSNL Appeal.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

07-12-2017:-Corporate office issued Sanction for payment of adhoc Welfare Grant for the year 2017-18.Click here to view

07-12-2017:-D.O.Letter from Director (C.M.).Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

06-12-2017:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash is attending two days Circle Conference of Assam Circle at Guwahati on 6th & 7th December-2107.

05-12-2017:-Corporate office issued Instructions regarding superannuation pension scheme for directly recruited employees.Click here to view

04-12-2017:All the CHQ office bearers,Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to participate and success two days strike on 12th & 13th December-2017 in connection with early settlement of 3rd Wage Revision & stop the proposal of Tower Company.K. Jayaprakash GS .

04-12-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding LICE for promotion to the cadre of JAO under 40% quota held on 17-07-2016-Approval for utilization of resultant vacancies arised due to declining of some candidates for the left our qualified candidates.Click here to view

01-12-2017:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Declaration of 3rd Merit list of DRJE held on 25-09-2016 to 29-09-2017.Click here to viewClick here to view

01-12-2017:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Non payment of medical reimbursement to retired employees opted for without voucher.Click here to view

01-12-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy Id-e-Milad.

28-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Vacancy Calculation Sheet for compassionate ground appointment-CGA.Click here to view

27-11-2017:- On 25-11-2017 & 26-11-2017 Circle Conference of West Bengal held at Islampur. On behalf of CHQ Shri Alok Nandi, Dy. GS attended/addressed Conference.

27-11-2017:- Shri R. K. Kohli Passed way.

CHQ is extremely sorry to inform that veteran telecom trade union leader, com. R. K. Kohli has passed away on 26-11-2017 morning at New Delhi. He had been unwell for some time. NUBSNLW (FNTO) pays it's respectful homage to the departed leader, and also pays it's heartfelt condolences to his family members.

25-11-2017:-DPE Guidelines on Wage Policy for the 8th round of wage negotiations for workmen in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSe).Click here to view

25-11-2017:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash attending U. P. (West) Circle Conference at Agra.

24-11-2017:-Notice for two day strike served. Click here to view

23-11-2017:- Today our union along with BSNL Executive & Non-Executive Unions Participated in Human Chain in front of Corporate Office to Janpath Circle. Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, Shri D. D. Mistry, GS BDPA (India) Shri M. R. Vashisht, President BDPA (India), Shri B. C. Patahk, Financial Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO), Mohinder Singh, C/S NUBSNLW (FNTO) NTR Circle and Shri R. C. Sharma, Financial Secretary, BDPA CHQ and members are participated. The Programme is successful.

22-11-2017:-Today Cabinet Ministry approved the Wage Revision for Non-Executive for CPSEs.

Cabinet gives nod to wage policy framework for CPSE workers

PTI| Updated: Nov 22, 2017, 02.19 PM IST 0Comments

The Cabinet today approved a policy framework for central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) to negotiate the next round of wage revision with their workers, said official sources.

The decision on the wage policy for the eighth round of negotiations for the workers was taken at the Union Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi here.

As per the decision, the sources said, management of the CPSEs would be "free" to negotiate wage revision for workmen where the periodicity of wage settlement of 5 years or 10 years "expired generally" on December 31, 2016.

However, the government would not provide any budgetary support for any such wage increase, and the respective CPSEs would have to bear the entire financial implications from their own resources, they added.

Further, the management of CPSEs would have to ensure the negotiated scales of pay do not exceed the existing scales of executives and non-unionised supervisors of the respective companies.

According to the sources, CPSEs would also have to make sure any increase in wages does not result in administered prices of their goods and services. (Source-Economic Times)

22-11-2017:-Letter to Director (HR).Click here to view

22-11-2017:-Corporate office issued corrigendum regarding Holding of Online Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Engineer under 50% quota for RY 2016.Click here to view

21-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Special benefits in cases of death and disability in service-Revision of Disability Pension/Family Pension under Central Civil Service(Extraordinary Pension) Rules of pre-2016 disability pensioners/family pensioners in implementations of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission.Click here to view

21-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Counting of pre-appointment training period of Non-Executive Employees as qualifying service for reckoning 5 years of Residency period in the pay scale of Rs. 9020-17430 for appearing in the LICE for Junior Engineer.Click here to view

15-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Issue of aberration in pay on account of conversion of CDA pay scale into IDA pay scale w.e.f. 01-10-2000---Furnishing of information.Click here to view

15-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding LICE JTO under 50% 2016, examination held on 22-05-2016 (VY 2013-14), 24-09-2016 (VY2014-15) & 11-12-2016 (VY 2015-16)--review of failed SC/ST candidate.Click here to view

14-11-2017:-Date of human chain changed--All circle and district secretaries are requested to note that the date of the human chain programme is changed. It will now take place on 23.11.2017. The meeting of All Unions and Associations of BSNL, held today, has made this change, with a view to facilitate more time for the mobilisation. It is also decided that the human chain should be organised during lunch hour on 23.11.2017. Further, it is also decided that placards, containing our demands on wage revision and subsidiary tower company, should be prominently displayed during the human chain, with a view to take our message effectively to the public. CHQ requests all the circle and district unions to organise the programme effectively, in coordination with other unions and associations.

14-11-2017:-Strike notice for the two days strike to be served on 23-11-2017.

In the meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, held today, it is decided that the strike notice for the two day strike to be held on 12th & 13th December, 2017, will be served on the CMD BSNL and the Secretary, DoT, on 23.11.2017. .

10-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Printing of Calendar and diaries for the year 2018.Click here to view

10-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of Biometric System in all Telecom Circles of BSNL other than in NCR.Click here to view

08-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Pre-examination Training of SC/ST/Minorities candidates appearing for JE Examination.Click here to view

07-11-2017:-D O letter from Director (CM) BSNL.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

07-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding the engagement details of Casual Labourers [including TSMs]who have retired/left organization/Expired during the period from 01-10-2000 till date regarding extension of gratuity .Click here to view

03-11-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous Guru Nanak Jayanti.

03-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Extending 30% superannuation benefit to the BSNL recruited employees along with revision in date of implementation from the beginning-Status.Click here to view

02-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of Pension of BSNL pensioners/family pensioners as per 78.2% IDA fitment.Click here to view

02-11-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 CDA pensioners as per 7th CPC in pursuance to DOP&W OM No. 38/17/2016-P&PW(A) dated 12-05-2017.Click here to view

01-11-2017:- General Secretary joined the duty.Click here to view

31-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Sexual Harassment of Women Employees at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013- Reconstitution of Internal Complaints Committee.Click here to view

31-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding LICE for promotion to JE(RY 2016).Click here to view

26-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding LICE for promotion to the cadre of JAO under 40% quota held on 17-07-2016- Approval for utilization of resultant vacancies arised due to declining of some candidates for the left out qualified candidates.Click here to view

26-10-2017:-Corporate office issued Guidelines on Incorporating the provisions in BSNL CDA Rules, 2006.Click here to view

21-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Excercising of option of choosing parent circle in the cadre of JTO/JAO w.r.t. bifurcation of AP circle into AP & Telangana Telecom Circle.Click here to view

20-10-2017:- BSNL partners Micromax to launch 4G feature phone for Rs 2,200. Telecom minister Manoj Sinha said the partnership would increase BSNL's subscribers and strengthen the financial position.

Taking on Reliance Jio, government-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) has launched a feature phone with fourth-generation technology (4G) in partnership with handset maker Micromax for Rs 2,200.

BSNL will offer unlimited internet access, calling and SMS, along with free roaming, for a monthly recharge of Rs 97. Micromax says the effective cost of ownership will be Rs 3,364 after one year, as compared to Rs 3,336 for Reliance Jio's 4G feature phone. After two years, the cost of ownership for BSNL will be Rs 4,528 as compared to Rs 5,172 of Jio's and after three years, goes the claim, BSNL's ownership cost will be Rs 5,692 as against Rs 6008 in the Jio phone if kept by the customer.

Jio had in July announced a 4G feature phone for Rs 1,500, returnable at the end of three years for a full refund. The bundled Jio connection has a monthly plan of Rs 153.

With their “Bharat-1” device, Micromax and BSNL say they aim at providing an affordable 4G phone option to the 500-plus million without an internet unconnection. It is also a dual SIM one and can be used with other operators, as the device is not locked with BSNL. The Jio phone is locked for three years.

Speaking on the occasion, telecom minister Manoj Sinha said the partnership with Micromax would increase BSNL's subscribers and strengthen the financial position. BSNL, which operates across the country except Delhi and Mumbai, has around 98 million mobile subscribers.

It plans to offer 4G services on the 2,100 MHz band, for which the company has pan-India spectrum.

Jio was the first telecom operator to tap feature phone customers with its 4G-enabled device. After rattling the incumbent operators with free and cheap offerings, it led the shift towards this segment of customers, with the market in big cities almost saturated.

Bharti Airtel, the entity with the largest market share, has announced a bundling partnership with another local handset maker, Karbonn, for a smartphone offer with an "effective price" of Rs 1,399. Vodafone and Idea Cellular are also in talks with handset makers for bundling partnerships.
(Suorce-Business Standard, 18-10-2017)

18-10-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous Diwali.

18-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of pension of BSNL pensioners/family pensioners, who retired prior to 10-06-2013 by allowing the benefit of merger of 50% DA/DR with Basic Pay/Pension, effectively amounting to 78.2% DA/DR for the purpose of fitment.Click here to view

18-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Allotment of BSNL staff quarters:Preparation of waiting List.Click here to view

18-10-2017:-Corporate office issued Clarification regarding Reviewing result of failed SC/ST candidates in circle level LICE/LDCE etc.Click here to view

18-10-2017:-Lunch hours Demonstration in Kerala Circle.

16-10-2017:-Message from CMD BSNL.Click here to view

16-10-2017:-Corporate office issued Sanction regarding Final Welfare Grant for the year 2016-17.Click here to view

16-10-2017:-Corporate office issued reminder regarding Restoration of without voucher facility to Retired employees under BSNLMRS.Click here to view

13-10-2017:-Letters to Management.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

12-10-2017:-Bonus-BSNL Management has not taken any favorable decision regarding payment of Bonus.

12-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Extension of scheme of reimbursements, facilities, awards and incentives for sales team in Consumer Mobility(Project Vijay).Click here to view

12-10-2017:-All Unions & Associations of BSNL served strike notice to BSNL Administration for the settlement 3rd Pay revision & dropping of Cabinet decision for formation of separate Tower Company.Click here to view

11-10-2017:-Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders w.e.f. 01-10-2017.Click here to view

10-10-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) will be participating in the following agitational programme, call given by all Unions & Associations in support of early PAY REVISION (ii) Against the formation of separate TOWER COMPANY.

1. Lunch Hour demonstration on 16.10.2017 at BSNL CO, Circle/ SSA HQs.

2. "Human Chain" on 16.11.2017 at BSNL CO, Circle/ SSA HQs.

3. Two days strike on 12th and 13th December 2017. Even then issues are not resolved the indefinite strike will be organized till the demands are materialized.

07-10-2017:- Historic decision taken in the all Union/Association meeting, held at New Delhi.

It is a matter of great pleasure for all of us that historic decision is taken in the all Union/Association meeting, held at New Delhi on 04-10-2017 to settle the Wage Revision issue and to stop the Subsidiary Tower Company. General Secretaries/ Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, AIGETOA, SEWA BSNL, BSNL MS, BSNL OA, ATM and TOA BSNL participated in the meeting. Marathon discussion took place, on the ways and means to strengthen unity. It was felt by all that unity should be strengthened to settle Wage Revision and also to stop the formation of Subsidiary Tower Company. Finally, unanimously decided to function activities under the single banner of “All Unions and Associations of BSNL”. The decisions taken therein are as under: - Click here to view

06-10-2017:-D.O.Letter from Shri R. K. Mittal, Director (C.M.).Click here to view

06-10-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of revision of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners under 7th CPC in pursuance of DoP&PW OM No. 38/17/2016-P&PW(A) dated 12th May 2017 and MOF (Deptt. of Expenditure) OM No. 1(13)EV/2017 dated 23rd May-2017.Click here to view

03-10-2017:- Shri Thomas John K. President NUBSNLW (FNTO) will be available at CHQ New Delhi w.e.f. 07-10-2017 to 17-10-2017.

29-09-2017:-I.D.A. increased by 5.3% from the present 119%. The total IDA will be 124.3% with effect from 01-10-2017.

29-09-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Dushehra.

29-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of Superannuation Pension Scheme as per BSNL Employees Superannuation Pension Trust Rules.Click here to viewClick here to view

28-09-2017:-General Secretary on leave.Click here to view

27-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Recruitment of Junior Engineers (Erstwhile TTA) in BSNL for the year 2015 from the open market-for closure of merit list/waiting list.Click here to view

27-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Addendum to DR JAO-2017 Notification dated 04-09-2017 as decided by the competent authority.Click here to view

26-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Tele-density and Market Share Report as on 31-07-2017.Click here to view

22-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding List of Officers nominated by the Circles for timely settlement of pensionary benefits- Updation of the List. Click here to view

22-09-2017:-Joint National Workshp on Workers in CPSU,s.Click here to view

22-09-2017:-Message from Director (HR) Click here to view

22-09-2017:- It is learnt that Yesterday the Wage Committee has approved the proposal of 3rd PRC to Executives 15% weightage and DA will be neutralized from 31-12-2016 and no allowances will be increased the file sending to BSNL Board for recommendation than after it will go to DoT for approval. - K. Jayaprakash GS

21-09-2017:- Today General Secretary is attending the retirement function of Shri S. Lingamurthy, Joint General Secretary and Circle Secretary Chennai Telephones at Chennai Kamarajar Arangam alongwith Shri K. Vallinayagam, Ex. General Secretary and other Congress leaders at Chennai. CHQ wishes him and his family a good health and prosperous retirement life. K. Jayaprakash, GS

20-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of Supreme Court judgement on recovery of excess/wrongful payments made to employees in BSNL.Click here to view

20-09-2017:-Shri Neethinathan, Circle Treasurer of Tamil Nadu Circle passed away this morning. God may place his soul in peace and strength to the family to bear the irreparable loss. NUBSNLW (FNTO) conveys heartfelt condolences to bereaved family.

20-09-2017:-Having regard to the request of General Secretary AIBSNLEA the NUBSNLW (FNTO) agree and support the Agitation call on 4th October-2017

Call given by AIBSNLEA in connection with delay in approval of 3rd PRC by DoT/BSNL Board as it is a common demand/ important for the BSNL Executives and Non-Executives.

NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ request to all Circle/District Secretaries to make it grand successes – K. Jayaprakash GS

19-09-2017:-BSNL Likely to Partner With Lava, Micromax to Launch an Affordable Feature Phone Around Rs. 2,000. Telecom Talk September 18, 2017

State-run telecom operator, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) is looking to partner with domestic mobile brands such as Micromax and Lava to launch a co-branded feature phone around Rs. 2,000. This rumoured feature phone will come with attractive bundled tariff plans, and the launch might happen in October.

“Our strategy is away from procurement. We are trying to come up with our own bundled phone equipment and in about a month time, you will see co-branded feature phones with various manufacturers will come,” BSNL chairman Anupam Shrivastava told to Economic Times.

Speaking about the collaboration with domestic phone makers, Shrivastava said: “We are tying up with device makers such as Lava and Micromax to come up with own model of co-branded bundled feature phones with very aggressive voice packages.”

It is also said that the price of this feature phone is yet to be finalised, but it would be close to Rs. 2,000 as per the top executive. The feature phone will also offer free voice calls.

BSNL is having a decent time in the Indian telecom market. While other top private operators such as Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India, and Idea Cellular are struggling to tackle the newcomer Reliance Jio, BSNL is going neck-to-neck with Reliance Jio with its luring and attractive tariff plans.

Having said that, this deal should be equally important to the handset makers- Micromax and Lava because their market share has gone down drastically in recent times, thanks to the emergence of Chinese brands in the country.

BSNL is considering this move to counter the Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio which recently launched the affordable 4G VoLTE feature phone, the JioPhone. However, BSNL’s feature phone will not be a 4G supported one because the telecom operator is yet to offer 4G services in the Indian market. Leading telecom operator, Bharti Airtel is also considering the same move of partnering with mobile brands and launch a co-branded affordable 4G VoLTE smartphone with attractive and luring tariff plans.

Airtel is rumoured to launch the same smartphone by this Diwali, whereas BSNL is claimed to announce its co-branded feature phone in October.

19-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Method of pay fixation in IDA pay scales in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted after 01-10-2000 and opted IDA pay scales from the date of their promotion/retirement.Click here to view

19-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SC & ST-Contract workers.Click here to view

18-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter on Recognition of oldest existing customers of BSNL (LL,Mobile,BB) on BSNL Day.Click here to view

16-09-2017:-Corporate office issued Clarification regarding Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) for employees in the IDA pay scale from NE-1 to NE-10 of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.Click here to view

15-09-2017:-The Lunch hour demonstration programme conducted in All over India opposing Union Cabinet’s decision to form Subsidiary Tower Company. The News getting from all over India is very encouraging, successful. At Delhi conducted Lunch hour demonstration programme at BSNL Corporate Office. From our union Shri B. C. Pathak, Financial Secretary & Shri Mohinder Sing, Circle Secretary NTR Circle have participated and addressed the gathering.

14-09-2017:- Letter to Secy DoT, on Decision of the Union Cabinet to Form BSNL's Subsdiary Tower Company-regarding.Click here to view

14-09-2017:-Hold powerful lunch hour demonstrations on 15-09-2017, opposing Union Cabinet’s decision to form Subsidiary Tower Company.

As all of you are aware, the Union Cabinet has taken decision yesterday, to form a Subsidiary Tower Company. This decision, if implemented, will ruin BSNL. Its 70,000 mobile towers would be snatched away. Without its mobile towers, BSNL will become more or less a skeleton. It is the duty of each and every Non-Executive and Executive, to stop the formation of the Subsidiary Tower Company. As a first step against formation of Subsidiary Tower Company, powerful lunch hour demonstrations would be conducted throughout the country on 15.09.2017. All unions and associations are participating in this programme. Circle and District secretaries of NUBSNLW (FNTO) are requested to coordinate with all the other unions and associations and to organize the programme very effectively.

13-09-2017:-Cabinet decision on Tower Company.

BSNL Mobile Towers to Be Hived Off Into Separate Company

PTI @PTI_News September 13, 2017, 7:53 am September 12, 2017, 7:31 pm

The Cabinet on Tuesday approved hiving off about 66,500 mobile towers of state-run BSNL into a separate company with a view to monetising them by either listing the new entity or leasing the masts to private firms.

BSNL owns 15 percent of the 4, 42, 000 mobile towers in the country.

“Private telecom service operator have created a separate tower subsidiary and have been offering their services. Today Cabinet has granted approval to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited also to harness full potential of its mobile towers by creating a separate completely owned subsidiary,” Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha told reporters after the Cabinet meet.

The government allows telecom operators and mobile tower companies to mutually share towers for lowering capital and operational expenses.

BSNL has 15 percent towers out of all mobile towers in the country. We have 66,457 mobile towers. Tenancy ratio was 1.14 was in the past. Average tenancy ratio of other service provider is 1.9. This (separate company) will lead to increase in our tenancy ratio as well. Other service provider will be able to use our tower.

Manoj Sinha, Telecom Minister

The tenancy ratio is derived by dividing number of base stations or antenna installed at mobile towers with total number of towers.

Sinha said the mobile tower company will be completely owned by BSNL and the process of creating the new subsidiary will be completed in two years.

“1,614 people will go on deputation from BSNL and the Department of Telecom. In coming days, when business will increase, new employment opportunities will be created. This work will be completed in two years,” he said.

A tower company owns the passive infrastructure and leases it to telecom service providers enabling them to minimise duplication of investments and economise on costs of operation and maintenance, leading to improvement in profitability.

The minister said that tenancy ratio on BSNL towers has improved from 1.14 to 1.32 since the time the proposal to create a separate mobile tower company was floated. “When we will execute it, then we will also reach the same level as of other service providers,” Sinha said.

Indus Towers, a joint venture between Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular, is the biggest telecom tower company in the world with 1,22,920 mobile towers with over 2,97,867 tenancies. Bharti Infratel claims the second spot in mobile tower segment with 90,646 mobile towers.

Times of India

Cabinet approves hiving off BSNL mobile towers into separate company

PTI | Sep 12, 2017, 18:04 IST NEW DELHI: The Cabinet on Tuesday approved hiving off mobile towers of state-run telecom firm Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) into a separate company.

There are around 4,42,000 mobile towers in the country, out of which BSNL owns more than 66,000.

"The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its approval for hiving off mobile tower assets of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) into a separate company, fully-owned by BSNL," an official statement said.

An independent, dedicated tower company of BSNL with a focused approach will lead to increasing of external tenancies and consequentially higher revenue for the new company, it added.

"This approval authorises BSNL to monetise its telecom tower infrastructure with the formation of a separate subsidiary company," the statement said.

A tower infrastructure company owns the passive infrastructure asset and leases it to telecom service providers enabling them to minimise duplication of investments and economies on costs of operation and maintenance, leading to improvement in profitability.

The Tribune

Posted at: Sep 13, 2017, 12:01 AM; last updated: Sep 13, 2017, 12:01 AM (IST)

Cabinet approves hiving off BSNL’s mobile tower biz

New Delhi, September 12-- The Union Cabinet today approved hiving off mobile tower assets of BSNL into a separate company to be fully owned by the state-owned company itself.

This approval authorises BSNL to monetise its telecom tower infrastructure with the formation of a separate subsidiary company.

Briefing the media after the Cabinet meeting, Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha said the process of hiving off the tower assets into a separate company would be completed over a period of two years.

He said that a number of BSNL employees would not only be sent on deputation to the new company but a number of new jobs would also be created through this new venture.

There are around 4, 42, 000 mobile towers in the country out of which more than 66,000 mobile tower are of BSNL, which comes to about 15% of the total towers in the country.

Monetising assets

• The separate company will be fully owned by BSNL

• This approval authorises BSNL to monetise its telecom tower infrastructure with the formation of a separate subsidiary

• The process of hiving off the tower assets into a separate company would be completed over a period of two years.

12-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Online LICE for Junior Engineer under 50% quota for RY 2016: Vacancy details.Click here to view

11-09-2017:-Corporate office issued Corrigendum regarding Decisions taken in the 11th meeting of BSNL Sports & Cultural Board.Click here to view

8-9-2017:- CHQ write to CMD BSNL for payment of Bonus.Click here to view

8-9-2017:- Today General Secretary is attending CWC meeting at Kolkata alongwith Shri Alok Nandi, Dy. GS and C/S Kolkata Telephones. -K Jayaprakash, GS .

7-9-2017:- Today Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS addressed in CWC meeting of Assam Circle held at Silchar, nearly 150 members were present explained the present position of BSNL and implementation of 3rd PRC etc. Shri Nripen Deka, Circle Secretary also present in the meeting. -K Jayaprakash, GS.

06-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Engagement Details of Casual Labourers.Click here to view

06-09-2017:-Corporate office issued DoT's order no.40-12/2004-Pen(T)(Pt), dt. 5th July, 2017 regarding pay fixation matters relating to BSNL employees-issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale-stay order on any pay revision and any recoveries granted by Hon'ble Jaipur Bench of CAT.Click here to view

06-09-2017:-Corporate office issued Sanction regarding ad-hoc Circle Sports Grant for the year 2017-18.Click here to view

05-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners under 7th CPC in pursuance to DOP&PW 0M No.38/37/2016/-P&W(A) dated 12th May-2017 and MOF(Deptt. Of Expenditure) OM No.1(13)EV/2017 dated 23rd May 2017.Click here to viewClick here to view

05-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Trade Apprenticeship Training to ITI Holders under BSNL Swavlambi Scheme 2016.Click here to view

05-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Review of result of failed SC/ST candidates in JAO LICE 10% notified on 07-03-2016) and JAO LICE 10%(notified on 03-06-2016).Click here to viewClick here to view

05-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Conducting DR-JAO in BSNL through open competitive Exam-publication of Indicative advertisement for vide publicity through website, news papers through Circles, Employment News etc.Click here to view

04-09-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy ONAM.

01-09-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartly wish Eid Mubarak on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Zuha.

01-09-2017:- An appeal from GM (SR).Click here to view

01-09-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Allocation of adhoc Welfare grant to BSNL Circle Staff Welfare Boards for the year 2017-18.Click here to view

31-08-2017:-Corporate office issued Circular regarding Concessional telephone facility to serving employees of BSNL-Free Night calling facility.Click here to view

29-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Social security Scheme for the families of BSNL Employees who are die untimely i.e. during service-Entirely to be funded by BSNL Employees on pay roll.Click here to view

29-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Review of results of failed SC/ST candidates in LICE-revised guidelines.Click here to view

29-08-2017:-Message from Director(HR).Click here to view

26-08-2017:- General Secretary will attend the Circle Working Committee of Assam Circle at Silchar on 7th September-2017 and CWC meeting of Kolkata Telephones on 8th September-2017.

25-08-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

24-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of Revision of pension of pre-2016 Pensioner/Family Pensioner under 7th CPC in pursuance to DOP&PW 0M No. 38/37/2016/-P&W(A) dated 12th May-2017 and MoF(Deptt. Of Expenditure) OM No. 1(13)EV/2017dated 23th May 2017.Click here to view

22-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of Wages of Casual Labourers in BSNL in view of revision of Minimum Wages notified by Government of India dated 19-01-2017.Click here to view

21-08-2017:-Corporate office issued Circular regarding Free OPD consultations for all employees at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan.Click here to view

17-08-2017:-Corporate office issued Sanction of Final Welfare grant to BRBRAITT Circle Staff Welfare Board Jabalpur for the year 2016-17.Click here to view

16-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of rates of damages for un-authorized occupation of GPRA and damages for subletting of GPRA w.e.f 01-07-2017 throughout the country.Click here to viewClick here to view

15-08-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Independence Day.

14-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Holding of Online LICE for Junior Engineer under 50% quota for RY 2016: Vacancy details.Click here to view

14-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of norms for sanction of sports grant for All India BSNL Tournaments/Meets.Click here to view

14-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Allocation of adhoc Welfare grant to BSNL Circle Staff Welfare Boards for the year 2017-18.Click here to view

09-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendation of the 7th CPC. Revision of pension of pre-2016 Pensioner/Family Pensioner under 7th CPC. Click here to view

09-08-2017:-Corporate office issued Sanction of final Welfare Grant for 2016-17 to various Circles.Click here to view

09-08-2017:-Corporate office issued BSNL Sports Calendar for All India BSNL Tournaments/Meets for the year 2017-18 -Revised.Click here to view

07-08-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Happy Raksha Bandhan.

05-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Direct Payment of GPF Advance/Withdrawal by DoT for BSNL employees.Click here to view

04-08-2017:-Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)w.e.f. 01-01-2017. Click here to view

04-08-2017:- Shri U. P. Pandey, Ex. Senior leader & Ex. Circle Secretary of U. P. (East) passed away on 31-07-2017 at his native village in U. P. near Partapgarh (Lucknow). God may place his soul in peace & strength to the family to bear the untimely loss. NUBSNLW (FNTO) convey heartfelt condolences to braved family.

03-08-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineer for the RY-2015----Instructions for filling up of unfilled vacancies.Click here to view

01-08-2017:- Shri M. Mahalingaiah, Circle Secretary, Karnataka Circle retired on 31-07-2017 on superannuation at Bangalore. You are starting a new journey and exceptional chapter of your life. May your days be filled with elation and triumph. CHQ wishes you and your family a happy & healthy retired life.-K. Jayaprakash GS

27-07-2017:-Strike is success.

26-07-2017:-Tomorrow 27th July one day strike please make it success.

19-07-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Safeguards while issuing pay fixation orders in respect of employees of BSNL.Click here to view

19-07-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of Labour Rates- Govt. of India Gazette notification; Extraordinary dated 19-01-2017, issued from Ministry of Labour and Employment.Click here to view

19-07-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Bifurcation of BSNL AP Staff Welfare Board .Click here to view

19-07-2017:-The Cabinet today cleared a 15 per cent hike in salaries for public sector company employees.

The Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved implementation of the recommendations of the 3rd Pay Commission for central public sector enterprises’ (CPSE) employees, an official said here.

The commission had recommended a 15 per cent increase in emoluments, the lowest so far. Higher wages are effective from January 1, 2017.

The previous commission had given a 37.2 per cent rise in 2007 and the first commission had given between 24 per cent and 30 per cent increase. Source- The Hindu Business Line.

18-07-2017:-TRAI to discuss tariff floor price with Telecom companies on July-21. Source- The Economic Times.Click here to view

18-07-2017:- As discussed in the Patna CWC, today our website is linked with Circle website of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Chennai Telephones. I request all the Circle Secretaries to inform your website address to me by sms if you are maintaining the website to link them to our CHQ website. K. Jayaprakash. GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

17-07-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding Direct recruitment in the post of Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) in BSNL from open market through valid GATE Score-2017-VACANCY STATUS REPORT.Click here to view

17-07-2017:-BSNL to offer ultra fast 1,000 mbps broadband services. Source- The Economic Times.Click here to view

17-07-2017:-BSNL endorse DoT letter on Issue of orders which have a bearing on pension and pensionary benefits.Click here to view

14-07-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)is joining in one day strike on 27-07-2017 call given by BSNLEU & others.

13-07-2017:-Circular on Central Working Committee held at Patna on 7th July & 8th July-2017.Click here to view

13-07-2017:- The Hunger Strike programme conducted in All over India demanding early settlement of 3rd Wage Revision etc. The News getting from all over India is very encouraging, successful. At Delhi conducted hunger strike programme at Eastern Court. The following General Secretaries are on hunger fast Shri P. Abhimanyu GS BSNLEU, Shri K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri Sebastin GS SNEA, Shri Suresh Kumar GS BSNLMS, Shri S.D. Sharma, GS BSNLATM, Shri Laxman, President AIGTOA & Shri C. Singh, GS NFTEBSNL greeted the programme and addressed the gathering, Nearly 100 Members were participated in the programme. K. Jayaprakash. GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

12-07-2017:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) is participating in one day Hunger Strike at BSNL Headquarter New Delhi on 13-07-2017. CHQ is requesting all to participate in the Hunger Strike all over India and make it grand success. K. Jayaprakash GS

11-07-2017:-Corporate office issued letter regarding verification of Eligibility based on Date of Appointment in respect of JTOs who appeared & passed LDCE, 2015 held on 21-06-2015.Click here to view

10-07-2017:-Corporate office issued Amendment in BSNL Employees Transfer Policy.Click here to view

10-07-2017:-Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders w.e.f. 01-07-2017.Click here to viewClick here to view

07-07-2017:-Today our Central Working Committee meeting is started at Patna under the President ship of Shri Thomas John K., at 16.00 hrs a open session held Shri Suresh Kumar CGM Bihar and PGM Bihar Shri R.P.Singh ex CGM Bihar and other officers and Shri C. Singh GS NFTE addressed in the meeting all the CWC members and Bihar Circle members are attended the meeting, nearly 400 members present in the meeting.-K. Jayaprakash GS.

06-07-2017:- The Central Working Committee meeting of our NUBSNLW (FNTO)Union is scheduled to held from tomorrow i.e. 7th & 8th July at Patna all the CWC members are reaching to Patna. K. Jayaprakash GS.

05-07-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Engagement Details of Casual Labourers.Click here to view

03-07-2017:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) Extends the support to National Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations conduction two days hunger strike from 3rd July-2017 and 4th July-2017 at Corporate office demanding 3rd Wage revision etc. K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

01-07-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Revision of Labour Rates.Click here to view

01-07-2017:-General Secretary, along with President Shri Thomas John K., Shri T. M. Pattaiah, AGS, Shri M. Mahalingaiah, C/S Karnataka, Shri Anantharam, J. C/S Karnataka and Shri Rudraiah, President Bangalore Telephones attending Two days 1st & 2nd July-2017 INTUC All India Working Committee Meeting at Mysore LE Ruchi hotel- K. Jayaprakash.

30-06-2017:-IDA increased by 1.9% from the present 117.1%. The total IDA will be 119% with effect from 01-07-2017.

30-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of Government Decision on the recommendations of the 7th CPC-Revision of Pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners under 7th CPC.Click here to view

30-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Modifications in the 7th CPC recommendations on pay and pensionary benefits i.r.o. some categories of employees.Click here to viewClick here to view

30-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter on Restoration of without voucher facility to Retired employees under BSNLMRS.Click here to view

28-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued Update on implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL.Click here to view

26-06-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all Eid Mubarak.

23-06-2017:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Thomas John K. All India President NUBSNLW(FNTO)are attended the open session meeting of BDPA at Gandhi Peace Foundation Hall New Delhi.

22-06-2017:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Thomas John K. President attended & addressed in the BDPA Central Working Committee meeting at Gandhi Peace Foundation Hall New Delhi on 22 & 23 June 2017.

22-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued clarification regarding admissibility of flexi-fare in Shatabdi/Rajdhani/Duronto trains while availing LTC.Click here to view

22-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued corrigendum regarding Name of Exam: Direct recruitment in the post of Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) in BSNL from open market through valid GATE score 2017.Click here to view

22-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Social security Scheme for the families of BSNL Employees who die untimely i.e. during service-Entirely to be funded by BSNL Employees on pay roll.Click here to view

22-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Incentives to motivate the staff to increase growth of Landline and Broadband connection.Click here to view

22-06-2017:-Appeal to workers by Director (HR) Corporate office BSNL New Delhi.Click here to view

22-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued Reminder for Engagement Details of Casual Labourers.Click here to view

22-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2018.Click here to view

21-06-2017:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Thomas John K. All India President NUBSNLW(FNTO)Met with Smt. Sujata T Ray Director (HR)BSNL discussed about 3rd Wage Revision and other staff matters.

20-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of Government Decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission-Revision of Pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners etc.Click here to view

20-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Formation of Internal Complaint Committee on Sexual Harassment of Women at work place.Click here to view

20-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Filling up of vacancies through DR JE (erstwhile TTA) Exam held in Sept.2016) through direct recruitment: Left out vacancy status as on 06-06-2017.Click here to view

16-06-2017:-Corporate Office issued General guidelines regarding promotion to higher grade in BSNL.Click here to view

16-06-2017:-Corporate Office endorsed the orders of DoT on Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission-Revision of Pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners etc.Click here to viewClick here to view

15-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Extending soft tenure facilities to JTO and below level grades(non-Executives) opting/transferred to Circle Office, AP Circle mat Vijaywada.Click here to view

09-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Status of document verification/joining of DRJE in BSNL.Click here to view

09-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission-Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners etc.Click here to viewClick here to view

09-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners-Delinking of revised Pension from quqlofying service of 33 years vide DOP&PW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 6-4-2016- Applicability to IDA pensioners of BSNL.Click here to viewClick here to view

09-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Clarifications regarding Extension of benefits to Direct Recruit Junior Engineers also selected as JTOs through GATE.Click here to view

08-06-2017:-CMD BSNL writes to the Secretary, DoT and Secretary, DPE on 3rd wage revision issue.Click here to view

07-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Details of representations for review of result of failed SC/ST candidates in JAO LICE 40% (notified on 07-03-2016) and JAO LICE 10%(notified on 03-06-2016).Click here to view

07-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Approval for issue of Presidential order in respect of left out casual labourers of (TSMs who have been conferred (TSM Status as on or before 30-09-2000 and Regularized on or after 01-10-2000).Click here to viewClick here to view

05-06-2017:-Notice for Central Working Committee Meeting at Patna (Bihar) on 7th & 8th July-2017.Click here to view

03-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Sanction of Welfare Grant for the year 2016-17.Click here to view

01-06-2017:-Shri S. Kanagasorupan, Veteran P & T Trade Union leader of Tamil Nadu breathed his last on 01-06-2017 at Cuddalore in his native place. He is fondly called as “GURUJI” by all P & T employees in Tamil Nadu. He had played major role in developing large number of membership in the FNPTO and FNTO under the leadership of Late. K. Ramamurthy, founder leader of FNPTO. He was respected by all employees of P & T in Tamil Nadu irrespective of the Unions.

His role and activities have caught the attention of the then PTTI (through Shri Basil-de-Silva and Shri. G. Kandasamy of Singapore). He was the king maker in Trade union especially in All India conferences of NUTEE-Group – C and later NUBSNLW (FNTO). He had close relationship with all political leaders including Chief Ministers not only in Tamil Nadu but also in Pondicherry.

He was ill for the past one month and breathed his lost on 01-06-2017 at 08.05 Hours. His funeral rook place on 02-06-2017 at Cuddalore. FNTO, Tamil Nadu pays homage to the bereaved leader and conveys its heartfelt condolences not only to the family of the bereaved but also to the entire DOT/BSNL Employees and as a mark of respect the FNTO flags will fly half mast for three days from 01-06-2017 to 03-06-2017. (D.CHANDRASEKARAN) C/S NUBSNLW (FNTO) Tamil Nadu

01-06-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Holding of LICE for Junior Engineer under 50% quota for the Recruitment Year-2016---Approval thereof.Click here to view

29-05-2017:- The Central Working Committee Meeting of National Union of BSNL Workers (FNTO) will be held at Patna, Bihar Circle on 7th & 8th July-2017 to discuss the important agenda. All the CHQ Office Bearers, Circle Secretaries and Advisers are requested to attend the meeting without fail. Notice will be sent to your address. K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

27-05-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Committee on the Welfare of Other Backward Classes-Selection of subjects for examination during the year 2016-17.Click here to view

27-05-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Confirmation of employees in BSNL.Click here to view

25-05-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Guidelines regarding recovery of excess/wrongful payments made to employees of BSNL.Click here to view

25-05-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Technician(Erstwhile Telecom Mechanic)-conduction of exam by SSA/Circle Head.Click here to viewClick here to view

25-05-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Technician(Erstwhile Telecom Mechanic) under 50% quota-cancellation of Exam Notification.Click here to view

22-05-2017:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Joint General Secretary Shri S. Lingamurthy, Circle Secretary Shri M. Mahalingaiah, AGS Shri T. M. Pattaiah. Anantharam, AC/S, Shri Chandrakant. E. Gunagi, OS CHQ Shri Narsimhamurthy, OS, Shri Rudraiah Circle President, Shri Jayashanker, Shri Jayantha Ex C/S etc were attended the Marriage of Shri N. R. Hegde, CHQ Advisor Daughter. The marriage arrangements were excellent, CHQ wishes the new couple-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

22-05-2017:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash is attending the Karnataka Circle activists meeting at Bangalore alongwith Joint General Secretary Shri S. Lingamurthy and also attending Shri N. R. Hegde, CHQ Advisor and Circle President daughter marriage at Bangalore-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

20-05-2017:- Corporate office issued letter regarding issue relating to medical facility extended to retired employees.Click here to view

15-05-2017:- Letter to Director (CM) on Shortage of SIMs in all SSAs in Kerala Circle.Click here to view

15-05-2017:- Today at 15.30hrs Shri P. Abhimanyu GS BSNLEU came to our office T-16 Atul Grove Road New Delhi requested for our union co-operation for getting 3rd Wage Revision to Non-executives. Shri M. R. Vashisht and Shri Mohinder Singh are also present.

15-05-2017:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash and Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR Circle met with GM (SR) Shri A. M. Gupta and DGM (SR) Shri Sinha and protested against the Management decision Shri Sunil Gautam, Dy. GS SNATTA is allowed in the National Council Meeting on 11-05-2017 against the Kerala High Court orders.

Process is going on to remove the Name of Shri Sunil Gautam, Dy. GS SNATTA from Staff Side Member of National Council.

12-05-2017:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Status/Vacancy in Junior Engineer and Telecom Technician cadres as on 31-03-2017--Furnishing of information.Click here to view

12-05-2017:-Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Nripen Deka, Circle Secretary, Assam are attending a meeting with CGM Assam at Guwahati.-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

11-05-2017:- Today Circle Working Committee held at Tinsukiya successfully, nearly 100 members were attended and passed resolutions.-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

11-05-2017:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash is attending Circle Working Committee meeting of Assam Circle at Tinsukiya from 10th May and 11th May 2017 along with Shri Nripen Deka, Circle Secretary and Shri Mohd Atiqur Rahman, A.C/S Dibrugarh.-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

09-05-2017:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Recovery of excess/wrongful payments made to employees to BSNL.Click here to view

09-05-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Buddha Purnima.

09-05-2017:- Letter to Director (HR) Request for withdrawing the fee levied for the Telecom Technician LICE to be held on 09-07-2017.Click here to view

09-05-2017:- Letter to Director (HR) on Down grading the pay scale of Sr. TOAs from Rs.7100-200-10100 to Rs.6550-185-9325 while implementing NEPP.Click here to view

09-05-2017:- Letter to Director (HR) Request for including the candidates who appeared in the LICE JTO (T) held on 11-12-2016 with court orders along with the candidates in the final list of training.Click here to viewClick here to view

08-05-2017:- Corporate office issued Amendment in BSNL Employees Transfer Policy .Click here to view

06-05-2017:- Corporate office issued corrigendum regarding Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the cadre of Telecom Technician (erst-while Telecom Mechanic)for the Recruitment Year-2016.Click here to view

05-05-2017:- Corporate office issued letter regarding Calculation of vacancies for Limited Internal Competition Examination, Direct Recruitment & Seniority quota.Click here to view

04-05-2017:-D.O. Letter from Director (CM).Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

04-05-2017: Cabinet approves modifications in the 7th CPC recommendations on pay and pensionary benefits.Click here to view

04-05-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding Settlement of medical claims.Click here to view

04-05-2017: Corporate office issued Clarification on Preventive Health Care.Click here to view

01-05-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy May Day.

29-04-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding Replacement of E1A and E2A scales by standard pay scales of E2 and E3 w.e.f.01-01-2007.Click here to view

29-04-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding BSNL Training Policy (2017-2020).Click here to view

27-04-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding Revision of Labour Rates.Click here to view

26-04-2017:-Director Finance assigned to Smt. Sujata T. Ray Director (HR) is extended for a further period of six months w.e.f. 01-03-2017. Click here to view

24-04-2017:- Today the Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations meeting held at our office T-16 Atul Grove Road under the Convenership of Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Chairman Shri S. P. Sharma, GS BSNLWRU. The following General Secretaries activists are attended Shri M. Rama Sundaram Co-Convener & GS BSNLEC, Shri A. D. Patil, Vice Chairman & GS AIBCTES, Shri Satya Dev Sharma Vice Chairman & GS BSNL ATM, Shri R. S. Bisti, AGS BSNL Staff Union on behalf of Shri Zile Singh, GS BSNLSU, Shri Biswanath Datta, GS TEU (BSNL) and also Shri M. R. Vashisht, Advisor NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri B. C. Pathak, Finance Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri D. P. Patwa, Dy.GS AIBCTES.

After Prolonged discussions the following Decisions were taken.

1. Letter to CMD to form 3rd Wage Revision Committee immediately.

2. Demand for nomination of Non-recognized union members in Works Committee also Welfare board, Sports Committee.

3. Demand for stoppage of proposal of Tower Company and BSNL/MTNL Merger.

4. Allotment of Union office accommodation to all applicant unions in all over India.

5. Introduction of 5 days week in BSNL in all over India.

6. Extension of free night calling facility to all Serving Employees.

7. Restoration of Time schedule for informal meeting to all applicant unions at Director (HR) & also all Circles.

8. Finalisation of Bonus Formula before July-2017 for pay the Bonus before the Pooja every year and to Demand for payment of 2015-16 Bonus Payment.

9. Early Finalisation of Change of Designations to all other Cadres who have not changed so far.

10. Stop the Discrimination in the pay scales of the Sr. TOA Cadre and Promotional Scheme etc.

Finally it is also decided that our Forum will work together to settle the staff matters and also in the interest of BSNL Development. It is also decided our Forum will give Agitational Programmes if required on common issues like 3rd Wage Revision, BSNL/MTNL Merger etc. Our Forum will not participate in all agitational Programmes given by other Unions/Forums.

It is also decided that if required to participate in common issues with all in the interest of BSNL future, the Convener & Chairman is authorized to take a decisions. K. Jayaprakash, Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) Click here to viewClick here to view Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

24-04-2017:-List of New Body of Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations Click here to viewClick here to view

24-04-2017:- 270 GB Data at Rs. 333: BSNL's Response to Jio's Dhan Dhana Dhan Plan.

BSNL announced three new plans in the price range of Rs. 333 to Rs. 395, offering daily internet data usage limit of up to 3 GB and unlimited calling for 90 days.

In the ongoing battle on tariff wars state-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) on Friday launched three new schemes offering up to 3 GB of internet data per day along with free voice calls for a period of 90 days. The new tariff offer by the BSNL is seen as a move to counter attractive internet and voice calling plans being offered by other telecom players like Vodafone, Airtel and Reliance Jio. Tariffs in the telecom sector are being revised as a measure to retain the customer base, say analysts.

BSNL announced three new plans in the price range of Rs. 333 to Rs. 395, offering daily internet data usage limit of up to 3 GB and unlimited calling for 90 days.

BSNL's new plan named as “Triple Ace” is priced at Rs. 333 and will offer unlimited data with 3G speed up to 3GB internet data per day and will be valid for 90 days, said a statement issued by the BSNL.

The company also launched “Dil Khol Ke Bol” plan for Rs. 349 in which its customers will get unlimited local and STD calls and 2GB data with 3G speed every day after which the speed will get reduced to 80 KBPS per second.

In the third plan known as “Nehle pe Dehla”, BSNL is offering 3,000 minutes of calls on BSNL network and 1,800 minutes of calling on other network along with 2GB daily data at 3G speed for Rs. 395 for 71 days.

Source:-Hindustan Times 22-04-2017

19-04-2017:-Letter to CMD BSNL Request for extension of medical allowance, without voucher facility to the serving employees.Click here to view

19-04-2017:19-04-2017:- Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash & Convener along with Shri S. P. Sharma, Chairman Organization of BSNL Unions and Associations met with Shri A. K. Sinha, DGM (SR) and discussed about the Irregular Transfers in Gujarat & U.P.(East) Circles.

It is noticed that the 3rd PRC to Executives file sent to Cabinet Ministry by the DoT with Positive recommendations, on receipt of the approval by the Cabinet Ministry the process for 3rd PRC to the Non-executives in BSNL will be started at par with Executives.-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW(FNTO).

18-04-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding Implementation of new process of GPF advance and withdrawal payments to BSNL employees.Click here to view

18-04-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding International Yoga day 2017.Click here to view

18-04-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding Restoration of without voucher facility to Retired employees under BSNLMRS.Click here to view

18-04-2017: Corporate office issued letter regarding Procedure for maintaining waiting list for transfer under Rule-8.Click here to view

17-04-2017: Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders Click here to viewClick here to view

15-04-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Suvo Bangla Nababorser Suvechcha Festival-K. Jayaprakash, GS.

15-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Informal meetings with all non-recognised Unions/Associations of BSNL employees.Click here to view

15-04-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Bihu Festival.

13-04-2017:- 126th Birth Anniversary of Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

13-04-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Good Friday.

12-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Calculation of vacancies for promotion to the post of JTO.Click here to view

12-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C to the grade of JAO under 40% quota held on 05-03-2017 for left out candidates of J&K-Declaration of result.Click here to view

12-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Sanction of Welfare Grant for the year 2015-16.Click here to view

12-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Office Memorandum regarding Reconsideration of extension of without voucher facility to Retired Employees.Click here to view

11-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Details of Court Cases between DoT and PSUs like BSNL/MTNL etc.Click here to view

11-04-2017:-Letter to GM(Rectt.) Request for publishing response sheet of JTO (LICE) results held on 11-12-2016.Click here to view

11-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Rationalization of Speed Restoration Plans to restore the speed to the normal when the speed is downgraded due to crossing of the usage as per the FUP under unlimited broadband plans.Click here to view

11-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Notice of Strike.Click here to view

10-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Refund of Exam Fees to MANAGEMENT TRAINEE(MT) Candidates (Circle Wise).Click here to view

07-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Comments on the proposal of offering minimum upto 4Mbps initial speed across all the Broadband plans.Click here to view

07-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Holding of LICE for promotion to the grade of Rajbhasha Adhikari in BSNL Field Units-Furnishing of vacancy position upto the year 2016-17.Click here to view

07-04-2017:-D.O. Letter from Director (CM).Click here to view

07-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding. Declaration of Holiday on 14th April,2017-Birthday of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.Click here to view

06-04-2017:- BSNL signs MOU with PNB for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL Employees. Click here to view

06-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Technician (Erstwhile Telecom Mechanic)under 50% quota to be held on 09-07-2017-Notification of Exam.Click here to viewClick here to view

05-04-2017:-Oraganization of BSNL Unions and Associations letter to all General Secretaries.Click here to view

05-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter on Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineer (erstwhile TTA) and JTO (T) cadres- Amendments/modifications regarding Caste Certificate.Click here to view

05-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C to the grade of JTO (T) under 50% quota for the vacancy year 2015-16 held on 11-12-2016-Declaration of list of Qualified candidates.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

04-04-2017:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wishes You & Your family a Happy & Prosperous Ram Navami-K. Jayaprakash, GS.

03-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Compassionate Ground Appointment Conduction on HPC.Click here to view

03-04-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Higher Pension under Para 11(3) of the EPS,1995.Click here to view

31-03-2017: I.D.A. Decrease 2.3% from 01-04-2017 Total IDA 117.2% - K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

31-03-2017:- Yesterday 30th March-2017 at Kolkata Telephones Circle, Circle Secretary Shri Alok Nandi alongwith their members approached the CGM demanded to implement the instructions of Government/Management for payment minimum wages Rs. 18000-00 instead of Rs.11000-00 to all Contract Labour’s. CGM agreed to pay. CHQ Congratulates Shri Alok Nandi and his team- K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

30-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Creation of Liability in respect of Supernnuation Pension Scheme for the FY 2016-17.Click here to view

30-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued guidelines regarding Prevention of Sexual harassment at Workplace.Click here to view

30-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Immunity from transfer to the recognized representative unions of non-executives employees in BSNL.Click here to view

30-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Gazette Notification of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016.Click here to view

30-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Furnishing of Certificate/Check list of complete updation of Service Book of retirees by the CAO/AGM maintaining Service Book for timely preparation of pension papersClick here to view

28-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C to the grade of JAO under 40% quota held on 17-07-2016(other than J&K Circle)-Corrigendum on declared of result on revised answer keys dated 01-02-2017.Click here to view

28-03-2017:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wishes You & Your family a Happy & Prosperous "UGADI" Telugu New Years Day and Hindu Navratri-2017 Festival -K. Jayaprakash, GS.

25-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Framing of New JAO Recruitment Rules 2016.Click here to viewClick here to view

25-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of BSNLs Employees Transfer Policy in Circles.Click here to view

24-03-2017:- The Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations met at D-1 BSNL WRU office. Shri S. P. Sharma, Chairman, GS BSNL WRU, Shri K. Jayaprakash, Convener, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri Zile Singh, GS BSNLSU attended.

Our forum addressed a letter to Shri P. Abhimanyu, Convener other Forum on 15-03-2017 for giving their consent to work together on common issues by giving notice in the name both the Forums. But they are not responding positively. Hence our Forum decided not participate in their programmes, our Forum will meet at Salem in the month of April to decide further programme. K. Jayaprakash, Convener

24-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Immunity from transfer to the recognized representative unions of non-executives employees in BSNL.Click here to view

24-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Revision of vacancies for Direct Recruitment of JTOs, through GATE score card 2017.Click here to view

24-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Guidelines regarding recovery of excess/ wrongful payments made to employees of BSNL.Click here to view

24-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Sanction of Welfare Grant for the year 2016-17. Click here to view

23-03-2017:- Today General Secretary along with Circle Secretary NTR met with GM (SR) GM (Est) & DGM (SR) discussed about the Baroda SSA, TTA Transfer cases, Lucknow Transfer cases and submitted a letter in this connection.

22-03-2017:- Letters to BSNL Corporate office.Click here to viewClick here to viewClick here to viewClick here to view

22-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations : Aplicability to the BSNL absorbees opting for pension for combined service governed under Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rule,1972.Click here to view

21-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Grant of Child Adoption Leave of 180 days to female BSNL employees and extension of the facility to Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers.Click here to viewClick here to view

20-03-2017:- CMD BSNL Press Report on BSNL-MTNL Merger-Source Indian Express dated 20-03-2017.Click here to view

18-03-2017:- Today GS Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri M. R. Vashisht, Patron attending the 4th Circle Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Jharkhand Circle. Shri Thakur CGM Jharkhand, Shri Around, GM Ranchi, Shri A. K. Singh, DGM Hazari Bagh, Shri Tiwari, AGS, Shri C. D. Prasad, C/S Shri Sailendra Prasad O. S. CHQ were addressed. Shri Manohar presided over the meeting. K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

17-03-2017:- BSNL signed MOU with Union Bank of India (UBI) for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL Employees.Click here to view

17-03-2017:- Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS alongwith Shri M. R. Vashisht, Advisor is at Ranchi, Jharkhand attending Circle Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Jharkhand Circle on 18 & 19 March-2017.

17-03-2017:-DoT issued letter regarding Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations : Applicability to the BSNL/MTNL absorbees opting for pension for combined service governed under Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.Click here to view

16-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Distribution of staff by Recruiting Circles to Non-recruiting units on bulk recruitment/promotion/transfer in Circle Cadres of the Telecom Stream.Click here to view

16-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Calculation of vacancies for promotion to the post of JTO-Clarification thereof.Click here to view

16-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Sanction of Welfare Grant for the year 2016-17.Click here to view

15-03-2017:-Letter to GM(Estt.) for non allottment of Welfare grant to the Kerala Circle for the year 2015-16.Click here to view

15-03-2017:-Letter to CMD BSNL for extension of the Free Night Calling facility on the residential landline connections of BSNL serving employees-reg.Click here to view

15-03-2017:-Letter to Shri P. Abhimanyu, Convener, Unions and Associations of the Non-executives and Executives in BSNL.Click here to viewClick here to view

15-03-2017:- Today the Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations meeting held at T-16 Atul Grove Road New Delhi FNTO CHQ office. Shri S. P. Sharma, Chairman, GS BSNL WRU, Shri K. Jayaprakash, Convener, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri S. D. Sharma GS BSNL ATM and Shri D. P. Patwa, Dy. GS AIBCTES were attended Shri Zile Singh, GS BSNLSU Shri M. Ramasundaram, GS BSNLEC, Shri Ram Kishun Ram, GS BSNLBTU, Shri D. Selvam GS Anna Union and Shri Biswanath Datta, GS TEU BSNL were Given their consent over phone, and decided to write a letter to Shri P. Abhimanyu, Convener, Unions and Associations of the Non-executives and Executives in BSNL-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) & Convener Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations

10-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Model guidelines for election of CHQ SEWA, BSNL-Deletion of Sl no. 6,7&8. Click here to view

10-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners-Delinking of revised Pension from qualifying service of 33 years vide DOP&PW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 06-04-2016-Applicability to IDA pensioners of BSNL. Click here to view

10-03-2017:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wishes You & Your family a Happy & Prosperous Holi Festival-K.Jayaprakash, GS.

10-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Distribution of number of candidates selected through the Open Competitive Examination for Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineers held in September-2016 between Recruiting Circles and non-recruiting units under their jurisdiction.Click here to view

10-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Circular regarding Concessional telephone facility to Retired/retiring employees of BSNL-Free Night calling facility.Click here to view

10-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of High Court/CAT Orders consequent upon dismissal of SLP(C) No. 17130-17131/2012 by the Hon’ble Supreme Court vide Order dated 15-07-2016.Click here to view

09-03-2017:-The Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare issued Amendment to the provisions of General Provident Fund (Central Service) Rules 1960-liberalization of provisions for drawl of advance from Fund by the subscribers-regarding. Click here to view

08-03-2017:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ Wishes a Happy Womens Day-Madhu Trivedi, FNTO Mahila Morcha President & CHQ Vice President.

06-03-2017:-DO Letter from Director (HR) on timely Settlement of Pension to Retired/Retiring Employees. Click here to view

04-03-2017:-CHQ writes to GM (SR) regarding request for revising the rates of Uniform/Liveries and Washing Allowance. Click here to view

03-03-2017:-DO Letter from Director (HR) in Hindi Click here to view

03-03-2017:The Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations writes to Secretary DoT New Delhi Regarding Participating in the March to Raj Bhawan and Collectorate/DM office by the Executives/Non-executives of BSNL.Click here to view

03-03-2017:The Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations writes to CMD BSNL for Formation of Wage revision Committee for Non-executive employees-Reg. Click here to view

02-03-2017:- CHQ write a letter to Director (HR) regarding request for filling the vacant posts by the all JAO qualified candidates under LICE 40% Quota held on 17-07-2016.Click here to view

02-03-2017:The Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations meeting held today at D-1BSNL WRU office under Convener ship of Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) &Chairman Shri S. P. Sharma, GS BSNL WRU, Shri Zile Singh, GS BSNLSU and Shri D.P.Patwa, Dy. GS AIBCTES were attended other GS Shri S. D. Sharma GS BSNL ATM, Shri M. Ramasundaram, GS BSNLEC, Shri Ram Kishun Ram, GS BSNLEC and Shri D. Selvam GS Anna Union were Given their consent over phone.

The BSNL Unions and Associations proposed March to Raj Bhawan/ Collectorate DM office on 9th March 2017 on the following common issues.

(1) Opposing Niti Aayog's recommendation on disinvestment / strategic sale of BSNL. (As is evident from PMO ID No.4542267/PMO/2016-ES.I dated 30th December, 2016.)

(2) Opposing formation of Subsidiary Tower Company.

(3) Demanding allotment of 4G spectrum, free of cost, to BSNL.

(4) Opposing favours being extended to Reliance Jio.

Hence our Forum is unanimously decided to support the above said programme all over India because the issues are common to all. All the circle secretaries and Dist. secretaries are requested to participate the above said programme and make it grand success. K. Jayaprakash, Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

02-03-2017:-The Corporate office fixed the last date for Document Verifications of Direct Recruited Junior Engineer Candidates in all Circles should be completed on or before 15-03-2017.

02-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Direct recruitment in the post of Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) in BSNL from open market through valid GATE score 2017-Publication of indicative Advertisement in Local Newspaper. Click here to view Click here to view

02-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Circular for fresh waiting list for staff quarters. Click here to view

02-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Allocation of remaining 50% final welfare grant to Circle Staff Welfare Boards for the year 2015-16. Click here to view

02-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from JTO(C), JTO(E) & JTO (TF)to SDE(C), SDE(E)& SDE(TF) respectively, scheduled to be held on 5th March-2017 Postponement. Click here to view

02-03-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Corrigendum regarding Requirement of staff/ space for newly formed AP Circle Office at Vijayawada. Click here to view

28-02-2017:-General Secretary along with Shri Ram Kushal Yadav, C/S U.P. (East), Shri Raj Kumar Yadav, Circle President U.P. (East) were met with GM (SR) Shri A. M. Gupta discussed about the Irregular Transfer of Shri B. K. Yadav Lucknow. GM (SR) responded positively-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)Click here to view

28-02-2017:-DO Letter from CMD BSNL Click here to view

27-02-2017:- General Secretary along with Shri B. C. Pathak, Finance Secretary met with Shri A. M. Gupta GM (SR) & Smt. Madhu Arora, GM (Est & Rect) and discussed about the Nagpur, Baroda & Lucknow Transfer cases, and Compassionate Ground appointment of Bihar Circle.

Officers responded positively-K. Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

24-02-2017:- The meeting of Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations held today at T-16 Atul Grove Road, FNTO office under chairmanship of Shri S. P. Sharma, Convener. Shri K. Jayaprakash and Shri S. D. Sharma GS ATM were participated, other GS are not attended due to Maha Shivaratri Festival. Meeting is postponed to 02-03-2017 at 11.20 hrs.

24-02-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Maha Shivaratri.

23-02-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Procedure for maintaining waiting list for transfer under Rule-8.Click here to view

23-02-2017:- Today the 7th Circle Conference of Kolkata Telephones conducted at Ashutosh Memorial Hall under the president ship of Shri U. K. Dutta Shri Raman Pandey president West Bengal INTUC and CGM Shri Sitala Prasad Tripati. Shri K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) along with Shri Alok Nandi C/S other leaders were addressed nearly 500 delegates were attended- K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO).

The following office bearers were elected unanimously for Kolkata Circle. President-Shri Jawahar Lal Dutta, Circle Secretary- Shri Alok Nandi, Treasurer- Shri Sanat Kr Dass .

23-02-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding payment of Srinagar Valley Allowances to the BSNL staff posted in Srinagar Valley-review of.Click here to view

22-02-2017:- Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS is at Kolkata since yesterday attending Circle Conference of Calcutta Telephones Circle along with Shri Alok Nandi, Dy. GS and Circle Secretary of Calcutta Telephones.

20-02-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Payment of Dearness allowance to casual Labourers [including TSMs] to draw their wages in terms of letter No. 269-II/2009-Pers-IV/LE dated 01-10-2010 Click here to view

20-02-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Details of Temporary Status Mazdoors {TSMs}regularized on or before 01-10-2000 and absorbed in BSNL w.e.f.01-10-2000 and covered under Rule 37-A of CCS [Pension]Click here to view

20-02-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Engagement Details of Casual Labourers.Click here to view

20-02-2017:- 3rd PRC Recommendations Click here to view Click here to view

16-02-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued Corrigendum in respect of declared result dated 1st February 2017 for the Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineers (Erstwhile TTA) in BSNL for the year 2015 from the open market regarding. Click here to view

16-02-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued sanction of final welfare grant for the year 2015-16 Click here to view

14-02-2017:-Document verification in DR JE recruitment stayed till 27th February, by the Hon’ble Jaipur CAT. It is regretted to inform that the CAT, Jaipur has stayed the Document Verification, in the DR JE recruitment, till 27th February. Details of the order are awaited.

13-02-2017:-D. O. Letter of Director (HR) Click here to view

13-02-2017:- BSNL signed MOU with Canara Bank for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL Employees.Click here to view

13-02-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs. Click here to view

10-02-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for JTO (T) 50% held on 11-12-2016 Candidate queries if any. Click here to view

04-02-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued Guidelines for settlement of claims for compensation on accidents applicable to the Department of Telecommunications and Public Sector Undertakings under its control-regarding. Click here to view

03-02-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Modification in policy for provision of Pre-Paid GSM SIM card to all Non-executives employees working in BSNL. Click here to view

03-02-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineers (erstwhile TTA) in BSNL for the year 2015 from the open market-Declaration of result thereof. Click here to view Click here to view

03-02-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter on Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from group C to the grade of JAO under 40% quota held on 17-07-2016-Declaration of result on revised answer keys reg. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

30-01-2017:-BSNL's losses come down, as income from services increase by 5.8%. It is very good news that BSNL’s losses have come down to Rs 4,890 crore for the period from January to December, 2016. The losses of BSNL during the same period in the previous year, i.e., January to December 2015 remained at Rs 6,121. BSNL's income from services has also increased by 5.8 % during this period. It has increased to Rs 19,379.6 crore during this period. The figure stood at Rs 18,314.9 crore in the same period during 2015. BSNL also expects that the losses will further come down for the full financial year, as the fourth quarter is a seasonally strong quarter.

30-01-2017:-Private mobile operators urge the TRAI to stop BSNL's app based Limited Fixed Mobile Telephony service. BSNL has started an application (app) based "Limited Fixed Mobile Telephony (LFMT) service, which enables customers to convert their mobile phones into cordless phones, for making and receiving landline calls from indoors. However, private mobile companies, represented by the COAI (Cellular Operators Association of India) have complained to the TRAI and have demanded to immediately stop this application based "Limited Fixed Mobile Service". The COAI- has claimed that as per TRAI norms, no "Termination Charge" is applicable for calls between landlines, and that BSNL is misusing this provision.

29-01-2017:-Today Shri K. Jayaprakash G.S. along with circle acting President Shri G. Rangaiah and Shri Ch. Venkateswarlu Circle Secretary were attended the 4th combined Circle Conference of Andhra Pradesh at Asman Mahal, meeting hall Hyderabad after the detailed discussions on organizational matters, staff problems present/future of the BSNL position. Wage revision due from 01-01-2017 etc. The following office bearers are elected unanimously for the bifurcated A. P. Circle

Telangana Circle- President S/Shri J.Sudhaker O.S. Mahabub Nagar Circle Secretary “ D. Suresh Rao O.S. Kareem Nagar Joint C/S “ B. Kumaraswamy O.S Hyderabad Treasurer “ K. Ankama Rao J.E. Hyderabad

Andhra Pradesh Circle- President S/Shri G. Rangaiah Retd C.T.S. Tirupati Circle Secretary “ CH. Venkateswarlu Retd O.S. Guntur Joint C/S “ K. S. R. Murthy, Retd O.S. Eluru Treasurer “ Anjaneyulu, J.E. Ongole CHQ Congratulate the newly elected Circle office bearers of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh circles - K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW ( FNTO)

28-01-2017:-Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash attending the circle conference of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana combined conference at P & T Quarters meeting hall Asman Mahal, Lakdi ka pool Hyderabad.

Open session conducted at 4.00 p.m. Shri Anantharam CGM Telangana Circle and INTUC SO State General Secretary Shri Abdul Khadr, Circle Secretary Ch. Venkateswarlu were attended and addressed the gathering nearly 500 delegates were attended.- K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW ( FNTO)

27-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate office issue letter regarding Development & Conduction of new in-services courses on APAR, Digital Literacy, Digital Payments and Business Ethics module in Induction Training of JTO/JAO & JE cadre. Click here to view

27-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate office issue Guidelines for retention of BSNL/MTNL Staff Quarters to DoT employees in the event of transfer/repatriation/deputation/training etc. Click here to view

27-01-2017:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash is attending Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Circle Conference at Hyderabad from 27th to 29th January-2017

25-01-2017:- CHQ write a letter to Communication Minister regarding Strategic Sale of BSNL
Click here to view

25-01-2017:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Republic Day 2017.

21-01-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter on Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC pay revision in respect of employees working in BSNL on CDA scales due to non-issuance of Presidential orders for their absorption in BSNL-admissibility of perks and allowances etc. Click here to view

21-01-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Grant of Cash award to Sportsperson foe achieving excellence in national Tournaments/Meets during the calendar year 2016. Click here to view

21-01-2017:-BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Grant of Cash award to Sportsperson foe achieving excellence in international Tournaments/Meets during 2016. Click here to view

20-01-2017:-DO Letter from Shri R. K. Mittal, Director (CM). Click here to view

19-01-2017:-Corporate Office issues order on revised rate of IDA w.e.f. 01-01-2017. Click here to view

19-01-2019:- Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) writes to the DoT, calling for report on the status of implementation of Niti Aayog recommendations on BSNL and ITI.Click here to view

19-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding Strike/Dharna conducted by Unions and Associations on 15-12-2016, 27-12-2016 & 28-12-2016 Click here to view

16-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding improving the condition of IQs Click here to view

16-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter on Results of Direct Recruitment of Junior Accounts Office (JAOs) Examination held on 22-02-2015-Closure of recruitment activities. Click here to view

16-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter on Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of JAO under 40% quota scheduled to be held on 17-07-2016- Conducting of Examination in Jammu-reg Click here to view

16-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter on Details regarding JTOs who have qualified TTA to JTO LICE exam for the vacancy year 2013-14 & 2014-15 (Category Wise) Click here to view

13-01-2017:- Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowances-reg Click here to view

13-01-2017:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes a Happy Makar Sankranti to all.

12-01-2017:-Recruitment of Junior Engineers from open market withhold in BSNLClick here to view

12-01-2017:-Delay in review of JAO 40% quota held on 17-07-2016Click here to view

12-01-2017:- GS along with Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR met with GM (SR) to discuss the staff natters

11-01-2017:- GS along with Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR met with GM (SR) and discussed about Gujarat Circle Irregular Transfers and other issues.

GM (SR) spelled the wage revision guidelines from DPE may be expected after 31st March-2017.

11-01-2017:- GS along with Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR met with GM (Admn) Shri S. K. Sinha and discussed about staff matters

10-01-2017:-Our Forum Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations writes to CMD BSNL for Formation of Wage revision Committee for Non-executive employees-Reg.Click here to view

10-01-2017:-Congratulations Shri P. Abhimanyu, GS BSNLEU & his team electing again at Chennai BSNLEU All India Conference.

09-01-2017:- BSNL Corporate Office issued letter on Details of Court Cases for Counting of Casual Worker Service for Pensionary benefits. Click here to view

06-01-2017:- Corporate Office Issued letter on Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC pay revision in respect of employees working in BSNL on CDA Scale due to non-issuance of Presidential orders for their absorption in BSNL. Click here to view

06-01-2017:- Corporate Office Issued letter on Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC pay revision in respect of employees working in BSNL on CDA Scale due to non-issuance of Presidential orders for their absorption in BSNL. Click here to view

06-01-2017:-Today the BARRAKPUR Division Kolkata circle is conducting District Conference GS along with Shri Alok Nandi Dy. GS are attending to address the meeting - K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

05-01-2017:- Today GS Shri K. Jayaprakash addressed the Dist conference of Circus SSA of CTD CIRCLE Kolkata the following leaders were also addressed Sri Alok Nandi Dy. GS and CS CTD and Shri K l Datta President. Shri Rabin Razak CHQ PS. Shri. Rabin Chaudhary. Shri Bikash ch. Seal District Sec/HQ .Shri Sujash Biswas Circle Vice President and Shri Borun Ghosh D/President- K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

05-01-2017:-Corporate Office issued clarification regarding Acquiring of Diploma/Certificate in Computer Applications/Programming in respect of Sr.TOA (G)s appointed under Compassionate Grounds or Sports quota.Click Here to View

04-01-2017:- Today a District conference of BARASAT Kolkata conducted by Sri Alok Nandi Dy. GS the following were addressed the gathering Shri Raman Panday President West Bengal INTUC and Shri K. Jayaprakash GS. Shri J L Datta Circle President. Rabin Razak CHQ PS. Smt.Mousemi Benerji and Shri B. D. Chatarji were addressed nearly 200 members attended. Shri Rajib Chowdary elected DS - K. Jayaprakash GS

04-01-2017:- Corporate Office issued Amendment in BSNL Transfer policy. Click Here to View

04-01-2017:-Corporate Office issued Office Memorandum regarding Preventive Health Care.Click here to view


An impressive Dharna was conducted in front of circle office, Thiruvananthapuram on 20/12/2016 to settle the following demands.

(1) Formation of subsidiary tower company (2) Formation of 3rd wage negotiation committee for Non-Executive employees (3) Payment of Minimum Bonus Rs.7,500/- to BSNL Employees (4) Settle the issue of stagnation (5) Protection of wages in respect of Non-Executive employees recruited on or after 01.01.2007 (6) Extension of the benefits of 78.2% of IDA merger w.e.f 01.01.2007 (7) Designation change- stop the discrimination towards Sr.TOA(G) (8) Scrap the secret agreement between BSNL management and Reliance Jio Infocomm.(9) Settle the discrimination in promotion between executives and Non-Executives (10) Ensure the quality of material to provide satisfactory services to customers.(11) Change the point system in case of compassionate ground appointment in favour of employees

The Dharna was inaugurated by Shri Sarath Chandra Prasad Ex.MLA, General secretary Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee. In his inaugural address he urged the central Govt. to initiate wage revision of Non-Executive, Scrap the secret agreement between BSNL Management and Reliance Jio Infocomm and stop the formation of subsidiary Tower Corporation as it is detrimental to the interest of nation.

The Dharna was addressed by Shri V. R. Prathapan, Trivandrum District President INTUC, Shri M.G.Mohanan Nair, Circle President, Shri K. V. Jose, Circle Secretary, Shri Baby Antony, All India Organising secretary and V. B. Lal Kumar, District Secretary, Thiruvananthapuram




1-1-2017: NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you a very happy new year 2017.

31-12-2016: I.D.A. Decrease 0.8% from 01-01-2017 Total IDA 119.5% - K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

31-12-2016: Today General Secretary K. Jayaprakash and Shri S. Lingamurthy CS Chennai were attended the AIC of BSNLEU Seminar at Chennai and addressed the gathering- K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

30-12-2016: Today K. Jayaprakash General Secretary attended a Seminar on BSNL Development conducted by Chennai Circle, Circle secretary Shri S. Lingamurthy at SVS club Mount road, GM HR also addressed the seminar nearly 200 members were participated- K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

27-12-2016:-The Corporate Office has issued letter regarding Constitution of Wage Revision Committee to recommend wage structure for non-executive employees in BSNL. Click here to view

27-12-2016:-CLC write a letter to DoT Intimation regarding agitational programme demanding settlement of long pending problems of the Non-Executives-regarding. Click here to view

24-12-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) Wish you and your family a very happy Christmas.

22-12-2016:-Cabinet approves Cadre Review of Indian Telecommunications Service, Group A. Click here to view

21-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Strike conducted by Unions and Associations on 15-12-2016. Click here to view

21-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of EPF Coverage for pre-appointment training period of BSNL recruited employees. Click here to view

20-12-2016:- Corporate Office issued Amendment-BSNL Transfer Policy.Click here to view

17-12-2016:- Corporate Office issued Sanction of Final sports Grant to Sports & Cultural Boards in BSNL for the year 2016-17. Click here to view

17-12-2016:-BSNL JE 2016 recruitment frozen after complaints to DoT-CMD Shrivastava. Click here to view

17-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Timely settlement of pensionary benefits. Click here to view

16-12-2016:-The one day strike on 15-12-2016 call given by BSNL Unions & Associations, our Forum Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations supported the strike.

The reports received from All over India the strike is grand success. FNTO & Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations thanks one and all. K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) & Convener.

14-12-2016:- As per the Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations Agitational Programme notice dated 25-11-2016 for Lunch hour Demonstration at CHQ/Circle, SSA Head quarters, all over India the Lunch hour Demonstration has very grand success. At BSNL Corporate office all the Trade Union General Secretaries attended the Lunch hour Demonstration and requested to success the one day strike on 15-12-2016 to stop proposed Tower Company in BSNL and to Form the Wage revision committee at the earliest CHQ thanks to all Circle/District Secretaries to make the Lunch hour Demonstration success.

The CHQ is requesting all Circle/District Secretaries to success the one day strike.

13-12-2016:- Today GS Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri S. P. Sharma GS BSNL WRU & Chairman of our Forum met with CMD BSNL, GM (SR) & DGM (SR) and discussed both the issue which was raised in our Notice.

CMD & GM (SR) were not confirmed whether the proposed Tower Company will be owned by the BSNL or not.

Then we were decided to support the one day strike on 15-12-2016 in this regard we submitted a letter to CMD BSNL. (K. Jayaprakash) GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) & Convener .
Click here to view

12-12-2016:- Shri P. Abhimanyu, GS BSNLEU & Convener of BSNL Unions & Associations came to T-16 NUBSNLW (FNTO) union office to meet our General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash & Chairman Shri S. P. Sharma of our Forum.

A detailed discussions were took place between both, and finally it is decided that-

1) BSNLEU will participate in Lunch hour Demonstration, call given by our Forum i.e. Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations for the following demands.

a) Formation of Wage Revision Committee.

b) Stop the Process for formation of Subsidiary Company in BSNL.

2) Our Forum also decided to support the one day strike, Call given by the Convener of BSNL Unions & Associations Shri P. Abhimanyu, GS BSNLEU

I on behalf of Our Forum I request all the Circle Secretaries & CHQ Office bearers to make the grand success of our Lunch hour Demonstrations on CHQ, Circle & SSA levels.

And also support & grand success the one day Strike of 15-12-2016. K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) & Convener .

12-12-2016:-Membership Verification of the Executives completed. NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartily congratulates all.

The Membership Verification of the Executives is over. After the formation of BSNL, this is the first Membership Verification for the Executives. SNEA has come first with 20,128 and AIBSNLEA has come on second with 18,438 votes. NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartily congratulates both SNEA and AIBSNLEA for their wonderful performance.

11-12-2016: Wish you and your family a very happy Milad-un-Nabi.

10-12-2016:- Today morning a detailed discussion held between Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS & Shri P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU.

Shri P. Abhimanyu, GS requested to participate in proposed 15-12-2016 strike and he also requested our Forum Chairman & GS BSNLWRU Shri S. P. Sharma & Shri Zile Singh, GS BSNL SU who were available at Delhi.

Shri P. Abhimanyu GS, BSNLEU informed that he will coming to our Union office T-16 Atul Grove Road, New Delhi for detailed discussions on 15-12-2016 one day strike.

After discussions we may take a decision regarding 15-12-2016 strike. K. Jayaprakash, Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

09-12-2016:- The Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations Meeting held at T-16 Atul Grove Road, New Delhi at 15-00 hrs under the Chairmanship of Shri S. P. Sharma, Chairman & GS BSNLWRU, Shri K. Jayaprakash, Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri Zile Singh, Finance Secretary & GS BSNL SU, Shri Patwa Representative of AIBCTES.

The detailed discussions were held regarding 15th Dec Strike. The Forum decided to approach the management to find out the Pros & Corns of the proposed Subsidiary Tower Company in BSNL.

Then the Forum approached the GM (SR) but he was requested to come on Tuesday because he is busy with Executive Membership Verification Result. We have decided we will take a decision after discussion with GM (SR) on Tuesday i.e. 13-12-2016. K. Jayaprakash, Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

09-12-2016:-Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, bereaved.

We are extremely saddened to know that Smt. Leelawati Devi, wife of com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, passed away on 06-12-2016 morning in a Patna hospital. She has been seriously ill for quite some time and all the efforts taken to save her life went in vain. We share the grief of com. Chandeswar Singh and his family members, and offer our heartfelt condolences to all of them.

09-12-2016:- Shri K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) today joined duty and he is available in Head Quarter.

09-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the cadre of Telecom Technician (erst-while Telecom Mechanic) for the Recruitment year 2016--Approval thereof. Click here to view

09-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on change of date of holiday on account of Milad-Un-Nabi or Is-E-Milad during 2016 in BSNL Offices located at Delhi/New Delhi Click here to view Click here to view

08-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter BSNL Direct (DR) Junior Engineer (JE) Exam-regarding. Click here to view

08-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Maintenance of BSNL buildings & staff quarters-Framing of policy-regarding. Click here to view

08-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter to encourage customers for paying their telephone/broadband bills through online payment mode-reg. Click here to view

07-12-2016:-Respected General Secretaries kindly attend the our Forum emergency meeting on 9th December-2016 at 15.00 hrs at T-16 Atul GRove Road New Delhi FNTO office to discuss the 15th Dec Strike Notice served by recognised unions.

K.Jayaprakash, GS NUBSNLW(FNTO) and Convener Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations.

05-12-2016:-DO letter from Shri R.K.Mittal, Director (CM) for achieving the SIM sale target for December-2016. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

05-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued General Guidelines for installation/operation/maintenance of EDC/Swipe Card Machines by Banks for payment of BSNL Bills. Click here to view

01-12-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding holding of LICE for promotion to the cadre of Telecom Technician (erst-while Telecom Mechanic) for the Recruitment year 2016--furnishing of information. Click here to view

25-11-2016:-Lunch hour demonstration on 14-12-2016. Click here to view

22-11-2016:-Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, NUBSNLW (FNTO) bereaved - CHQ conveys heartfelt condolences.

CHQ is extremely sorry to inform that Smt. K. Padmavathamma, mother of Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS passed away at Hyderabad today at 5.40 pm. She was 98 years old and was not keeping good health for some time. CHQ offers its heartfelt condolences to Shri K. Jayaprakash, his family members, friends and to all who are associated with Shri K. Jayaprakash.

22-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Printing of Calenders and diaries for the year 2017 . Click here to view

22-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding fixing the time slot for Associations/Unions as well as individual officers/officials of BSNL to meet Director (HR/Finance) in respect of their grievances. Click here to view

22-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineers (erstwhile TTA) in BSNL for the year 2015 from the open market- Declaration of result thereof. Click here to view Click here to view

22-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Inputs required to be sent by Circles offices to Corporate office in respect of Court cases-reg. Click here to view

19-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Provisional Appointment of Junior Accounts Officer on probation under 40% LICE quota consequent on completion of 4 weeks of Phase-1 induction training commence on 24-10-2016-reg. Click here to view Click here to view

19-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Information regarding number of employees waiting for Compassionate Ground Appointment. Click here to view

19-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Deployment of Legal Modules in ERP-Provision of Master Data. Click here to view

19-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Information related to TTAs appointed as JTO under Direct Recruitment quota. Click here to view

19-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Information regarding No. of SC & ST candidates qualified in the LICE for the promotion to the post of JTO, conducted on 22-05-2016. Click here to view

19-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on result of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of Junior Accounts Officer (JAO)in BSNL-Follow up action. Click here to view

18-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding modification in policy for provision of Pre-Paid GSM SIM Card to all Non-Executives working in BSNL. Click here to view

18-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on result of LICE for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of JAO in BSNL. Click here to view

17-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on result of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of Junior Accounts Officer (JAO)in BSNL-Follow up action. Click here to view

16-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued Office letter regarding Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for SC/ST/OBC candidates for recruitment of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA) in BSNL held on 21-02-2016-Declaration of second list of successful candidates from Waiting List. Click here to view

16-11-2016:-General Secretary extend his leave. Click here to view

11-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued Office Memorandum regarding Training courses / Workshops / Seminar etc. Click here to view

10-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued Cancellation of Examination notification for Recruitment of Management Trainees (Telecom Operations/Telecom Finance) in BSNL from External and Internal candidates. Click here to view

10-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Maintenance of BSNL buildings and staff quarters. Click here to view

08-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom){JTO(T)} for the vacancy year 2015-16 in BSNL. Click here to view

08-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Standing instructions on filing of court cases amongst Government entities. Click here to view

08-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Award of Scholarship to the wards of employees of BSNL Corporate Office for the year 2016-17. Click here to view

08-11-2016:-Shri K. T. Rajesh JE in Palakkad, SSA Kerala Circle, today joined in JAO training. In this connection our CHQ made several efforts with Corporate office to send him to training. CHQ wishes all the best. K.Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

07-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding details of Temporary Status Mazdoors (TSM) regularised on or after 01-10-2000 and absorbed in BSNL w.e.f.01-10-2000 and covered under Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules. Click here to view

05-11-2016:D. O. Letter from Shri R. K. Mittal, Director (CM). Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

03-11-2016:Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C to the grade of JAO under 10% quota held on 24-09-2016-Declaration of result. Click here to view

03-11-2016:Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C to the grade of JTO(T)under 50% quota for the vacancy year 2014-15 held on 24-09-2016-Declaration of merit list of qualified and non-qualified candidates. Click here to view

03-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued Corrigendum on Special concessions to Central Govt. Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt. Click here to view

02-11-2016:-List of Empanneled Hospitals in BSNL as on 01-11-2016 . Click here to view

01-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Constitution of Wage revision Committee of Non-Executive Employees in BSNL. Click here to view

01-11-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the post of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom){JTO(T)} in BSNL for the vacancy year 2015-16 Extension of last date for Online Registration. Click here to view

31-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Allotment of ESIC Sub-code for various BSNL offices/Units. Click here to view

31-10-2016:-D. O. Letter of Director (HR) Click here to view

29-10-2016: Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous Diwali.
K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

27-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Nomination of staff side members in National Council. Click here to view

26-10-2016:- A condolence meeting was organized by BSNLEU today at Eastern Court, New Delhi, for the late leader, Com. H. L. Makkar, former president of BSNLEU NTR circle union. Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S, NTR Circle attended & addressed the meeting on behalf of NUBSNLW (FNTO) .

26-10-2016:General Secretary today attended the retirement function of Shri G. Mahipal A TT Tarnaka Hyderabad and blessed him. K.Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

22-10-2016:-General Secretary on leave. Click here to view

22-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Issue of Contract labours and the role of Unions in BSNL. Click here to view

22-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding extension of the CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates-criteria for determining Grade Pay and Ward entitlement. Click here to view

22-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding forgoing / deferring the PLI amount. Click here to view

22-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter for Deployment of Junior Engineer(erst-while TTAs)and JTO (T)s in the Non-Recruiting Circles-Furnishing of information thereof. Click here to view

22-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding holding of LICE for promotion to the cadre of Telecom Technician (erst-while Telecom Mechanic)for the Recruitment year 2016-furnishing of information. Click here to view

19-10-2016:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri S. P. Sharma, Chairman & GS BSNL WRU and Shri Zile Singh, GS BSNL SU were met GM (SR) Corporate office discussed about PLI 2014-15 payment.

GM (SR) informed that the appeal made by Director (HR) for postpone the payment up to finalization of 3rd Wage Revision. If any official accept that will be postponed otherwise the PLI (Bonus) will be paid along with P & A for the month of October-2016 before Diwali.

GS submitted a letter to Director (HR) & GM (SR) regarding nomination of National Council members other than recognized unions.

19-10-2016:-Letter to CMD BSNL from Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations. Click here to view

18-10-2016:- Today a Meeting of Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations held at T-16 Atul Grove Road, New Delhi our CHQ office at 12-00 AM under the Chairmanship of Shri S. P. Sharma, Chairman & GS BSNLWRU and Shri K. Jayaprakash, Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri Zile Singh, Finance Secretary & GS BSNL SU, Shri A. D. Patil, Vice Chairman & GS AIBCTES and Shri Ram Kishun Ram, GS BTU attended. The following decisions were taken-

1. A letter to be addressed to CMD BSNL for immediate payment of PLI for the year 2014-15 for which order issued on 07-10-2016. We also demand to pay the PLI for 2015-16.

2. We decided to pressurize the Management for immediate formation of 3rd Wage Revision Committee, if the Management failed to frame committee our Forum will be sort out agitational programme on the issue.

3. It is also decided to conduct the Meeting Next Month for further decisions.

15-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued PRESS RELEASE BSNL bonanza on Diwali. Click here to view

15-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Introduction of Freedom Plan as a Promotional offer under prepaid mobile services. Click here to view

10-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued PRESS RELEASE BSNL became the fifth largest mobile operator in net addition of new customers in July-2016-TRAI. Click here to view

10-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued Corrigendum regarding Grant of facilities to SC/ST employees Welfare Association, BSNL. Click here to view

10-10-2016:-Corporate Office issued PRESS RELEASE for BSNL Offer- 1+1 free data offer of one year validity on the occasion of Dussehra-Muharram under prepaid mobile services. Click here to view

10-10-2016: Wish you a very happy Dusshera.
-K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

07-10-2016: Corporate office issued the PLI for the year 2014-15 orders Click here to view

07-10-2016: Corporate office issued the revised I.D.A orders Click here to view

30/9/2016: I.D.A INCREASED 5.5% From 1st October 2016 114.8 to 120.3
-K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

30-09-20116: Shri BHUWAN CHANDRA PATHAK (B.C.Pathak ) Finance Secretary of our CHQ is retiring today on superannuation CHQ Wishes him a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS PEACEFUL RETIRED LIFE -K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

28-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued Reminder-II on Details of Departmental JAOs-2013 batch for the purpose of Seniority List in the Grade of AAOs/JAOs-Reg. Click here to view

28-09-2016:-Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri M. R. Vashisht, Patron were attended a Circle Conference & District Conference of Punjab Circle at Hoshiar Pur K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

23-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter for Direct Recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers (Telecom) {JTO (T)}for the year 2015-16 from the open market through GATE-2017. Click here to view

23-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Post audit of pay fixation-procedure Click here to view

23-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter for submission of details of Un-absorbed employees working in BSNL on CDA scale reg Click here to view

23-09-2016: BSNL Head quarters issued a guidelines on Implementation of BSNL Transfer policy in circles on our demand in the proposed 27th Sept Lunch hour demonstration -differd on the request of Management after reaching a written agreement.

This is a achievement to our union and our forum copy of the letter Click here to view

K.JAYAPRAKASH GSNUBSNLW(FNTO) & CONVENER Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations

22-09-2016: Congtrulations as for the directions of CMD & Directer (HR) the fruitful Discussions were held with G.M (sr) today regarding Lunch hour agitation notice dated 14/9/16 and an agreement reached between both basing on the request of the Management we were decided to differ the proposed agitation on 27/9/16.Please find enclosed the minutes of meeting held on 22.09.2016 in the chamber of GM(SR). Click here to view

K.JAYAPRAKASH GSNUBSNLW(FNTO) & CONVENER Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations

19-09-2016: Today our forum Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations leaders Convener K. Jyaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) Chairmen Shri S. P. Sharma GS BSNL WRU, Zile Singh GS BSNL SU and Satya Dev Sharma GS BSNL ATM were met with CMD BSNL discussed about Payment of Bonus, formation of Negotiations committee and scrapping of BSNL Transfer policy and also delay in payment of GPF Advance to the staff.

CMD Responded positively and assured to pay Rs. 3000 as bonus and the GPF Advance before Pooja for remaining will be discussed in a few days by Director (HR).


19-09-2016:- Notice for conducting Lunch hour Demonstration on 27-09-2016 Click here to view

19-09-2016:- Circular Click here to view

17-09-2016:- FLASH NEWS- Please success the Lunch hour Demonstration on 27-09-2016 at SSA/Circle/CHQ Head quarters Click here to view

17-09-2016:Corporate Office issued letter for details of Temporary Status Mazdoors(TSMs) regularised on or after 01-10-2000 and absorbed in BSNL w.e.f.01-10-2000 and covered under Rule 37-A of CCS(Pension) Rule-reg Click here to view

17-09-2016:-BSNL became the fifth largest mobile operator, beats all major private operators in monthly growth rate and in net addition of new customers in June-2016-TRAI. Click here to view

16-09-2016:-Today General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, Circle Secretary NTR Delhi were attended the meeting at Bhopal conducted by Shri S. A. Agha Circle Secretary and his team before that General Secretary along with Circle Secretary M. P. Circle Shri S. A. Agha, Assistant Circle Secretary Shri Raqueeb and Delhi NTR Circle Secretary Shri Mohinder Singh were met CGM M. P. Circle discussed staff matters.

General Secretary Assured the M.P. Circle go ahead with good hope, CHQ will always support the right demands – K. Jayaprakash G.S .

16-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Status of officiating JTOs. Click here to view

15-09-2016:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh, Circle Secretary NTR Delhi were attended a meeting at Nagpur. Nearly 40 new members were joined in our Union Chief Guest Shri Q. A. Zama Ex MLC and INTUC Nagpur president. Shri Charan Shaker General Secretary INTUC and many other INTUC leaders were attended the meeting, the senior Leaders Shri Yakub Khan and Shri Yawalkar were also addressed the meeting Shri. Syndaker is elected unanimously as Dist Secretary, many other members were attended the meeting and promised to join in our Union very shortly CHQ congratulate the new members and leaders – K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW(FNTO)

On 16th Sept-2016 General Secretary attending the Bhopal circle meeting under the leader ship of Shri S.A. Agha Circle Secretary

15-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Modifying the liability of BSNL towards the payment of pensionary benefits to the retired employees. Click here to view

15-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Regulation of pay on post based promotion during the period of deferred option for fixation of pay under Time Bound Promotion Click here to view

14-09-2016:-The Organisation of BSNL unions and Associations meeting held at Chennai under the Chairmen ship of Shri S. P. Sharma, G.S. BSNL WRU convener Shri K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO). The following Guests are attended the meeting Shri. Ramasundaram, GS BSNL EC, Shri A. D. Patil GS AIBCTES, Shri Zile Singh GS BSNLSU, Shri D. Selvam GS BSNL AU and Shri K. Vallinayagam Ex GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri S. Lingamurty Joint GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Shri Shivashankaran etc the following decisions are taken

1. The forum decided to hold a lunch hour Demonstrations on 27th September-2016 all over India at SSA/Circle and CHQ demanding Payment of Bonus. Formation of Wage revision committee and Scraping of Transfer policy etc

2. The forum full pledged committee formed as follows

Hon’ble Chairmen Shri K. Vallinayagam Ex.GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Chairmen Shri S. P. Sharma, GS BSNL WRU, Vice Chairmen Shri A. D. Patil, GS AIBCTES, Convener K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), Co-Convener Ramasundaram, GS BSNL EC, Organising Secretary Shri D. Selvam, GS BSNLAU, Advisor Shri S. Lingamurthy, Joint General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO)

The forum decided to meet once in every month

The forum decided to request other non-recognised unions to join in this forum to safeguard the BSNL workers rights

The forum decided to conduct agitational programmes once in a 3 months for settling pending issues of BSNL workers

K. Jayaprakash GSFNTO

14-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Career history data updation in ERP. Click here to view

14-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued Guidelines regarding recovery of excess/ wrongful payments made to employees of BSNL. Click here to view

14-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter on Retention of Quarters beyond the permissible limits-Requesting regarding. Click here to view

12-09-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy ONAM.

12-09-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Id-Ul-Zuha(Bakrid).

12-09-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding indicative Advertisement for INDUCTION OF GATE (GRADUATE APTITUDE TEST IN ENGINEERING) SCORE-2017 IN RECRUITMENT PURPOSE IN BSNL- Publication in Local leading News papers thereof. Click here to view Click here to view

09-09-2016:-NITI Aayog for strategic sale in 44 PSUs. Click here to view

09-09-2016:- Tour programme of Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS

On 13-09-2016 & 14-09-2016 Forum meeting at Chennai

15-09-2016 Meeting at Nagpur

16-09-2016 Meeting at Bhopal from 17-09-2016 at Delhi Head quarter

08-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter on Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom){JTO(T)} for the vacancy year 2015-16 in BSNL. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

08-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding change of date of holiday on account of Id-Ul-Zuha(Bakrid) during 2016 in BSNL offices located at Delhi/New Delhi. Click here to view

08-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding provision of Incentive to BSNL Staff for bringing new Landline/Broadband connection. Click here to view

07-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Extension of Gratuity to listed Casual Labours-Engagement Details of Casual Labours . Click here to view

06-09-2016:-D.O. letter from C.M.D. BSNL to all BSNL Employees. Click here to view

06-09-2016:-D.O. letter from Shri R.K. Mittal Director (C.M.) to all CGMs. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

05-09-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

02-09-2016:- Corporate Office issued Press Release regarding launch of entry level promotional Broadband plan "Experience Unlimited BB 249" in all the circles-reg. Click here to view

01-09-2016:-letter to Director (HR) regarding Harassment by GM Gulbarga on the officials by issuing irregular and Mass Transfers in the month of July-2016. Click here to view

01-09-2016:- Organisation of BSNL Unions & Associations meeting will be held on 14th Sept 2016 at Chennai under the Chairmen ship of Shri S.P.Sharma GS BSNL WRU to discuss the present and future programmes for settling staff matters all the GSs are requested to attend the meeting _ jayaprakash Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)


Press Communique 31st August 2016

Central Trade Unions Reiterate countrywide General Strike on 2nd Sept, 2016 Group of Ministers (GOM) Announcement an eyewash

The Central Trade Unions reiterate the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2016 against the anti-worker and anti-people policies of the Govt. in view of utterly unresponsive and undemocratic attitude of the Govt. The CTUs view the announcements made by Committee of Ministers as an eyewash and decide to go ahead with the Strike. Meagre raise in minimum wage to Rs.9100/- per month in central sphere is not binding on the States.

The CTUOs expressed dismay over utterly negative attitude of the Govt. towards basic demands of the workers on minimum wages as per consensus formulation of the Indian Labour Conference, on universal social security including pension for all workers including those in unorganised sector, against mass scale contractorisation of permanent and perennial work, against onslaught on basic rights of the workers through so called labour-law-reforms through various state governments and also by the centre in the background of large scale violation of labour laws being promoted by both the central govt and also many state govts, desperate move for privatisation/disinvestment of strategic and sensitive public sector units, and promoting limitless FDI in sensitive sectors like Defence, Railways, Banks, Insurance, Retail and Pharmaceuticals etc. which is also against the interest of the national economy.

The CTUOs made it clear that the desperate bid of the Govt for changing the labour laws both through central and many state govts is basically designed to throw even the overwhelming majority of the organised sector workers out of the coverage and purview of all basic labour laws which would render all other rights and benefits of the working people virtually meaningless.

The CTUOs also noted with dismay that the Govt while making public statement on being positive on the demands of the workers, has actually been actively pushing through executive measures, one after another, just in the opposite direction, against the interest of the working people in the garb of ensuring so called “ease of doing business.” All these proactive initiatives militate against the basic interests and rights of the working people. Even the non-striking Central Trade Union also officially recorded its opposition.

The CTUOs expressed satisfaction over the increasing response by the workers throughout the country to the call for united action. The strike is going to be complete in industrial sectors such as transport, financial, power, coal, textile, automobile, port and dock, steel, oil, defence production, scheme, education etc. sectors and Central and State Govts. employees. In some states it is going to be bandh like situation.

It is unfortunate that during the past one year, the Group of Ministers appointed for discussion with the CTUOs on 12 point charter has not convened even a single meeting but has been only talking to BMS which has not joined the strike call. The CTUOs denounce such undemocratic bias of the Govt.

The CTUOs condemn the move of the central govt to divide the workers in the face of ongoing strike campaign and create confusion through making misleading statements on its so called positive attitude on workers’ demands both directly and through their various agencies and allies.

While expressing confidence that such dubious action to divide the workers will not succeed, the CTUOs appeal to the working people of the country irrespective of affiliations to further widen their unity and unitedly combat the anti-worker, anti-people policies of the Govt through making the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2016 a total success.


And independent federations of Workers/Employees

30-08-2016:-letter to Director (HR) regarding Irregular Transfers in Salem SSA Tamil Nadu Circle. Click here to view

30-08-2016:-letter to Director (HR) regarding Request for review of JAO Examination results held on 17-07-2016. Click here to view

30-08-2016:-letter from AGM (SR) regarding Grievances of NUBSNLW (FNTO) in Baroda SSA of Gujarat Telecom Circle. Click here to view

30-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding providing substitute for Tenure Stations under Non Territorial Circles. Click here to view

30-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding JTO (T) Induction Training. Click here to view

30-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter on Policy regarding Para-9 transfers. Click here to view

29-08-2016:- The Senior Leader Shri A. P. Mishra former Circle Secretary of M. P. /Chhattisgarh 83 years old passed away on 28 July-2016 at Sultanpur (UP). NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ conveys its heartfelt condolences to the family of Shri A. P. Mishra. K. Jayaprakash GS

27-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Extension of benefit of Time Bound Pay scale upgradation under the Promotion Policy to non-executives granted executive scale(s)under the erstwhile ACP scheme in BSNL. Click here to view

27-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding offer of discounts on medicines by Apollo Pharmacy. Click here to view

26-08-2016:-letter from AGM (Rectt.) regarding Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for JTO(T) 50% & JAO 10 % on 28-08-2016-Rescheduling the Examination thereof. Click here to view

24-08-2016:-letter to CMD BSNL & Shri G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC regarding participation in one day strike on 02-09-2016. Click here to view

24-08-2016:-letter to GM (Rectt.) regarding Request for relaxation the eligibility condition for the candidates for appearing the JTO(LICE)to be held on 28-08-2016. Click here to view

24-08-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Janmashtami.

24-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Admissibility of Transport Allowance to ITS Officers deployed in BSNL. Click here to view

24-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter on LICE for promotion to the post of JTO (T)for the vacancy year 2014-15-Clarification regarding calculation of vacancies Click here to view

23-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding revision of rates of damages for un-authorized occupation of GPRA and damages for subletting of GPRA w.e.f.01-07-2016 throughout the country Click here to view

19-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding JTO Induction Training Programme for the successful deptl. candidates for promotion from group C to the grade of JTO(Telecom)through LICE held on 22-05-2016 Click here to view

19-08-2016:- Corporate office issued letter on Revision of pension of BSNL pensioners/family pensioners, who retired prior to 10-06-2013 by allowing the benefit of merger of 50% DA/DR with Basic Pay/pension, effectively amounting to 78.2% DA/DR for the purpose of fitment-Instruction for utilization of Proforma. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

19-08-2016:- Appreciation letter from CMD BSNL to All CGMs Click here to view

19-08-2016:- Appreciation letter from CMD BSNL to All General Secretaries of Unions/Associations Click here to view

19-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding conducting of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of JAO 40% held on 17-07-2016-Instruction thereon Click here to view

19-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter for wide publicity regarding Unlimited Free calling on all Sundays from BSNL landline Phones and offer of new Landline connection @49/- per month . Click here to view

18-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Introduction of Unlimited Free calling on all Sundays from BSNL landline Phones to all networks and promotional offer of new Landline connection @49/- per month . Click here to view Click here to view

18-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding LICE for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of JTO(T)in BSNL-Instruction thereon Click here to view

18-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C employees to (i) JAO 10% Quota & JTO(T)50% 2014-15 to be held on 28-08-2016 Verification/scrutinizing of the Online Application Forms Click here to view

17-08-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Raksha Bandhan.

16-08-2016:- CMD BSNL Message on the eve of Independence Day of 15th August. Click here to view

16-08-2016:- Corporate office issued Clarification regarding Change of designations of Non-Executive cadres in BSNL. Click here to view

16-08-2016:- Corporate office issued instructions regarding Implementation of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission-fixation of pay and payment of arrears. Click here to view

16-08-2016:- Corporate office issued letter on conducting of LICE for promotion to the grade of JTO (T) under 50% Internal Quota & LICE JAO 40% - regarding extending the VERIFICATION/SCRUTINISING period of declared result. Click here to view

16-08-2016:- Department of Telecommunications issued letter on proposal for grant of replacement scales for pre-revised E1A, E2A pay scales for JTOs, SDEs and equivalent cadres and upgradation of E3, E4, E5 & E6 scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Click here to view

14-08-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes you all a very Happy Independence Day 2016.

12-08-2016:- Corporate office issued order on Admissibility of House Rent Allowance at IDA Basic Pay with 78.2% fitment in respect of Executives and Non-executives of BSNL. Click here to view

11-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Unlimited Free calling to any network on all Sundays from BSNL landline. Click here to view

11-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Promotional offer for New Landline customers with FMC of Rs.49. Click here to view

11-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Development of web-based programme for monitoring medical claims of retired employees. Click here to view

11-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding issues relating to medical facility extended to retired employees. Click here to view

11-08-2016:- It is noticed that the HRA & other benefits on 78.2% IDA file is approved by CMD orders being issued.

11-08-2016:- The GS S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR, S. P. Sharma, GS BSNLWRU, Zile Singh, GS BSNLSU were met with Director (HR) and submitted Memorandum on pending staff matters and discussed about Baroda SSA Gujarat Circle and Gonda SSA in U.P.(East) Circle Irregular Transfers and many issues. The Director (HR) & GM(SR) were present in the meeting and responded positively Click here to view

10-08-2016:- The Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations meeting held at D-1 under the Chairman ship of Shri S. P. Sharma, GS BSNLWRU. The following decisions were taken

1. Submission of memorandum to Director (HR) on pending issues.

2.Next Meeting will be fixed at Salem SSA Tamil Nadu on 11-09-2016.

10-08-2016:- The G.S. alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR were participated in SWAS programme at Corporate office

10-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued Corrigendum regarding Formulation of Training Policy(In service Courses) in BSNL Click here to view

10-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C to the grade of JTO (T) under 50% quota for the vacancy year 2013-14 held on 22-05-2016 and 16-07-2016 - Declaration of list of candidates, who have secured minimum qualifying marks Click here to view

09-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Service with a Smile (SWAS) program in BSNL on 10-08-2016 at Corporate Office (OATH). Click here to view

09-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Service with a Smile (SWAS) program in BSNL on 10-08-2016 at Corporate Office. Click here to view

09-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding LICE for promotion from Group C to the grade of JAO under 40% quota held on 17-07-2016. Declaration of results. Click here to view Click here to view

09-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued Clarification-BSNL Transfer Policy. Click here to view

09-08-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding review of Training Policy in BSNL. Click here to view

09-08-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)Bank Account details Click here to view

06-08-2016:-Shri Varadarajan Circle Vice President Tamil Nadu Circle expired today at Bhavani. CHQ Conveys its Realfelt Condolence to his family. K. Jayaprakash, GS

06-08-2016:- General strike on 02-09-20165 Notice given by INTUC alongwith other Central Trade Unions- BMS, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, UTUC and LPF.

All the NUBSNLW (FNTO) Leaders/Members are requested to Participate in the strike and make it grand success. K. Jayaprakash, GS

List of Demands

1. No Contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry/establishment.

2. Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs 15,000/-.

3. Remove all ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.

4. Assured Pension for all.

5. Concrete measures for employment generation.

6. Strict enforcement of labour laws.

7. Universal social security cover for unorganized workers and creation of National Social Security Fund.

8. Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of the ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98.

9. Concrete measures to contain price rise.

10. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs/ Undertakings.

11. No to FDI in Railways, Defence and other strategic sectors

12. No unilateral amendments to labour laws.

06-08-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Displaying of I-Cards at entry/exit gate and prior intimation to Admn. Cell while coming to office on non working day. Click here to view

06-08-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Events to be organized on 10-08-2016 to popularize "Service with a Smile"(SWAS)programme in BSNL Click here to view

05-08-2016:-Notification for Pension revision released. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

05-08-2016:-letter to Director (HR) regarding Harassment of Non-recognized Union Members by issuing Irregular Transfers in Baroda SSA Gujarat Circle. Click here to view Click here to view

03-08-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding review of existing soft tenure areas/stations & assessment of new soft tenure area-feedback from Circles thereof Click here to view

03-08-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Extension of CGHS facility to retired BSNL employees Click here to view

03-08-2016:-D.O. Letter from Smt. Sujata T. Ray, Director (H.R.) Click here to view

03-08-2016:-Letter TO Communication Minister on behalf of Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations Click here to view

02-08-2016:-D.O. Letter from Shri R.K.Mittal, Director (C.M.) Click here to view

02-08-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Project SHIKHAR implementation-extension of scheme of reimbursements, facilities, awards and incentives for sales teams in Consumer Mobility (Project Vijay), Consumer Fixed Access (Project Udaan) and Enterprises). Click here to view

02-08-2016:- The Central Trade Unions going on one day strike on 02-09-2016. All are requested to make its grand success.

The Convention calls upon all the trade unions, federations across the sectors to widen and consolidate the unity at the grass-root level and prepare for countrywide united movement and observe the following programme of agitation and action.


The Convention once again expresses its readiness for arriving at an acceptable settlement to the 12 points Charter of Demands through discussion with the Government. Effective implementation forthwith the consensus recommendations of successive Indian Labour Conferences on minimum wage, on contract workers and the Scheme workers is crucial for the CTUs to prepare for dialogue with the Government.

The National Convention of Workers calls upon the trade unions and working people irrespective of affiliations to unite and make the countrywide General Strike a massive success. Unity of working people and masses have to be defended and strengthened through the process of struggles only. Convention also appeals to the Peasants, Agriculture Labour and the rural and urban toiling people to support and participate in the strike on 2nd September 2016.



02-08-2016:- Niti Aayog May Consider Strategic Sale in BSNL, MTNL-Source The Indian Worker (INTUC) 01-08-2016 Click here to view

01-08-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Provisional candidature of DR TTAs of Recruitment year 2007 for appearing in JTO LICE(for whom exam for DR TTA was conducted upto December 2007 & training imparted after JULY 2008)-Withdrawal of Relaxation thereof. Click here to view

01-08-2016:- According to The Economic Times Report on 01-08-2016 Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL. BSNL is planning to install 21000 mobile towers all over India by investing 7000 crores. Click here to view

30-07-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners-delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years. Click here to view

30-07-2016:-Corporate Office issued clarifications on representations by DR JAOs 2010 and Departmental JAOs 2012 for fixation of initial pay scale same as given to Departmental JAOs (40% quota)2010. Click here to view

29-07-2016:-Corporate Office issued revised guidelines regarding review of results of failed SC/ST candidates in LICE in Limited Competitive Examinations. Click here to view

26-07-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding method of pay fixation in IDA pay scales in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted after 01-10-2000 and opted IDA pay scales from the date of their promotion/retirement. Click here to view

26-07-2016:-BSNL endorsed the orders of DoT for Revision of Pension of BSNL Pensioners and Family Pensioners retired prior to 10.06.2013. Click here to view

23-07-2016:Corporate Office issued letter regarding Information of Court cases filed by applicants with respect to LICE for the promotion to the post of JTO(T) Cadre 2016 conducted on 22.05.2016 Click here to view

19-07-2016:-letter to Dir(HR)Corporate Office New Delhi. Regarding Grant of Interviews to the Leaders of NUBSNLW(FNTO)to discuss the Staff issues Click here to view Click here to view

19-07-2016:-letter to CMD BSNl Grant of Minimum Bonus to Staff before Pooja Request regarding Click here to view

19-07-2016:-letter to CMD BSNl regarding Request for additional Minimum Trade Union facilities to the Unions who are secured 2% or more votes at All India level Click here to view

19-07-2016:-letter to Dir(HR)Corporate Office New Delhi. Request for Restoration of Time Schedule for the meeting of the Unions/Associations with Director (HR) Click here to view

19-07-2016:-DoT issues order for revision of pension based on 78.2% IDA merger. Click here to view

15-07-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Updation of Educational Qualification in Service records of Ex-Serviceman TTAs Click here to view

15-07-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Information regarding training of DR TTAs of 2008 batch (Recruitment year) Click here to view

14-07-2016:-Corporate Office issues order on revised rate of IDA w.e.f. 01-07-2016. Click here to view

13-07-2016:-List of Empanelled Private Hospitals as on 30th June 2016 Click here to view

09-07-2016:-Corporate Office letter on verification / scrutinizing of the online application forms in respect of LICE for promotion from Group C employees to JAO under 40% Quota to be held on 17-07-2016. Click here to view

09-07-2016 Corporate Office issued letter on declaration of the result of the LICE held on 22-05-2016 Click here to view

08-07-2016:- Shri Manoj Sinha, is set to take over the charges of Communications Ministry as MoS with Independent charge. We wish him all success in strengthening the BSNL.

08-07-2016:- DPE order on IDA w.e.f. 01-07-2016 (114.8%). Click here to view

08-07-2016:-Cong accuses BJP of covering up Rs. 45,000-crore telecom scam.

DoT says no scam; set to send recovery notices to telecom companies

New Delhi, July 7: The Congress on Thursday lobbed the „scam‟ bomb on the BJP-led Central government, accusing it of burying a Rs. 45,000-crore telecom fraud exposed by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) earlier this year. At the centre of the Congress charge is a decision by former Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad to conduct a review of the audited books of six telecom operators after the CAG report was made public in March. Randeep Singh Surjewala, In-charge, Communications, All India Congress Committee, said the review of the operators‟ accounts was an attempt by the Centre to dilute the extent of the loss put out by the CAG and to delay the process of recovery. He alleged that the Centre was bailing out the six telecom firms mentioned in the CAG report: Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, Reliance Communications, Idea Cellular, Tata Teleservices and Aircel India. The CAG had initiated an audit of these six telcos for the period between 2006-07 and 2009-10 on the instructions of the Congress-led UPA government in 2011. During this period, telecom operators did not have to pay any up-front price for spectrum but had to pay an annual licence fee and spectrum usage in the form of revenue share. Dispute over calculation However, there was a disagreement between the telecom operators and the Department of Telecom on the elements to be included for the purpose of calculating the annual revenue. While the operators argued that only revenue earned from offering telecom services should be taken into account, the DoT insisted that all income earned by the telcos, including those from sale of handsets or fixed deposits, should be included. Even as the telecom operators challenged the DoT stand in various courts, the CAG looked at whether operators were paying revenue share as prescribed by the DoT or „under-reporting‟ income in order to pay a lower licence fee. The Supreme Court, on April 17, 2014, permitted the CAG to audit the accounts. The CAG then submitted its report and said the six companies had under-reported their revenue, technically known as Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR), by Rs. 46,045.75 crore, leading to a loss of Rs.12,488.93 crore to the Exchequer. “Instead of immediately acting on these revelations reflecting a serious loss to the public exchequer, the Modi government has opted for an alternative revaluation of these figures by the Telecom Ministry through Chartered Accountants empanelled with them,” said Surjewala. “The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the Modi government wants to reduce the amount it has to recover if not spare the companies altogether. The intention is clearly mala fide. ” DoT response Responding to the allegations, a DoT statement said: “Revenue assurance is the top priority of DoT. The government is determined to recover every rupee of underpaid amount with interest and penalty from every defaulting company in the minimum possible time.” The Cellular Operators Association of India, the industry body representing large operators, including Airtel and Vodafone, said that the issue was being politicised when the matter is being dealt with legally. According to the CAG‟s report, the financial impact due to understatement of the adjusted gross revenue stood at: Rs. 3,728.54 crore for Reliance Communications; Rs. 3,215.39 crore for Tata Teleservices; Rs.2,651.89 crore for Airtel; Rs. 1,665.39 crore for Vodafone; Rs. 964.89 crore for Idea and Rs. 262.83 crore for Aircel. (This article was published in the Business Line print edition dated July 8, 2016)

06-07-2016:- FNTO wishes Eid Mubarak to everybody - GS FNTO.

05-07-2016:78.2% I.D.A. MERGER APPROVED

Official Press release from Cabinet secretariat after today’s cabinet meeting

Cabinet approves Revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners Removing Anomalies The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the revision of pension of BSNL pensioners and family pensioners, who retired prior to 10.06.2013 by allowing the benefit of merger of 50% DA/DR with Basic Pay/ Pension, effectively amounting to 78.2% DA/DR for the purpose of fitment, and (ii) Modifying the liability of BSNL towards the payment of pensionary benefits to the retired employees.

The pension of BSNL pensioners/family pensioners, who retired prior to 10.06.2013 has been revised w.e.f. 01.01.2007 notionally with actual benefit w.e.f. 10.06.2013, by allowing the benefit of merger of 50% DA/DR with Basic Pay/ Pension, effectively amounting to 78.2% DA/DR for the purpose of fitment at par with the serving employees of BSNL. However, increase in the amount of DCRG, leave encashment and commutation of pension in respect of these pensioners shall not be increased on this account.

The pension liability in respect of employees of Department of Telecommunications (DOT) / Department of Telecom Services (DTS) / Department of Telecom Operations (DTO) who retired prior to 01.10.2000 is solely borne by Government of India and the BSNL will have no liability in respect of these employees. In respect of employees who are absorbed in BSNL, the liability on account of pensionary benefits shall be fully borne by Government while BSNL will continue to discharge pension liability by way of pension contribution in accordance with FR-116 for the period they so work/worked.

The revision entails an estimated recurring annual expenditure of approximately Rs 129.63 crore for pensioners and Rs 24.93 crore for family pensioners and arrears from 2013-14 would be Rs 239.92 crore approximately for pensioners and Rs 44.62 Crore approximately for family pensioners. Approximately118500 pensioners all over India will be benefitted by this revision.

This revision will fulfill the long pending demand of revision of pension of BSNL absorbed employees who retired prior to 10.06.2013 and will bring the pensioners at par with the serving employees of BSNL by removing the anomalies. It will help in reducing the financial burden of BSNL and removing prospects of industrial unrest in BSNL while fulfilling the commitment of Government.


The decision of the Cabinet has come in the wake of an anomalous situation created in the difference of pension formula among the BSNL retirees who retired before and after 10.06.2013. Further, the decision regarding pensionary liability is on persistent demand from various quarters and a series of deliberations at different levels to fulfill the assurance given by the Government before corporatization i.e. before formation of BSNL.

01-07-2016:-Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2017. Click here to view

30-06-2016:-Andhra Pradesh circle is bifurcated. The new Telengana circle is formed.

Andhra Pradesh circle is bifurcated and the new Telengana circle is formed. This is consequent to the formation of a separate Telengana state. Shri Anantharam (CGM Kerala) will be the CGM of Telengana circle and Shri Damodar Rao (PGM HTD) will be the CGM of Andhra Pradesh circle. NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartily congratulates the employees and Management of the new Telengana circle and expresses the hope that the new circle will become flourish in all respects. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

30-06-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Career history data updation in ERP Click here to view

30-06- 2016:- IDA increase 2.4% w.e.f. 1 st July-2016. (i.e. 112.4 to 114.80 = 2.4%)

30-06-2016:-Corporate Office letter on verification/scrutinizing of the Online Application Forms in respect of LICE for promotion from Group C employees to JTO under 50% Quota held on 22-05-2016 Click here to view

25-06-2016:- Circle wise Revised Target of New Telephone Connection for the year-2016 for Basic Services. Click here to view

23-06-2016:-Verification of Online Application forms in respect of JAO LICE under 40% quota to be held on 17.07.2016 Click here to view

23-06-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Verification / scruitinising the DATA of candidates appeared in the exam held on 22-05-2016 Click here to view

23-06-2016:- Recruitment for the posts of Junior Engineer(Erstwhile TTA), in BSNL from external candidates Click here to view

20-06-2016:-Shri R. Manohar our union active and committed Chennai Telephones Circle office bearer Expired today morning at Chennai.FNTO CHQ conveys deep condolences to his family members. K. Jayaprakash, GS

18-06-2016:- Letter from CHQ to Director (HR)BSNL ND Click here to view Click here to view

18-06-2016:- Verification of the Online application Forms in respect of LICE for promotion from group ‘C’ employees to JAO under 40% Quota to be held on 17.07.2016. Click here to view

17-06-2016:- Adhoc grant for the circle Sports and cultural board for 2016-17 Click here to view

17-06-2016:- Performa for Membership Click here to view

17-06-2016:- Letter from CHQ to Director (HR)BSNL ND Click here to view

17-06-2016:- Letter from CHQ to Secretary,DPE Click here to view

16-06-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Timely submission of Claims to O/o CCAs, DOT Click here to view

16-06-2016:-Corporate Office issued Approval regarding Revision of TTA (now Junior Engineer)Induction Training structure and syllabus. Click here to view

16-06-2016:-Calculation of Retirement Benefits on separation from BSNL Service-"Full & Final" Process regarding Click here to view

10-06-2016:-Corporate Office issued Guidelines regarding amendment in the existing Recruitment Rules of TTA, Sr. TOA, Telecom Mechanic and Regular Mazdoor due to change of Designation of major cadres of Non-Executives in BSNL. Click here to view

04-06-2016:- Non-recovery from pay of officiating JTO’s pursuant to the letter No.-3-32/2013/Estt-IV, dated 22-12-2015-reg. Click here to view

04-06-2016:- BSNL Corporate office issued Notification for Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of JAO under 10% Quota to be held on 28-08-2016. Click here to view

04-06-2016:- MOU signed with Canara Bank for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL Employees-Linking the ROI to MCLR. Click here to view

04-06-2016:- DOP&T issued guidelines on LTC – Relaxation to travel by private air line to visit J&K. Click here to view

04-06-2016:- Bihar JTO LICE to be held on 16.07.2016. Click here to view

01-06-2016:- Corporate Office issued reminder on vacancy position in the grade of Junior Accounts Officer as on 01.01.2016 Click here to view

31-05-2016:- BSNL launches 'Free to Home' Service-Call Forwarding to Landline Numbers Scheme w.e.f.30-05-2016 Click here to view

31-05-2016:- BSNL launches 'Free to Home' Service-Call Forwarding to Landline Number Scheme w.e.f.30-05-2016 Click here to view

30-05-2016:- Dear Circle Secretaries please attend the circle secretaries Meeting at Delhi on 11th & 12th June-2016 to review the 7th Membership Verification. Notice already sent to you by registered post and available on our website also. K. Jayaprakash, G.S.

28-05-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter on Consolidation of SSAs into Business Areas. Click here to view

28-05-2016:- VRS a requirement to increase BSNL’s profitability: CMD Click here to view

28-05-2016- An emergency meeting of all Circle Secretaries will be held on 11th & 12th June-2016 in Delhi Click here to view Click here to view

25-05-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Procedure to be followed by the Expert Committee in case of OMR based Departmental Examinations conducted by BSNL. Click here to view

23-05-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding extension of benefits of pay protection to the internal officials selected against DR-JTO quota who have applied through proper channel Click here to view

20-05-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Grant of facilities to the recognised representative Unions of non-executive employees in BSNL and also to the union which secured more than 2% of total votes at All India level Click here to view

18-05-2016:-BSNL Corporate Office announced Bharat Sanchar Sewa Padak Award-2015, Best Maintained Telephones System Award-2015 and Best Customer Service Centre Award-2015 Click here to view

17-05-2016:- Letter to GM (Rectt) Corporate Office New Delhi Click here to view

17-05-2016:- Message from CMD BSNL on World Telecom Day Click here to view

16-05-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter for Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Group C employees to JTO (T) on 22-05-2016. Click here to view

13-05-2016:- Corporate Office released the result of 7th Membership Verification Click here to view

12-05-2016:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) Elected No-1 Union in BSNL Corporate Office New Delhi. Thanks to the Members of BSNL SU and Shri Zile Singh, General Secretary BSNL SU and his team members for their support to NUBSNLW (FNTO). CHQ thanks to all. We possibly secure the response of the BSNL workers. CHQ will in touch with all members, we will be first in opposing Anty Trade Unions. We promise you all that we will be always in forefront in settling the Staff Matters. K. Jayaprakash, GS

12-05-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Change of Designations of major cadres of Non-Executives working in BSNL Click here to view

09-05-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Direct Recruitment of TTAs from open market for the Recruitment year 2015--Approval thereof. Click here to view

08-05-2016:- Lucknow Election Campaign conducted by NUBSNLW (FNTO)- Heart full congratulates to all the BSNL Workers the last minute efforts to ensure that maximum votes are Polled in favour of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Deepak symbol Serial No-17.

Vote for Deepak. NUBSNLW (FNTO) Zindabad.

07-05-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Direct Recruitment of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA) for the year 2015 from the open market. Click here to view

07-05-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Direct Recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers (Telecom) {JTO (T)} for the year 2015-16 from the open market. Click here to view

07-05-2016:-Corporate Office letter regarding conduct of 7th membership verification, election on 10-05-2016 and counting of votes on 12-05-2016 in BSNL - Payment of honorarium to the staff deputed for Polling/Counting duty. Click here to view

07-05-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Lucknow U.P. (East),Shri S. P. Sharma, GS, BSNLWRU at Muzaffarpur(Bihar) and Shri B. D. Sharma, GS, FNTO(BEA) at Chandigarh. K. Jayaprakash GS


06-05-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Kolkata (WB) and Shri S. P. Sharma, GS, BSNLWRU at Chapra (Bihar) K.Jayaprakash GS

06-05-2016:-D.O. letter from Shri R.K. Mittal Director (C.M.) to all CGMs Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

05-05-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Patna (Bihar)along with S/Shri S. P. Sharma, GS, BSNLWRU, B. D. Sharma, GS, FNTOBEA and Zile Singh, GS,BSNLSU.

S/Shri B.C.Pathak,F.S. and M.R. Vashisht, advisor are also on election tour at Dehradun (Uttrakhand) K.Jayaprakash GS

04-05-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Dhanbad (Jharkhand) along with S/Shri S. P. Sharma, GS, BSNLWRU, B. D. Sharma, GS, FNTOBEA and Zile Singh, GS,BSNLSU. K.Jayaprakash GS

04-05-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding conduct of election on 10-05-2016 and counting of votes on 12-05-2016 to elect majority representative union(s) in BSNL Click here to view

03-05-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter for Increase in Land Line Customer base Click here to view

03-05-2016:- 7th Membership Verification campaign meeting was held at Corporate Office New Delhi on 29-04-2016 successfully.

03-05-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Ranchi (Jharkhand) along with other General Secretaries. K.Jayaprakash GS

02-05-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Dibrugarh, Assam along with Shri B. D. Sharma,General Secretary, FNTOBEA. K.Jayaprakash GS

30-04-2016:-Corporate Office letter regarding conduct of seventh membership verification on 10-05-2016 for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – appointment of Observers from the Ministry of Labour. Click here to view

30-04-2016:-Corporate office clarification on preparation of voters list in connection with 7 membership verification. Click here to view

30-04-2016:-Surrender – Samrat – BSNLEU/ NFTEBSNL Click here to view

29-04-2016:- An Impressive meeting held at Corporate Office New Delhi in connection with 7th Membership Verifications. S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, NUBSNLW (FNTO) S. P. Sharma, GS, BSNLWRU, B. D. Sharma, GS, FNTOBEA and Zile Singh, GS,BSNLSU were addressed the gathering. K. Jayaprakash,

28-04-2016:- Election campaign meeting held at Hyderabad.

An enthusiastic meeting was held at Telephone Bhawan Hydereabad on 27-04-2016. S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS,NUBSNLW (FNTO), S .P. Sharma, GS, BSNL WRU, B. D. Sharma, GS, FNTO BEA, A. D. Patil, GS, AIBCTES were addressed a huge gathering of workers.

27-04-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Hyderabad along with other General Secretaries. K.Jayaprakash GS

26-04-2016:-Corporate Office letter on settlement of GPF Final Payment and discrepancies in GPF final payment cases, transfer out cases and minus balances in GPF final payment cases etc.-Regarding Click here to view

26-04-2016:-Corporate Office letter on conduct of seventh Membership Verification of non-executives unions in BSNL-facilities regarding. Click here to view

25-04-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Nagpur along with other General Secretaries. K.Jayaprakash GS

23-04-2016:-D.O.letter from CMD BSNL to all CGMs Click here to view

23-04-2016:-General Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO) is on election tour at Agra and Mathura along with other General Secretaries. K. Jayaprakash GS

22-04-2016:-Corporate Office reminder on revision of Pension /family pension of pre 2007 retirees BSNL IDA pensioners/family pensioners, who retired prior to 01-1-2007 and post 2007 BSNL IDA pensioners/family pensioners, who retired between 01-1-2007 and 09-06-2013. Click here to view

22-04-2016:-Corporate Office letter regarding procurement of Ballot Boxes from Chief Electoral Officers of States for holding 7th membership verification of non-executives employees unions through secret ballot. Click here to view Click here to view

22-04-2016:-Corporate Office letter on vacancy position in the grade of Junior Accounts Officer as on 01.01.2016. Click here to view

22-04-2016:-Corporate Office letter on timely settlement of pensionary benefits to retired /retiring employees. Click here to view

22-04-2016:-Corporate Office letter on provision of Security to Telecom personnel/offices in connection with the conduct of 7th Membership Verification for election of majority representative union(s) in the non-executive category in BSNL slated for 10-12 May, 2016 Click here to view

21-04-2016:- Corporate Office letter on Rrevision in Weightage points for Compassionate Ground Appointment. Click here to view

21-04-2016:-Corporate Office issues clarification on framing of Recruitment Rules of TTA - 2014. Click here to view

21-04-2016 : Corporate office issued Steady decline in maintenance of BSNL IQs. Click here to view

19-04-2016:-Letter from Corporate office regarding Finalisation of ballot paper including symbols for conduct of 7th membership verification through secret ballot on 10th May,2016. Click here to view

19-04-2016:-Letter from Corporate office regarding Clarification in pay scale up-gradation under NEPP-2010 in regard to effect of EOL/CCL etc Click here to view

18-04-2016:- List of CHQ nominated coordinators for 7th Membership Verification Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

18-04-2016:- Reqest for extension of Co-operation in 7th Membership Verification Reg- Click here to view

18-04-2016:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) Posters for 7th Membership Verification Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

15-04-2016:- Tour programme of Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS along with alliance partner GSs in connection with 7th membership verification.

On 21-04-2016 at Ahmedabad

23-04-2016 at Udaipur Rajasthan,

25-04-2016 at Nagpur,

27-04-2016 at Hyderabad,

29-04-2016 at Delhi,

03-05-2016 at Ranchi,

04-05-216 at Dhanbad,

05-05-2016 at Patna,

06-05-2016 at Kolkata,

07-05-2016 at Muzaffarpur and

08-05-2016 at Delhi NCR. K. Jayaprakash GS FNTO

15-04-2016: NUBSNLW(FNTO) CHQ wishes you all a very Happy Ram Navami.

14-04-2016:- Shri K. Jayaprakash, G.S. On Election campaign tour at Odisha Circle

14-04-2016 at Bhubaneswar

15-04-2016 at Balasore

16-04-2016 at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack alongwith Shri R. K. Gahan, C/S and Shri S. N. Panda, Circle Working President. K. Jayaprakash GS

13-04-2016:-Letter from Corporate office regarding Rule-8 Transfer Requests on ERP Portal Click here to view

12-04-2016:- Letter from Corporate office regarding Circle-wise details of total number of Voters and Polling booths. Click here to view Click here to view

11-04-2016:- Procedure to be followed by the Expert Committee in case of OMR based Departmental Examinations conducted by BSNL. Click here to view

11-04-2016:- Amendment in BSNL Employees Transfer Policy issued vide No.-6-1/2007-Restg dated 07-05-2008 and amended from time to time. Click here to view

11-04-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding early settlement of pre-2006(CDA)pension cases. Click here to view

11-04-2016:- Corporate office fixed circle wise BSNL New Telephone Connection targets for the year 2016-17 for Basic Services. Click here to view

11-04-2016:- D.O. letter from Shri R.K. Mittal Director (C.M.) to all CGMs Click here to view

06-04-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the post of Junior Accounts Officer (JAO) in BSNL - Extension of date reg. Click here to view

06-04-2016:-Corporate Office issued Revised Examination/Recruitment Calendar of BSNL, 2016-17-reg. Click here to view

06-04-2016:- Procurement of Paper Seals for ballot boxes from Government Press, Nasik for holding 7th membership verification of non-executive employees unions through secret ballot – regarding. Click here to view

05-04-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter for counting of pre-appointment training of TTA,s as regular service for reckoning 5 years in the scale of Rs 13600-25420 Click here to view

05-04-216:- Corporate office issued order on Admissibility of Profession / Skill Upgradation Allowance at IDA Basic Pay with 78.2% fitment in respect of Executives and Non-executives of BSNL Click here to view

05-04-2016:-Corporate office issued order for revision of I.Q. rates. Click here to view

05-04-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter on Implementation of EPF coverage for pre-induction Training Period of BSNL recruited employees. Click here to view

04-04-2016:- Corporate Office issued sanction of Welfare Fund to various circles Click here to view

03-04-2016:-Tour Programme of Thomas John K, President FNTO in connection with 7th Membership Verification. 2nd April to Chennai 3rd Alliance meeting 4th Tamil Nadu Circle 5th Chennai public meeting 6th & 7th Delhi Office 8th – 10th UP (E) Lucknow, Barabanki, Basti meetings. 11th & 12th Jammu 13& 14th Delhi meetings 15 to 21st Gujarat, Valsad, Baroda, Anand, Ahmadabad (E), Kutch, Jamnagar, Ahmadabad (W) 21st to 23rd Maharashtra, Pune, Mumbai CO, & Telecom Factory 27th April to 30th April Kerala circle 2nd May to 4th May 2016 Assam Circle

03-04-2016:- Congratulations Dear Circle Secretariat's and CWC Members today is historical day for our union today we signed an agreement with six other unions BSNLWRU, FNTOBEA, BSNLSU, AIBCTES, BSNLEC, BSNLEAU for voting to our symbol DEEPAK. Please see our website for agreement copy. I request you all please coordinate with, with alliance partners and form Circle/District committees tour all your areas and educate/convince the voters to vote our Deepak symbol election poster of CHQ will be posted to you. K. Jayaprakash GS Click here to view Click here to viewClick here to view

02-04-2016 : Grant of recognition and extension of facilities to the newly elected CHQ Governing body of SC/ST Employees Welfare Association of BSNL (SEWA, BSNL) – reg. Click here to view

02-04-2016:-Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2016 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Click here to view

02-04-2016:-Additional charge of GM (SR) handed over to Shri A. M. Gupta, GM (Restg.). Click here to view

01-04-2016:-Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS is on tour from 01-04-2016 to 07-04-2016 at Chennai for attending Alliance Meeting and open session in connection with 7th Membership Verifications

31-03-2016:- No increase or no decrease in IDA from 1st April-2016.

31-03-2016:- Shri Ramakanta Gahan Circle Secretary Odisha Circle is retiring today on superannuation from service. CHQ wish him a happy retired life.

30-03-2016:- Letter to GM(Rectt)Corporate office in connection with JTO/JAO LICE Exam. Click here to view

30-03-2016:-Corporate Office letter on MoU with Canara Bank for extending various Loans Schemes to BSNL Employees Click here to view

30-03-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter on BSNL Group Insurance Policy, 2014 for BSNL Employees joined after 31-07-2014. Click here to view

23-03-2016:- Corporate Office issued letter regarding Counting of past-services of Ex-servicemen for reckoning 7 years of regular service towards eligibility for appearing in LICE conducted in 2013. Click here to view

23-03-2016: NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ wishes you all a very happy and colorful Holi.

23-03-2016:-Corporate Office letter on MoU with Union Bank of India for extending various Loans Schemes to BSNL Employees Click here to view

22-03-2016:-Corporate Office letter regarding Finalisation of electoral rolls. Click here to view

21-03-2016:- Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS along with President Shri Thomas John K and Shri S. Lingamurthy, Joint General Secretary were attended the two days Circle Conference of Karnataka Circle at Bangalore on 18-03-2016 & 19-03-2016.

21-03-2016:-Corporate Office issued letter regarding Implementation of Final Orders Click here to view

19-03-2016:- DO letter from CMD, BSNL to all CGMs Click here to view

19-03-2016:- INTUC letter to all the State Branches of INTUC Click here to view

19-03-2016:-BSNL customers can use landlines via mobiles for making calls Click here to view

18-03-2016:- Corporate Office letter on BSNL Group Insurance Policy, 2014 for BSNL employees joined after 31.07.2014. Click here to view

18-03-2016:-Corporate Office letter on implementation of EPF coverage for pre-induction training period of BSNL recruited employees. Click here to view

18-03-2016:- Achievments of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Click here to view

17-03-2016:-Shri Anupam Shrivastava is confirmed as CMD BSNL. Click here to view

16-03-2016:- CHQ letter to PGM(SR) & Chief Returning Officer regarding 7th Membership Verification Click here to view

16-03-2016:-Draft Election Manifesto of NUBSNLW(FNTO) for 7th Membership Verification Click here to view

14-03-2016:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with S/Shri M. R. Vashisht,Advisor and Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle were on tour for 3 days from 14th March to 16th March in connection with 7th Membership Verification. K.Jayaprakash, GS

14-03-2016:-Letter for postponement of 7th Membership Verification Click here to view

14-03-2016:-Corporate Office letter on modification in policy for provision of Pre-paid GSM SIM card to all non-executives employees working in BSNL. Click here to view

11-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues letter on Intra & Inter Circle request transfer of Non-executives under Rule 8 of the BSNL Employee Transfer Policy Click here to view

11-03-2016:-Corporate Office issued Final list of applicant unions. Click here to view

11-03-2016:-Corporate Office letter on conduct of 7th membership verification of non-executives unions in BSNL - extension of trade union facilities for the verification period. Click here to view

10-03-2016:- List of CHQ nominated coordinators for 7th Membership Verification Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

09-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues letter regarding submission of employee data in respect of directly recruited employees for the purpose of calculation of liability towards gratuity through actual valuation Click here to view

09-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues letter on Submission of employee data of all employees of BSNL for the purpose of calculation of liability towards leave encashment through actual valuation Click here to view

09-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues letter on Payment of Gratuity made to directly recruited employees of BSNL in the financial year 2015-16 Click here to view

09-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues letter regarding Updation of Educational Qualification in Service Records of Ex-Servicemen TTAs Click here to view

09-03-2016:- Corporate Office issued Deployment details, Job description and recommendation on strength of TTA Click here to view

09-03-2016:- Corporate Office issued clarifications on Periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs- BSNL reg. Click here to view

08-03-2016:-Corporate Office re-scheduled the date of holding of JAO LICE under 40% quota. Click here to view

08-03-2016:-Corporate office issued in partial modification for Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) {JTO (T)} in BSNL Click here to view

07-03-2016:- Letter from CHQ to Chief Returning Officer BSNL for postpone the 7th Membership Verification Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

05-03-2016:- Final time schedule for the 7th Membership Verification:- Click here to view

04-03-2016:-MoUs for Bank loans:- GM (T&BFCI) informed that new MoUs with Bank of Maharashtra, Syndicate Bank, HDFC Bank and J&K Bank would be signed within a month for bank loans for employees. Process is going on for the renewal of MoU with Canara Bank also. MoU with Union Bank of India would not be renewed since that bank wants to include a tough clause in the MoU.

03-03-2016:-Corporate Office issues letter on BSNL Group Insurance Policy 2014 for BSNL employees who have joined after 31.07.2014. Click here to view

03-03-2016:-Corporate Office issues instructions to All CGMs Compliance of Labour laws and Social Security measures like EPF & ESI Click here to view

03-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues list of eligible unions Click here to view

03-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues list of eligible unions Click here to view

03-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues letter for finalization and supply of electoral rolls to the authorized representatives of participating unions. Click here to view

01-03-2016:- Corporate Office issues letter on holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Accounts Officer (Telecom) (JTO(T)) in BSNL Click here to view

01-03-2016:-Corporate Office issues notification for exam of LICE for promotion to the grade of JAO under 40% quota to be held on 22-05-2016. Click here to view

29-02-2016:-FNTO CHQ New Delhi expresses the deep condolences to Shri B. S. Kharbuli Ex Circle Secretary, Meghalaya expired on 28-02-2016 at Shillong. K. Jayaprakash, GS

27-02-2016 :- Don’t believe Rumors- NUBSNLW (FNTO) is Contesting Independently with Deepak symbol in 7th Membership Verification. We are not supporting/Joining any Alliance with any recognized unions. K.Jayaprakash, G.S.

26-02-2016:-Corporate Office constitute a "Core Group" to handle matters related to 7th Membership Verification. Click here to view

26-02-2016:-Corporate Office letter to all CGMs for calculate CGA quota vacancies for the year 2015-16. Click here to view

25-02-2016:-Corporate Office issues Clarification on evaluation reg Click here to view

24-02-2016:- Letter from CHQ to Shri G. Sanjeeva Reddy,President INTUC:- Click here to view

24-02-2016:- OBITUARY: FNTO CHQ shocked to hear shocking news of sudden demise of Shri Bala Raju Senior SSO O/o PGM Hyderabad Telecom District previously worked at Telephone Bhawan Hyderabad. A dedicated worker and Joint District Secretary of FNTO Union HTD. He left for heavenly abode on 22-02-2016 due to a massive heart attack at Hyderabad leaving all of us in ocean of sorrow. He was very active and never left behind to discharge his duties towards BSNL/FNTO Union. We convey our Heart Felt Condolence to his family.

24-02-2016:- Corporate Office letter regarding safety from Fire Incidents. Click here to view

24-02-2016:- Corporate Office letter on information regarding Pay fixation of absorbed officials who were promoted after 01-10-2000 and opted IDA pay scales from their date of promotion. Click here to view

23-02-2016:- Achievements and Targets of BSNL Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

20-02-2016:- Corporate Office letter on appointment of Returning Officers - Conduct of 7th membership verification process to elect majority union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Click here to view

18-02-2016:- Today our Union submitted the application for 7th Membership Verification:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri M. R. Vashisht,Advisor Smt Madhu Trivedi, V.P., Shri B.C. Pathak, F.S. and Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Circle were submitted the application for 7th Membership Verification at PGM (SR) Section, Corporate office New Delhi.

18-02-2016:- Corporate office posted Smt. Anima Roy as GM (Rectt). Click here to view

18-02-2016:- Corporate office clarified on periodical review for ensuring probity and efficacy among employees of CPSEs – BSNL. Click here to view

18-02-2016:-Corporate Office letter on release of fund for payment of GPF advance / withdrawals. Click here to view

17-02-2016:-BSNL Calendar for Examinations/Recruitments - 2016 – 17. Click here to view

16-02-2016:- Corporate office issued clarifications for framing of Recruitment Rules of TTA 2014. Click here to view

12-02-2016:-Recognition of majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL - Holding of 7th Membership Verification process - calling up of application. Click here to view

12-02-2016:- Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) {JTO (T)} in BSNL kept on hold. Click here to view

09-02-2016: Compassionate Ground Appointment (CGA) due to accidental death etc. Click here to view

09-02-2016:- Corporate Office letter on Grant of Sports facilities to sport persons Click here to view

06-02-2016:- Making MDF/test Room landline No. of Telephone Exchange free from prepaid SIM card of Line Staff. Click here to view

05-02-2016:- DO Letter from Dir (C.M.) for achieve target of 20 lakh mobile connections in February, 2016. Click here to view Click here to view

05-02-2016:- Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) (JTO (T)} in BSNL Click here to view

03-02-2016:- Consolidation of SSAs into Business Areas. Click here to view

03-02-2016:- Corporate Office letter on Temporary Deputation as Coordinator/Assistant Haji Officer/ Haji Assistant to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haji-2016. Click here to view

02-02-2016:-BSNL Head Quarters issued 7th Membership Verification Notification of Non-Executive Unions. Membership Verification on 10-05-2016 and counting of votes/declaration of result on 12-05-2016 all are requested to start election work. K. Jayaprakash GS

01-02-2016:- D.O. letter from Director (HR), BSNL to all CGMs to furnish Reservation Rosters for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the cadre of JTO and TTAs. Click here to view

01-02-2016:-Appointment of Chief Returning Officer - Conduct of 7th Membership Verification for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Click here to view

01-02-2016:-Non-transfer of Non-Executive staff till completion of 7th Membership Verification process in BSNL. Click here to view

01-02-2016:-Conduct of 7th Membership Verification to elect majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL - Preparation of revised Electoral Rolls regarding. Click here to view

01-02-2016:- Corporate Office has issued notice for Recognition of majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL - holding of 7th Membership Verification process - calling up of application. Click here to view

29-01-2016:-No wage revision unless BSNL makes profit – Says CMD BSNL. Click here to view

29-01-2016:- Corporate Office has issued notification for JTO (T) LICE to be held on 8th May, 2016. Click here to view

27-01-2016:- The Central Working Committee Of U.P. (East) Circle and District Conference of Gonda SSA of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Union held on 21-01-2016 at TDM(BSNL) office Gonda under the Chairmanship of Shri Raj Kumar, Circle President . S/Shri Thomas John K. CHQ President, M.R.Vashisht, Advisor CHQ, R.K.Yadav, Circle Secretary, Awasthi, Circle Cashier, Mohd Nizamuddin, District President, R.C.Pandey, D/S and many District Secretaries and other colleagues also attended the meeting. Hon’ble TDM and DE also participated in the meeting. All addressed the good gathering. In the evening election propaganda of VII th Membership Verification was discussed in Inspection Quarter. In the evening President CHQ alongwith C/S proceed for Lucknow.

On 22-01-2016 the delegation met the CGM UP (E) at Lucknow & discussed some staff problems. Administration assured for co-operation

22-01-2016:- Corporate Office letter on introduction of promotional scheme in all the Circles to bring back disconnected Broadband customers Click here to view

22-01-2016:- Corporate Office letter on updation of BSNL employees details viz., Designation, Pay scale, Category (SC/ST/OBC/GE), Category of Physically Handicapped etc. in ERP. Click here to view

22-01-2016:- Corporate Office has issued the amendment in BSNL Employees Transfer Policy. Click here to view

22-01-2016:- It is learnt that GPF Funds are released by the Corporate Office on 20, 21 and 22-01-2016.

21-01-2016:- D.O. letter from Director (CM) to all CGMs of Territorial Circles on the Sales and marketing activities. Click here to view

21-01-2016:-Corporate Office letter on status of LICE for TTA under 50% quota for the Recruitment Year 2014 - Furnishing of information. Click here to view

21-01-2016:- Corporate office called compliance on Implementation of EPF coverage for pre-induction Training Period of BSNL recruited employees Click here to view

20-01-2016:-Letter to Secretary, DOT from CHQ for Abnormal delay in payment of GPF Click here to view

20-01-2016:-Letter to Administration from CHQ for Non payment of Medical/Telephone Bills of retirees Click here to view

20-01-2016:-Letter to Administration from CHQ for Change of Designation of Sr.TOA Click here to view

20-01-2016:-Letter to Administration from CHQ for Implementing the New Designation of TTA, TM and RM Click here to view

20-01-2016:-Letter to Administration from CHQ for revision of pay scale of TTAs Click here to view Click here to view

19-01-2016:- Corporate Office letter on various Gazette notification issued by EPFO from time to time. Click here to view

18-01-2015:- Meeting with the Director (HR/Finance) BSNL. NUBSNLW (FNTO) President, Shri Thomas John K held discussions with Director (HR/FIN) on 18/01/2016 and raised the following burning issues.

1. Injustice to TTA cadre in NEPP Promotions Due to the wrong interpretations of revision of pay scales as up gradation. NEPP was given to all other non executives from 2004 where the TTAs were only from 2008.

2. Loss of pay to the officials (Sr. TOA) recruited post 2007. The post 2007 BSNL recuritees were drawing higher pay in the old pay scales before the implementation of revised pay scales in 2007. To make good the loss of pay the Management has sanctioned 5 increments to JTOs and recently one increment was sanctioned to TTAs. Whereas the claim of similarly placed Sr.TOA/TM/RM cadres were ignored. Request to sanction 5 increments to similarly placed Sr.TOAs, TM, RM and TTAs also.

3. The GPF Advances/Withdrawals. Remedial actions. The GPF advances/ withdrawals are almost help up for the last three months in BSNL and workers are faced with lot of difficulties to manage their personal affairs particularly marriages of wards/ education etc. It is told that arrangements for payments are under progress and shortly the money will be made available for disbursement.

4. Payment of 78.2% IDA merger benefits to BSNL Pensioners.

FNTO is asked to submit a detailed note on 1 & 2 points and the case will be reexamined. Other points will be taken up again with DOT.

16-01-2016:- The central working committee held at Chennai on 7th & 8th January-2016 under the president ship of Shri Thomas John. K. The CWC started on 7th after the FNTO flag hosting by our General secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash and on 8th morning a seminar on BSNL SERVICES is conducted the following officers and Trade union Leaders were attended Shri R. Ganesan, Principal GM Chennai Telephones, Smt. Nirmala Subramaniyam DGM RTTC and Sreedharan DE RTTC Chennai

S/Shri Thomos John. K. President, K. Jayaprakash GS K. Vallinayagam Ex GS S.Lingamurthy joint GS Alok Nandi Dy GS D.Chandrashekaran Joint GS and alongwith CWC members. After the seminar the Chennai Telephones circle felicitation Shri K. Jayaprakash GS on his Superannuation retirement.

Shri S. Lingamuthy along with his committed and dynamic team made all the arrangements very good their hospitality, accommodation, food arrangements were super. FNTO CHQ appreciate the efforts of Chennai Telephones circle Click here to view Photos

K. Jayaprakash GS ​16-01-2016:- The central working committee held at Chennai on 7th & 8th January-2016 under the president ship of Shri Thomas John. K. The CWC started on 7th after the FNTO flag hosting by our General secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash and on 8th morning a seminar on BSNL SERVICES is conducted the following officers and Trade union Leaders were attended Shri R. Ganesan, Principal GM Chennai Telephones, Smt. Nirmala Subramaniyam DGM RTTC and Sreedharan DE RTTC Chennai

S/Shri Thomos John. K. President, K. Jayaprakash GS K. Vallinayagam Ex GS S.Lingamurthy joint GS Alok Nandi Dy GS D.Chandrashekaran Joint GS and alongwith CWC members. After the seminar the Chennai Telephones circle felicitation Shri K. Jayaprakash GS on his Superannuation retirement.

Shri S. Lingamuthy along with his committed and dynamic team made all the arrangements very good their hospitality, accommodation, food arrangements were super. FNTO CHQ appreciate the efforts of Chennai Telephones circle Click here to view Photos

K. Jayaprakash GS ​16-01-2016:- The central working committee held at Chennai on 7th & 8th January-2016 under the president ship of Shri Thomas John. K. The CWC started on 7th after the FNTO flag hosting by our General secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash and on 8th morning a seminar on BSNL SERVICES is conducted the following officers and Trade union Leaders were attended Shri R. Ganesan, Principal GM Chennai Telephones, Smt. Nirmala Subramaniyam DGM RTTC and Sreedharan DE RTTC Chennai

S/Shri Thomos John. K. President, K. Jayaprakash GS K. Vallinayagam Ex GS S.Lingamurthy joint GS Alok Nandi Dy GS D.Chandrashekaran Joint GS and alongwith CWC members. After the seminar the Chennai Telephones circle felicitation Shri K. Jayaprakash GS on his Superannuation retirement.

Shri S. Lingamuthy along with his committed and dynamic team made all the arrangements very good their hospitality, accommodation, food arrangements were super. FNTO CHQ appreciate the efforts of Chennai Telephones circle Click here to view Photos

K. Jayaprakash GS ​16-01-2016:- The central working committee held at Chennai on 7th & 8th January-2016 under the president ship of Shri Thomas John. K. The CWC started on 7th after the FNTO flag hosting by our General secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash and on 8th morning a seminar on BSNL SERVICES is conducted the following officers and Trade union Leaders were attended Shri R. Ganesan, Principal GM Chennai Telephones, Smt. Nirmala Subramaniyam DGM RTTC and Sreedharan DE RTTC Chennai

S/Shri Thomos John. K. President, K. Jayaprakash GS K. Vallinayagam Ex GS S.Lingamurthy joint GS Alok Nandi Dy GS D.Chandrashekaran Joint GS and alongwith CWC members. After the seminar the Chennai Telephones circle felicitation Shri K. Jayaprakash GS on his Superannuation retirement.

Shri S. Lingamuthy along with his committed and dynamic team made all the arrangements very good their hospitality, accommodation, food arrangements were super. FNTO CHQ appreciate the efforts of Chennai Telephones circle Click here to view Photos

K. Jayaprakash GS ​

16-01-2016:- Thomas John K. President NUBSNLW (FNTO) available at CHQ New Delhi from 16th January-2016

16-01-2016:-: Corporate Office letter on sanction of flood advance to the BSNL employees affected by unprecedented cyclones and rains in Tamil Nadu Click here to view

15-01-2016:-Corporate Office letter on Skill Enhancement Training to BSNL employees through Telecom Sector Skill Council. Click here to view

15-01-2016:-Corporate Office issues clarifications on Recruitment Rules for JAO. Click here to view

15-01-2016:-Corporate Office letter on issuing confirmation to the officials appointed prior to formation of BSNL or after formation of BSNL Click here to view

NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes a Happy Makar Sankranti to all.

NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes a Happy Pongal to all.

12-01-2016:- Letter to CMD BSNL on New Recognised Rules Click here to view

11-01-2016:- On 7th Membership Verification BSNL Management started the Meeting at 10-30hrs at Corporate office regarding suggestions for Next Membership Verifications from Management side Shri Shameem Akhtar, PGM (SR) and Addl GM (SR) were attended from our union side S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS and Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR Delhi were attended.

We have submitted our combined representations alongwith FNTO representations and requested Management to post pone the Verification date as there will be Assembly Elections of West Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu in the 1st week ok of May-2016. Management replied we will consult with Election Commission if at all the Assembly Election falls in the 1st week of May-2016, the Membership Verification will be Postpone to June 1st week.

With this meeting is concluded. Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view

11-01-2016:-Corporate Office issues order on revised rate of IDA w.e.f. 01-01-2016. Click here to view

11-01-2016:-Corporate Office notification for holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of UDC to the grade of Assistant Manager in BSNL Corporate Office. Click here to view

11-01-2016:-BSNL’s notification for the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Electrical) under 20% Quota to be held on 27/03/2016. Click here to view

10-01-2016:- Meeting of Organization of BSNL Unions & Associations is held at 12-00 hrs S/Shri S. P. Sharma Chairman & GS BSNLWRU, K. Jayaprakash, Convener & GS NUBSNLW (FNTO), R. Gunashekaran GS BSNL DEU, Selvam GS Anna Union, S. D. Sharma GS BSNL ATM, A. D. Patil GS AIBCEA. Discussed a long and decided to submit a representation to Management on 11-01-2016 for requesting to give the Minimum Trade Union facilities to the all applicant unions.

08-01-2016:-Corporate Office letter on grant of Cash Award to Sportspersons for achieving excellence in International Tournaments/Meets during the Year 2015 Click here to view

06-01-2016:-DPE has issued order, revising IDA payable to 112.4% w.e.f. 01-01-2016 Click here to view

06-01-2016:- CWC Meeting at Chennai. Invitation Card Click here to view

05-01-2016:-Corporate Office letter on holding of Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for SC/ST/OBC Candidates for recruitment of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA) in BSNL from external candidates - Rescheduling thereof. Click here to view

02.01.2016:-BSNL to get Rs.10, 000 crore as Income Tax return from the Income Tax department. BSNL will soon be getting Rs.10, 000 crore return from the Income Tax department. This was disclosed by Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL. In a meeting held in the BSNL Corporate Office yesterday, connected with the New Year day, the CMD disclosed this. The Income Tax department has collected Rs.10, 000 crore in excess from BSNL. This is because, BSNL's accounts are not reconciled by the DoT during the past 15 years. The Forum seriously took up this issue with the Secretary, DoT, at the time of the 2 day strike that took place in April 2015. In the talks held on 01.05.2015 with the Forum, the Secretary, DoT assured that the DoT would take all necessary steps to get the accounts of BSNL reconciled at the earliest. The CMD has also stated that as a first installment, BSNL will be getting Rs.891 crore from the Income Tax department.

02-01-2016:- Corporate office letter to all presidents BSNL sports & cultural board for calling of nominations from outstanding sports persons for career progression for the year 2014-15. Click here to view

02-01-2016:-Corporate Office letter on status in the cadre of TTA as on 31.12.2015 in respect of officials seeking inter-circle transfer under Rule-8 of BSNL Employees Transfer Policy Click here to view

02-01-2016:- Payment of outstanding Pension contribution on maximum of pay scale to BSNL absorbed employees Click here to view

31-12-2015:-CMD's New Year greetings and message. Click here to view

31-12-2015:- IDA increase 4.5% w.e.f. 1st January-2016(i.e. 107.9% to 112.4%=4.5%)

31-12-2015:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes a Happy New Year-2016 to all.

31-12-2015:-BSNL Management has called for an all applicant unions meeting on 11-01-2016 at New Delhi for discussion about the 7th Membership Verification Click here to view

28-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on review of engagement of Apprentices in BSNL. Click here to view

28-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on skill Enhancement Training to BSNL employees through Telecom Sector Skill Council. Click here to view

23-12-2015:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes a Happy Christmas to all.

23-12-2015:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes a Happy Milad-Un-Nabi or Id-E-Milad (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) to all.

23-12-2015:-Corporate office letter on fixation of pay of officiating JTOs under FR 22 1(a) (i) and reversion before sending them for Phase I training. Click here to view

23-12-2015:-CMD DO letter to all CGMs on "Service with a Smile" movement. Click here to view

21-12-2015:- Today The Formal meeting with Director (HR) is conducted by Director (HR) along with Principal General Manager (SR) Shri Shameem Akhtar, General Managaer (Est) Smt Madhu Arora, and DGM (SR) were present.

General Secretary along with Vice President Smt Madhu Trivedi, Shri B. C. Pathak, Financial Secretary & Shri Mohinder Singh, Circle Secretary NTR Circle New Delhi met with Director (HR) Corporate Office.

All the Agenda Items were discussed with Management and Management is very positive and promised to settle the issues as early as possible. K. Jayaprakash, G.S.

16-12-2015:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)’s Items to be discussed in the formal meeting with Director (HR) to be held on 21-12-2015 Click here to view

16-12-2015:- DO letter of CMD BSNL to all CGMs on development of BSNL Click here to view

15-12-2015:- General Secretary Shri K Jayaprakash along with Circle Secretary NTR Circle Shri Mohinder Singh, Met with Principle General Manager (SR) Shri Shameem Akhtar and discussed about Next Membership Verifications. It is informed Tentative dates for Next Membership Verification. Verification will be held on 26-04-2016 Counting will be on 28-04-2016. Notification will be issued on 14-01-2016. I request all the NUBSNLW (FNTO) Circle Secretaries & CHQ office bearers, advisors to start the Canvassing immediately.

All the Circle Secretaries/ CHQ office bearers/Advisors/District Secretaries and Branch Secretaries please note the enrollment of New Members is starting from Tomorrow 16-12-2015 to 15-01-2016. Please concentrate to enroll the New Members.

14-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on representation of Sc /ST in HPC of CGA. Click here to view

14-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on proper operation of Contract Provisions related to labour laws in Contract. Click here to view

11-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on skill enhancement training to BSNL employees through telecom sector skill council. Click here to view

09-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on compliance report to Lok Sabha Secretariat on payment of Minimum Wages to contract -Labour. Click here to view

09-12-2015:- Corporate office seeks data on deployment details of TTA Click here to view

08-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on holding of SRD for PWD candidates for recruitment of JAO, JTO (T) and JTO (C) and SRD for SC/ST/OBC candidates for recruitment of TTA in BSNL on 20.12.2015 - Appointment of examination observer. Click here to view

08-12-2015:-Corporate Office letter on remittance of EPF contribution for the Pre-induction Training Period. Click here to view

06-12-2015:- Shri Thomas John K. President, NUBSNLW (FNTO), Elected as National Organising Secretary of INTUC.

The 3 day plenary Conference of INTUC concluded on 6-12-2015. The Conference elected Dr. Sanjeeva Reddy as President of INTUC. Important office bearers Shri Raghavaiah (Railway) Shri Ashok Singh (Defence) elected as Vice President. Shri Rajendra Prasad Singh, General Secretary, Shri K.K.Nair as Treasurer and Shri P. J. Raju as Secretary

05-12-2015:- 31st PLEANARY OF INTUC. The 31th Plenary meeting of INTUC started on 4th December 2015 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi. The stadium was full in its capacity with activists including Office Bearers, General council members and delegates. Shri Alok Nandi DGS, Shri Mohindar Singh C/s Delhi, and Thomas John K, President FNTO were attending the meeting. Shri Thomas John K, addressed the gathering and raised issues of Payment of Govt. Pension to BSNL recruitees, Payment BONUS BSNL employees as deferred wages etc.

The delegate conference was inaugurated by Shri Rahul Gandhi MP and Vice President. Rahul Gandhi assured the meeting that Congress will oppose the anti workers legislation in the parliament and will see that it is not adopted. He also assured the congress will give decent treatment to INTUC workers hence forth. Hon. Dr. Manmohan Singh ex-prime minister, Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge MP, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and a battery of leaders addressed the meeting.

04-12-2015:- Corporate Office called from circles for deployment details of Sr.TOA. Click here to view

04-12-2015:- Corporate office issued measures to restore communication facilities in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry due to “Rains”. Click here to view

01-12-2015:- Clarifications sought from Corporate Office on BSNLMRS Click here to view

01-12-2015:- Corporate office has taken serious note on the “fake” letter dt-27-11-2015 on Declaration of Holiday on second Saturday and fourth Saturday. Click here to view

01-12-2015:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) President Shri Thomas John K. will be available at CHQ from 01-12-2015 to 07-12-2015

26-11-2015:-Corporate Office letter on payment of Srinagar Valley Allowances to the BSNL staff posted in Srinagar Valley. Click here to view

24-11-2015:-Corporate Office letter on printing of calendars and diaries for the year 2016 Click here to view

24-11-2015:-Corporate Office letter on deployment of contract/casual / sanitation workers for per Ministry of Labour and employment Govt. of India perennial nature of jobs in BSNL. Click here to view

21-11-2015:- Corporate Office letter regarding Outsourcing of Broadband provisioning and Maintenance of Wiredline Broadband Services. Click here to view

21-11-2015:-Corporate Office re-constituted Committee against sexual harassment of Women Employees. Click here to view

21-11-2015:-Corporate Office clarification on JTO training for the officiating JTOs. Click here to view

20-11-2015:- Corporate Office calls for details of JTOs/TTAs working in the Non-recruiting Circles as on 01-11-2015 Click here to view

20-11-2015:- Central Working Committee meeting will be held on 7th & 8th January-2016 at REGIONAL TELECOM TRAINING CENTRE CHENNAI periar salai SIDCO Industrial Estate Maraimalai Nagar, please book the Tickets & for accommodation please contact Shri S. Lingamurthy, JGS Chennai. Contact No 09444022344. K. Jayaprakash GS

19-11-2015:- BSNL report operating profits of Rs. 672 crores for year 2014-15 Click here to view

18-11-2015:- CWC Postponed- Dear CWC Members & Circle Secretaries, advisers please note the proposed CWC at Chennai on 21st & 22nd November-2015 postponed due to trains cancelled from North India to Chennai because of heavy rains in AP & Chennai. Next date will be communicated as early as possible. K. Jayaprakash GS

17-11-2015:-Corporate Office letter on marketing of BSNL Services in other PSUs/State Governments and other Central Government Offices in the States. Click here to view

17-11-2015:- Corporate Office issued Clarification relating to provision of SIM Card to non-executives working in MTNL service area. Click here to view

16-11-2015:- Corporate Office issued Revised time schedule for meeting of the Unions/Associations with Director (HR) Click here to view

16-11-2015:- Shri J.B.Kumpavat,Executive President BDPA expired on 13-11-2015 late night. Besna on 19-11-2015 Thursday from 9.00 to 12.00 hrs.

NUBSNLW (FNTO) Conveys Heartfelt Condolence to Breaved family

10-11-2015:-NUBSNLW(FNTO)wishes a Happy, Prosperous and Healthy Deepavali to all.

07-11-2015:-BSNL offers attractive STVs (Special Tariff Vouchers) on DIWALI Click here to view

07-11-2015:-CMD greetings and message on the occasion of Deepawali. Click here to view

07-11-2015:- Smt. Shanthi, aged 81 years, W/o Shri G. N. Nagendran, veteran trade union leader of Tamil Nadu Circle passed away on 6-11-2015 evening. NUBSNLW (FNTO) expresses our heartfelt condolence and homage to the bereaved family members.

06-11-2015:-Corporate Office letter on payment of medical claims without delay. Click here to view

06-11-2015:-Corporate Office letter on unauthorised audio/video recording of proceedings of the official meetings instructions. Click here to view

06-11-2015:-Corporate Office letter on restriction on expenditure for outdoor treatment. Click here to view

06-11-2015:-Corporate Office issues letter for implementation of revised CGHS rates. Click here to view

04-11-2015:- Corporate Office letter to all CGMs on, to provide monthly statement on cable cut and cable theft cases in the circles. Click here to view

04-11-2015:- Corporate Office issues Notification for the Special Recruitment Drive for SC, ST and OBC Candidates in Posts of TTA in BSNL from External Candidates Click here to view

04-11-2015: Shri R.K. Mittal is posted as Director (Consumer Mobility), BSNL. Click here to view

03-11-2015:- Corporate Office letter on Recruitment Rules for the grade of Junior Accounts Officer in BSNL - Amendment in JAO RRs of BSNL. Click here to view

31-10-2015:-CHQ letter to ED (Finance)Request for removal of difficulties in the matter of GPF payment to BSNl absorbed DOT employees Click here to view Click here to view

26-10-2015:- Notice issued and despatched to all CWC Members, CHQ office bearers for Central Working Committee Meeting Scheduled on 21st & 22nd November-2015 at Chennai Click here to view

23-10-2015:-DO letter of Shri N.K. Mehta, Director (Enterprise), to all the CGMs, on loss of potential revenue on leased lines Click here to view

23-10-2015:-Corporate Office has issued letter for calling of option from qualified and trained Group D officials, waiting for their absorption/promotion as Telecom Mechanic for want of vacancies. Click here to view

23-10-2015:- Corporate Office letter on free talk time and SMS to C-Top up Franchisees / retailers. Click here to view

23-10-2015:- Ms. Sujata Ray, Director (HR) will hold the additional charge of Director (Finance), BSNL.

The DoT has issued order that Ms. Sujata Ray, Director (HR), BSNL will hold the additional charge of Director (Finance), BSNL, for a period up to 29.02.2016 or till the appointment of a regular incumbent. Click here to view

21-10-2015:- NUBSNLW (FNTO)wishing you all and your family a happy DUSSEHRA

21-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter on payment of Leave encashment on Superannuation, Voluntary Retirement etc. Click here to view

20-10-2015:-The Corporate Office issues clarification on issue of authorization letter (Form “F”) – BSNLMRS Rules. It is applicable for cashless payment only. Click here to view

19-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter on furnishing of information in respect of vacancies in the cadre of JTO under 50% direct recruitment quota. Click here to view

17-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter on review of Customized Plans for Enterprise Customers. Click here to view

17-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter all CGMs on Compliance Report to Lok Sabha Secretariat on payment of Minimum Wages to contract laboures. Click here to view

17-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter to all CGMs on compliance report to be given to Lok Sabha Secretariat on implementation of Social Security measures i.e. EPF & ESI. Click here to view

17-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter on regularization of Officiating JTOs as per the provisions of Recruitment Rules of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) - 2014. Click here to view

16-10-2015:- BSNL Management letter to Convener Organization of BSNL Unions and Associations to withdraw the lunch hour demonstration on 19th October-2015. K. Jayaprakash Convener Click here to view

15-10-2015:- Organization of BSNL Unions and Associations with NUBSNLW (FNTO), BSNL WRU, BSNL SU, BSNL ATM, BTEU, SNATTA, SEWA BSNL, BTU BSNL, AIBCTEA, BSNL DEU, BSNL ANNA Unions were decided at Nagpur to form Circle. SSA level forums immediately and work together to success the agitational calls and to protect the members from the harassment of Recognised Unions. Our Union should take active role to success this Forum calls. K. Jayaprakash Convener

15-10-2015:- Organization of BSNL Unions and Associations decided to organize Lunch hour Demonstrations at CHQ, Circle, SSA headquarters on 19th October-21015 demanding Payment Adhoc Bonus Before pooja all are requested to make it grand success. K. Jayaprakash Convener

14-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter on Status in the cadre of TTA as on 01.04.2015. Furnishing of information Click here to view

14-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter on Recruitment Rules of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom)-2014 Click here to view

14-10-2015:-Corporate Office letter Regarding Training of field staff. Click here to view

14-10-2015:-Corporate Office issues order on revised rate of IDA w.e.f. 01-10-2015. Click here to view

09-10-2015:- Dear friends the central working meeting of NUBSNLW (FNTO) will be held at Chennai on 21st and 22nd November- 2015. I request all CHQ office Bearers and Circle Secretaries to reserve the train tickets immediately. K. Jayaprakash, GS

09-10-2015:-Organization of BSNL Unions and Associations letter to CMD BSNL demanding payment of Bonus before pooja. Click here to view

09-10-2015:-General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Delhi met with CMD BSNL Shri Anupam Srivastava and requested for payment of PLI or Ex-gratia before Pooja.

GS & CS invited CMD for Coming Central Working Committee Meeting to be held at Chennai on 21st & 22nd November-2015.

GS requested CMD to relax the conditions for allotment Staff Quarters to the staff. CMD responded positively.

09-10-2015:-BSNL Corporate Office letter regarding safety from Fire incidents to all CGMs Click here to view

08-10-2015:- Corporate Office letter on instructions to be followed in case of death of the charged official. Click here to view

07-10-2015:- General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash alongwith Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S NTR Delhi met with GM (Fin) Corporate Office requested to release of funds for Payment of GPF Advances, GM (Fin) agreed to release the funds Rs. 100 crore on 9-10-2015 and another Rs. 100 crore Next week.

07-10-2015:- D.O. letter from Director (HR) to all CGM’s for timely settlement of pension cases Click here to view

07-10-2015:- Letter to CMD BSNL regarding payment of Adhoc Bonus to BSNL workers before Pooja Click here to view

05-10-2015:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) is supporting the demonstration programme on 06-10-2015 proposed by BSNL Unions & Associations for payment of Bonus. K. Jayaprakash. GS

03-10-2015:-BSNL Corporate Office writes to all CGMs on GI policy for BSNL employees who joined BSNL after 31-07-2014 Click here to view

01-10-2015:- BSNL Corporate Office letter for requirement of SIM cards for remaining period of FY 2015-16. Click here to view

01-10-2015:- Director (HR), BSNL Letter to BSNL employees on 15th Foundation Day of BSNL. Click here to view


30-09-2015:-Corporate Office letter on celebration of Consumer Week to delight the customers Click here to view

30-09-2015:-Corporate Office instructions on 15th All India BSNL Football Tournament 2015-16 to be held at Kalyani from 24.11.2015 to 27.11.2015. Click here to view

30-09-2015:- IDA increase 5.3% total IDA w.e.f. 1st October-2015 is 107.9%

24-09-2015:-BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association (India) All India Conference:- The BDPA (India) All India Conference was head on 21st & 22nd September-2015 at Ahmedabad. The conference discussed the problems faced by the DOT/BSNL Pensioners and Apt resolutions were adopted. A grand Open Session was held at Tagore Hall. Important Trade Union leaders, Departmental officers and leaders of social importance addressed. Leaders of FNTO S/Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, S. Lingamurthy, DGS and Circle Secretaries R.P.Sinha, Bihar, C.D.Prasad, Jharkhand, Chandrasekaran, Tamil Nadu, V.N.Rathod, Gujarat, and many others leaders participated.

Shri Chandrasekaran was elected All India Vice President and Shri Thomas John K. continued as All India Advisor of BDPA (India)

Thomas John K. President

24-09-2015:- Meeting with Director (HR)- Shri Thomas John K. President and Shri Mohinder Singh, C/S Delhi NTR Circle met Director (HR) BSNL and requested for settlement of following points-

1) Bonus Payment to BSNL workers.

2) Release of PF & Festival Advance Funds to various Circles.

3) Allotment of Time schedule for meeting with FNTO.

4) Sr. TOA/RMs recruited after 01-01-2007 under Compensation Ground loss of pay on pay fixation.

Director agreed to look into the problems. Regarding Bonus it is informed that unless the recognized unions agree to some formula Bonus Payment this year is a remote possibility

24-09-2015:- Merger of QA Circle with Inspection Circle. Click here to view

24-09-2015:- Guidelines regarding reversion in cadre of JTO to his parent cadre TTA Click here to view

24-09-2015:- BSNLMRS – Guidelines for reimbursement of cost of appliances – CPAP/BIPAP/Oxygen Concentrator. Click here to view

24-09-2015:- DO letter from Director (HR) regarding furnishing of data on Anomalies. Click here to view

22-09-2015:- Corporate Office letter on Recruitment Rules of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) of CSS Stream in BSNL C.O. Click here to view

22-09-2015:- CMD, BSNL D.O. letter to all CGMs on call drop problem. Click here to view

21-09-2015:- Corporate Office issued orders to implement EPF coverage for pre-induction training period of BSNL recruited employees. Click here to view

19-09-2015:- Govt has issued orders to chop off the dead wood in Govt Sector: - The GOI, Department of Personnel has issued orders/guidelines to retire such Govt employees whose performance is poor and usefulness in the service is over. Similar exercise was done in year 1975-76 in the days of emergency in the country. The retirement exercise will be done periodically under FR 56 (j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. In BSNL the management is already armed with power to retire any official at the age of 55 years. Click here to view

19-09-2015:- The Govt of India, DOP has issued orders that the service of employees after completion of 18 years and 5 years before retirement must be verified by the competent authority. This is statutory requirement. Click here to view

18-09-2015:- ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF BSNL-DOT PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION (INDIA) ON 21st and 22nd Sept 2015 at Tagore Hall, Ahmadabad. Leaders of Pensioners Organizations, Trade Unions, Departmental Officers and Shri K. Jayaprakash, GS, NUBSNLW (FNTO) will address the open session. More details contact Shri D D Mistry, GS, BDPA (India) and AGS FNTO. Mobile: 9879090682

Shri Thomas John K President FNTO will at Delhi Head quarters from 23-09-2015.

17-09-2015:-NUBSNLW (FNTO)wishing you all and your family a happy GANESH CHATURTHI- GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

15-09-2015:-Ahmedabad is entitled 30% HRA w.e.f. 01-04-2015. In our website we uploaded one order on Re-classification/up-gradation of Cities/Town on the basis of Census-2011 for the purpose of grant of HRA to Central Government Employees on 11-09-2015. Now, the BSNL C.O. has issued clarification through which it is mentioned that the order is also applicable to all BSNL Employees w.e.f. 01-04-2015. With this clarification the employees working in Ahmedabad are eligible to get HRA @ 30%. Click here to view

14-09-2015:-BSNL eyes Rs. 42,000 crores revenue by 2018-19 for turnaround. (Source the Hindu) Click here to view

14-09-2015:-Extension of name correction facility to circle users in Sanchar Soft. Click here to view

11-09-2015:-Message from CMD BSNL to all CGMs BSNL Click here to view

11-09-2015:-Corporate Office letter to all CGMs on Compensation /refund/rebate for call drops. Click here to view

11-09-2015:-Re-classification/Up-gradation of Cities/Town on basis of Census-2011 for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Central Government Employee- The orders are effective from 01-04-2015. Click here to view

11-09-2015:- Corporate office issued guidelines for providing certain facilities in respect of persons with disabilities who are already employed in government for performance of their duties. Click here to view

08-09-2015:- Ccorporate Office letter on eempanelment of SIM vendors for supply of SIM cards in BSNL Click here to view

07-09-2015:- Corporate Office reminder to all Heads of Telecom Circles on revision of Pension of Pre-2007 BSNL retirees from 01-01-2007 to 09-06-2013. Click here to view

07-09-2015:- Corporation Office letter on holding of Special Recruitment Drive for filling up the backlog vacancies of the RY-2012 reserved for SC, ST and OBCs in TTA cadre through Direct Recruitment. Click here to view

07-09-2015: Corporate office issued guidelines for conversion of GPF advance to withdrawal in ERP system Click here to view

03-09-2015:- CMD, BSNL D.O. letter to all CGMs on improvement of services and performance of circles Click here to view

02-09-2015:- The historical General Strike has grand success – NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ conveys revolutionary greetings to all the participants.

01-09-2015:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) also participating in one day General Strike on 2nd September-2015. All are requested to make it Grand Success.

01-09-2015:-Corporate Office letter on requirement on NOC from TF cell BSNLCO before procurement of SIMs from open Market Click here to view

31-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on minimum Government - Maximum Governance - Simplification of Government procedure for abolition of affidavits and promotion of self-certification. Click here to view Click here to view

31-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on review and monitoring of implementation of reservation policy for Scheduled Castes in BSNL. Click here to view

29-08-2015:- Governing body of SEWA BSNL Union headed by Com. P.N. Perumal as President and Com. N.D. Ram as General Secretary has been recognized by BSNL CO. NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ congratulates the Comrades of SEWA BSNL Union Click here to view

29-08-2015:-NUBSNLW (FNTO)wishing you all and your family a happy RAKSHA BANDHAN-GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

28-08-2015:- FNTO CHQ wishing you all and your family a happy & prosperous onam - GS NUBSNLW (FNTO)

27-08-2015:-Corporate Office appeal to NUBSNLW (FNTO) for withdraw Notice for one day strike on 2nd September, 2015 Click here to view

27-08-2015:-General Secretary proceeding on leave – Financial Secretary will look after the duties. Click here to view

27-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on vacancy position in the grade of Junior Accounts Officer as on 01-07-2015. Click here to view

27-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on presidential orders to Temporary Status Mazdoors upon their absorption in BSNL Click here to view

26-08-2015:- Dear Circle Secretaries our Union NUBSNLW (FNTO) also participating in One Day General Strike on 2nd September-2015 call given by all Central Trade Unions(Our union issued separate notice on 14-08-2015 see our website). Please success the Strike. K. Jayaprakash G.S.

25-08-2015:-Next Pay Revision in BSNL – CMD writes D.O. Letter to CGM to increase efficiency. Click here to view

22-08-2015:- Letter from Director (HR) BSNL New Delhi to (11) circles with regard to consolidation of SSAs into Business Areas. Click here to view

22-08-2015: -Elected Body of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Madhya Pradesh Circle:- The Circle Conference of NUBSNLW (FNTO) Madhya Pradesh Circle held at Bhopal on 11th August-2015 under the President ship of Shri Ambrose Khadiya the following members are elected unanimously in the presence of Shri Shaket Shukla All India Organising Secretary NUBSNLW (FNTO). President: - Ambrose Khadiya, SSS O/o GMTD Ratlam,Circle Secretary: -Shri S. A. Agha, Sr TOA O/o GMTD Bhopal, Financial Secretary: - Shri Pawan Jain, TM O/o GMTD Bhopal

20-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on indication of Aadhaar Number in the Salary Package Software/Service Books/Pension Papers of Government Employees as per PMO direction. Click here to view

20-08-2015:-Corporate Office issues clarification on "Retention of BSNL Staff Quarter at Delhi on Transfer, Retirement/Death etc". Click here to view

19-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on allocation of funds to BSNL Circle Sports & Cultural Boards for the year 2015-16. Click here to view

19-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on extension of gratuity to casual labourers - details regarding engagement details of casual labourers. Click here to view

19-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on mid-term review of availability of SIM cards in all telecom circles for remaining period of FY 2015-16. Click here to view

18-08-2015:- Clarification in respect of implementation of policy guidelines issued by BSNL Corporate Office in respect of PA/PS of BSNL field units. Click here to view

17-08-2015:- FLASH NEWS:-In one year 2 crores left BSNL. Click here to view

14-08-2015:-Issue of Presidential orders to TSMs, who were regularized in BSNL - Corporate Office issued orders for 36 left out cases of MP circle. Click here to view

14-08-2015:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) served notice for General Strike on 2nd September, 2015 to CMD BSNL on 14-08-2015. Click here to view

14-08-2015:- Change of Designations of Non-Executives cadres in BSNL. Click here to view

14-08-2015:- NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishing you all a Happy 69th Independence Day 15 August-2015

14-08-2015:- The Unions & Associations of BSNL Organizations Meeting will be held at Nagpur on 25-08-2015. All General Secretaries of this Forum are requested to attend the Meeting to finalizing further programme. Convener- K. Jayaprakash

13-08-2015:- Corporate Office instructions on indication of Aadhar Number in the salary package software / service books / pension papers of government employees. Click here to view

13-08-2015:-Corporate Office letter on introduction of On-Net free Night Calling facility to post-paid CDMA Fixed / Limited customers. Click here to view

06-08-2015:-NUBSNLW (FNTO) Condoles the victims killed in the train accident. 29 people are killed and many are injured in two accidents that have taken place in Madhya Pradesh yesterday. The Kamayani Express and the Janata Express are involved in these accidents. NUBSNLW (FNTO) condoles the death of the passengers killed in the accident and also conveys heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.

06-08-2015:-Ccorporate Office letter on extension of incoming facility on DNP landline numbers on PAN India basis to popularize recently introduced unlimited free night calling and bringing back DNP customers Click here to view

06-08-2015:- BSNL vide letter No.-500-57/2014-15/CA-I/BSNL/GPF/Vol VII/24, dt-05-08-2015 has issued orders for nomination of STS level officer in each circle to coordinate with the CCAs on GPF matters Click here to view

06-08-2015:- Govt’s nod for formation of separate BSNL’s Tower Company and to handover a person familiar with the development. Click here to view

04-08-2015:- Introduction of Promotional offer for Independence Day under prepaid mobile services. Click here to view

04-08-2015:-Message of Shri N.K. Mehta, Director (Enterprise), BSNL Click here to view

03-08-2015:- Letter from NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ to CMD, BSNL on Designation of Sr.TOAs Click here to view

29-07-2015- Agreement between Management & Recognized unions on designations of non executives: - The change of designation of BSNL cadres were discussed on various occasions and the Management has accepted the designation of Telecom Assistant for Regular Mazdoor, Telecom Technician for Telecom Mechanic & Junior Engineer for the TTAs (recommended by the fifth Central Pay commission). The representative unions were not interested for getting it released and wanted to declare at the time of next verification. However due to pressure of ORGANISATION OF BSNL UNIONS/ASSOCIATIONS, a FRONT of 13 applicant unions, formed on 29-06-2015 at Hyderabad. It is now released it. Gross insult to Sr.TOAs The BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL signed an agreement with the Management accepting a derogatory designation “Office Associate” as the designation of Sr. TOAs. Normally regular employees were never called “Associate”. Associates are temporary agents working on behalf of somebody. The Dictionary meaning of Associate is, person given certain limited rights in an association/ companion. It is an insult to the Sr. TOAs and FNTO Protest on this step motherly treatment. NUBSNLW (FNTO) ONCE AGAIN DEMANDS that designation of Sr. TOAs shall be Office Superintendent and Junior Office Superintendent. The NUBSLW (FNTO) has submitted its opinions on change of designations of non executives vide letter No NU/ CHQ /Designation / 2013 dated 07-06-2013 Click here to view

29-07-2015:- Agreement reached with Management on designations of non-executives black day for Sr.TOAs Click here to view

29-07-2015:- DO letter of Shri N.K. Gupta, Director (CFA) to CGMs on landline / broadband tariffs. Click here to view

29-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter suggesting methodology to popularize the Night Free Call and Roaming Free plans Click here to view

29-07-2015: Provision of write to the employees with Disabilities in writing including that of speed during examinations. Click here to view

29-07-2015: Corporate office instructions to all CGM’s for settlement of outdoor claims. Click here to view

29-07-2015 : Corporate office instructions to all CGM’s to update the staff information in ERP in respect of designation, residential address and category of employee (SC/ST/OBC/GE). Click here to view

28-07-2015:- Shri A. P. J. Abdul Kalam passed away – NUBSNLW (FNTO) pays its respectful homage. The sudden demise of Shri A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India, has left the nation in a state of deep sorrow. The former President collapsed while addressing students in the IIM at Shillong, yesterday evening. He was rushed to the hospital, where he was declared as brought dead. The nation will ever remember Shri A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, not only as the President of India and as a scientist who strengthened the missile system of our defence forces, but as leader who inspired millions and millions of youngsters of this nation, to dream for the bright future of this great nation. We pay our respectful homage to this great scientist and humanitarian.

27-07-2015:-D.O. letter to all CGMs regarding free calling during night hours from 9.00 PM to 7.00 AM. Click here to view

27-07-2015:-Corporate Office letter regarding pay fixation of JAOs(Deptl)(40% quota) of 2010 Batch arising out of Non-Executives’ Wage revision orders dated 7.5.2010 and subsequent clarification dated 18.5.2011- Allowing option for revision of pay from the date of promotion to the grade of JAO Click here to view

24-07-2015:- Re-classification/Upgradation of Cities/Towns on the basis of census-2011 for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Central Government employees. Click here to view

21-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter on safety measures to be taken to avoid fire. Click here to view

21-07-2015:- Message of Ms. Sujatha Ray, Director (HR), BSNL Click here to view

17-07-2015:-Warm greetings from NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr:- CHQ of NUBSNLW (FNTO) extends warm greetings to all on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, which falls on 18.07.2015. This day emphasises the need for charity and to empathise with the poor. Let us all cherish this ideal.

17-07-2015:- Corporate Office issues revised guideline for calculation of CGA posts Click here to view

16-07-2015:- On Tuesday 14-07-2015 Twenty-nine devotees, 23 of them woman, were crushed to death in a stampede on the first day of Godavari Maha Pushkaralu at Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. We deeply mourn the death of these people and convey our heartfelt condolences to their families.

14-07-2015:- Home Ministry gives clearance to Huawei to setup manufacturing unit in Tamil Nadu. The Home Ministry has given clearance to the Chinese firm, Huawei, to setup a manufacturing unit at Tamil Nadu. It may be noted that the same Home Ministry, refused permission to BSNL in the year 2010 to procure mobile equipments from a Chinese manufacturer. At that time it was told by the Home Ministry that, BSNL should not procure equipment from a Chinese company, since it would be a threat to the security of the nation. [Source: Times of India]

14-07-2015:-Corporate Office letter on arrangements of ED (Finance), BSNL Click here to view

14-07-2015:-Corporate Office issues order on revised rate of IDA w.e.f. 01-07-2015. Click here to view

14-07-2015:- Corporate Office issued letter for one advance increment to TTAs appointed between 01-01-2007 and 07-05-2010. Click here to view

13-07-2015:- CHQ letter to GM (Finance) for payment of GPF (Advance) before Idu’l Fitr (Ramzan) Click here to view

13-07-2015:- Shri P. Andiappan GS FNTO BEA passed away on Sunday 12-07-2015 morning at Chennai, he was suffering with Kidney problems. NUBSNLW (FNTO) expressed the respectable homage to Shri P. Andiappan and conveyed deep condolence to his family members. Our Ex General Secretary Shri K. Vallinayagam, Shri S. Lingamurthy, DGS & C/S Chennai Telephones, and Shri D. Chandrasekaran, C/S Tamil Nadu Circle alongwith NUBSNLW (FNTO) members were attended the funeral on Sunday at Chennai

11-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter on postponement of examination for recruitment of Management Trainee from Internal/External Candidates in Telecom Operation and Telecom Finance streams in BSNL Click here to view

10-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter on Merger of QA Circle with Inspection Circle. Click here to view

09-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter on giving vide publicity to “Night Free Calling” and “Free PAN India roaming Schemes” of BSNL - Conducting Press Conference for this purpose Click here to view

09-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter on LICE for Promotion of PA to the grade of PS in BSNL Corporate Office Click here to view

09-07-2015:- Ms. S.T. Ray, presently working as Executive Director (Finance), appointed as Director (HR) BSNL for a period of five years. NUBSNLW (FNTO) congratulates her and wish her successful in new assignment. Click here to view

08-07-2015:- Govt. orders special audits of mobile networks to check call drops. Telecom Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has ordered special audits of mobile networks to check call drops. The audit is to be carried out by the TERM Cell of the DoT. The Minister has said that the problem of call drops has attained critical proportions, and it is happening even after the govt. has provided sufficient spectrum to the telecom companies in the recent auctioning. The action taken by the Minister is viewed as stepping into the domain of the TRAI, since it is the TRAI which has been mandated with the task of auditing services. [Source: Times of India dated 08.07.2015]

07-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter to all CGMs on creative design for Hoardings, Leaflet and Brochure Folder Click here to view

07-07-2015:- Corporate office guide lines to all circles for prompt repair of MLNN modems and other MLNN equipments from M/s ITI. Click here to view

07-07-2015:- Corporate Office letter on vacancy position in the grade of Junior Accounts officer as on 01-07-2015. Click here to view

07-07-2015:- Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2016. Click here to view

06-07-2015:-Corporate Office letter on method of pay fixation in IDA pay scale in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted after 01.10.2000 and opted IDA pay scales from the date of their promotion in respect of Group C & D employees (Non-Executives.) reg. Click here to view

06-07-2015:- DO letter from Director-CM to all CGMs regarding achievement of SIM sale in June-2015. Click here to view Click here to view

06-07-2015:- BSNL, MTNL Merger Decision in 4-5 Months' Click here to view

04-07-2015:- BSNL launches mobile wallet with cash withdrawal option. BSNL launched a pre-paid card linked mobile wallet service, which would allow its customers to transfer money, pay for services as well as withdraw cash of up to Rs 1 lakh. The wallet service, Speed Pay, allows a customer to load money even if he does not have a bank account. The money loaded in the mobile wallet can be transferred to a bank account and even withdrawn at bank branches or at BSNL outlets. "Loading money into wallet from a bank account is an option. BSNL customers, who don't have bank accounts, can also load money by visiting any BSNL retail outlet and ask the retailer to recharge their mobile wallet account and pay for various services," BSNL Chairman and Managing Director Anupam Shrivastava said. (Source: PTI dated 03.07.2015)

03-07-2015:-Corporate Office issues leaflets on features of free roaming Click here to view Click here to view

02-07-2015 Corporate Office instructions regarding timely settlement of pensionary benefits. Click here to view

01-07-2015:- BSNL's booking of new landline connections have increased by 35%. BSNL's booking of new landline connections have increased by 35%, after the introduction of the free call concession, between 9 pm and 7 am. This is disclosed to the media by Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL. With 61% market share, BSNL is still the market leader in the landline segment. The CMD BSNL has stated that BSNL is in the process of investing Rs.2, 000 crores to modernise its telephone exchanges, with a view to provide modern services through landlines. With the introduction of night free calls and modernization of the landline service, BSNL is expecting to restore growth in its landline business.

01-07-2015:- Full Mobile Number Portability from 3rd July. Finally, the Full Mobile Number Portability, which is also called as National Mobile Number Portability is going to become operational from 3rd July, 2015. Shri Rakesh Garg, Secretary, DoT has announced this. National Mobile Number Portability allows a customer to retain his mobile number, even if he shifts from one state to another. The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI ), a body of the private GSM operators, has also stated that they were ready to roll out National MNP from 3rd July, and that they had not applied for further extension of time.

30-06-2015: Regarding grant of Child Care Leave to women employees of BSNL – clarification reg. Click here to viewClick here to view

30-06-2015: Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government. Click here to view

30-06-2015:- IDA increase 2.1% total IDA w.e.f.1st July-2015 is 102.6%

30-06-2015:- FORUM Meeting Click here to view Click here to view Photos

27-06-2015:- Revision of stipend to various cadres in BSNL & Payment of arrears thereof, following revision of IDA Pay Scales of BSNL employees w.e.f. 01-01-2007. Click here to view

27-06-2015:- Corporate office guidelines to employees to register their ID in ERP for getting pay slip on E-Mail from June, 2015. Click here to view

25-06-2015:- Corporate Office issued order on extension of Special concessions/ facilities to employees working in J&K. Click here to view

24-06-2015:- Letter from Corporate Office Click here to view

24-06-2015:- Letter from Corporate Office Click here to view

22-06-2015:- Consolidation of SSAs into Business Areas. Click here to view

20-06-2015- Dream of one Nation one Number come true. Now BSNL has clarified the points related to PAN India roaming free on pre/post paid mobiles. Click here to view

20-06-2015- Presentation given to Prime Minister by the Telecom Minister on the revival of BSNL. As reported by media, a presentation has been given to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on the the revival of BSNL. The presentation was given by the Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on 15.06.2015. It is also reported that senior officers of the DoT and BSNL were present during the presentation. It is very important to note that this presentation has taken place in the backdrop of a strong jolt given by the BSNL employees, who went on a near total 2 day strike on 21st and 22nd April, 2015, demanding immediate steps by the government for the revival of BSNL.

15-06-2015 : FORUM Meeting on 29-06-2015 at Hyderabad (AP) Click here to view

12-06-2015 : D.O. Letter from CMD BSNL to All CGMs/Head of SSAs to popularize free night calling for BSNL landline customers and free All India Roaming for BSNL mobile customers to increase customer base of both services. Click here to view

10-06-2015 Appreciable Act: It is confirmed by Mr. Saravana Kumar, Private Secretary to Minister that Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, MOC has approved the File on 78.2% IDA for pension revision. Now, the file will go for the approval of the Cabinet. We hope the issue will reach a final settlement quickly.

08-06-2015 Corporate Office letter on availability of various stores and materials. The adequate supply for various stores and materials, for the improvement of services is being continuously taken up by BSNLEU, Staff Side of the National Council and the Forum. This issue was once again discussed very seriously by the Staff Side, in the 32nd meeting of the National Council, held on 14.05.2015. Consequent upon this, the Management has come out with a detailed status report, with regards to the supply / procurement of various items of stores and materials. Click here to view

08-06-2015 BSNL to offer free Wi fi service at Taj Mahal, from 16th June. BSNL will be offering free Wi fi service to the lakhs of tourists who are visiting Taj Mahal, the epitome of love, from 16th June, 2015. However, the availability of this free Wi fi service will be limited to 30 minutes only. Usage of Wi fi service beyond 30 minutes will invite a cost of Rs.30 per hour. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister for Communications, will inaugurate the service on 16th June. Bangalore based Quad Gen is providing the necessary wireless support to BSNL, for providing this service.

08-06-2015 BSNL buys bandwidth from Bangladeshi Company, to strengthen its internet services in the North East. BSNL has signed agreement with the Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Ltd. (BSCCL)to buy bandwidth, for strengthening its internet services in the North East. The BSCCL has agreed to sell its unused bandwidth to BSNL at $1.2 million a year. According to this agreement, BSNL will get 10 gigabits per second and the bandwidth export will start in September this year. The agreement to this effect was signed by Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL and Shri Monwar Hossain, CMD BSCCL yesterday the 07-06-2015.

06-06-2015:- 78.2% IDA Merger issue : Media reports: "Answering a question in Lok Sabha, the Honorable Minister for Communications said that the matter of extension of 78.2% IDA for pension revision is UNDER CONSIDERATION." (AIBSNLPWA)

05-06-2015- Final decision on Net neutrality will be taken by the Cabinet - says Minister. Telecom Minister, shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has stated that the report submitted by the six members DoT Committee has been received by him and that the same would be uploaded on the website of the Department within a few days. He stated that, a copy of the report has also been sent to the TRAI. After receipt of the report of the TRAI, the Cabinet will take a final decision on Net neutrality, said the Minister. [Source- ET dated 4th June,2015]

05-06-2015- DO Letter from CMD to all CGMs on Free All India Roaming to all BSNL Mobile customers from 15th June 2015. Click here to view

05-06-2015- Indian government to set up National Cyber Coordination Centre. The Indian government has decided to set up a National Cyber Coordination Centre, at an outlay of Rs.770 crore, shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Telecom Minister has announced. He also stated that, the government has decided to set up a Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre, at an expenditure of Rs.90.5 crore. [Source- ET Telecom. com dated 3rd June, 2015]

05-06-2015- Telecom operators may face disincentives for call drops. Telecom operators may face disincentives for call drops, said Telecom Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad. The Minister stated that, this is being explored in the backdrop of frequent call drops being faced by the consumers. Telecom Secretary, Rakesh Garg stated that the Member (Technology) has been asked to work on the matter, and that it would be referred to the TRAI, if needed. In any case the disincentive would be finalised within six months, said the Telecom Secretary. [Source- ET Telecom. com dated 2nd June,2015]

03-06-2015- Director (CFA) DO letter to all the CGM,s to effectively utilise the 9 pm to 7 am free call concession, for increasing landline connections. Click here to view

03-06-2015- Government approves proposal for Reclassification/Upgrading of certain Cities /Towns on the basis of Census-2011 Click here to view

03-06-2015-BSNLs revenue went up by 2.1% in 2014-15, says the Telecom Minister. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister for Communications and IT has stated that the BSNL is on the recovery path. The Minister said that BSNLs revenue went up by 2.1% in 2014-15. He further stated that under the phase 7 expansion, 15,000 new base tower stations were commissioned in one year, which have reduced call - drops and have eased the congestion.

03-06-2015- Merger of BSNL & MTNL put on the back burner? Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister for Communications and IT avoided giving a direct answer, when asked by reporters about the merger of BSNL & MTNL. When reporters asked about the merger of the two companies, all that the Minister said was, " Let them go in the revival path. We will see." The reply of the minister certainly indicates that the government is not in a hurry with the merger of BSNL and MTNL. Obviously, this is the impact created by the recent 2 day strike of the entire BSNL employees. "No to the merger of BSNL & MTNL" was an important demand of the strike.

03-06-2015- BSNL to offer free incoming calls on roaming, from 15th June. Telecom Minister, shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, has announced that BSNL will offer free incoming calls on roaming, from 15th June,2015 BSNL is having a mobile subscriber base of 7.72 crore at the end of March 2015. Shri Anupam Srivasta, CMD BSNL, said that, the free incoming on roaming may result in a slight fall in the revenue. However, this fall in revenue can well be offset, since the free incoming offer will bring in new customers to BSNL, said the CMD.

01-06-2015:- FNTO News June-2015 Click here to view

27-05-2015: Declaration of the National Convention of workers conducted by the Central Trade Unions at New Delhi on 26.05.2015. Click here to view

25-05-2015: Corporate Office letter on opening of Monsoon Control Room. Click here to view

22-05-2015: Corporate Office letter on instructions for provision of liability on account of payment of EPF to casual labourers for the period between 01.10.2000 to 10.01.2011. Click here to view

22-05-2015: DOPT clarification with regard to voluntary retirement in respect of Disabled Government Servants. Click here to view

22-05-2015: Corporate Office letter on Inordinate delays in settlement of medical bills of hospitals. Click here to view

20-05-2015: Clarification issued to A.P. Telecom Circle with regard to educational qualifications for TTA (LICE) under 50 % quota for the RY-2014. Click here to view

20.05.2015 : CMD BSNL will hold the additional charge of Director (Finance) for a period of three months beyond 01.03.2015. Click here to view

20-05-2015: DOPT clarification regarding the eligibly of government employees in respect of Home Town LTC Click here to view

19-05-2015: Corporate office letter on Payment of EPF to casual laboures in BSNL for the period between 01-10-2000 to 10-01-2011. Click here to view

19-05-2015: Corporate Office calls for report on the functioning of Works Committees. Click here to view

19-05-2015: Corporate Office letter on strict implementation of the Transfer Policy. Click here to view

16-05-2015: BSNL’s press release on carrying over unused 3G data to next recharge. Click here to view

16-05-2015: India’s telephone users are 100 crore now. The number of telephone customers has reached the magic figure of 100 crores in the end of April 2015. As per the report of the TRAI, India’s telephone customer’s number was 996.49 million in the month of March 2015. The average monthly growth of telephone customers is .93%. As such, the number has reached 1 billion (100 crores) by the end of April 2015. In this, BSNL’s customers were 77.02 million by the end of March 2015. MTNL’s was 3.51 million customers of other operators are as follows: Airtel - 226.01 million Vodafone - 183.80 million Idea - 157.80 million Reliance - 109.47 million Aircel - 81.39 million Tata Teleservices - 66.31 million

16-05-2015: Supreme Court dismisses the petitions of private operators for extension of license period. The Supreme Court of India dismissed a bench of petitions yesterday, filed by the private telecom operators, including Airtel, Vodafone and Reliance. These companies have prayed for the extension of the period of their licenses. The Supreme Court has observed that there was no merit in the petitions.

15-05-2015: GS Shri K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR Delhi Circle met with Shri Shameem Akhtar, Sr. GM (SR) and discussed about staff matters.

15-05-2015:- Letter to GM (Rectt) O/o CMD, BSNL New Delhi in connection with Recruitment of Management Trainee (Telecom Operation/Telecom Finance) Click here to view

13-05-2015: Decisions of the meeting of the JAC, held yesterday the 12.05.2015 Our General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash and Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR New Delhi were participated in the meeting. Click here to view

11-05-2015: Quality of services of BSNL comes under severe criticism in Parliament. BSNLs quality of service came under severe criticism in the Parliament on Tuesday last. While criticising the quality of service of BSNL, shri Sanjay Dotre, a member of the BJP, wondered whether some of the BSNL employees are working for the private telecom companies, since they are not interested in improving their own services, and thereby helping the private companies to expand their networks. The MP drew applause from the opposition bench. Telecom Minister, Ravi Shankar Prasad intervened and defended BSNL by saying that BSNL is suffering from the days of the UPA government.

11-05-2015: CAG points out loss of Rs.31,000 crore loss due to non-imposition of fines and undue gains to private operators. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has pointed out a loss of Rs.31,000 crore to the exchequer, due to non-imposition of fines and undue gains to private telecom companies. The CAG has pointed out that Bharati Airtel made an undue gain of Rs.499 crore, due to the hasty decision of the DoT to merge Chennai telecom circle with Tamil Nadu in 2005. Further, Reliance Jio was benefitted to the tune of Rs.3367.29, since the DoT allowed it to provide voice service under the new licensing regime. The CAG has also pulled up the DoTs vigilance arm for failing to impose a penalty of Rs.4,300 crores on telecom companies for violation of mobile tower radiation rules. The CAG has also stated that Reliance Communications and Tata Tele services were benefitted to the tune of Rs.822.06 crores, after the DoT granted telecom licenses for dual technology in October 2007. It is also accused by the CAG that the decision of the DoT to allow intra - circle roaming, which involves sharing of spectrum by telecom operators, also caused huge financial loss. [source: Indian Express date 09-05-2015]

11-05-2015: Corporate Office letter on Operation Samundra (BSNL) Manthan. Click here to view

11-05-2015: CMD, BSNL writes to all CGMs to provide uninterrupted telecom services during Monsoon season. Click here to view

08-05-2015 : LICE for TTA under 50% quota for recruitment year 2014 to be held on 07-06-2015 – Clarification of representation regarding Click here to view

07-05-2015: Corporate Office approves one more center to hold TTA exam in AP circle. Click here to view

06.05.2015: The status report submitted to the RLC, by the BSNL Management, in response to the detailed note submitted to the RLC, by the Convener of the JAC. Click here to view

06.05.2015: RLC directs BSNL Management to explore the possibility of settling the stagnation issue. Click here to view

06-05-2015: Conducting Circle High Power Committee (CHPC) meeting for consideration of Compassionate ground appointment (CGA) cases as per changed procedure. Click here to view

05-05-2015: Today General Secretary attended a meeting at Museerabad, Hyderabad in the memory of 9th Anniversary of Com. K. Sambaiah Ex Circle Secretary of A. P. Circle. Com. Ch. Venkateswarlu Circle Secretary of A. P. Circle, B. Narsingrao , M. Krisnamurthy, R. K. Prasad, M. Mohan Das were addressed the gathering. K. Jayaprakash, G.S.

02-05-2015: DOT Secretary Meeting with Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations on 21st and 22nd April-2015 Strike issues Click here to view

01.05.2015: Today a meeting with Secretary DOT held with FORUM OF BSNL UNIONS AND ASSOSIATIONS at Sanchr Bhavan new Delhi at 5-00 pm Sri C.Singh chaimen and GS NFTEBSNL & SRI .V.A.N NAMBUDRI Convenior from our union side our General Secretary SRI.K.JAYAPRAKASH and sri T.K.ROY VICE .President were attended along with all other union leaders Secretary DOT possitively responded on all items and assured to financial assistence to BSNL .He also responded possitively to settele other issues -- Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW(FNTO) .


01.05.2015 BSNL announces reduction in Roaming Tariffs by 75%. Click here to view

30.04.2015: Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations meeting with DOT Secretary on 01-05-2015 at 1700 hrs in Sanchar Bhawan, Committee Room on two days strike demands. Click here to view

On 28th April-2015 S/Shri T. K. Roy, Vice President, B. C. Pathak, Financial Secretary along with A. K. Maity, D/S (Civil), and S. Das, D/S (Elect) West Bengal Circle and M. R. Vashisht, Patron attended the meeting with Pr. GM (Civil) Corporate Office New Delhi where Pay anomaly due to wrong interpretation of NEPP to merged cadres of Civil Wing is settled, other staff matters related with Civil wing discussed. On 29th April-2015 S/Shri T. K. Roy, Vice President, M. R. Vashisht, Patron, Mohinder Singh, C/S New Delhi along with A. K. Maity, D/S (Civil), and S. Das, D/S (Elect) West Bengal Circle attended the meeting with Pr. GM (Elect) and Director (HR) Corporate Office New Delhi where Restructuring of Civil and Electrical Maintenance Staff issues were discussed and assured to release Such Long Pending issues expeditiously.

29-04-2015:Celebrate May Day with enthusiasm.NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes May Day Greetings to all workers. K. Jayaprakash G.S. Click here to view

29-04-2015: General Secretary attending May Day celebrations at Chennai by hosting FNTO Flag.

29-04-2015: General Secretary attending District Working Committee of Ongole SSA of A. P. Circle and retirement function of Shri Vijay Kumar, D/S Ongole on 30th April-2015.

28.04.2015: DO letter of CMD BSNL to all CGMs on introducing free calls between 9 p.m. to7 a.m. Click here to view

27-04-2015: Admissibility of Transport Allowance to ITS Officers deployed in BSNL Click here to view

27-04-2015: Updation of BSNL employees details viz, Designation, Category, Office/Residential Addresses in ERP Click here to view

24-04-2015: Forum writes to the Hon’ble Minister of Communications, seeking meeting to discuss the issues related to the revival of BSNL Click here to view

24-04-2015:Corporate Office letter on furnishing of information regarding retired employees for review of without voucher facility to them. Click here to view

24-04-2015: Meeting with the Secretary, DOT fixed at 05.00 PM on 1st May, 2015. Click here to view

23-04-2015: Corporate Office letter regarding wide publicity of unlimited free calling during night hours from BSNL Landline phones and acquiring new Landline customers. Click here to view

23-04-2015: Corporate Office letter on looking after arrangement for the post of Restg./WS&I, BSNL CO, New Delhi. Click here to view

23-04-2015: MEETINGS WITH ADMINISTRATION. Shri Thomas John K, President and Shri Mohinder Singh, Circle Secretary, Delhi FNTO, met Executive Director (Fin), GM Establishment, and Sr. G.M (SR) and discussed following issues 1. 78.2 % DA fixation case of retired employees. ED finance informed that cabinet note is under preparation at DOT Finance. 2. Regularization of TTA’s officiating as JTOs. Case will be expedited very soon. 3. Designation case of Sr. TOAs, TMs and TTAs. The designation of TM and TTAs are almost finalized. Case of Sr. TOA suitable designation will be finalized soon.

23-04-2015 Meeting between Secretary, DoT and Forum, on the issues connected with the 2 day strike, is rescheduled to be held at 1700 hrs on 27.04.2015. Click here to view

22-04-2015:BSNL Unions & Associations Forum Press release Click here to view

22-04-2015:-Corporate Office letter on works undertaken/carried out by BSNL on behalf of DoT. Click here to view

22-04-2015:-Circle heads are empowered to waive the outdoor ceiling in deserving cases of notified chronic diseases Click here to view

22-04-2015:-Corporate Office letter on indication of Aadhaar number in the Salary Package software and pension papers of retiring govt. employees. Click here to view

22-04-2015:- Dear Comrade Shri Shankar Prasad Datta MP from Tripura raised the BSNL Strike and issues in the Parliament. Forum thanks him. K.Jayaprakash G.S.

22-04-2015:- Dear Comrades, Hearty congratulations for the excellent strike. The workers are enthused and inspired Revolutionary Greetings for your great role in making the strike a historic one. Today also continuing the strike. Secretary DOT invited for talks on 25-04-2015. K.Jayaprakash G.S.

21-04-2015. The “SAVE BSNL” Strike:- Received positive response from BSNL workers throughout country. Congratulations to all soldiers on war for their Company. Keep up the spirit. The Secretary DOT invited the Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations for discussion on 25-04-2015 on Strike demands.

20-4-2015 Two Days Strike:- Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations met today 20-04-2015 and decided to continue the proposed strike on 21st & 22nd April-2015. All are requested to make the strike Success. K.Jayaprakash G.S.

18.04.2015 Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations meeting with CMD BSNL held on 17-04-2015 and with no outcome: A meeting took place yesterday the 17-04-2015, between the Forum and the CMD BSNL. There is no outcome on any issue. The CMD BSNL requested the leaders to defer the strike, so that a meeting can be held with the Secretary, DoT. The Secretary, DoT has gone on a foreign tour and will be returning only on the evening of 20th April. The CMD BSNL could not give any assurance that the meeting with the Secretary, DoT, would take place immediately. But, he told that the meeting could take place in 15 days to one month. The Forum replied that the decision would be conveyed after discussion. The Forum meeting will take place on 20th April.

18.04.2015 Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations meeting with CMD BSNL held on 17-04-2015 and with no outcome: A meeting took place yesterday the 17-04-2015, between the Forum and the CMD BSNL. There is no outcome on any issue. The CMD BSNL requested the leaders to defer the strike, so that a meeting can be held with the Secretary, DoT. The Secretary, DoT has gone on a foreign tour and will be returning only on the evening of 20th April. The CMD BSNL could not give any assurance that the meeting with the Secretary, DoT, would take place immediately. But, he told that the meeting could take place in 15 days to one month. The Forum replied that the decision would be conveyed after discussion. The Forum meeting will take place on 20th April.

16-04-2015 : DO Letter from CMD BSNL to all CGM’s regarding “Importance of customer care” Click here to view

16-04-2015 : Message from CMD for growth of Data revenues in BSNL. Click here to view

15-4-2015 Subho Nababarsha 1422 r janai priti o subhechcha: N. C. SAHA C/S NUBSNLW(FNTO) West Bengal Telecom Circle

15-04-2015 Tour programme of Thomas John K President. Shri Thomas John K President FNTO addressed the FNTO district conference of Bulsar on 14/4/15. Shri Aslam Khan, TM, Mr Sivapujan Ram SS , Mr N J Tandel TTA were elected as President, Dist. Secretary, and Treasurer respectively. Shri Thomas John will address FNTO meetings at Surat / Baroda/Ahmedabad on 15/16/17- 4-2015. ON 18-4-15 the CWC of Gujarat will meet at Ahmedabad. He will be available at Delhi from 20th to 24th April 2015.

15-04-2015Corporate Office letter on Unlimited free calls on Landline & Mobile (BSNL) on any network within India between 9.00 PM to 7.00 AM. Click here to view

15-04-2015Corporate Office issues order on revised rate of IDA w.e.f 01.04.2015. Click here to viewClick here to view

13-04-2015: Off late it is came to know that conciliation meeting of Chief Labour Commissioner New Delhi with Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations held on 09-04-2015 discussions were took place first on regularization of contract labourers instead of strike demands. K.Jayaprakash G.S.

13-04-2015 : Corporate Office letter on Settlement of provisional Pension/Gratuity cases Click here to view

13-04-2015 : Corporate Office letter on Timely settlement of pensionary benefits. Click here to view

11-04-2015 Organise two day strike on 21 - 22 April, 2015 - Forum Circular. Click here to view

11-04-2015Joint circular of the Central Trade Unions. Click here to view

10-04-2015Central Trade Unions to hold a National Convention of Workers at New Delhi on 26th May-2015. A meeting of the Central Trade Unions was held in the INTUC office at New Delhi, yesterday the 09.04.2015. The meeting took place to mainly to decide about the struggle against the anti-worker policies of the Narendra Modi government. In this meeting it is decided to hold a National Convention of Workers at New Delhi on 26th May, 2015. The date and nature of the struggle will be announced in this convention.

10-04-2015 Ms. Madhu Arora, has taken over as the new GM (Estt.), Corporate Office. Ms. Madhu Arora, has taken over as the new GM (Estt.) in the Corporate Office. Ms. Madhu Arora is an experienced officer. NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartily welcomes her. Shri R.K. Goyal, who had been the GM (Estt.) hitherto, is posted as the GM, Sonipat. NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartily thanks Shri R.K. Goyal for all the helps and cooperation that he has extended to the needy employees. NUBSNLW (FNTO) wishes both the officers all success in their new assignments.

9-4-2015: Photos of Circle Conference of Bihar Circle held at Patna on 8th & 9th April-2015. Click here to view

9-4-2015: Photos of Circle Conference of Bihar Circle held at Patna on 8th & 9th April-2015. Click here to view

8-4-2015 On 8th evening open session held CGM Bihar, PGM & GM (HR) and GS NFTEBSNL Shri C.Singh. Our GS Shri K. Jayaprakash, Shri M.R.Vashisht and Shri B.C.Pathak and also other union Circle Secretaries are addressed the meeting, more than 1000 members attended the conference. K.Jayaprakash, GS Click here to view

07.04.2015 Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2015 - Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar - Corrigendum. Click here to view

07-04-2015-Forum Meeting Click here to view

04.04.2015 Corporate Office letter on engagement details of casual labourers. Click here to view

31-03-2015 Corporate Office letter on maintenance of Lady Officers/Officials Pool for allotment of BSNL Staff Quarters. Click here to view

31-03-2015 : IDA increase 0.2% total IDA 100.5%

30-03-2015: Corporate office issued guide lines to all circles for operation Samundra (BSNL) Manthan Click here to view

27-03-2015 : FNTO CHQ WISHES A HAPPY ‘RAM NAVAMI’ Click here to view

27-03-2015 : Corporate Office letter on updation of ERP system of BSNL employees Click here to view

27-03-2015 Corporate Office letter on revision of pension/ family of pre-2007 retirees BSNL IDA pensioners /family pensioners, who retired prior to 01.01.2007 and post 2007 BSNL IDA pensioners / family pensioners, who retired between 01.01.2007 and 09.06.2013. Click here to view

26-03-2015-Declaration of Holiday on 14th April 2015 -Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Click here to view



19-03-2015 Payment of Medical Allowance without voucher to the retired employees Corporate Office called for the information Click here to view

19-03-2015: All SSA Heads should meet the Hon’ble MPs in their respective constituencies. D.O. No.8/Cord./2015, Dated:-18-03-2015 from BSNL HQR. Click here to view

18-03-2015: Notice for Meeting of Forum of BSNL Non-Executive Unions on 06-04-2015 Click here to view

18-03-2015: Congratulations to Shri Alok Nandi for selecting as Municipal Councilor Candidates for Ward No 73 from Congress Party. NUBSNLW (FNTO) CHQ New Delhi Thanks to the Congress Party President Smt. Sonia Gandhi & Shri Rahul Gandhi Congress Vice President and PCC West Bengal President for selecting our Deputy General Secretary Shri Alok Nandi as Municipal Councilor Candidate for Ward No 73 Kolkata Municipal Corporation. K. Jayaprakash GS

17-03-2015: Corporate Office letter on immunity from transfer to Non-Executive employees in BSNL Click here to view

17-03-2015 Latest Broadband market shares by various service providers. Airtel - 21.48% BSNL - 20.18% Vodafone – 18.91% Idea – 14.94% Reliance - 7.9% Others - 16.59% (TRAI report)

16-03-2015-Forum of BSNL Non Executive Unions Convener Shri K. Jayaprakash GS NUBSNLW (FNTO) Chairman Shri S. P. Sharma GS BSNL WRU, Shri Zile Singh GS BSNL Staff Union, Shri Revathi Prasad AGS BSNL ATM, Shri Ram Kishan GS BTUBSNL were met CMD BSNL Shri Anupam Srivastva submitted a Memorandum on pending issues pertaining to BSNL liability and Staff matters and also discussed on some issues i.e. Payment of Bonus, Removal of Stagnation in the scale of RM and Group D etc, change of Designation and Stop harassment on non recognized union members by way of issuing irregular transfers by the local Administration. CMD responded positively K.Jayaprakash, Convener Click here to view

14-03-2015-Constitution for Negotiating Councils. Management has prepared a draft constitution. Click here to view

14-03-2015: NO PLAN TO SHUT DOWN MTNL SAYS Honble Minister Sri RAVI SHANKER PRASAD Click here to view

12-03-2015 The Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations served the two days Strike Notice to CMD BSNL. All the General Secretaries of Unions and Associations Signed the Strike Notice. Our General Secretary K. Jayaprakash signed the Strike Notice as per the decision taken in Central Working Committee held at Bangalore on 15th & 16th September-2014 THE TWO DAY STRIKE WILL TAKE PLACE ON 21 AND 22 APRIL 2015. Click here to view

11-03-2015: The IV th circle conference of Assam circle held at Debrugarh on 8th &9th march 2015 under the president ship of sri Kamaleswar Deka General Secretary Sri K.Jayaprakash attended as chief guest discussed on all organisational matters on 9th a open session held in the open session General secretary K.Jayaprakash and General Manager Debrugarh sri Gupta also addressed the gathering .

the follwing office bearers are elected unanimously       Click here to see list of office bearers

Reception committee under the leader ship of sri Alhaz.Atiqur Rahman debrugarah were made very good arrangements chq thanks to the Reception committee     Click here to view photos

05-03-2015: It has been decided to celebrate international Women's Day week commencing from 8th March 2015. View Details

03-03-2015 Corporate Office letter to all CGM’s on timely settlement of pensionary benefits. Click here to view

02.03.2015 Smt. Sujatha Ray, is selected for the post of Director (HR), BSNL. Smt. Sujatha Ray, who is presently the Executive Director (Finance) of BSNL, is selected by the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) for the post of Director (HR) of BSNL. Thus, the Director (HR) post which is lying vacant for nearly 3 years is going to be filled up soon. This is one of the important demands of the Forum also. Smt. Yojna Das is already selected by the PESB for the post of Director (Finance). So, soon BSNL will be having two women Board of Directors, out of 5 Directors. NUBSNLW (FNTO) heartily congratulates Smt. Sujatha Ray.

27-02-2015 Today News Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations Meeting held today at 11.00 under the Chairman ship of Com. C. Singh GS NFTE BSNL, Convener Shri V.A.N. Namboodiri, our General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash, and Shri Mohinder Singh, CS NTR Circle were attended the meeting. The Forum is thanked to all BSNL Workers for participating in Parliament March on 25-02-2015. The Forum is unanimously decided to conduct the two days strike on 21st & 22nd April-2015 all over India on same demands. Strike Notice will be issued on 12-03-2015.

26.02.2015 The Parliament March of Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations held on 25-02-2015. It was addressed by com. Tapan Sen, MP, com. Brajesh Upadhyay, GS, BMS, com. Amarjit Kaur, Secretary, AITUC, com. Shiv Gopal Mishra, Gs, AIRF, shri Dharam Veer Gandhi, MP (AAP) Convener Shri V.A.N. Namboodiri, President Shri C. Singh, General Secretary Shri K. Jayaprakash NUBSNLW (FNTO) Shri Sebastin GS SNEA, Shri Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA, Shri R. C. Pande GS BTEU, Shri N.D.Ram, GS SEWA, Shri Suresh Kumar, GS BSNLMS, Shri Hari Singh, Dy.GS BTU BSNL and many of Central Trade Unions Leaders were addressed the gathering. View Photos       Click here to view

25.02.2015 Corporate Office letter on Compassionate Ground Appointment - Change of procedure. Click here to view

25.02.2015 Corporate Office letter on scruitinization of CGA applications to be put up before circle HPC - Complete in all respect. Click here to view

[24.02.2015] March to Parliament . The March to Parliament, called on by the Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations, is taking place tomorrow the 25-02-2015. The Forum meeting that took place yesterday in which our General Secretary Shri K.Jayaprakash, NTR Delhi Cicle Secretary Shri Mohinder Singh were participated finalized the details of the Parliament March. Accordingly, the March will start from BSNL Corporate Office in Janpath sharply at 11:00 AM. So, all comrades are requested to reach the Corporate Office atleast by 10:30 AM. The March will reach the Parliament street police station, where a meeting will be held. Dr.Sanjeeva Reddy (INTUC), com.Tapan Sen (CITU), com. Gurudas Dasgupta (AITUC) and Brajesh Upadhyay (BMS) and all the General Secretaries of the Unions and Associations of BSNL will address the gathering. All District Secretaries are requested to bring the banners and flags for the rally without fail. All the Circle Secretaries are requested to ensure that the comrades shall remain in the meeting, till it is over. Further, all the Circle and District Secretaries are requested to ensure utmost discipline at the time of the March to the Parliament, which is very very important. The Next Meeting of the Forum will be held at 11.00 AM on 27-2-2015

23-02-2015: Parliament March: - All NUBSNLW (FNTO) participants should assemble at Eastern Court premises at 09.30 hours. March will start at 10.00 hours.

20-02-2015 :The small SSAs in Chhattisgarh, MP, UP(E) and UP(W) have been consolidated into business areas. The concerned circle Secretaries are requested to convey the effects to CHQ urgently for appropriate action in light of BSNL HQR letter No.-4-2/2014-Restg(Vol-III), dt-19-02-2015. Click here to view

20-02-2015 :Department of Personnel & Training Establishment Division guidelines for submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servants for each year. F. No.-11013/3/2014-Estt. (A), Dated:-17-02-2015. Click here to view

20.02.2015: BSNL signed MOU with Bank of India for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL Employees View Letter Copy of Agreement

19.02.2015 Prevention of sexual harassment of women employees at work places implementation of the judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India Click here to view

18.02.2015 Corporate Office clarification on ERP implementation. Letter No.-ERP/HCM/Clarifications/1, Dated:-18-02-2015. Click here to view

18-2-15 NUBSNLW (FNTO) is also participating proposed Parliament Rally on 25-2-15 at Delhi BY forum OF BSNL UNIONS - Jayaprakash GS

18-02-2015: Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure guide lines in respect of TA to attendant accompanying disable persons on tours/training etc. Letter No.-19030/3/2013-E. IV, Dated:-17-02-2015. Click here to view

18.02.2015 Corporate Office letter on solutions given to the problems which have arisen due to the implementation of ERP. Click here to view

17-02-2015: BSNL Vide letter No.-2-01/2013-PHA, dt-13-02-2015 has taken up with the MTNL for 30% discount in the Telephone bills of BSNL staff residing in MTNL areas effective from 15th April, 2015. Past cases will be separately taken up. Click here to view

17-02-2015: Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of TTA for the Recruitment Year 2014. Click here to view

16-02-2015: Forum of BSNL unions/Associations – Parliament March & Indefinite Strike – Poster. Click here to view

14-02-2015 :The legendary leader of the Central Govt. Employees, Com. S.K. Vyas Ji passed away at about 20.25 hrs on 13th February, 2015 at Jaipur hospital. It is a great loss to Trade union movement of Central Govt. Employees. Our heart felt condolences to the bereaved family.

14-02-2015 :Appointment of ‘Junior Accounts Officer on probation’ under 40% quota/10% quota consequent on completion of 4 weeks of Phase-1 induction training. Letter No.-4-4/2014-SEA, Dated:-12-02-2015. Click here to view

14-02-2015: GS attended the CWC of Tamilnadu circle at selam on 14th feb clarified the doubts and advised the cwc to participate in chq directive jac/Forum agitational programme sri D. Chendrashekar c/s and Dist INTUC president and GS were also addressed in the meeting more than 100 members attended - Jayaprakash GS

12-02-2015 :Guidelines for consolidation of bank accounts on migration to ERP in the circle. Letter No.-1-4/BFCI/BA/Project A/c Opening/2011-12, Dated:-11-02-2015. Click here to view

12-02-2015 :Recommendations of Management Committee of BSNL Board on Deloittee consultant’s recommendations on revival and HR plan of BSNL. BSNL Letter No.-CP&M/1-256/BRPSE/Revival Plan/2012-13/Vol-II, dt-10-02-2015. All the CHQ office bearers, circle Secretaries and others are requested to send their views on the report by 16th February positively. Click here to view

12-02-2015: General Secretary attending Tamil Nadu circle working meeting at SALEM on 14th & 15th Feb 15

11-02-2015 The Hon’ble Supreme Court has held that the granting of grace marks is against rule as there is no such provision. The BSNL has been directed not to violate the rules. Click here to view

11-02-2015: BSNL and SBI has signed a MOU on 06-02-2015 for extending various loans to the employees and circulated vide letter No.-1-9/BBF/STAFF LOAN/2014-15,Dated:-10-02-2015 Click here to view

[11.02.2015]Meeting of the CMD with Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations on 09.02.2015 Click here to view

09.02.2015 Corporate Office letter on revision of stipend to various cadres in BSNL on revision of IDA Pay Scales of BSNL employees w.e.f. 01.01.2007. Click here to view

10-02-2015: Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations will meet tomorrow at 15 hrs at T-15 A.G.Road New delhi to discuss the further programme.

10-02-2015: Yesterday, a meeting was held with CMD with forum of BSNL unions and associations at corporate office on the agenda submitted by forum.

Our General Secretary K. Jayaprakash is also attended the meeting and discussed all the agenda points with CMD, new CMD Shri Anupam Srivastava has responded on all the items positively. Detail report will follow - K. Jayaprakash General Secretary.

09-02-2015: Our President Com Shri Thomas John K. mother passed away yesterday night (8-2-2015). NUBSNLW (FNTO) conveys it's heartfelt condolences to Shri Thomas John K. and his family.

07-02-2015: Today GS attended the CWC meeting of kolkata Telephones circle sri Aloknandi CS conducted CWC more than 200 members attended the CWC and discussed many staff issues.

06-02-2015: New CMD BSNL D O Letter to Recognized Unions/Associations Click here to view

06-02-2015: Letter to CMD on D O letter to Recognized Unions/Associations Click here to view

06-02-2015: Corporate Office letter on grant of cash Award to Sportspersons for Excellence in International Tournament/meets for year 2014. Click here to view

06-02-2015: Corporate Office letter on grant of cash award to Sportsperson in national tournament for calendar year 2014. Click here to view

06-02-2015: Corporate Office letter on Sanchar Krida Award for outstanding Sportsperson in BSNL for the calendar year 2014. Click here to view

06-02-2015: Corporate Office letter to all CGMs on sanction of Temporary Advance. Click here to view


05-02-2015: Newly updated Website is started from today 05-02-2015 onwards

Today News
1. General Secretary K. Jayaprakash along with Shri Mohinder Singh C/S NTR New Delhi met with Sr GM(SR) Corporate Office and discussed the staff matters.

2. General Secretary will attend the Circle Working Committee Meeting of Kolkata Telecom Circle Meeting at Kolkata on 07-02-2015.

3. Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations will be held at T-15

4. Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations with CMD will be held on 09-02-2015 at Corporate Office.

05.02.2015: Additional inputs for finalizing new PLI formula. Click here to view

05-02-2015: Revised Fair Usage policy on office service BB Connections. Letter No. 13-2/PDP-CFA/Gen/2013-14. Dated 27-01-2015. Click here to view

05.02.2015: MoU signed with Canara Bank for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees. View Letter   Copy of Agreement

05-02-2015: Superannuation benefits to D/R staff:- The proposal for retirement benefits to BSNL recruited employees have been sent to Board for consideration.

04-02-2015: Corporate Office has issued letter for holding LICE for TTA under 50% quota, for the Recruitment Year 2014. Click here to view

04.02.2015: Corporate Office letter on method of pay fixation in IDA pay scale in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted after 01.10.2000 and opted IDA pay scales from the date of their promotion. Click here to view

29.01.2015: Corporate Office letter on JAO (DR) Exam to be held on 22-02-2015. Click here to view


All India President :

Thomas John K.

General Secretary :

K. Vallinayagam

Dear Colleague:

While commencing our web with effect from 09.11.2007, I have pleasure to state that the aim of making the web easily available to all our viewers will be achieved and we will have more viewers We will endeavour to make it lively with latest updates.

The space for Web is hosted by Mr.N.R. Hegde, AGS FNTO CHQ New Delhi and Secretary, Union Development & Organising Centre, 6/2, 1st Main, next to Kodava Samaj, Vasantha Nagar, Bangalore 560052 Ph: 080-22355959.

This Web Site is maintained by Mr.Dinesh D. Mistry, AGS FNTO New Delhi. He is also General Secretary of BSNL & DoT Pensioners Association, Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad. Cell 09879090682

You can send your opinion suggestion for improvement of the web.

K. Vallinayagam GSD.D.Mistry AGS


Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Site maintained by National Union of BSNL Workers (FNTO)